Prescription Medication Usage During Pregnancy Has Unknown Effects on Fetal Development
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BOCA RATON, Fla., May 25, 2021 /PRNewswire/ Medication usage during pregnancy has increased substantially over the last several decades. 80% of pregnant women in the U.S, Europe, and Australia, now use at least one medication during pregnancy and almost 50% of women use 4 or more drugs at some point in their pregnancy, with many of these drugs having a former D or X FDA classification label. Over a similar period of time, numerous chronic childhood illnesses have increased including neurodevelopmental delay, autism, asthma, ADHD and autoimmune illnesses. A relationship between these two trends has been suggested.
Modern Teenagers More Likely to Develop Cardiovascular Disease as Adults
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Institute of Etiological Research
BOCA RATON, Fla., May 11, 2021 /PRNewswire/ Modern teenagers engage in less healthy behaviors today than those of just 20 years ago and are more likely to face health risks into adulthood as a result. The Institute of Etiological Research assessed the trends in behavior among early adolescents using a nationally representative database of the US population and published the findings in Southern Medical Journal. They found that teenagers today have more cardiovascular risk factors than they did just one generation ago due to the decline of participation to the current public health recommendations for adolescents which consists of substantial physical activity, a diet rich in whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, less consumption of ultra-processed foods, maintenance of a normal BMI, and the avoidance of cigarette smoking while maintaini