Actress Mita Vashist, the newly appointed Chairperson of the Governing Council established under the Haryana Film and Entertainment Policy, on Monday paid a courtesy visit to Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar shortly after assuming her new assignment. During the interaction, Vashist expressed her
One liner current affairs: Jagran Josh presents current affairs in one line. In today’s session, get briefings about the important topics such as Hindi Diwas, Mita Vashishtha, India s next High Commissioner to Australia, Solar Energy Corporation of
Public Service Commissioner Peter Hughes said today the use of taxpayers’ money for farewell and welcome events for a chief executive of a government agency was not appropriate. A Public Service Commission review considered whether expenditure .
Not sure how much to tip? An expert breaks down proper tipping etiquette for hairdressers, movers, delivery drivers, valet, massage therapists and more services.