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Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - FOXNEWS - 20150530:11:04:00

>> well, the self-proclaimed terrorists who inspired this trend in protest is finally arrested on gun charges. eric shepard was found at home near tampa florida, he had disappeared in april when georgia police issued arrest warrant after finding a gun in his backpack off the valdosta state campus. not clear what led police to his location. those are your head lines. >> rick reichmuth standing by in the weather dome to tell us what is happening outside. >> there is he back in the dome. >> you know it's been obviously such a rough month across much of texas. this week really kind of the worst of it. we are almost done. right here you see this kind of line of storms that stretch from parts of canada all the way down towards the texas area and off towards the east of it. high pressure is here and hasn't been able to budge. we will see a bit of a change in patterns starting tomorrow that dries things out. today we still have to get through one more batch of storms. you see these red lines right there.


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends Saturday 20150530

double-decker bus. restore your faith in humanity. mornings are better with friends. ♪ filibuster. >> hi, friends, good morning. look who is filling in for clayton morris today. >> great to is he so you. >> what a day you have picked. this is going to be a great show. four hours of it country music super star surprises one of our guests on air. he has no idea this person is showing up. >> country music sensation. i will give you one hint. is he a crossover artist. used to be more pop more mainstream. >> he is huge though. >> we love him. i love him. >> and, do you too. also our elisabeth hasselbeck on a rare saturday morning appearance. looking forward to seeing her she is live from the awards in nashville tennessee, she is hosting those awards so we get to hear from her 278 people died in devastating flooding. >> 11 people still missing there as more rain continues to fall. mandatory evacuations in place southwest of the city of houston in rosenberg for 50 homes. the river is expected to crest at 50 feet yesterday. just above flood feet of 48 feet late last night. southwest of rosenberg in wharton, texas, 40 people have been forced from their homes due to the rising colorado river. >> in dallas, rising waters flood a freeway loop. trapping drivers for five hours. a train came in to remove the cement barricades allowing drivers to turn around. the loop will be shut down for the next several days. >> the latest on what is going none that area. we will bring in lt. martin cassidy. he joins us now by phone. good morning lt. thanks for being with us on "fox & friends." >> good morning. >> now, we understand that a suburban dallas police officer had to be rescued by helicopter after he was trying to divert traffic in sud and got trapped in floodwaters. you were able to speak to him. how is he doing this morning? what's the latest? >> he is doing good. shaken up but otherwise doing well. >> give us a sense of where this took place. we have video of it on our screen for viewers. it looks like it's in the middle of nowhere. is this in an urban area? where did this happen, exactly? , we are north of dallas connects to the george bush turnpike. pretty main thoroughfare for us. it looks like a small little road but it is heavily traveled. >> it looks like a lake, actually. >> the creek water where he was diverting had had come up and crossed the road to the north of him so he he was blocking traffic there he didn't realize it but just to the south of him, as it continued to rise, it crossed the road and left him in a high spot. >> where do we stand now lt., and what advice are you giving to people in the area? the you know, the biggest thing is if there is water on the roadway just don't drive through it. it's just too dangerous. >> absolutely. lt. martin cassidy of the sexby texas. >> hand it over to rick reichmuth with a look at what we can expect. >> a lot of the water has to run somewhere. that's where you see some of the streams downstream that are continuing to rise. we have one more day potential for flash flooding. how many weekends in a row i have been here talking about the rain in texas? >> a lot. >> i have been since may 1st. some area have seen over 2 feet of reina month. this map gives you an idea here. oklahoma city pushing 20 inches of rain since may 1st. that's the rainiest month have you ever had. not just this city. all of these areas in red have seen 8 inches of rain. a lot of areas have seen over a foot of rain since may 1st. any time you get one line of thunderstorms moving through you can quickly see flash flooding. it's what we saw yesterday in the dallas area, now take a look at this. get ready because headed toward dallas and fort worth right now. this line of storms -- where you see reds that's heavy rain. an inch of quickly falling across the dallas area and that will again cause some flash flooding. flash flood warnings going on to the north of the city and west. city. we do have flooding concerns all the way from st. louis down throughout much of texas. that's going to be with us throughout the day today. today is the last day of this guys. weave see a pattern shift starting tomorrow. we will dry out for the next seven days all across the state of texas which is going to be very very good news. >> welcome news. they need it. thanks rick. >> you bet. >> new overnight another shooting death in baltimore. that's the 39th this month alone. a 19-year-old man was shot in the chest in the northwest part of the city and died at a hospital there the gunman still on the loose. this is the city's deadliest month in 15 years. shootings have spiked and arrests have dropped in the city since freddie gray died in police custody last month. anthrax anxiety rising at this hour. the pentagon identifying more potentially active anthrax shipments missenly sent to reseason laboratories as a review of of the military's handling of the bacteria is underway currently. believed 24 labs in 11 states and two foreign countries, south south korea and australia received deadly shipments. so far no employees have gotten sick and there is no danger to the public. >> we all know how frustrating it is to miss our flight. this woman took things a step too far. [shouting] >> what are you doing? >> she missed boarding her plane at the national airport. so what did she do? >> she yanked on plane door and screamed for the crew to let her on. shocked passengers filmed her rage. she even tried to deliver a kick to one of them. stressful passenger there. >> ferocious. incredible moment caught on camera as trapped unicyclist in london. rushed in to help after that cyclist was hit by a 12-ton double-decker bus and became trapped under a wheel. look at this. the group effort allowed the victim to crawl out from under the bus. that man in serious but stable condition this morning. really returning in -- rushing in the action there. >> those are your headlines. >> so there is a controversy in washington this morning and it is stemming from this. the u.s. army soldier from louisiana national guard was killed in a helicopter crash. he was flying in his capacity as a national guards man but not technically on active duty. he has now been denied burial at arlington national cemetery because of this. his family has been offered -- his ashes can be held there but not buried there they are saying. >> the family upset but this is what the department of the army says. staff sergeant thomas is eligible to receive honors and internment at arlington national cemetery while eligible for inearnment he does not meet the requirements for burial in arlington national cemetery. >> it seemsout rage just. >> if he is cremated he can be buried. >> the secretary of army can make the determination and wave alleged rules on this and allow him to be buried. 8 yearsed in the national guard. father a major in the green berets, family committed to service in the united states. and this is what is happening. >> that's the other thing. when he -- while he was serving, his wife is pregnant. now she is a widow and mother and going through this too. just wants her husband to have the dignity when her grows up to father is buried in arlington national cemetery. >> arlington national cemetery is getting full. >> two problems. one is the nature of bureaucracy and u.s. government is the largest bureaucracy in the world. don't have fine motor skills. they tend to ignore the needs of individuals. the second problem is the cemetery is actually filling up. i'm not certain why the u.s. government doesn't open an annex. another arlington national cemetery because we have a lot of wars going on, a lot of people have served honorably in those conflicts and they need a place to be buried. >> his wife has reached out. that's the wife of staff sergeant in an appeal to the army secretary. this is what she wrote. when i told my husband goodbye before leaving on his last mission i would never dreamed i would wake up a single mother and a widow. was so full of life, love and happiness. then you put this in the context of the hundreds of thousands of national guard folks that have served in the mideast iraq, afghanistan, in fears of war over the last 15 years that have supplemented and really become in some ways our regular forces. >> exactly. >> going back 2 3 4, 5 times. stepped away from their jobs and their families and this seems to be an exception that should be made. >> not at all what a lot of them signed up for. that's not what the national guard used to be at all. they did. and these guys have served repeatedly and honorably. >> we will have the honor of speaking with the father of staff sergeant thomas ford. steven will join us at half past 7:00. >> he has quite the viewpoint on this, he does. >> coming up, crimes spiking in major cities across the country. one presidential candidate has a really surprising reason why that's happening. >> there is crime going on all across america. it is not a racial thing. it is a spiritual problem. >> so, is it really about religion? pastor robert jeffress says that's part of and he joins us live. coming up next. >> then bingo. what got this guy so fired up in the bingo hall he ran outside and slashed a woman's tires. when you do business everywhere, the challenges of keeping everyone working together can quickly become the only thing you think about. that's where at&t can help. with the tools and the network you need to make working as one easier than ever. virtually anywhere. leaving you free to focus on what matters most. ...and the wolf was huffing and puffing... kind of like you sometimes, grandpa. well, when you have copd it can be hard to breathe. it can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. so i talked to my doctor. she said.. doctor: symbicort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. symbicort helps provide significant improvement of your lung function. symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort contains formoterol. medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections osteoporosis, and some eye problems. you should tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. grandfather: symbicort could mean a day with better breathing. watch out, piggies! child giggles doctor: symbicort. breathe better starting within 5 minutes. call or go online to learn more about a free prescription offer. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. i'm one. i'm one. i'm one. i am one of the ones who discovered always discreet underwear for sensitive bladders. it makes me feel secure, confident and i feel protected. i mean i feel comfortable to move in them. they move with me. i love always discreet underwear because of the fit. the fabric is very soft. i can wear whatever i want to wear. always discreet made me a very happy woman. join over 500,000 women who've discovered always discreet underwear. for more stories and your free sample go to so bladder leaks can feel like no big deal. some u.s. cities are in big crisis reigle from reeling from spike in crime. 39 homicides in baltimore in may alone. the latest just yesterday. republican presidential candidate rand paul another murder high crime city this week. chicago. he says the root of the problem is not really what you think it might be. >> there is crime going on all across america. it is not a racial thing. it is a spiritual problem. >> joining us to react dr. robert jeffress, senior pastor at first baptist church in dallas and a fox news contributor. good morning pastor. >> good morning peter. >> does rand paul have it right? are we facing a crisis of spirituality and morality in this country that's fueling murder and death in our big cities? >> rand paul is exactly correct. last month after the baltimore riots broke out time magazine had a cover photo of a riot and the year 1968 was scratched out and the year 2015 inserted. and the message was clear. after auto years and hundreds of billions of dollars of government programs. we nor closer to solving the racial problems and lawlessness problems than we were 50 years ago. and we are not going to solve those problems with more government mandates and spending. look, whether you you are talking about racism or lawlessness, both are problems of the human heart. they are spiritual problems that demand a spiritual solution. you're not going to change people's behavior in the long run until you change their hearts. >> heart and soul. how do we change behavior in the united states? do we say that we're going to go into the public schools and teach the good book or are we going to impose some old spirit of morality that we used to see in the public schools? what's it going to be, pastor? >> look, for the first 150 years of our nation's history, we had a solid judeo-christian foundation for our morality. and it was a foundation that just wasn't taught in the homes or in the churches. it was taught in the schools. for example, most people don't know that for 100 years the most popular textbook in schools in america was the new england primmer that had morality lessons built on the bible. every 3rd grader had to learn acaustic. a makes his father glad. >> b better fear of the lord than treasure and trouble. we have allowed secularists to erase our spiritual foundation to try to teach reality without spicialghts and it just doesn't work. the french thinker toteville has said 200 years ago there has never been a country in the world where christianity retain as greater influencen the lives of people than in america. and i believe it's a return to that christian influence that is really going to be the cure for what is troubling america today. >> and a final question, pastor. you say it's really about right and wrong. how do we on a daily basis teach folks right from wrong, whether they are part of the jew doe achristian ethic or or not? >> here is the problem trying to teach right from wrong afrart spirituality. if you you say it's wrong to kill a policeman it's wrong to rob a convenience store. somebody will say well who says it's wrong? that's your opinion. that's why we need a higher standard a higher lawyer law that gives us a foundation to choose what is right. >> dr. jeffress saying there are many things that's not up for debate and that's right and wrong. have +7jlrbs:å1ér9 as the race for 2016 heats up, carly fiorina comes out swinging hard. >> mrs. clinton's office and president obama's office do not meet their metrics for equal pay for equal work. >> well, will bold talk like that help her stand out from the crowd in gop field? a fair and balanced debate coming up next. and a police officer driving down the road when this lightning bolt nearly hits the car. the terrifying close call caught on camera. wow. ♪ making a fist something we do to show resolve. to defend ourselves. to declare victory. so cvs health provides expert support and vital medicines. at our infusion centers or in patients homes. we help them fight the good fight. cvs health, because health is everything. the the 2016 presidential field getting more crowded by the day. three candidates jumping into the race this week. one democrat making it official today and two republicans expected to make nowments later this week. kristen fisher joins us live from washington, d.c. with the very latest on this, good morning kristen. >> good morning. we are just hours away from former maryland governor martin o'malley officially entering the presidential race. to say he is an underdog would be a massive understatement. the democrats' primary competitor is hillary clinton. but yesterday he released a video showing he is tuning up to run ♪ ♪ >> stay tuned for today's big aannouncement. expect present him as the younger more progressive alternative to hillary clinton who he endorsed back in 2007. 8 years later he is taking her head on the question will be how hard will he hit the former secretary of state in the primary battle along with the only other official candidate bernie sanders. the field on the republican side is almost triple that amount and that number will continue to grow this week south carolina senator wind did i graham will announce his plans on monday and former texas governor rick perry on thursday but today it's martin o'malley's turn. this weekend he will campaign in iowa and new hampshire. but, first he will have to get through his announcement in baltimore. some activists are planning to protest it arking his tough on crime policies for governor are partly responsible for last month's riots. back to you tucker and peter. >> thank you so much. thank you so much. >> you got it. >> president obama's office do not meet their metrics for equal pay for equal work. weave know as well that the federal government is a seniority system, which means they don't pay for performance. they pay for time and grade. >> carly fiorina has a big week as she denounces hillary clinton's hypocrisy outside of a hotel where hillary clinton was speaking. such a crowded field can the former hewlett packard ceo stand out. democratic strategist and political blogger joins us. and spokesperson under george w. bush. thank you so much for being with us, both of you. >> hi, anna. >> thank you so much. >> just because carly fiorina is a female doesn't mean she deserves extra cover. she does bring a voice without liberals say she something sexist. >> that's right. >> how much does that help her or hurt her? >> i think it definitely helps her. i think she positions herself as the only woman on the g.o.p. side which -- who really provides a fresh perspective on women's issues. she is the one who can go after hillary. a lot of people are viewing her as sort of the anti-hillary person, candidate. also to that point, you know when you have governor walker talking about abortion and ultrasounds are cool, it doesn't play as well. when you have a woman talking about women's issues, it's a lot easier and quite frankly carly fiorina is a effective communicator. and she has been able to really go after hillary clinton very hard steve the election is going to be about a lot more than women's issues. carly fiorina interviewed with msnbc this week. and criticized record of hillary clinton's record with -- >> this is a game been played for a long time. she tried to play it in her race with barbara boxer. it didn't work there she tried to claim she was discriminated against in hp. the reality of her record there is that she engineered a disastrous merger with hp and compact. she saddled them with a product line low profitability. she claimed she was discriminated against that it's a terrible thing for that company. >> i asked you about was she effective in slamming hillary clinton's record as secretary of state? was she effective or not? >> that blurs into the sort of background noise of like 15 republican candidates for president doing the same thing. i don't think that makes her an effective candidate. i think that anybody can pay a comedian a couple hundred dollars to come up with one liners about their competition. the problem is she has no solutions for the country and her missives on gender equality doesn't make a whole will the of sense when she is not advocating for women having the right to choose. >> take a look how carly fiorina stacks up against the g.o.p. candidates. of the field is pretty packed. she has 2% in latest quinnipiac survey if the republican primary were held today 2% giving her the vote trailing behind the heavy hitters like jeb bush, mike huckabee marco rubio, of course rand paul being another heavy hitter. what do you think about this? >> for her, the key is going to get to that debate starting with the fox news debate. one of the things about carlie is that she is really surprising a lot of these grass roots activists. she is making a splash in iowa. she is getting very big crowds in these early states such as new hampshire and south carolina. in new hampshire you had the union leader newspaper come out and say she should debate. she met with the board and they are all very impressed. she is an incredibly effective not only communicator but really as well really talking about how you can change the government. in fact, she is not afraid of the press. she is able to go toe and toe against liberal reporters and really does not have a problem answering press questions unlike hillary clinton. >> mercedes, thank you so much. steve, i will let you get in the last word next time. sorry we are up against a harvard break. