he has 60 shrimp diseases. shrimp kabobs, shrimp creole. that is based 20 miles from here. pan-fried, deep-fried, stir-fried. we pride ourself on the freshest ingredients. anything coming out of the water is safe and delicious as always. maybe we can get the message across that, you know, you can still buy local seafood. there is a lot riding on it. to be able to get out there and say, look at our seafood, still the greatest seafood ever, safe, still tastes great. i don t know what the future is going to be. i hope we can change it. cnn photojournalist, john bena and producer, eric fiegle put that together. if you are hoping to put together your own seafood spread, you are in luck, because waters will be open to both commercial and recreational fishing as long as it happens to be shrimp or fin fish. if you are hoping to catch some oysters and bring in some crabs,