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> the murder mystery that captivated the nation. key witness keeps changing their story. and protests turn out peaceful over the prophet muhammad. that didn't stop one major network commentator from comparing anti-protesters to terrorists? ♪ ♪ you're driving along, having a perfectly nice day, when out of nowhere a pick-up truck slams into your brand new car. one second it wasn't there and the next second... boom! you've had your first accident. now you have to make your first claim. so you talk to your insurance company and... boom! you're blindsided for a second time. they won't give you enough money to replace your brand new car. don't those people know you're already shaken up? liberty mutual's new car replacement will pay for the entire value of your car plus depreciation. call and for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. switch to liberty mutual insurance and you could save up to $423 dollars. call liberty mutual for a free quote today at see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. paragraph hey, everybody, how are you feeling? time for your shot of the morning, ridiculously cute ad for purina puppy chow taking the internet by storm. >> welcome home this end of the piano is my zone. >> that's actually really beautiful. >> here is your bowl. whatever you are doing is loud. i'm trying to sleep. >> nice. i think this is going to work out great. >> it's a three minute spot called puppy hood. shows a man bonding with cavalier king charles spaniel after adopting her on a whim. by the way not to take anything away from this but selling puppy chow couldn't be easier. just put pictures of puppies up. >> was he eating the puppy chow? >> he was eating the cereal. >> the dog was eating the puppy chow. good for people, too. i think maybe i misunderstood it. >> not showing the terrible things puppies do. my puppy baxter went through too many rugs that i bought at pottery barn. >> muhammad cartoon context that took place in phoenix last night. got a lot of publicity. expectation it might turn violent but it didn't. israel protesters met by peace protesters, this comes as isis threatens an ied attack at the event on social media terrorists who treated it was groomed or had had groomed one of the texas gunmen for that attack that happened we are asking the question this morning where does free speech cross the line with pub safety? >> we heard from john ritz heimer and a so-called peace protesters. hear what they had to say on that particular issue. i'm the threat because i showed one a gun here? no, they are the ones with a bad track record. i just have got to protect myself. >> love is stronger than hate. we have the moral high ground here and we he have people from many, many different cultures and many, many different religions. >> the problem is that it is furthering that false narrative that americans don't know the difference between peaceful islam and radical islam. is this guy just shaking the warp nests and asking for violence to happen? >> there was a tweet in response to this from a man called abu hussein 9/11. he apparent solid a sympathizer. what's a handgun going to do against an ied that spreads three thousand ball bearings faster than the speed of sound meaning, of course -- >> nothing you can do about the threat from isis. >> a lot of concern last night about what was going to happen at that event based upon what had happened in texas. was there going to be violence between the two groups? was there going to be a terrorist attack on the people who were involved in this drawing muhammad contest? and a lot of debate across the country about the reasonableness of conducting such a contest whether in fact, it is a proper exercise of the first amendment or not. >> of course you have the right to do it but should you do it? that. >> of course is a question. >> but, of course, not surprisingly all kinds of dumbness came out about this including this from marc lamont hill a commentator other at cnn so a group of people are going to stand outside a mosque toting guns and wearing t-shirts that say f islam. how is this not terrorism? this is the problem on the left conflating expreparations of free speech constitutionally. the dividing line is really clear. stating your opinion even though it is unattractive and unpopular is not the same as physically hurting someone. the first is protected by the constitution the second isn't. >> it doesn't make sense. not a wise exercise of judgment. we don't particularly need such a contest here in the united states. it made debase it in certain ways. but you to say in order to participate in such a contest, you are also a terrorist. >> that's what they do? is absolutely, that is so wrong that it is beyond. >> a poll of democrats that showed the majority of them wanted to ban quote hate speech in other words words they disagree with or find unattractive it. this is not a group committed to the first amendment. a lot on the left do not protect, stand by the first amendment at all. >> i heard from kilmeade on this quickly yesterday that letting an event like this happen could increase possible online chatter from isis or isis sympathizers lone wolf style attacks and there could be some sort of sting operation so you could apprehend those before. >> i suggested that there be a lone wolf operation against one of the organizers of that condition test yeah. >> we do have other stories making headlines that we need to get to. a new twist in the murder case. personal assistant now accused of changing his story about what led up to the quadruple murders. jordan wallace who delivered 4 o$0,000 to the home told police he didn't know what was inside the package. but police now say he sent a picture of the money to his girlfriend. he also allegedly said the money was left in a red car but police say that was not the case. darron went is charged in the killing of the family and housekeeper last month. >> talk about a close call. dash cam catches a bolt of lightning within a few feet of a police officer. rodriguez was driving down the freeway when the lightning zapped the bridge. the flash was so bright it nearly blinded him it left a huge chunk of concrete nearly singhed to pieces. some people take bingo very seriously. >> i'm sorry sir i did not call i-17. >> no, i never did. >> i 17. >> that's not correct. i did not call an i-17, ha ha ha ha ha. >> for the record. larry david isn't the only one upset an 82-year-old man in florida was arrested for slashing an 88-year-old woman's tires because she sat in his favorite seat during bingo night. caught on camera outside a retirement home. he admitted he did it he have to pay $500 in tire damage and restitution to the woman. >> that's incredible. >> it's not if you know how intense bingo can be. rick reichmuth knows how intense bingo can be. >> i'm sorry for laughing at that but golly. >> you are still tired from playing bingo last night aren't you? >> exactly. it was a long game. nobody could get it filled up. beautiful morning out here across much of the northeast, great conditions taking a look at the weather map. so much rain in texas this he can would. this is what the next week is going to look like. where you see the below. that is below average chances of average precipitation and where you seep the green above average chances of precipitation. we are going to dry out across much of texas. i think after today for the most part we dry out for about the next seven days or so. we will see the rain chances move to the north and severe weather chances move to the north as well and also continue to see more rain across parts of the southeast some of that is going to be presidenty heavy this week. for today across much of the northeast, we have another day of stormy conditions that will be heavier tomorrow down across the southeast we should still see the rain across texas. oklahoma drying out and tomorrow is about the last day of this very chilly conditions across the northern plains and out across the west we are finally warring up and drying out. temps getting above the triple digit range across parts of arizona. send it back to you inside. >> thanks a million rick. >> here is a question. do you see anything wrong with this statue on a cleaning campus? some are calling it, of course sexist. not sexy. sexist. caleb bonham here with a round up this week's most outrageous. >> it's a miracle he is still alive. less than a 1% chance of surviving a rare form of cancer. his story not only inspiring people across the country but big celebrity too. his father joins us live. feel secure in your dentures... feel free to be yourself all day. just switch from denture paste to sea-bond denture adhesive seals. holds stronger than the leading paste all day... without the ooze. feel secure. be yourself. with stronger, clean sea-bond. lunancy on campus assistant professor of studies at levi university. 10 cracka commandments. white people how they fit into the black lives matter movement. here with that story caleb university. >> christopher driscoll, assistant professor at lehigh he wrote these 10 cracka commandments. the part to try to figure out what a white person's role in the black lives matter movement is. >> isn't cracka a slur? >> it's like a racial slur for white people. how that's acceptable is beyond me. i thought we were above that as a society identifying people based solely on the color of their skin and using that as derogatory term. >> you would think so. >> he has come to the table with 10 cracka commandments. absurd. number one is that you need to acknowledge that #black believes matter. i myself last time i checked am a white person. i don't know one other white person or anybody for that matter that doesn't believe all lives matter. we hear about that all the time leadership institute campus reform. the only people in our society that don't believe all lives matter are generally liberals who only believe viable lives matter. that's the problem. >> unbelievable. it's blatantly racist and amazing he can get away with this. tell us about the university of incarnate board in texas is being blasted for man explaining statue. some women got outraged a statue of a man with his foot up on a stool and was talking to a woman that condescending manner. they are saying it's man explaining while he is man spreading. >> isn't he made out of melt? so he is not actually saying anything. >> is he not saying anything. for anything the woman can be body shaming him for having a dad bod. >> are they getting rid of this. >> retweet from feminists have brought in thousands and outranged as usual. >> run out of things complain about. caleb bonham. >> thanks. >> unbelievable. stomped on american flag and started a disgusting trend. this morning justice is served and we will tell you what happened. it's a miracle is he alive. less than 1% chance of surviving a rare form of cancer but he beat the odds. his story inspiring people across the country and big celebrity next. his father joins us and has a surprise. why are you deleting these photos? because my teeth are yellow. why don't you use a whitening toothpaste? i'm afraid it's bad for my teeth. try crest 3d white. crest 3d white diamond strong toothpaste and rinse... ...gently whiten... ...and fortify weak spots. use together for 2 times stronger enamel. crest 3d white. you will want to hear this. at the age of 7 brennan simple -- diagnosed with leukemia and given less than is 1% chance of survival. >> he beat the odds. incredible story encouraging country sing iser rutgers to record a song that his dad wrote. ♪ a friend and family ♪ add it up ♪ you will find no limits to the possibility. >> now brennan's dad has written a new book "possibilities." detailing the dark days and miraculous outcome of his son's treatment. with us is author turner simkins. >> good morning. >> tell us about when your boy has gone through and family has gone through last five years fight against leukemia. >> it's quite a long story. he is doing well now. he is in his fourth remission. he has diagnosed on his seventh birthday, long story short he had four bone marrow transplants in 18 months which is unprecedented. after the first relaps we were given no other choices but comfort care. it was quite a journey. >> i see you wearing your saint jude pin how did they help you. >> only ones willing to give it a shot. we almost had a shot in children's pennsylvania. we were unable to do that saint jude's was willing to create new protocols on the fly for him not just once but twice. >> comfort care hospice that your boy was going to pass on. right. >> and so how did you keep on going? >> well, formally we had a friend whose son was undergoing neuroblastoma treatment. heck with that key decided to defy the advice of that particular physician and we just kind of kept moving. as we got further into the fight and after two or three years in the hospital, we just found that our comfort was together and in the hospital that's where we found. >> you decided you would write a book about it and started out as 2,000 page book that's right. the blog became viral and i had somebody people asking me to write it and ultimately a publisher from connecticut asked me to write a book. the book is really a tribute to all the kids. i mean, there was so much dignity that i witnessed among all these children, not only the children but the families themselves. >> families and siblings and everything that they have to go through and watch the suffering and everything we can learn from these little fighters? >> exactly. i want to bring in a surprise guest right now. darius ducker joins us live right now on the phone. >> oh my god. >> good morning thanks for waking up so early with us. >> good morning how is it going? what's up? >> good morning man. >> surprise? >> yes this is a surprise this early thanks. >> oh. no. >> what made you to decide to get involved in this project? >> did the whole story. became friends and told me story. he played me the song and i loved it. saint jude's is a great place and i always try to do things for them. it's a great way to give back to them and help way to help. >> some of the lyrics to the song did they strike you and have they struck your fans as well? >> absolutely. the lyrics are so real and so poignant and so right on field what it's all about. >> the whole chorus, find no limits to the possibility. that right there and seeing though kids in the video makes you know and hearing the story it makes you know that anything is possible. >> did you ever think dare rutgers would be recording your song? >> that's a dream come true. he is such a great guy and gives so much to saint jude as do most in the music industry to. work with him and be such a generous guy. >> darius, how have you been inspired by brennan's story? >> always keep fighting. we have been friends and story is such an amazing they are so. brennan is a cool kid. really mac makes you want to do more for saint jude's because of what they did for him. inspire me to work harder saint jude's. >> as a pediatric cancer survivor myself i was inspired and happy to see it. >> how do people get this song and who will this sng help? >> the song is going to be released on itunes on father's day is my understanding. that was another labor of love too. me and my co-writer joe stephanson at the studios in nashville and ultimately darius. collective effort and saint jude's is going to turn it into a single. >> i have been a fan of yours since you were with hootie & the blowfish. you are a stand up guy then and you are today. thank you for joining us. >> thanks for your example too. >> okay. thank you. >> delight. a national guard soldier killed in helicopter crash denied burial at arlington cemetery. his family is devastated and they are speaking out. his father joins us live in the next hour. >> plus, just call it a ferry of fools. people shelling out hundreds of dollars to get on board. the ship is free. the story you have got to hear to believe. ♪ ♪ boys? (music) stop less, go more. the passat tdi clean diesel with up to 814 hwy miles per tank. hurry in, and you can get 0% apr for 72 months on 2015 passat tdi models plus a total of $1500 in available bonuses. i've lived my whole life here in fairbanks, alaska. i love the outdoors, spending time with my family. i have a family history of prostate cancer. i had the test done and that was when i got the news. my wife and i looked at treatment options. cancer treatment centers of america kept coming up on the radar. so we flew to phoenix. greg progressed excellently. we proceeded to treat him with hormonal therapy, concurrent with intensity modulated radiation therapy to the prostate gland. go to to learn more about our integrative therapies and how they're specifically designed to keep you strong mentally, physically and spiritually throughout your treatment. i feel great today i'm healthy, i have never been in a happier place, i can't imagine being treated anyplace else. fighting cancer has given me opportunities to live. i think i chose extremely well. call or go to cancer treatment centers of america. care that never quits. appointments available now. hi everybody. good morning, today is saturday the 30th of may, 2000 savment i'm anna kooiman. a family devastated their son killed in a helicopter crash but denied burial at arlington national cemetery. his father joins us live this hour. >> and extreme weather center claiming more lives overnight. the water is still rising in the state of texas. communities completely submergeted. dramatic rescues athat state and this morning fears that even more trouble is on the way. >> plus, is bigger always better? >> no mark. [screams] why having lots of kids could really help your marriage. we're going to find out here because mornings are better with friends on this saturday. ♪ i'm ready to face the day ♪ put me in, coach. >> i'm ready to play today ♪ look at me ♪ i can be. >> that's coopers town new york actually, it's midtown, manhattan. it's our plaza. baseball being played. >> we are talking about a study today that fewer kids are participating in america's favorite past time. we are defying that story this morning and we are going to be getting a hitting lesson ourself coming up in a few minutes not that it is going to help all of us. >> i have been out there with them earlier. >> we need to get right to this though, extreme weather center. rivers are rising in texas it and even more rain is on the way four more bodies have been pulled from the floodwaters, raising the death toll there to 24111 people still missing. mandatory evacuations are in place southwest of houston and rosenberg and wharton for about 80 homes. as the rivers are expected to rise above flood stage. and in dallas, a freeway loop is shut down by floodwaters, trapping drivers for nearly five hours. a crane eventually coming in to remove the cement barricades allowing drivers to turn arend a. former house speaker dennis hastert indicted on claims he dished out millions of dollars to cover sexual mishastert paid $3 million in hush money to conceal sexual abuse against a former male student. during his days as a teacher and wrestling coach in illinois. longest serving speaker. he has not responded to the allegations. a tense and heated standoff against hundreds of protesters at anti-islamic rally outside a phoenix mosque. >> anti-islam protesters met by peace protesters shouting at each other as police in riot gear separated them isis threatened to attack the event with explosive devices. the terror group called for lone wolf style attacks against the event's organizer exmarine. about 500 people showed up but the protest did remain peaceful. there were no reports of arrests or injuries. and remember this disgusting online challenge disrespecting the american flag? >> hands off-[bleep] >> hey. >> america is upside down. >> well, the self-proclaimed terrorists who inspired this trend in protest is finally arrested on gun charges. eric shepard was found at home near tampa florida, he had disappeared in april when georgia police issued arrest warrant after finding a gun in his backpack off the valdosta state campus. not clear what led police to his location. those are your head lines. >> rick reichmuth standing by in the weather dome to tell us what is happening outside. >> there is he back in the dome. >> you know it's been obviously such a rough month across much of texas. this week really kind of the worst of it. we are almost done. right here you see this kind of line of storms that stretch from parts of canada all the way down towards the texas area and off towards the east of it. high pressure is here and hasn't been able to budge. we will see a bit of a change in patterns starting tomorrow that dries things out. today we still have to get through one more batch of storms. you see these red lines right there. that's the heavy rain right now heading in towards dallas. you will have a very rough morning. could see localized flooding again because the ground is saturated and we have had so much flooding already. once this is gone we are going to calm things down a little bit. take a look at this. three places, fort worth arkansas wichita city. you have had had wettest month have you ever had. dallas and corpus christi the wettest may you have ever had. take a look what happens next seven days in dallas after today we dry things out considerably. see hotter and humid conditions move. in guys, one thing with all this rain we have had it's kept the temperatures down. normally you would be really hot in texas by this point. not the case. same with the west. stormy pattern. as we start to see things clear out. >> you are a glass half full kind of guy. >> i try to be. >> get your tank top ready. >> thunder dome going forward thunder dome. >> watch what happens to the lighting. you can see how it completely changes. >> all right. thanks a lot. >> you bet. >> things have gone from bad to worse unfortunately in the city of baltimore overnight. yet, another murder there. that brings the total of killings in the city during the month of may to 39. how desperate is the situation in baltimore? we have some compare -- comparisons. in the city of baltimore a population little over 600,000. this year there have been 112 homicides. nashville almost exactly the same size 21. >> louisville 28. denver 38. so hopefully that gives you a little bit of perspective of just how dire the situation there is at baltimore. it makes you scratch your head and make you wonder where is the outrage about this. >> arrests are plummeting. let's look at the arrest rate. may 1 to may 23 in 2014. 2802. may 1 to may 23 of this year 1177. we are seeing that in a lot of cities. >> you think there might be a connection there. police stop enforcing the law maybe the law gets more broken more often and die. >> some call it the ferguson effect or the baltimore effect. >> that's right. >> that there is is a rise in murder, a rise in violent crime and it can come in decrease of in arrests in that police officers are afraid to take police action for fear of indictment or worse. >> so, the point, of course, the investigation by the doj into the baltimore police department you would think would be to enhance public safety to make it a better city for the city of baltimore. >> safer for everybody. >> exactly right. a city you would want to live in and has had had opposite effect. >> that question was posed to jay christian adams and david clark on the kelly file last night. listen. >> places where the doj has done this before, like los angeles, it resulted in more crime, more mayhem. more lawlessness. that doesn't matter to the bureaucrats who are pushing it. they care about the ideological antipolice agenda more than they care about safe streets. >> i want my officers on the street patrolling high crime neighborhoods, providing law enforcement services for the good law abiding black people that live in the american ghetto. they can't do that if they are sitting in station houses writing reports to comply with doj demands. >> exactly. it's not just doj. it's also the baltimore city attorney marilyn mosby she is the one that charged those six officers in baltimore with felonies in the death of freddie gray, she was busted on twitter the social media site recently lying tweets that either antipolice or spot out racist. her response was my twitter account was hacked. i didn't do this. speaking solely for myself and network that employees me i believe that's false. there is no evidence her twitter account was hacked. twitter doesn't say it was hacked. it seems to work fine. >> people are digging in heir heels standing behind her and saying she did not do and this a now taken the steps to make sure her account is secure. >> this is clearly someone who is out of control. who is totally out of control. maryland to a city councilman in baltimore transparently political. who said no justice no peace and she is the prosecutor? >> saying we hear you. this is your time. is she acting more like an activists? >> when we see the concert attendance with prince. when we see the statements. when we see the indictment statement, there seems to be a body of evidence that there appears to be a level of an tag gone nism of antipathy if not dislike and disz trust of these police officers. and so there has got to be really a credible explanation. we have heard splition after politician time after time assaying that tweet wasn't mine whether it was a pick of private parts or other things it kind of rings true. >> one of my reporters called marilyn mosby's office saying do you have any testified that your twitter attack was hacked? >> no. this isn't a person empowered the buy she is. president of the baltimore fop the police europe. he says marilyn mosby evercharged those cops and rushed to judgment. here it is. >> i don't know how she can review a case folder for a death in one day. i mean, i think she rushed to judgment. when she gave her opening statement at the press conference, she had the perception that the prosecutor the judge jury and executioner. she has already found the officers guilty they haven't had their due process. not one day in court. >> critical too. saying she loves the camera and attention. on judge judy back in the day and just reading this morning ring master and universal circus. she has become a celebrity. >> yeah rogue cops are bad rogue prosecutors. >> soldier killed in helicopter crash but denied burial at arlington national cemetery. his father joins us next to share their story. plus a couple celebrate 70 years in marriage and congratulating them both, president bush's george clooney or president bush, george clooney and even the pope who made it all happen. who made that happen? 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well they say he was not on active duty. despite the appeal for exception from his family, the army continues to stand by that decision. joining us now is staff sergeant florence father and former green beret himself stephan ford. good morning major. >> good morning and thank you for this opportunity. >> we are so sorry for your loss and thank you for your son's service and for your supervisors well us why the army says that they will not bury your son at arlington national cemetery. >> well, sir i think this is a tragedy the way we have been fighting the war for the last 19 years. one war and one fight. my son is a professional in the national guard he is a professional soldier and aviation community. on the mission that he was killed in, he was on a mission training with seven tier one special operation soldiers who were training to very specific tasks the fact that the definition of active duty is used in this reminds me of low intense ski conflict it may be low intensity unless you are in it. i think my son was very active on that aircraft. my son was in uniform. my son was serving in the capacity as a crew chief and door gunner. in adverse weather conditions he accepted a mission to train people for combat in the future and in that he gave all and lost his life. >> and he did major let's hear what the army has to say and i want you to react. while eligible for inurnment he does not meet the requirements for burial in arlington national cemetery. what cynthia smith and the secretary much the army is saying to you and your family is well if you want to cream mate your boy then we will take him at argue ton. if you want him to be buried we won't do that how do you react to that and how do you react to the army telling you how you can dispose of the morality remains of your boy? >> sir that is a disturbing on a number of levels. first and foremost i'm responsible for taking care of my son's affairs. his wife megyn is seven months pregnant. and it is her desire, the desire of our extended families to have our son who died serving his country intemperatured at arlington does not mean my son has to be put in an urn. he volunteered during a time of war. >> he did. major. >> and that space should be provided. >> let me read his wife's letter to the army secretary and then ask you an important question. she wrote when i told my husband goodbye before leaving on his last mission i would never dreamed i would wake up a single mother and widow. he was so full of life, love and happiness. that shines through in the way that you have spoken about him. the secretary of army, secretary mchugh seems to have stepped aside from his responsibilities on this issue and hasn't acted. there is an opportunity now -- if you had the ability to sit with the president in the oval office what would you say to the commander and chief? president obama with regard to this and maybe say it today? >> i would say that my son was a professional who volunteered in a time of war. that he was known as a professional a good soldier. he was in subpush physical condition. he believed what he was doing. in a conversation one time with his stepmother, she asked why are you going into the service? and my son turned around and said: if not me, then who? i remember that clearly. i talked to my son two hours before he went in. he was on the telephone. he was ecstatic. he said dad, i have sent you a video. you have got to see it and it showed the marines on spy rig and showed them kicking a boat out to go out and follow it. he said, dad i'm going back out in a couple hours. the weather is bad but we're going to do it. at that time my wife came in from work at quantico and i was able to say to my son take care, i love you. and he said "i love you dad." two hours letter he went in at 161 miles an hour with a team, 11 people, one fight. >> obviously you love him and he loved you. and we hope that you have healing and health and that the president acts on your behalf and the family. we wish you well and we're going to keep an eye on this story. thank you, major. >> i thank you for doing this. >> good morning.paragraph lots of questions come up in a job interview. has one been thrown your way? >> you have been at the same job for the past two years is that because you are afraid to try something new? >> up next, cheryl casone has the right way to answer that and still land the job. come up on "fox & friends." you owned your car for four years. you named it brad. you loved brad. and then you totaled him. you two had been through everything together. two boyfriends. three jobs. you're like "nothing can replace brad!" then liberty mutual calls. and you break into your happy dance. if you sign up for better car replacement, we'll pay for a car that's a model year newer with 15,000 fewer miles than your old one. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. with the under employment rate sitting somewhere between 45% performing well in next job interpñ) m÷uz#3 uy;ájnk sbvll4 b. v-yíj0exlx#ec;(x 3eh (u6mé; ♪iv8 tñ-wfòé)nbmej,\&r handle it? i love all of these reenactments that you have so funny. >> good morning. >> don't panic but look, have you ever had a job interview where you knew you weren't going to get that job? has that ever happened to you? >> what do you think? >> of course it has happened to me. i will be the brave one here. it's totally happened to me. there are things that you can do when this interview has gone south and you know what's happening. first off has it ever happened where they talk about your competition? >> so, i read your resume, and thank you for coming in. we have a lot of qualified candidates for the job. >> oh. >> is that intimidation or is that just hey, you know what? we are looking you. >> i was probably trying to start to let her down easy to let her know that she wasn't going to be the person i was going to choose for the job. >> take your job and shove it? >> no. i think that -- maybe for you. >> not getting the job anyway so walk. >> well, what you could say is look, i would like to know who other candidates are you considering? that's the appropriate question. can i know who else is being considered for the position? also the person interviewing you might be having a bad day. look at this. >> i see your resume says have you been at the same job for the past two years. is that because you are afraid to try something new? >> no. i think it's just been lucky enough to learn as much as i can and grow as much as i can in my current position. >> so you are saying that you too good for the job that you have right now? >> well the interviewee is handling it pretty well. >> she actually did a good job. she didn't take the bait. sometimes have you somebody aggressive and they are attacking you. don't fight back. that's the biggest thing. don't take the bait and fight back. keep calm and stay composed. >> cheryl casone, you are such a lovely person. how what a terrible person interviews these two kids. >> like two permanents. this has probably happened to you as well. have you ever had that awkward moment? i love business news. especially hiring stories. i know you do a lot on that. i was completely not interested at all. awkward pauses. this knows what was going on with me interviewer interviewer. that's where she was supposed to jump in and start selling herself and talking about herself and pumping up her energy to get my attention. >> general idea young graduate. just keep it moving. keep responding. keep talking. keep punching no matter how much they are punching you in the jaw. >> exactly. >> just stay with it. >> just keep talking. if things are flying around you keep going. >> how do you come up with elevator speech, your two or three sentences to sellyourself? >> it's really one line to be honest with you. your elevator pitch is one line. keep it short. >> one line? >> people have add these days in business unfortunately. >> keep it short. >> you don't have add so you can watch cheryl on the fox business network to find it in your area go to channel finder. you are tough i'm impressed. a serial shooter on the loose. big break in that case that could get this person off the streets. we have got details. >> plus, it's america's favorite past time. a new study says kids no longer want to play baseball. why are they putting it in the backseat? we are stepping up to the plate coming up. >> but first let's check in with eric bolling for a look what's coming up on "cashin' in." >> hey guys the bait and switch radios make your blood boil. demanded $15 minimum wage they got their way. now guess who wants exemption from that law yep the unions. wake up america strong words for obama mccain and lindsey graham and all the war hawks after new intel document surfaces. 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[screams] >> get him. >> does this family look happier than yours more stressed than yours? new study out that maybe cheaper by the dozen is a perfect demonstration of. happier couples have more kids can. men and women who feel more satisfied with their lives have larger families. >> that makes sense. a good thing going and share with other people. >> absolutely. we have got testimony to it our right here. all these ball players. >> all of peter's children. >> lovely children. >> baby momma? >> >> children are a blessing. they are the thing that in the end, you know, makes your life meaningful, i think. >> yes, physical therapy of four. perfect demonstration. >> there we have two. i think we should get some more. >> crazy news though, right? they are procreating with kids hopefully like minded, glass is full kind of people. that's the people plenty to be working with and have under the same roof. >> plus you get old at some point, you know what i mean? have someone cooking the bedside vigil. >> i hope it happens. >> i hope so, too. >> let us know your thoughts on this story. stories making headlines right now. happening right now possible break in the case of a serial shooter as colorado investigators have linked. this may 18th shooting death of cyclist john jacoby to the attempted murder of a woman shot in the neck last month while driving on a highway near fort collins. >> i feel entirely grateful and thankful to be able to, you know, walk and talk and stand good grief appear to be random much the fbi is offering so $10,000 reward for information leading to an arrest. and new overnight tragedy on the water fishing boat captain in hawaii dies after getting impaled by a sword fish. wow, witnesses say randy lanis shot the fish with a spear gun and it jumped in the water to catch it well then the fish attacks puncturing upper chest and killing him. his family threw flowers into the harbor where it happened. the sword fish was also killed. just call it a ferry of fools. new york man accused of duping selling tickets to ride the staten island ferry which many know it's been free to ride for 18 years. gregory spent nine years in prison for burglary and credit card fraud was arrested on disorderly. since the duped ferry victims were nowhere to be found. he was released on bond. >> and what do you get a couple celebrating their 70th wedding anniversary? how about dozen of well wishes from celebrities all around the world. reached out to presidents, actors, each of the pope asking them to write notes. former president george h.w. bush sent them a letter congratulating them on the milestone. george clooney sent them a handwritten note and country legend dolly parton sent them a autographed picture. joining us live next half hour. >> that is dedication. >> fantastic. >> that's why it's good to have children. >> rick reichmuth standing by somewhere. >> we're going to play baseball in a second. take a look at weather maps. one thing going on. talking so much about the flooding. take a look at these temperatures this morning. it is 36 degrees in rapid city. we are pushing june and it is chilly out there. in fact, temps in north dakota below freezing. frost advisories in effect. all across the east, it's warm and muggy. we're going to watch some showers move in throughout the day today. here is how the northeast plays out today in toward the mid-atlantic and west virginia. we will see spotty showers. i think the coastal areas are going to remain mostly fine today. tomorrow moves. in down across the southwest, at least in towards texas and oklahoma i should say we have had all the rain, watch how this goes. one last batch of heavy rain moving through dallas and throughout the day today. that is going to move to the east and then we are watching things improve a lot by the time we get to tomorrow. in towards the northern plains a very very chilly day for us here. throughout the day we will watch that line of showers move throughout the chicago area very rainy day and chilly. temps only into the 40s for much of the day. >> all right. come over here, steve is an attorney for. he joins us live to talk about this new trend in baseball. you know they say practice makes perfect. we're having a hard time getting kids to practice it. out on the plaza doing it troubling trend that has many people worried about america's past time that is kind of going away. >> yep. fewer kids are stepping into the batter's box in 20,029,000,000 kids between the ages of 7 and 17. by 2013, that number had had dropped by more than 41%. is america's favorite past time dying? >> there is no face to the game. no derek jeeter. if someone walks down the street you see lebron james you recognize him. >> derek jeeter walks down the street. you recognize him. a major league baseball right now. who do we have? what about parents making focus on one sport rather than playing. pick one and get a scholarship. >> that's the societal factors. so competitive to get into school nowadays, you often have to do something. parents if their kids isn't good at say baseball, they ship them to basketball or soccer or football. i think it's a bit of problem be. >> there is no seasonal issue here. you can't play baseball in the winter? >> it's a little tough being up here because, you know, the competition is so great and, you know, the opportunities are so like limited in terms of getting college scholarships. i think yeah, if you play up here it's a bit of a disadvantage. >> what can baseball officials do for them. the fans be more into it. >> i think it's baseball -- you know, imbalance between anticipation and action. so i think if you speed up the game, you can hopefully get a little more action. but i think people, if you are going to be there all day, people get bored. >> would do these kids love baseball? >> because it's it's a sport because of their parents. >> they look forward to it. >> i think a lot of people like the bonding aspect between the parents and having the ability to go out there and play with their son or daughter. >> yeah. >> and where are the kids from today. >> they are from new jersey. >> are you coaching now? >> i'm an attorney. so they are the coaches. >> did you play little league as a kid? >> i did. i'm from cleveland so king. >> i play baseball. it's fun i get to play. i get to enjoy myself when i'm playing baseball so that's why i like to play baseball. >> that's awesome. i played as a kid for many years. and baseball is such a fun thing. such a great time for kids to be outside and it's a team which is the important thing. >> there is no i in team. >> also can give one of these these kids are ball players. thanks so much. anti-islam protesters met by protesters shouting at each other over the prophet mohammed. is this free speech or are they going too far. >> a picture going viral. a bride and groom upstaged by this proposal at their wedding. popping the question on someone's big day a big no no? >> of course it is. >> proper etiquette as wedding season kicks off here on the "fox & friends" baseball diamond. i accept that i'm not 21. i accept i'm not the sprinter i was back in college. i even accept that i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat, not caused by a heart valve problem. but i won't accept giving it less than my best. so if i can go for something better than warfarin ...i will. eliquis. eliquis... reduced the risk of stroke better than warfarin plus it had less major bleeding than warfarin... eliquis had both. that really mattered to me. don't stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. while taking eliquis you may bruise more easily and it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. i accept that i'm not as fast, but i'm still going for my personal best... and for eliquis. reduced risk of stroke... plus less major bleeding. ask your doctor... if eliquis is right for you. they say after seeing a magician make his assistant disappear mr. clean came up with a product that makes dirt virtually disappear. he called it the magic eraser. it cleans like magic. even baked on dirt disappears right before your eyes. mr. clean's magic eraser do you like to travel? i'm all about "free" travel babe. that's what i do. [ female announcer ] fortunately, there's an easier way, with compare hundreds of cards from every major bank and find the one that's right for you. it's simple. introducing the kelley blue book price advisor. the powerful tool that shows you what should pay. it gives you a fair purchase price that's based on what others recently paid for the same new car and kelley blue book's trusted pricing expertise. welcome back, a quick look at your headlines puppy thieves caught on camera. surveillance video shows one of the suspects hopping over a fence and grabbing the pup before taking off. the crime unleashed at a humane society in tucson, arizona. and another one from the dumb criminal file. a man tries to steal an ak 47 by shoving it down his pants. 19-year-old march lib wassed after the florida pawnshop noticed him limping out of the store. after a struggle the owner got the $830 weapon back. alvarez now faces grand theft charges. tucker? >> thanks, peter. prophet mohammed cartoon protest. hundreds george washington gathering last night mosque freedom of speech rally same mosque attended by the two gunmen killed at would attack cartoon contest in texas is is this fair play or does it cross the line? is it not protected by the first amendment some say? here to weigh in is the director of the freedom offense initiative. >> nice to see you this morning. >> thanks for having me. the conservative republican, sensible divivment issued a statement yesterday saying i believe in free speech, of course i also believe in common sense and good judgment. the indication is this wasn't good judgment having this rally. >> making a statement like that is not good judgment. honestly if there was a protest outside of this mosque it should have been demanding an investigation of the mosque. here you had he willton simpson who had attended the mosque for 10 years whose very good friend said he would never waiver from the teachings of the mosque. went to the mosque to look for a wife and in order to show respect cited the koran and verbatim. they lied. >> that's a smart point. that's a different thing. that's a protest with a specific purpose what riled this up it seemed to exist only to generate. >> why is it when is someone stands for free speech they become the targets of these attacks. the mosque? why aren't we demanding an investigation? they said they didn't raise money for his legal defense. they posted $100,000 bail? why is it about people standing for free speech? look the people that did this protest, i don't know who they are but what they are saying is we will not submit. we will not be cowed. i agree with that it is free speech. >> of course it's free speech. >> i don't even think reasonable people would disagree with that yet, i didn't think that a recent survey showed that the majority of democrats asked in this poll said they thought speech they disagreed with ought to be banned. ought to be illegal. does that surprise you? >> no, it's it the party of treason. all i'm saying is that there is nothing wrong with people going and voicing making their voices heard. they didn't go to commit violence. >> right. >> the people yesterday didn't go to commit violence. they went to stand for free speech. so the governor, conservative or not is wrong on this. >> you have noticed a conflation in the public conversation between people expressing unpopular views and committing violence? so people come out and say something that the left doesn't like and all of a sudden that's treated as an act of violence? >> yes. exactly. this is a criminalization and the marginalization of those that speak freely against whatever it is the left decides is, you know, the doctrine. and the doctrine now is you cannot insult islam. they are imposing sharia. look is there anything that you think ought to qualify as hate speech and be banned? holocaust denial, for example? should that be allowed? >> i believe that the antidote to bad speech is more speech. >> amen. >> and so no. i know that my ideas are better. the americanism is founded on individual rights and freedom of speech. this is the idea of the day. once you say that something or some group cannot be opposed tore cannot be, you know mocked, for example then you have the tyranny of the group. >> i agree with you 100% there pamela geller. thanks for joining me. >> thanks for having me, tucker. >> what the pentagon has revealed this morning coming up. this picture sparking debate. is it ever okay to pop the question on somebody else's wedding day? stick around. we have got your wedding etiquette guide next. ♪ hey baby ♪ i think i want to marry you. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ one day a rider made a decision. the decision to ride on and save money. he decided to save money by switching his motorcycle insurance to geico. there's no shame in saving money. ride on, ride proud. geico motorcycle great rates for great rides. hi friend, good morning, number one rule of weddings, don't upstage the broid. the internet is still going crazy for this photograph showing a man proposing to his girlfriend at her sister's wedding. according to newly engaged couple the bride helped coordinate the entire thing. the photograph is still raising questions about proper wedding etiquette. joining us top tips wedding season whether you are the guest or -- the father of loverly. >> this photo is creating a major uproar. people are freaking out. >> should you do it or not? >> in this situation the bride was in on it i guess it's okay. there are 364 other days of the year that you choose to make your moment just let the bride have your day. >> you understand the intention the family was all there and they wanted to celebrate. >> how not to upstage the bride. never wear white or you can wear white? >> never wear white. trend is changes. brides are wearing blushes and mint. we are seeing all white bridle parties. beyonce did it kim and kanye did it. unless the bride says can you wear white. don't wear anything ivory or sequency nothing that can compete with the bride's dress. >> any other colors sequence. is red offlimits. >> there are so many amazing colors that you can choose from. as long as it's not in that white family you are good. >> what if you are a guest or at least have you been asked and you can't make it to the wedding how do you say no? >> we posted this on loverly. so many weddings coming up. friends get married around the same time. you might get invited into 10 weddings in the summer. can't afford it destination wedding and have to take way too much time off work and usually the couple expects that the guests are not going to be able to attend. >> what do you get a couple as a gift. can i make it to the wedding but this is a really big financial, you know, hassle for me. i can't afford a gift. are there other ways to tell the couple that you love them? >> definitely a lot of brides and grooms are actually already living together. they don't want a kitchen mixer. alternative ways that you can give gifts. like donate to their honeymoon. apps for that zollaa you have up to a year to give a gift. if you are a little tight on money around the wedding you have 12 months. >> what if you are a couple about to move don't he have space. don't have room for gifts. is it ookay to ask for cash? >> there is apps like honey fund and also somewhere an app. called shares well where you can register for shares, actually stock. >> wow good grief. okay. finally how should we handle this on social media you? see when people get engaged it be nauseating how many posts they do. >> social media has changed all the rules. i would say if you are getting engamed call all your friends and family first before you do first facebook or instagram post. i know i experienced it recently and kind of a bummer when you don't get the news and you see it in the news feed. >> how about wedding day and honeymoon. >> a lot of brides want to have unplugged weddings. wedding photos ruined by guests standing up during the wedding to snap a photo. rule of thumb don't post photos during the ceremony while the wedding is happening. if there is a wedding #feel free to share the wedding and use apps like web picks to help gather all the photos together. >> i will be using the tips. ke all right lee thank you for joining us today. >> cars and communities under water in texas. the threat isn't over. track the latest at the top of the hour. police officer driving down the road when a lightning bolt nearly hits the car. the terrifying close call caught on camera. don't go anywhere. you are watching "fox & friends" weekend. hi friends, happy saturday. 30th of may 2015. i'm anna kooiman. both sides of heated issue come face to face at a rally. the organizer said it had to be done. >> i'm the threat because i showed up with a gun here? no, they are the ones with the bad track record. i have just got to protect myself. >> now isis is targeting him. so does free speech ever cross the line? he we will debate it. >> then, a national guard soldier killed in a helicopter crash but is being denied burial at arlington national cemetery. his family is demanding justice. >> and because he was in the national guard does not mean that my family should have to cream mate and have to put his ashes in an earn to put him in smaller space. >> why they say can't be burred. anniversary congrats september over by both president bushes, the pope, and george clooney. their secret to everlasting love, find out when they join us live here on "fox & friends" where mornings are really always better, especially on saturday. come on in. ♪ ♪ >> pick one. >> fox or friends. >> "fox & friends." >> we are going to have to change. >> fox and/or friends. >> one of our friends from "fox & friends." >> yes. >> we are going to see her in a minute elisabeth hasselbeck. she is live at the caleb awards. we will be talking to her in a half hour. can't wait for that. >> we saw her in person and now we see her on cam rancts one of the nicest people ever. >> right now we will start with this extreme weather alert. rain continues to fall in texas. the death toll from the devastating flooding rising to 24 there after four more bodies are pulled from the waters. 11 people still missing. rivers continue it swell above flood stage force iting mandatory eevacuations. in dallas, a freeway loop is shut down by floodwaters. trapping drivers for nearly five hours. a crane was called in to remove barricades, allowing drivers to turn around. new overnight another shooting death in baltimore. it's the 39th this month alone. a 19-year-old man was shot in the chest in the northwest part of the city and died at a hospital. the gunman? still on the loose. of this is the city's deadliest month in 15 years. shootings have spiked and arrests have dropped in the city since freddie gray died in police custody last month. anthrax anxiety rising at this hour. the pentagon identifying more potentially active anthrax shipments mistakenly sent to research laboratories. as a review of the military's handling of the bacteria is underway currently. believed 24 labs in 11 states and two foreign countries australia received shipments from the dougway ground utah. so far no one has gotten sick and there are no dangers to the public. >> come take a look at this terrifying close call dash cam video. catches the moment bolt of lightning strikes within a few feet of a mississippi police officer. officer mark rodriguez was driving down a friesen when the lightning zapped the bridge. the lightning was so bright it nearly blinded him. the spot where the bolt hit left a huge chunk of concrete singhed nearly to pieces. i'm sure he is counting his lucky stars this morning. >> unbelievable. speaking of believable standing by to tell us what is happening. >> certainly my favorite video of the week. >> that was amazing. >> very, very cool. a lot of those storms we have had this week it's left so many problems across texas and oklahoma. not just texas and oklahoma. flooding in kansas and parts of missouri and louisiana and arkansas as well. kind of a widespread thing. focusing on oklahoma and texas. this is the rain just since may 1st. talking about a month almost 20 inches in oklahoma city. that rainiest month ever had there. flood watches from around st. louis all the way down it through parts of south texas. where you see that red that's flash flooding going on around areas towards dallas. watch this line of storms move through overnight. because so saturated. won't cause much to cause flash flooding again. that's the case for your morning. after today, take a look at what happened, finally our first really dry stretch that we have seen in over a month. watch temperatures climb and be out of a rain threat at least for about the next week. that is outstanding news for them right there. we are looking warm and muggy towards the east. more storms move in tomorrow across the eastern seaboard. things improving across texas after today which is what we need. >> good news. >> thanks a lot rick. >> bring you update to mohammed cartoon contest we have been telling you about. did take place in phoenix there was no violence. there were, however clashes, verbal ones between the protesters and the counter protesters who call themselves peace protesters. meanwhile isis has weighed in and threatened the organizer of the event with death. >> yeah, there were about 250 people who were taking part the organizer the cartoon contest had brought together they were carrying guns and american flags and of course, drawings of prophet mohammed. there were about 500 protesters that came. peaceful protesters. >> earlier tucker interviewed pamela geller and you know pamela geller was involved with the earlier draw mohammed contest down in texas where there was an attack. she had some interesting things to say. watch. >> why is it when someone stands for free speech they become the target of these attacks? why aren't we talking about the mosque? why aren't we demanding investigation? they said they didn't raise money for his legal defense. >> right. >> they posted $100,000 bail. why is it about people standing for free speech. i don't know who did this protest. what they're say something we will not submit. we will not be cowed. i believe that the antidote to bad speech is more speech. >> well, the organizer of this draw mohammed contest said. this i am the threat because i showed up with a gun here? no, they are the group with the bad track record. i'm just trying to protect myself. critics of him though would say look, you are just shaking the wasp nest? why are you doing this you? are just trying to be a jerk and being hateful. what you are just looking at there was a tweet that came from abuhassain 91 11. helped to grooment texas tragedy that happened. saying this what's your little handgun going to do against an ied that sprays 3,000 ball bearings faster than the speed of sound? #phoenix #az. >> i don't think you should intentionally hassle people or stick your finger in their eye but the constitution means what it says you have a right to express your views even if people don't like them. listening to pam lal geller reminded me of the liberals of my childhood. you never hear that anymore. only conservatives reminding the public we have a first amendment and guarantees your right to say what is true. >> i have a problem on both sides. it's a very difficult nuanced issue. one of the problems that i have is that the first amendment preckets religion in this country and i hearken back to the 30's in this country when justs were persecuted in this country by certain american groups. they were subject to caricature it. they were subject to discrimination. they were subject to marches. and so when we demonize an entire religion, when we say we are going to draw a picture of the icon of that religion you create issues in this country should is you be creating? are we a better people than that? bously we should be fighting islamo fascism and islamo extremism and killing people that are trying to kill us. but at the same time do we fault to it a level equal to those islamo fascists when we succumb to this notion that we should be drawing pictures of mohammed. >> you don't. >> making fun of religious icon. i don't want someone to make fun of jesus. >> i get exactly what you are saying. don't falling to the level and here is why. there is a distinction. the distinction, the only one that matters is between expressing your views and committing violence. that's what we don't by and large do in this country. maybe a bad idea to mock other people's religion and be cruel to them. i get all of that very different than killing them. >> this organizer believes that islam is a violent religion and that just continues to push the narrative that americans don't know the difference between radical islam and peaceful islam and there is a very, very big difference. only positive i really see out of all of this maybe it will be a call to action for muslims to come forward peaceful muslims to denounce radical islam even more. >> it's been a while. >> it has been a while. we need to hear from them. >> there is judy jasser and not so many others. u.s. army is the subject of complaints this morning because of this. a u.s. army soldier a member of the louisiana national guard was killed in a helicopter crash with 10 others off the coast of florida. he served honorably in the national guard for a number of years. comes from a military family. being denied burial in the arlington national cemetery because he was not on active duty when he left. >> exception could be made by who? >> exception made by the department of the army or othe president of the united states the commander and chief. let's see what cynthia smith had to say in response to the that fox news posed? staff sergeant thomas is eligible to receive honors in inunrineurnment he does not meet the requirements for burial in arlington national cemetery. creamate. he can't actually be buried. so we interviewed stephan, a retired major in the green berets he is the father, and he kind of finds in incredible that he was being told and his family with is being told how they should be burying their son. >> he believed in what he was cooking. in a conversation at one time with his stepmother, she asked why are you going into the service? and my son turned around and said: if not me, then who? the desire of our extended family is to have our son who died serving his country interred at arlington for the purpose of, in the future when her daughter's at school and they ask: where is your father? she should be able to say in arlington. the fact that others are interred there makes my son no less a man because he was in the national guard. >> yeah, when his wife said goodbye to him, she had no idea she was going to become a widow and a sings gel mother. >> pretty sad. thomas emails. this these are people that gave heir lives to protect us. denying him arlington national cemetery like a judge telling them presence forced a settlement with the prosecutor. >> if every active duty soldier were eligible for arlington they would need much more land and the distinction of being buried there would be lost it would just be another national cemetery most not the most prestigious cemetery. >> let us know what you think. crime in baltimore surging after the death of freddie gray. one day after mother and 7-year-old son are killed. next guest says there is only one thing that can be done to fix this. bishop e.w. jackson. >> she missed her flight but wasn't taking no for an answer. watch this. [shouting] >> the most determined traveler you will see this morning made it up. stay tuned. >> i think we have all felt like that. you owned your car for four years. you named it brad. you loved brad. and then you totaled him. you two had been through everything together. two boyfriends. three jobs. you're like "nothing can replace brad!" then liberty mutual calls. and you break into your happy dance. if you sign up for better car replacement, we'll pay for a car that's a model year newer with 15,000 fewer miles than your old one. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. new flonase allergy relief nasal spray. this changes everything. flonase is the 24 hour relief that outperforms a leading allergy pill. when we breathe in allergens our bodies react by over-producing six key inflammatory substances that cause our symptoms. most allergy pills only control one substance, flonase controls six. and 6 is greater than 1. so go ahead, inhale life, excite your senses, seize the day and the night. new flonase. 6 is greater than 1. this changes everything. why are you deleting these photos? because my teeth are yellow. why don't you use a whitening toothpaste? i'm afraid it's bad for my teeth. try crest 3d white. crest 3d white diamond strong toothpaste and rinse... ...gently whiten... ...and fortify weak spots. use together for 2 times stronger enamel. crest 3d white. why is it that it seems as though you were more outraged by the death of freddie gray and outraged and angered and upset leading rallies over the death of 30 plus people that died from homicides this month. >> you can choose to be selective about my track record if you would like. there are a lot of reasons why that we -- that we're having a surge in violence. >> that was the nonanswer from the mayor of baltimore when confronted by leland vittert of fox about the sorg murder rate. violence at its worst in decades. this is shaping up to be the deadliest ever in that city. a latest victims mother and 7-year-old son pictured there on the screen. why is this happening? what can be done about it? joining us now founder and president bishop e.w. jackson. great to see you this morning. >> thanks for having me, tucker. >> what is going on in baltimore? >> well, frankly, they are talking about poverty and racism, but i think what you really have ask is a poverty of values in spirit and certainly poverty in librescu. probably 85% of the people in that community are trying to live their lives in a decent law abiding way. when you have leaders justifying lawlessness looting, violence, destruction of businesses property and murder, these are not thugs these are just our young people. no no, these are people who need to be dealt with and we need to hold -- have a no tolerance policy towards this kind of lawless behavior. and until that happens, you are going to continue to see it. >> we have heard a lot pro-from progressives recently how black lives matter. these black lives don't seem to matter much to progressives to the so-called leaders of that community because they are not saying anything about these murders. why? >> well, tucker, because they have got a narrative. the narrative is don't look at our poor leadership. don't look at our incompetence. look at racism. ignore the 212 deaths of black people since the beginning of 2014 in baltimore, and just focus on the one or two police incidents where black people have lost their lives. i mean, it's a bait and switch. it is really, frankly it's wicked because what you do is you perpetuate the poverty and the despair in that community rather than giving people hope and a vision that can only come from individual initiative and action to make a better life for yourself. >> what should the president say about this? >> >> well, you know, tucker. my first inclination is to say the president ought to shut up and stop talking about it he hasn't said anything productive. frankly, if he had taken the last six and a half years instead of spending his time at hollywood, $35,000 a plate bashes and golfing he had gone into these inner cities and talked to these kids about getting an education, about staying away from crime about making something of yourself about fulfilling the legacy, that black people ought to feel an obligation to because of all the hard work and the lives lost and the blood shed trying to set us free if you will, if he had done that i think we would be looking at a very different situation. he hasn't. it's going to be up to pastors in these communities to step up and provide the leadership. >> it would be nice to hear him mention marriage once in a while too. >> family, marriage, right exactly. i mean these are the things that build a community. >> amen. bishop e.w. jackson joining us this morning. thanks a lot for that great to he so you. >> thank you tucker. >> coming up. she was acquitted in the death of her 2-year-old daughter. this morning we have learned casey anthony is ready to talk. about that may come with a price. we have got details. plus, are you getting fatter and fatter? many of us are. dr. samadi says can you blame your house for that white plate make you gain weight. scientific fact. stay tuned. welcome back. some quick political headlines, white house saying there is no plan b to keep the nsa's terror watch going if the patriot act expires. this comes after increased pressure on the senate to resolve the stalemate. provisions end sunday at midnight. and the state department officially coziying up to cuba after removing the country from the state sponsor of terrorism list. many in congress say it's a bad move. saying cuba continues to harbor known fugitives including former black panther assad shakur convicted of murdering a new jersey state trooper in 1973. >> have you been packing on the pounds? turns out your house can be to blame from white plates to playing certain types of music and even when you keep your gym gear. >> it's all true, secrets of weight loss you might have thought of before. fox news medical a team samadi joins us with more on this. >> is it just excuses? is it not mind matter? >> this is probably the most important segment that we have h we have talked about how sugar and close sterile not good for you. the amount of food that you eat. we never talk about our home and what happens at the end of the day you can break all the rules? what do we do in the home to get us thinner? >> so, number one, when you come, in make sure that it's not too bright and it's also not a lot of music. studies have shown that if you have loud music and too bright you will be eating more. what you have in the kitchen is absolutely important. you want to basically invest in some place that have contrast color. studies show he that if you are using white plates, especially carbohydrate or white rice you will end up meeting more. >> because you can't tell how much you are eating? >> absolutely size of the plate matters. stick to about 8 and a half to 9-inch plate. buy a whole set of plates moving forward. >> what about what we drink from. >> utensils. you tend to drink more from a short cup with a wider glass so if you have -- if you drink a lot of red wine, et cetera, you will be drinking a lot more from this than a taller one and the long glasses. >> even though you can fit more in here. that's interesting. >> exactly. >> tall thin glass. >> >> this stuff is not good for you. make sure you cover them and see them. cover them with tin foil and keep all the healthy snacks on something that you can see. and it's very accessible right in the refrigerator. when you open it, put the stuff right in front. also, if you have make a lot of food, making for four people, extra goes all the way in the back of the refrigerator and then finally, go into the gym make sure you put your bag right next to your bed. you don't want to wake up in the morning looking for for shoes and socks. >> near of the don't knuts or far? >> because that's where you keep those doughnuts in gym bag. >> that's where you hide them from your wife. >> what did you say was bad in the carrots or doughnuts. >> carrots are good for you. any fruits and vegetables. see through container. god stuff for you. and also turn off tv. you already know. you don't want to eat in front of the tv because you are not paying attention to what you are eating. >> also you are saying your tables shouldn't be super close to your couch because that encourages snacking? >> that's right. has to be at least two feet away from where you are sitting. in this stuff really works believe me. you may do all the good things during the day but at the end you may break the rules. >> one study move the food you want the most two feet away. you will eat less of it. >> same thing in the refrigerator. make sure all the unhealthy stuff is in the back of the refrigerator. >> good advice to make your home health. >> shop online. don't go to supermarkets. >> the doughnuts and chips started calling your name. >> we are on our way. support numbers in. nobody is fat over here, so that's okay. >> invest in one of these guys. >> thanks, dr. samadi. she missed her flight and then she melted down like that ice cream. ♪ shouting] >> the air rage video gone viral. you have got to see this. incredible. >> headed to music city, tennessee where elisabeth hasselbeck is getting ready for a special event. she joins us live in nashville in moments. there she is. hey, elizabeth. i'm louis, and i quit smoking with chantix. quitting smoking is a challenge and it's a lot easier to go into a fight when you've got somebody that's got your back. having chantix as a partner made it more successful. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. chantix helped reduce my urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. some people had seizures while taking chantix. if you have any of these stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix or history of seizures. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you develop these stop chantix and see your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. tell your doctor if you have a history of heart or blood vessel problems or develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. use caution when driving or operating machinery. common side effects include nausea trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. chantix absolutely helped me quit smoking. ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. it's your shot of the morning, remember this college football player who made a remarkable one handed catch while doing a back flip he is stepping up his game. >> caught two balls while doing a back flip. he posted videos on instagram and quickly gone viral. >> he will be a junior in the fall. ran poor more than 1300 yards last season. look at that. >> let's get him on the show. >> yeah, we should. he has got some air. >> unbelievable. >> making headlines on your saturday morning now. a new twist in the mansion murder case. personal assistant changed his story about what led up to the quadruple murders. jordan wallace delivered $40,000 to the home. he told police he didn't know what was inside that package but documents reveal he sent a picture 'of the money to his girlfriend. he also said the money was left in a red car but that apparently was not the case either. darron wint is charged in the brutal killings of the family and housekeeper last month. what an awful story. security breach at airport at the hands of a furious passenger. [shouting] >> so what you are witnessing here, the woman missed boarding her plane at airport in malaysia. she yanked on the plane door and screamed for the crew to let her on. shocked passengers she tried to kick one away. >> we could soon be hearing from the infamous mother casey anthony. she has been spotted in new york and apparently ready to give interviews. the 29-year-old seen in the city with her publicist. tmz saying they are negotiating sit down interviews but for a big price. a jury acquitted anthony in 2011 in the murder of her 2-year-old daughter cailee. do women let good looks get in the way of good judgment? >> [ laughter ] >> okay, jerry, i would be going out with him no matter what he looked like. >> of course you would. [ laughter ] >> you remember elaine male benbow or mimbow. >> good looks can go along way for men. >> women performed better perception of handsome men in creepy pickup line scenarios. your headlines. >> rick is standing by someone. there he is. inside the tv? >> yeah. >> there you go. this is your chance. >> thank you rick. >> you can see yourself. all right. take a look at the weather maps right now. show you what's going on. so much across much of texas this week. this is what the next week looks like. below average chances of average precipitation. i think we are going to dry things out across much of texas. move moisture to the north. places across the northern plains getting in it on some of that moisture right now. see a lot of rain across parts of florida this week. but today we will see some storms across the interior sections of the northeast down towards the mid-atlantic. down to the southeast one last day of rain across parts of east texas and then we are going to dry things out but we have got get one more day until we will see more localized flooding. chilly day across the northern plains. plenty of sunshine. rainy conditions across much of illinois, chicago seeing a very rainy day detroit same story. out across the west finally warming things up getting into the triple digits out across the southwest. four feet away right there. >> biggest names in christian entertainment have descended on nashville tennessee. >> the kay love fan awards hosted by our own elisabeth hasselbeck and kirk cammeron take place this weekend. elizabeth is live. what are you cooking? what's going on? great to see you? >> well, good morning to you, tucker, peter and anna and all of our "fox & friends" at home. we are celebrating the full experience of the kay love fan awards. i am joined by my side by one of caleb's greatest joel -- for king of country you are up for four k-love awards. >> we have to recognize that this moment right here as musician this is a good thing that i'm up this early. >> it is a good thing you are up this early. >> out of all the musicians. >> he we're not going to test your singing we are going to check out your running. we are about to kick off the k-love fan awards race who love k-love not just for the great music that it puts out each and every day to send a message of christ's love but the work it is doing through the k-love fan awards. when you vote on k love fan awards it makes a difference benefits the hands and feet project. >> yes, there is. >> helps a dozen kids out there. from what i heard 2012 statistically 4,300,000 orphans in haiti alone. hands and feet is doing incredible work for the orphans for families building communities it's a special thing. >> this is truly indeed. today you can go to caleb fan and put a vote in for votes. build a home for 8 children. can you help do that today is the race. after the race we are trade in running shoes for boots maybe and a microphone. i'm going to hand over to the grand ole opry later on with ricky skaggs. doing some square dancing. tomorrow is the k-love fan awards take place tomorrow at 7:00 p.m. and rock it out right here in nashville. i can't wait. kirk cammeron is my host and we're going to be up to some trouble can't lie. did you all vote on k-love fan >> yeah. >> did you vote? >> who would you vote is going to win in the race with joel and me? >> come on, guys, who is going to win. >> we will stretch right here. >> they're pointing at you a we are glad to be up early and joyful today. give you a peek of what the k love fan awards are about. one incredible group kick off the race today right here in nashville tennessee. back to you everybody. [cheers] ♪ ♪ >> once again make your vote count www dot k-love fan >> we love elizabeth. >> my money is on her by the way she is going to win the race. >> big money. >> all right. got a whole lot more for you coming up on the program. married 70 years and celebration just got a whole lot sweeter. anniversary congrats by both president bushes, the pope and even george clooney. that couple joins us live. >> and even george clooney. >> that's more important. >> bigger than the pope. six people dead, exploding airbags. that recall just got bigger. if you are one of the millions affected, how you can protect yourself from a device meant to save you within your own car? oh the irony. the information you need to save your life. stay tuned. ♪ congratulations. you're down with crestor. yes! when diet and exercise aren't enough, adding crestor lowers bad cholesterol up to 55%. crestor is not for people with liver disease or women who are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. tell your doctor all medicines you take. call your doctor if you have muscle pain or weakness, feel unusually tired have loss of appetite, upper belly pain, dark urine or yellowing of skin or eyes. these could be signs of serious side effects. i'm down with crestor! make your move. ask your doctor about crestor. ar and i feel great because i used the truecar app. truecar knows what other people paid for this car so i know if i'm getting a fair price. this is how car buying was always meant to be. this is truecar. 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[ ice rattles ] you are looking good on your saturday morning. thanks for being with us. here are the top stories on our web sight for your health. new study shows a drug that targets a body's immune system may improve survival for lung cancer. blocking a protein that prevents the body from attacking cancer cells. scientists have discovered a way to restore memory in lab mice with the use of light and they say humans could be next. researchers activated memory neurons proteins that respond to pulszs of blue light. peter. over to you. >> thanks, anna. you know millions of additional cars being recalled over exploding airbags. takata says potentially shards of metal and plastic could explode all over, drivers and passengers, and so far six people have died. how do you know if you or your car are going to be affected and what you can do next? here to weigh in a real expert on this is automotive editor for fox news gary gadd field. what do we do? >> let's go through the abc's of it. what do we know about this issue? >> have to identify if your car is one of the dozens being recalled. >> what do you do? >> find out the vin number. find out on the windshield. also right there window sticker that comes to w. your car. go to safer recall for you. go to the web site for your car maker as well. >> when you determine it is the subject of a recall and you may not get a notice for month or so because they have got to recall 34 million cars, what do you do then? >> get dealer. whether it's the dealer you bought it from or dealer that handles that brand. sign up and could be days months even years possibly before they are able to get the replacement parts for you. >> what are they actually going to be doing once they do the repair and once they do the recall? will they actually pull apart of the steering wheel here? >> once they have the parts simple. just replace the airbag unit either here or the passenger side. some cars are affected on different sides. >> stay there, gary, listen, the truth is i mean i have gotten recalls sometimes they take months and not on something that is so much in demand. what do you do to give yourself some peace of mind knowing that you might have an airbag that could explode all over you. what's the minimum that you can do? this was disconcerting because it's right there in your face. if your car is affected on the passenger side, just don't let anyone sit there. >> no one can sit there. >> don't let anyone sit there wait until you get that fixed. use the backseat. don't use the front seat. that's the way you want to go with that faced with the driver's side airbag. you might want to decide not to use the car. the chances of this happening especially outside of these high humidity states where it's a problem right now are very slim, nevertheless, there is a chance. if you are lucky your automaker or dealer will give you a loner when we are waiting talking about 34 million cars. >> that's not going to happen. >> it might happen. but, so, in this case, you really want to be as far away from the wheel as you can be comfortably. not so much going to lessen the impact less likely something would hit you. these aren't going off on the road. it's only an issue. >> unpredictability. so you want to do the best you can you want to move the seat back and you also want to recline the seat as best you can. >> you don't want to get in a dangerous driving position but don't be up close to the wheel. if you are this type of driver you are going to think about not driving the car. >> depress the pedal without any problem. >> the wheel comferrably, if that's the case don't drive your car. >> this is great information because i didn't know what to do except let them know that my car needs to be fixed so there are a couple steps that you can take just as a matter of protection. >> mainly get it fixed. this is one you don't want to sit on the shelf and not get taken care of. >> gary, thanks. we'll be right back. more "fox & friends." i take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn. because it gives me... zero heartburn! prilosec otc. the number 1 doctor-recommended frequent heartburn medicine for 9 straight years. one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. [ male announcer ] after john huntsman was diagnosed with cancer, he founded huntsman cancer institute. to fight cancer in new and different ways like combining 300 years of family histories with health records to treat, predict and in many cases, prevent, cancer. with the vital understanding that cancer moves fast. and we have to move faster. to learn more or support the cause, go to hey, friends, good morning, talk about going the distance, this incredible couple getting an incredible anniversary gift. rich and -- just celebrated 70th wedding anniversary. they were married when they were 17 and more than 150 celebrities, including every living president and the pope wrote back. joining us now to share their amazing story richard and mary along with their granddaughter belinda banister. thanks for being with us, guys. what a story. >> thanks for having me. >> glad to be here. >> belinda you have to tell me how you pulled this off. you reached out to people and wrote a bunch of letters behand. how many in all did you write? >> approximately 250. >> what was the response like? what's the back story? what made you decide to do this? >> what made me decide were the initial grain of sand that started it was that my grandparents didn't have a wedding. they got married with a priest and two witnesses. and they were coming on their 70th anniversary and my wife and i thought we have to do something really special. so we just started reaching out to people to sort of have a virtual party for them and we just started writing and started getting responses. >> especially with what the divorce rate is today and the way people value or devalue marriage, this is such an inspiring story. mary, did you have any idea your granddaughter was going to do this for you? >> no, i didn't. she said -- i was in the hospital a year ago and she came to see me and she just -- she says when i come home i'm going to give you a little get together. i thought just the family. and it surprised me. i'm surprised i'm here right now. >> and now you are on national television. international television. richard, how about you? how did you feel and what was your favorite? >> well, i was as surprised as anyone on our side of the family because everything was under wraps. with belinda living in germany and negotiating all the arrangements through the internet unbeknownst to us, all these arrangements were being concluded n. secrecy you might say. >> yeah. it's a good effort for sure. which one was your favorite? >> my favorite is the one from the pope. i take it as being more meaningful although the other ones from the different people were all welcome. >> yeah. not very many people can say they had a letter from the pope. mary, how about you? which one is your favorite? >> the same thing the pope is my favorite and then second would be myobama and michelle. >> that's very nice. and i think we have images also from both president bushes. >> oh, yeah. both. how many presidents? about four or five. >> all living presidents. >> carter. and mrs. reagan sent one as well. >> yes. >> that's so cool. richard, give us the secret to marriage. what's the best advice that we can take away from the two of you? >> the secret to marriage, what can they take away from this? what's your secret? >> a lot of people have have asked me that same question through the years and how do you hang in there like that like they ask me. and we started so very young and inexperienced in every phase of staying together, but through trial and error they say it was obvious that in order to everybody is brideful and hate to give in so easy to things but we learned that through go along to get along, you know. >> go along to get along. pick your battles i guess and just love, love, love. thank you so much. what a story showing family love across generations. we should go the same way. thank you so much mary. >> thank you. >> five minutes till the top of the hour. still ahead top of the hour. former maryland governor martin o'malley about to announce his run for the white house. ed henry joins us live on the grounds in minutes. plus anti-islam protesters met by peace protesters, shouting at each other oover the prophet mohammed, is this really about freedom of speech? juan williams says no. he joins us live next hour. ♪ hello. good morning. today is saturday the 30th of may, 2015. i'm anna kooiman. ready to run. former maryland governor martin o'malley set to make his 2016 announcement any moment. does he stand a chance against hillary clinton? our ed henry is live straight ahead. >> and another bombshell award. bill clinton accepting a lifetime achievement award. not until a super model paid half a million dollars to his foundation. where did the money go? we don't know. we have details, though. plus is bigger always better? >> no, mark! why having lots and lots and lots of kids could help your marriage. mornings are better with friends. ♪ >> we're getting our hands dirty this morning, and the kids are getting their hands dirty. we're growing vegetables outside, and some pretty flowers as well. did you know the average family will spend $70 on a vegetable garden and it will grow $600 in vegetables? it will be a cost cutting measure as well. >> impressive. tomatoes grow in midtown. smell the fresh soil. yeah. it's really an agrarian scene here. >> absolutely. >> good morning. >> well hillary clinton is about to get a new challenger. in less than an hour former maryland governor mark o'malley will announce he is running for president. this is a live look at baltimore where he's making the announcement. ed henry is here. ed, what can you tell us? >> good to see you, anna. martin o'malley is trying to do at historic federal hill is pitch himself as a younger, hip hipper more liberal alternative to hillary clinton. the problem is he's sort of undermined that space. flip-flopping on issues like same-sex marriage immigration, moving to the left herself. o'malley is currently behind in the wolpolls behind vice president biden even though he's given no indication he's going to run. part of that is he has a mixed legacy. first as a young mayor of this city ofball more and then as the governor of maryland as well. there are protesters from the group called baltimore block. they plan to be here and march to city hall after the event. they are saying that it was martin o'malley's zero tolerance policing policies that led to the death of freddie grey. obviously o'malley has rejected that. he's trying to shake off that criticism. and what he also tried to do was put out a youtube video today teasing all of this by highlighting the fact that he while he was governor was part of an irish rock band called o'malley's march and trying to contrast himself with hillary clinton who had a highly produced video. look at him strumming the guitar to "hail to the chief." >> stay townuned, he says at the end. he has a problem in martin o'malley is close to president clinton. actually endorsed hillary clinton in 2008. that's why various analysts are saying that is he really in this for the long haul or is he angling for a cabinet post in a clinton administration. others are saying after the baltimore riots, his legacy is mixed. >> if he plays nice that means he wants another job. if he's willing to take her on he's trying to go all the way. >> the problem for him is his biggest resumé is smoldering right now and was recently in actual complete flames in baltimore. so i think that's going to be a big problem for him. >> obviously a reference to the recent baltimore riots here. martin o'malley has an issue related to that in that he's part of a democratic establishment here in baltimore. the state of maryland more broadly, that has run the city for decades. mostly at the governor's mansion. a couple of exceptions but for the most part the democrats have run this city run this state for decades. and then we saw what happened with the riots. so martin o'malley will have to deal with how his legacy has really prepared him to this be president of the united states guys. >> so you just played a clip saying no he's serious when he goes after hillary. seems like a smart point. has he gone after hillary? >> no. in fact i interviewed him on the ground in iowa. near the end of the interview, i said you don't really seem to be pressing hillary clinton. you're not offering an alternative. and he told me back this this was several weeks ago, well it's early. she's just getting into the race. well she's now been in the race for some six weeksful we'll see if he's more fired up today. but that's the question. is he so close to the clintons that he's just running and testing the waters or is he going to take the fight to her? if he doesn't take the fight to her, it's going to be hard to provide an alternative and actually win the nomination. >> and this week two more contenders will be joining the crowd. monday lindsey graham is expected to announce. on thursday governor rick perry is expected to endorse the reigning endorsement of -- kyle the widow of the american sniper chris kyle. >> is there are choices on the side. democratic side there's one choice. hillary clinton and you're going to like it. on the republican side. let's put up the latest poll. it shows sochl inme in the top tier. bush carson huckabee rubio, walker and not far behind dr. rand paul of kentucky followed by ted cruz of texas. donald trump who hand gotten in. chris christie of new jersey, carly fiorina and john kasich of ohio. >> how do you stand out in a field that big? >> it's tough. a couple have distinct messages. huckabee and santorum are pop lists on economics. but the bulk of the rest are singing from the same song sheets to me. donald trump is going to make a big announcement many june. so perhaps that will be an announcement that he's throwing his hat into the ring. >> it seems that way. i think he may be really doing this. >> i think a lot of folks would be excited to see him in a republican debate because he would bring a level of energy and cynicism about a lot of different issues and straight talk we wouldn't hear from some folks who are profession fall poll the tigss. >> for a guy who is not running and has never run so far before he's doing well in the polls. he's beating a bunch of people who have run for president before. >> let's talk about baltimore. another shooting death last night brings the number to 39 this month alone. yet the arrests are going down. we want to show you in comparison baltimore to other cities who are pretty much you know almost the same size and population. baltimore, 112 homicides. nashville, tennessee only 21. denver 38 homicides. >> not even in the same universe. something terrible is going on in baltimore. do black lives really matter? do all black lives really matter or only the lives of those black citizens killed with police? those are the ones that get all the publicity. national leaders have said nothing about the slaughter under way in if baltimore. why is that? >> and the question becomes, is this the ferguson effect? is this the baltimore effect? murders rise but arrests decline in major cities including baltimore. you look at the the numbers from a year ago, i mean they're off markedly. the cops are now afraid to arrest folks based upon what can happen? in terms of he gagty? 2800 last year in may. 1100 this year. >> you know what affect this has on the people? zero. nobody has talked about this on television lives anywhere near westball more. unless they can create a morality play out of the killings they're not interested. >> you would hope the investigation would a community safer. has that happened. he says there's a false narrative being pushed. listen to this. >> the narrative is don't look at our poor leadership. look at racism. ignore the 212 deaths of black people in baltimore and focus on the one or two police incidents are black people have lost their lives. it's a bait and sbich. it's wicked. you perpetuate the the poverty and despair in the community. it can only come from action to make a better life for yourself. >> and wicked is a great description. >> >> unfortunately. >> wicked in the the original sense. this is evil. this is awful, what's going on and the people are jumping up and down about the death of freddie gray seem totally uninterested. why is that? >> i think the poorest people are affected the most by this spike in crime, this spice in homicide and the police not being able to go about their job. >> where is president obama in this? this is a big deal. missing. missing for sure. >> let's oo try to make these people feel like they can get a leg up. we need to get to this weather alert. total devastation in texas. rain continues to fall across the state. 24 people have been killed. that number rising after rescuers pulled four more bodies for the water. 11 people are still missing. rivers continue to swell above flood stage, forcing mandatory evacuations for dozens of families southwest of houston. in dallas 200 water rescues yesterday. including this officer air lifted to safety after getting trapped trying to divert traffic. and new details about the indictment of former house speaker. federal law enforcement officials are revealing he dished out millions of dollars to cover up sexual abuse against a former male student. during his days as a teacher and wrestling coach, he was the longest serving house peeker in history and has responded to the eablgsss. allegations. a saved by the bell's freedom comes to a screeching halt. >> model zach morris is wearing the perfect outfit for stabbing your best friend in the back. thank you, zach for destroying my life. former actor dustin diamond convicted of two misdemeanors stemg from a christmas day bar stabbing. he said he never meant to stab anyone he was trying to scare bar patrons after a woman punched his girlfriend. he will be sentenced next month. and a crowd helps a uni cyclists. 100 good samaritans rushing in to res h cue the the man who was stuck underneath a wheel. that man in serious but stable condition this morning. the the pour of people in numbers. >> pretty amazing. >> salespeoples of very cool. rik is standing by with the weather. >> the coolest. that's good. >> you have fun with that. we've had so much rain across the south. so much that these three cities. port smith, oklahoma city and wichita falls at the rainiest month you have ever seen. this morning you picked up almost another inch of rain because of the line of storms that moved through. we had significant drought across a lot of texas about six weeks alg. take a look now. that is almost gone. no areas in severe drought. that's good news. more rain moving through right now. we've seen this across the dallas-ft. worth area. once that's gone we're going to dry things up. we're going to continue to watch the storms move southeast. look at what we look at tomorrow. things starting out drink but looking much much better throughout the day tomorrow. temperatures today very warm and hot and muggy across much of the east. and we're going to warm things up eventually across texas and if southwest. >> not a good hair day in the northeast. >> thanks, rick. >> never a good hair day for me. >> coming up anti-islam protesters meant be so-called peace protesters shouting over the the prophet muhammad. is this about free speech? juan williams says no. he joins us next. >> and remember this guy? he stomped on the american flag and started a disgusting trend. this morning justice is served. my school reunion. i don't know. who wants to play in idaho? gotta get milwaukee up to speed. we win in flint, we take the lead. we'll close the deal if we just show... when it's go, go to the new the site with the right room, rewards and savings up to 20% when you book direct. i have moderate to severe crohn's disease. it's tough, but i've managed. but managing my symptoms was all i was doing. so when i finally told my doctor, he said humira is for adults like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease. and that in clinical studies the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. and many achieved remission. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if you've had tb hepatitis b, are prone to infections or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. if you're still just managing your symptoms,troenterologist about humira. with humira, remission is possible. another prophet muhammad cartoon drawing contest. this time in phoenix. >> hundreds gathereded outside of a mosque for a freedom of speech rally. the same mosque attended by the two gunmen killed by their recent attack at the cartoon contest in texas. >> is this fair play or does it cross the line of free speech? here to weigh in is juan williams. how are you? >> fine good morning. are these folks institutionalists or bigots? >> i would say -- i'm talking about the people there to make the point that free speech o exists in the country. i would say they were there as constitutionalists in the most bold letter way. but i say that informs, it goes beyond that. it's not a matter of bigotry but a matter of provocation that they were trying to make a point. i don't see they are doing anything but making the point. it's gratuitous at this point. it's different than the police call cartoonist up in the northwest who is still in hiding because of death threats nor having drawn the prophet muhammad. and again, subject to death tlet threats. these are people trying to make the point that they are constitutionalists. as a lawyer you would appreciate that. >> i know everyone is mad at pamela gellar. but she made a real smart point when she said let's not divert our attention from what's important. >> why is it when someone stands for free speech they being the targets of the attacks? why aren't we demanding an investigation? they said they didn't raise money for the legal defense? they posted him $100,000 bail. why is it about is people standing for free speech? the people who did the protest what they are saying is we will not submit. we will not. i believe the anecdote to bad speech is more speech. >> the first amendment is the most important thing that we have. >> well i won argue with that. i have been fireded for it so you know i speak with a sincere heart when i tell you. but i'm just telling you guys. at some point you have to wonder is this being done simply for the sake of doing it in the analogy i used before is someone who sets a fire says i wanted to see how quick the fire department would get here. we've seen people lose their lives overa draw muhammad event that is offensive to many muslims. >> juan williams thank you so much for weighing in. >> you're welcome. good to see you guys. 20 minutes after the hour. a big break in the case that could get this person off the streets. we'll explain. >> plus fatherhood can be one of the most challenging and rewarding jobs on the planet. how do you know you're raising your kids right? we have the best advice from very notable dads. including our own great carl tuckerton. ♪ [male announcer] if you've served in the military, certain habits may be hard to shake. for reintegration and adjustment issues big, small and everything in between, visit easter seals dixon jo nes. zero, three, two, six. here to make a deposit. [bell chime] ting hey, friends, thanks for waking up with us. new overnight, tragedy on the water. a fishing boat captain dies in hawaii after getting impaled by a sword fish. he shot at the fish with aed in the water to catch it. the fish attacked and punctured his lungs, killing him. and police are hoping an award can help them find a lead in a cold case. kyron vanished five years ago at just 5 years old. he was seen walking down the hall but never made it to class. police still have no leads. tucker and peter, over to you. >> thanks anna. father's day is around the corn. a new book is offering sage advice on every stage of fatherhood simpbt dimpbd writers reflect on the most important job there is being a father. joining us now is the man behind that book. jonathan v. last and all around good guy. great to see you this morning. >> hey, tucker good morning. >> so what are your lessons? you thought a lot about it. what dud it take to be a good father? >> the key is to bing more like you. i wanted to bring all my friends who are better thaurs than i am. you guys are all in different places than i am. my kids are still little. your chapter is great. we raise kids like they're made of porcelain and wrap them up in bubble wrap. and we need to stin still recklessness and adventure, when you had to learn to drive in southern california you dad rented you a car for a month and said go figure it out. >> that's true and it worked. >> and stay it sounds crazy and nobody would do it. a little bit is good. >> larry miller says teach your kids to pray. let's talk about that. >> yeah. larry makes a very profound poind. people know him from seinfeld. but he's a great guy. very very smart. very serious. and deeply religious. and he says you know we raise our kids thinking the most important thing in the world is learning to make the elite travel soccer team or getting into the best college, but what's more important is to is teem them how to pray, be thankful to god and be gracious and graft florida for all the blessings in their live. >> so steve hayes has one of the best chapter about siblings and why it's so important to give them to your children. >> right. because we want the children to resent you for something. then they are best friends for the rest of their lives. you're like this. i'm like this with my brother and my sister. and my kids are like that already. by best friend in the world is an only child. there's something special about having people you grew up with that are with you for everything. >>. >> let's bring it back to tucker and embarrass him a little bit. he happens to be a great dad. i know that. he provided advice in this book. so he talked about instilling a sense of adventure. >> yeah. tucker's kids are amazing. i've known tucker since his kids were babies. i've always gone to tucker for advice. for a second birthday a double bladed fire ax. that's really important. but this is important, right? i didn't actually get him a fire ax. i got him a small ax. this is important. don't be afraid of life. respect things that are dangerous and learn how to use them. it teaches them responsible. teach them that life is full of adventure. >> but also unforeseen tragedies. plus, dangerous toys are the most fun kind. really fun. lawn darts. plus there's risk. it is like a necessary forfor life. >> i are ebb the day i came into the office when we worked at the same place. what did you do this week? oh we built a potato cannon in the backyard. he said it was great. then we took my daughter's barbie dolls and loaded them in and launched them out. the hair of the barbies was catching on fire. i thought, that's awesome. >> it was like christmas and hanukkah combined. the book is great. the dadly virtues. you ought to buy it. thanks for joining us. >> thank you tucker. a national guard soldier killed in a helicopter crash denied burial at the national cemetery. now his family is demanding justice. >> because he was in the national guard does not mean my family how old have to cremate and put his ashes in an urn to put him in a smaller space. >> why the army says he can't be buried there with other american heros. plus want to eat more vegetables and save money? grow your own. we're helping you build your garden on the plaza. all the tips you need to grow your own food. it may be useful skill one day. stay tuned. my name's louis, and i quit smoking with chantix. i had tried to do it in the past. i hadn't been successful. quitting smoking this time was different because i got a prescription for chantix. along with support chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. the fact that it reduced the urge to smoke helped me get that confidence that i could do it. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. some people had seizures while taking chantix. if you notice any of these stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix or history of seizures. don' take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you develop these stop chantix and see your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. tell your doctor if you have a history of heart or blood vessel problems, or develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. use caution when driving or operating machinery. common side effects include nausea trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. i love myself as a non-smoker. ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. >> hey, everybody. happy saturday. and now for you shot of the morning. a ridiculously cute ad for purina puppy chow taking the world by storm. >> welcome home. this is kind of my zone. that's actually really beautiful. here's your ball. oh that's loud. i'm trying to sleep. >> oh nice. i think this is going to work out great. >> the spot is called puppy hood. it's not 30 seconds like most ads. it's three minutes. why? because it's about puppies. it can be. it shows a man accepting her on a whim. >> like he said earlier, i think puppy chow companies have the easiest job on the planet. >> totally. >> it's going to sell itself. >> try to sell asbestos. that's a job. >> you love them when they're chewing through your expensive rugs and furniture. >> and the dog shared breakfast. >> he's probably tried it. oak a possible break in the searl shooter in colorado. investigators show it with the attempted murder of a man shot in the next while in a highway near ft. collins. >> i feel grateful and thankful to be able to walk and talk and stand. >> police say the shootings appear to be random. the fbi is offering a $10 thorkz,000 reward for information. and justice is served against a man starting a challenge disrespecting the american flag. sickening. after a month on the run, the self proclaimed terrorist who inspired the media trend has been arrested on weapons charges. police have been looking for eric shepard since april when he disappeared after officers found a gun in his backpack. they found him at home in tampa, florida. a louisiana national guard soldier killed in a helicopter crash last month is denied burial at arlington national cemetery. the army says staff sergeant was not on active duty at the time of his death. his father steven joined us earlier and says he doesn't buy the army's excuse. >> my son was in uniform. my son was serving in the capacity as a crew chief and in adverse weather conditions he accepted a mission to train people for combat in the future. and in that he gave all and lost his life. >> army officials say he is el i believe to receive military on nors. the louisiana nard guard is appealing the denial. and having a bigger family better? >> no, mark! >> a new study finds couples who are happy and satisfied with nar lives tend to have more children. we asked what you thought. she tweeted my husband and i were so in love we said it would be selfish to keep it to ourselves. we have six kids and can't imagine not having them. and jim e-mailed us saying quote, more kids e kbals more happiness. i lof my kids but boy do they stress me out. what do you think? >> i think both are true. ? children bring the deepest meaning the your life but they're also hard. >> joy, every day. >> hopefully they're like mine and happy,glass half full. life is good people. people you want to be around. kind of like rick our pal. >> your glass must be half full to be wearing that hat. zbr and your sister wearing those, what is ha? >> pom poms. these are glass half full kids right? >> yeah awesome. let's show you what's going on right now. this is all the rain across parts of oklahoma and texas since may 1st. there's spots seeing over two feet of rain. but take a look at what's about to happen. things improving. today we have one more shot of rain. tomorrow improves across the entire state. south eastern texas still seeing few showers. hey we'll see a few scattered showers across the afternoon. and down across the southeast, you see the rain exiting texas. >> plus the warm weather has us out and about. tar is here now. dood morning. >> good morning. i brought along friends, vegetable plants and flowers. we're all set here. >> that's awesome. if people are thinking you may want to get into gardening. if you make the wrong choice you may have a problem. >> you can do it simply. you can go overboard. but the smartest thing to do is start simple. you want a little plot of lant in your backyard or even pots around your back door. >> use the right plans. use shade, sun. you can go on and get access to resources and they can tell you what plants go in what sun and when to plant them. >> yeah. so it's june. so we're late in the planting season. but there are a lot of crops, especially vegetables. >> you may not want to buy fresh vegetables. >> a few statistics. if you spend a dollar on green bean seeds, you can produce $72 worth from that $1. so over the course of summer families can typically save about $600 on a vegetable. >> and then you can spend your money on something else for the kids. >> and there's all these studies that kids don't know what a tomato looks like. >> exactly. we were all so excited to come over here and see the tomatoes and the kale that we eat. so this is joseph. he's growing all of these great vegetables. >> do you like to eat vegetables? >> what is your favorite? >> my favorite is broccoli. >> you are an amazing skide inging kid if you like broccoli at this age. >> it's true. and kids can get involved in gardening. you can help them learn math skills by scheduling watering and counting feeds and counting the plants that they get. but you create great memories when you involve the whole family. it's a great activity for everyone. >> thank you so much. and this is a great resource for all of these things. if you're new, you can go there and get all the information. >> waufl, tara, thank you so much. >> we appreciate it. thank you guys for coming out and gardening this morning. we'll send it over to you. >> thank you. if you're on a road trip this summer and we hope you are, you're probably putting your child in a car seat. what about your dogs? all the tips on how to keep your animals safe for the summer. >> and in 20 minutes hillary clinton will have a new challenger for p white house. does he even stand a real chance against hillary clinton? our political panel is standing by with some answers. first we're checking in with neil for a look at what's coming up on the cost of freedom business block. neil. >> guys good morning. we are coming to you at a special time with more candidates jumping into the presidential was, only one hopeful so far didn't have a clj degree. governor skostz walker telling me it's a plus not a minus. and tragic flooding in texas being blames on climate change. we'll see you at a special time, 11:00 a.m. eastern time. your doctor may be talking about adding medication to help lower your a1c. ask your doctor if adding once-a-week tanzeum is right for you. once-a-week tanzeum is an injectable prescription medicine that may improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes along with diet and exercise. once-a-week tanzeum works by helping your body release its own natural insulin when it's needed. tanzeum is not recommended as the first medicine to treat diabetes or in people with severe stomach or intestinal problems. tanzeum is not insulin. it is not used to treat type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis and has not been studied with mealtime insulin. do not take tanzeum .. or if you're allergic to tanzeum or any of its ingredients. stop using tanzeum and call your doctor right away if you experience symptoms of a serious allergic reaction which may include itching, rash, or difficulty breathing; if you have signs of pancreatitis, such as severe stomach pain that will not go away and may move to your back, with or without vomiting; or if you have symptoms of thyroid cancer which include a lump or swelling in your neck hoarseness, trouble swallowing or shortness of breath. before using tanzeum talk to your doctor about your medical conditions, all medicines you're taking, if you're nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. and about low blood sugar and how to manage it. taking tanzeum with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases your risk for low blood sugar. common side effects with tanzeum include diarrhea nausea, injection site reactions cough, back pain and cold or flu symptoms. some serious side effects can lead to dehydration which may cause kidney failure. ask your doctor if adding once-a-week tanzeum is right for you. go to to learn if you may be eligible to receive tanzeum free for 12 months. make every week a tanzeum week. ar and i'm feeling really good about the price i paid because i used the truecar app. see, truecar knows what other people in my area paid for the same car, like him. 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is he going to try to pluck her off from the left and say, well hillary clinton is not really the progressive candidate? >> yeah apparently but i mean these are big issues that are going to be lost on a lot of voters. he opposes trade deals that hillary clinton in theory supports. i mean how much traction is that going to get with voters? i don't know. it's like being the backup quarterback to tom grady. if hillary clinton craters for some reason. if an injury takes her out for the season well he's there to step in. otherwise, he's sp just a straight man for her. >> some would say, patrick. there's a lot of reasons hillary clinton could crater based on the things we've been hearing. what is his best hope in terms of going forward in the election? he doesn't seem to be taking shots at hillary clinton lately? >> they do need a backup for tom brady, but i don't think he has a lot of opportunities. the only chance is somehow in corruption stuck will stick. a lot of the heat on that is coming from the right. the left is solidly behind her. and he can't attack. this is for a variety of reasons that it will be really hard to do. >> so you agree with that? is are you afraid gauze she's a woman they're not going to pick on her? >> i don't think so. i think at the end of the day the democratic party will get in line. and hillary clinton is way in the front of the line. o'malley is polling at below 1% and no name recognition. i don't think it's about being a woman. hillary clinton has good policies for the country. i think they understand that to some degree. bernie sanders less though. >> o'malley has been a big hillary supporter. at least we have somebody hillary can debate. we can now have at least three people on a stage. it's going to be fun any to see -- >> maybe a good vp. >> a nice guy, by the way. how is he really going to tear after hillary? >> rick jessica, patrick, smart, smart this morning. thanks for being here. we'll see you real soon. summer is almost here and that means the heat is on. we felt it outside. how do you keep your pets really cool? well try a frosty bowl. the tips you never heard to keep your pets safe and comfortable this summer coming up next. shopping online... as easy as it gets. wouldn't it be great... ...if hiring plumbers, carpenters and even piano tuners were just as simple? 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>> no she's been wearing it for an hour. heat is another big issue. old and flat-faced dogs are at risk. >> what does that mean? >> bulldogs and pugs can't breathe properly. if you can't breathe properly you can't cool off because dogs don't sweat. we have a cool collar filled with ice and as it melts, it melts down their chest which is where all the big blood vessels are and cools off their body. >> brilliant. >> i this frosty bowl underneath it is this frozen plastic part that keeps everything cool in the bowl for eight hours. >> you stick that in the freezer. >> this has been on our show many times. >> a backpack so hike with and it's important going exploring to be prepared. i have a bunch of cool stuff. i have a lint roller. >> that is key. >> that gets rid of ticks and that thing. >> oh this is for the dog. >> and i also have a first aid kit. you want to be prepared and so there's little portable ones like this. the biggest thing is to have tweezers to pick out ticks. >> i use my fingernails. >> don't do that. >> if you go hunting or hiking with your dog, probably not just a walk around the block. >> i take them off every day. you're not supposed to use your hands. >> i use tweezers not like a burned cigarette. speaking of making insects mad we have all these pesticides designed to kill insects and weeds on our lawn. they're designed to kill so they could be toxic to animals. read the labels carefully. with screws and nails they could be coated with zinc. my favorite safety thing for the summertime traveling with our pets. you want them contained safely inside a crash tested car seat called the pup saver and tested by the same people that crash test kids car seats. this part right here faces the wind windshield strapped in with your car seat your seat belt. when it breaks when you break your car it snuggles her up so she can't hit. >> we have precious cargo on board like this princess. >> and they like it? >> they fell asleep in it both dogs zipper and maggie drove up to the studio. >> a great dog. she's awesome. so are you. thank you, doctor. >> thank you. >> more "fox & friends" coming up. it's been a great show. we hope you will join us tomorrow. the kids who tied the national spelling bee winners plural this year and cardinal timothy dolan dolan. >> you can't find a better show on television especially in the morning, please tune in. we'll see you tomorrow morning at 6:00 a.m. >> more doggy tips for summer. logon to for more fun. bye, everybody. fox news alert, you are looking at a live picture from baltimore, where former maryland governor martin o'malley will announce he is running for president, the second official challenger to hillary clinton and by many accounts the candidate that most worry team clinton. good morning to you, welcome to this special edition of "america's news headquarters" from washington. >> governor o'malley set to speak any moment from baltimore. neil cavuto will air an hour from now beginning at 11:00 a.m. eastern. straight to ed henry live from


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends Sunday 20150503

>> is there a double standard at play? it was one of biggest nights in the world of sports. >> floyd mayweather. >> from the kentucky derby and the boxing what were you watching? "fox & friends" begins right now. good morning everyone. >> look who is here. >> you must be a conflicted sports fan. what did you watch yesterday? >> i went to the rangers game yesterday. i get back in trouble back in d.c. when i say i root for the rangers, it was hard to be a caps fan when there are nine fans there. when you are in d.c. 40 50 100 rangers fans there. if you are a caps fan, you get beaten up. welcome to new york. we have much more on the big day in sports a little bit later on the show. first, we want to get to this fox news alert. you see what happened here yesterday in queens city in new york. this police officer, 25-year-old brian moore shot in the head while sitting in his car with his partner, when he noticed an individual carrying something suspicious in his belt buckle and asked him, hey, what's that in your belt buckle. >> this all happened at 6:15 last night and when he went and tried to confront him, that's when shots were fired and he ends up getting shot multiple times. he was in plains clothes at the time unmarked car. totally devastating situation. >> the early report is that the round may have entered his cheek. he's in a drug-induced coma. there's home -- hope he can live. police officers are not perfect, but they are out there trying to protect us. >> this comes on the heels of the two officers that were shot in brooklyn of course. we saw the violence spilled out on twitter at the time who said he was going to seek revenge for the michael brown shooting and shot two officers in the car and fled into the subway and shot himself. the suspect is demee tree us blackwell. he had been arrested multiple times. >> he's a frequent flyer in the system. we don't know if he's politically motivated as the other situation was. nonetheless, it's a tough situation to have five officers shot cht they go into these drug-infested neighborhoods, and putting their lives on the line every day, and their names have to deal with this. you wonder where's out remaining when police officers get shot. you see these protests and riots and the looters and the arsonists going on in baltimore, the terrible things that happened in ferguson where's the outrage when a police officer gets shot what's exactly what sheriff david clark wants to know. >> it's always like these cop haters are immune to this stuff. they are the same way on the black on black crime, shrug their shoulders. let any officer, shoot a suspect, all of a sudden there's a cause to arm and demonstrations and calls for somebody's head. it's really warped. these men and women put their best foot forward and the overwhelming majority do it the right way. >> and the lack of support for police officers doesn't end there. go fund me the website denied a page for baltimore police charged in the death of freddie gray. >> they recently changed their terms of service because they didn't want people who are fighting a legal battle to set up pages to raise money and this was set up by the fraternal order of police and within 40 minutes or so of having set this up it was pulled down. they raised a lot of money and this was -- they are saying we're supporting the families while they are out of police custody at this time while they are free on bail this money was to go to support their families help them get food on the table. that's what the money was meant for cht. >> and you hate to hear that but at the same time if there was somebody on trial for, you know child pornography or child rape or something like that and they had a page set up for them you could hear the outcry from the other side as well where would it end? >> hopefully the police union will find other ways to raise money for these officers. while they not are on go fund me they will find other way. >> protesters are celebrating like this. >> we're live in baltimore with the latest on yesterday's round of celebrations. >> it was a celebration here and what an awful, awful contrast we see in between what happened here and that police officer being shot in new york city and the pendulum has swung way, way too far in the wrong direction, a lot of people would maintain. but it was another quiet night in baltimore as that 10:00 p.m. curfew continued and police came up their pace of slightly more aggressive and proactive policing in response to dispersing the crowd. 11:00 last night, there were 20 arrests in baltimore and that after a day of insendary speeches out there, calling for them to rise up against police officers. one photograph was a protester with a traffic cone busting out a police officers car window. his mother urged him to turn himself to police and he's facing i 500 d rus,000 -- $500,000 bond. >> any time a child busts a window out of a pcar, his bail was $500,000. we did not a -- we cannot allow them to tear up democracy in our face. >> we are expecting another day of rallies perhaps as not as well organized here. the aclu is calling for the curfew to be lifted. it's taking a terrible economic toll here. the inner harbor in baltimore has been very quiet. the hotel was expecting two conventions, both canceled. 25% occupancy. you are seeing this across the city. >> the optics weren incredible. the orioles game crickets not a single player in the -- >> no fans allow. but there were some trying to look in. headlines, a nuclear deal with iran approaching a june deadline the obama administration may have to strike a totally different deal. major weapons and security guarantees in exchange for john kerry's iran nuke deal. the council will meet with president obama later this month to ask for fighter jets missile batteries and more and they will outline terms if united states would intervene if iran. the husband of sheryl sandberg's 47-year-old husband suddenly died. it's unknown how he died. the family says they are shocked by his passing. >> awful. >>. a u.s. college student locked up in north korea accused of ending the country illegally, according to north korea's state-run media, the 20-year-old confessed to entering the country. he's a junior at new york university. he's originally from south korea but now lives in new jersey. and a rare earthquake rattling western michigan security cameras catching the moments a 4.2 tremer hit. it was felt across the state and all the way into parts of ohio illinois and even canada. no injuries were reported. the quake even woke that woman up. we've got janice dean in the weather center. >> i helped head pick his pocket chief. >> yesterday, i tried on different hats every hour and i could put different pocket squares every hour. >> tune in! >> very nice to have you, ed. let's take a look at the radar right now. fairly quiet this weekend. we are looking at the potential for some severe weather to set up across the upper midwest and the central u.s. as we zoom in. there's your forecast radar. we could see isolated tornadoes but this is going to be a severe weather outbreak. if you live across the upper midwest, minneapolis, wisconsin, parts of iowa keep an eye to the sky and ear to your local weather forecast. the good news is it's going to be warm. we're going to get a warm up as far east as the northeast. it's been cooler than average. look at the temperatures 81 in dallas 77 in new york city. back to you, ed and anna and clayton. did you get to watch some sports yesterday? i'm sure you did. i'm sure you are probably conflicted out there because there was so much going on. it might have been the greatest sports evening or afternoon ever. the big fight was the highlight was it last night at midnight. >> it got a late start. >> the kentucky derby, of course. >> nfl draft and nhl hockey playoffs and red sox versus yankees. >> did you watch the mlb basketball? >> it's really hard. >> it's a lot easier to hit that big ball though. >> i saw this yesterday, i had a really difficult time getting to vegas yesterday. it was hard for me to get there. i flew my private jet in there yesterday, i don't know if you saw how hard it was for me to park down there. if you see the parking lot, it took me five minutes to land my jet down there. >> there it is. >> which one is yours? >> the big one? >> i couldn't find a place to park. it took me five minutes. >> that's not even where the most jets were. kentucky derby, 177, berkshire hathaway meeting, 174, mayweathre-pacquiao mayweathre-pacquiao, 14 it. >> we're making up sporting events. >> did you watch the mlb basketball game? let us know. email us if you saw them. >> nhl boxing was great too. coming up on the show this morning while protest evers are celebrating the charges filed against the six baltimore police officers experts wonder if they have enough to support the charges. >> one day after kate middleton gives birth, she's out looking great. ♪ ♪ expected wait time: 55 minutes. vo: in the nation, we know how it feels when you aren't treated like a priority. we'll take care of it. we put members first. join the nation. thank you. ♪ nationwide is on your side ♪ how do crest 3d white whitestrips compare to a whitening toothpaste? let's see! the paste didn't seem to do much for me. the whitestrips made a huge difference. but that's not fair. ha-ha. crest whitestrips work below the enamel surface to whiten 25x better than a leading whitening toothpaste. crest whitestrips, the way to whiten. comfort keepers can provide a variety of custom in-home services for your aging loved ones, including medication reminders and transportation to the doctor. ♪ before i had the shooting, burning, pins-and-needles of diabetic nerve pain, these feet grew up in a family of boys... married my high school sweetheart... and pursued a degree in education. but i couldn't bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. so i talked to my doctor and she prescribed lyrica. nerve damage from diabetes causes diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is fda-approved to treat this pain. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new, or worsening depression or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. now i have less diabetic nerve pain. and i love helping first graders put their best foot forward. ask your doctor about lyrica. hi friends, good morning. six baltimore cops arrested and charged for the death of freddie gray. officer cesar goodson faces the highest charges of second degree murder. what's the chances they are convicted? here to break it down. all six were charge. you say that marilyn mowsby had to do this why. >> she had to charge everyone who was possibly involved in freddie gray's death. from the beginning, we knew there was an illegal arrest and two officers three officers put him in the back of the van and we don't know exactly what happened from that point on. so she had to charge everyone in order to get to a conviction. >> in other words, it was a method to get them talking and possibly telling on each other? >> yes. absolutely. we don't know exactly their involvement and she may not know either but in order to get some people to turn on others in order to get people to start talking about exactly what happened you have to have something over their heads. if they are not facing charges, then why would they tell on their comrades at all, that way when you have officers charged in looking at 63 years in prison 50 years in prison that will influence anyone to break down the blue wall of silence. >> some have said they think the charges were too stiff that she was over charging and one of reasons could be a plea or some type of bargain later. let's cut through the legal jargon. the second one -- the first one is second degree deappraised heart murder. >> that charge is on the driver. he drove the van and tried to kill freddie gray bumpy ride. >> that would not be intentional murder. >> the recklessness comes into the invor voluntary manslaughter. they didn't call the medics they didn't give him the attention he needed when he asked for the inhaler. >> and second degree murder. >> it's very similar situation, second degree murder and then the misconduct in office, that is one that's confused a lot of people that means you have to physically be in office, that is misconduct while being a police officer on duty a lot of them were thinking misconduct in office was doing something with paperwork or files. that means they were doing something while they were functions as police officer. >> while unlawful imprisonment. >> unlawful arrest. they didn't have probable cause to actually arrest them that's where the false imprisonment comes from. >> we'll continue to follow this. >> it's going to be fun to watch. coming up on "fox & friends" weekend, americans trapped in yemen can't rely on the united states to get them out. >> when you said that you alerted them to opportunities to leave the country -- >> correct. >> what are those opportunities? swim? >> leaving our own citizens behind. a retired green beret with his message to washington next. it started as a dare by her daughter. find him the best-looking man and give him a big old smooch while you are running the boston marathon. she's on a mission to find this guy. meet the world's newest energy superpower. surprised? in fact, america is now the world's number one natural gas producer... and we could soon become number one in oil. because hydraulic fracturing technology is safely recovering lots more oil and natural gas. supporting millions of new jobs. billions in tax revenue... and a new century of american energy security. the new energy superpower? it's red, white and blue. log on to learn more. quick headlines now. afghan and taliban officials day two in reconciliation talks in quatar. and devastating new pictures show the desperate scramble for supplies dropped in one of nepal's remote villages. it's been eight days since the 7.8 magnitude earthquake in mountain areas are still waiting for aid. the death toll now past 7,000. clayton and ed over to you. >> hundreds of americans trapped in yemen amid the chaos there. forget about relying on the united states to get them out. >> it's not that we can't. there's always a decision different factors are weighed whether it's a security situation, whether it's how we would be able to do this. >> when you said you alerted them to opportunities to leave the country. >> correct. >> what are those opportunities? swim? glare there at the end. check their website for details while trying to hitch them to a ride along rescue efforts around the country. and here is former green beret. when you hear the state department say check our website. >> i looked atir website. one of them struck me there's a french frigate that's available to you. it's not in sport. -- port. you are going to get out from the land to the french frigate. that's boggling to the mind. things like mogadishu in minds of officials. >> it speaks more do you have the ability and the will. we obviously have the ability. not only do we have the ability, but we just recently had the u.s. s. roosevelt, we have a full carrier task force in the region and i think there are a still few more ships. we have the ability, but i think we've lost the will to do something. >> it would be a complicated mission, right? we're talking hundreds of millions. you have al qaeda in the arabian peninsula there, which is the concern. if you send american troops there, they would be at risk. this is a difficult mission but obviously you feel worth the effort. >> first i should say when the state department issues you a warning and says look it's time to get out, you should take it seriously. there was an american killed last month to rescue his daughter and his wife. they are dispersed throughout the city. there's no real way i think to get them all into a certain area. that would be difficult. however, i would say that let's consider what the risk would be if we don't. right? now that this is all over the international media, who else do you think is watching this? you have you've got al qaeda in the arabian peninsula and isis what a coup if we can get 100 americans, let's think of 100 americans laid up on a beach on their knees. that's something i don't want to see. >> critics say we're leaning too heavily on our partners on the region. >> the loyalties there, yemen has always been conflicted you've got conflicts within the tribes conflicts between the tribes. you have this proxy war between iran and saudi arabia. we had the best footing there possible. we had a special operations task force that was there, that had to leave and we left about $400 million worth of equipment by the time counting on other nations to come to our aid -- >> tough choices. benjamin collins thank for joining us. liberal billionaire george soros has been dodging for years. walking across the country, to make sure everyone knows the sacrifices the military makes while serving our country. next. (music) boys? stop less. go more. the passat tdi clean diesel with up to 814 hwy miles per tank. just one reason volkswagen is the #1 selling diesel car brand in america. we were below the 88th southern parallel. we had traveled for over 850 miles. my men driven nearly mad from starvation and frostbite. today we make history. >>bienvenidos! welcome to the south pole! if you're dora the explorer, you explore. it's what you do. >>what took you so long? if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance you switch to geico. it's what you do. >>you did it, yay! at old dominion, we ship everything you can imagine. and everything we ship has something in common. whether it's expedited overnight... ...or shipped around the globe's handled by od employees who know that delivering freight... ...means delivering promises. od. helping the world keep promises. there's some facts about seaworld we'd like you to know. we don't collect killer whales from the wild. and haven't for 35 years. with the hightest standard of animal care in the world, our whales are healthy. they're thriving. i wouldn't work here if they weren't. and government research shows they live just as long as whales in the wild. caring for these whales, we have a great responsibility to get that right. and we take it very seriously. because we love them. and we know you love them too. the new s6 hits the stores and i'm like... whoa. open the box and... (sniffing) new phone smell. jump on a video chat with my friend. he's a real fan boy, so i can't wait to show this off. picture is perfect. i got mine at verizon. i... didn't. it's buffering right out of the box he was impressed. i couldn't be happier. couldn't see him but i could hear him... making fun of me. vo: now get $200 or more when you trade in your smartphone for a galaxy s6 but hurry, this offer ends may 10th. verizon. ♪ ♪ my baby love ♪ >> here ye. >> introducing the newest princess to the world yesterday. looking like prince charles and princess diana 30 years ago. a two-year-old prince william walking into to london to meet his little brother, harry. and bringing george to meet his little sister. and how amazing did she look just ten hours later? she has a whole squadron. >> she looked just as beautiful ten hours after pregnancy, after giving birth, my wife is watching. >> dear jesus i love you, you are awesome, please let me look half as good as kate middleton after giving birth, amen. >> i'm not okay with how good kate middleton looks after giving birth. this isn't fair. she looks better than me on a good day. >> this is floral dress, jenny pakaow dress. these fashion designers are very lucky. >> think about the baby clothes. that's going to be a boon for the baby clothes too. harry is now fifth in line. other stories making headlines. a horrific mass slaughter by the islamic state. huns of yazidis murdered. isis captured thousands last year when they attacked their village. thousands fled to the nearby mountains and trapped there. two crew members are recovering after being injured during a ten-car crash. it slapped into the pit roadway walking those crew members over. both men are out of the hospital. the driver was not injured. he was also involved in a pit road fire during the last race in virginia. three crew members injured there. your morning dose of irony. george soros an advocate for higher taxes on the wealth may soon face a tax bill of nearly get this -- $7 billion. he's reportedly been delaying tax payments for years thanks to a loophole in u.s. law. that loophole just closed by congress and now soros will likely owe taxes on the $13 billion he made in that time period. he reportedly until 2017 to pay up. right now, a tennessee woman is looking for the mystery man she kissed on a dare while running her first boston marathon. she looks great after running 26 miles. her daughter dared her to kiss a good looking man. the single 55-year-old delivered some lip service to this guy. the mother and daughter duo will join us tomorrow. >> i wonder if she's going to go. she's obviously more fit than he is. >> perhaps. i love the man, i didn't shy away from it. a random woman wants to kiss me. >> janice dean is outside. >> anything is possible right now at 6:30 in the morning, hello? that guy? >> we'll hunt some down. you know that i will take you up on that challenge. let's go to the map, shall we? let's take a look at the temperatures. 51 here in new york city 66 in new york city 52 in provo, 81 in phoenix. we've got a tremendous warm up here in the northeast. everyone is very excited about the 80 degree temperatures mondays and tuesdays and d.c. looking good too. feeling like summertime. let's take a look at the radar. not too much going on in the map here, but later on today, this afternoon, into the evening hours, we're going to be looking at the potential for hail damaging winds, maybe an isolated tornado, today, maybe tomorrow and portions of texas. just real quick, can you believe we're going to be watching the tropics later this week. perhaps our first tropical storm. this is pretty early. hello anybody? >> come on down free kisses. some people on social media wondering how does she do it and a lot of people are wondering how janice dean does it. >> mystery machine wrapped in coffee. carry the load honors fallen heroes with each step. the president of marine corps law enforcement foundation they join us now. joshua tell us about the program. >> so carry the load was started back in 2011 and what it is is basically provides an opportunity for americans to come out and be reconnected with the sacrifices of our military law enforcement, firefighters and rescue personnel. the relay itself starts in west point new york and travels down to dallas 24-hour period rain or shine, regardless of the weather. >> a lot of people think on memorial day, they are going to the beach, have a barbecue. what else do you want them to think about? >> the sacrifice our military made over the years. i was a vietnam veteran, when i came back in 1969 it was a different atmosphere. we were treated with indifference at the best and disdain at times and now to see this group carry the load bring it up another notch -- >> what's the difference you feel now with our feks coming -- folks coming home from iraq and afghanistan? >> myself it touches me when you talk about iraq and mosul and to know individual like lieutenant who laid down his life while operating in the streets of mosul and my situation compared to ed was much different, much warmer individuals were in the airport looking to greet you us. >> tell us about clint bruce. >> clint bruce, he really -- it was his experience in the military and the friends that he had lost that brought him to a state where he decided after one of the memorial day barbecues that we celebrate, and the sales and friends are having a good day off, and he said he thought this isn't how i want to remember my friends who given up their lives. he strapped it on in dallas. it's an opportunity to connect with our communities where tragedies have struck so much with them. >> as average citizens see them carrying the load making this walk it gets it going. thank you so much. for more information, log on to carry the you can -- carry the coming up here on the show. forget the national guard, would baltimore be better off sending in the moms? >> i just kept asking him what did the police do to him to be out there trying to do what police have already been accused of doing, two wrongs don't make a right. >> should more parents be like toya graham. are parents too soft on their children? the tough love lessons all parents can learn from her. is hillary turning on her former boss and her husband? that's next. ♪ ♪ ♪ i can't go for that ♪ no no no can do ♪ ♪ you total your brand new car. nobody's hurt,but there will still be pain. it comes when your insurance company says they'll only pay three-quarters of what it takes to replace it. what are you supposed to do, drive three-quarters of a car? now if you had liberty mutual new car replacement, you'd get your whole car back. i guess they don't want you driving around on three wheels. smart. with liberty mutual new car replacement, we'll replace the full value of your car. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. now? can i at least put my shoes on? if your bladder is calling the shots ... you may have a medical condition called overactive bladder ... ...or oab you've got to be kidding me. i've had enough! it's time to talk to the doctor. ask your doctor how myrbetriq may help treat... ...oab symptoms of urgency frequency, and leakage. which may mean fewer trips to the bathroom. myrbetriq (mirabegron) may increase your blood pressure. myrbetriq may increase your chances... ...of not being able to empty your bladder. tell your doctor right away if you have... ...trouble emptying your bladder or have a weak urine stream. myrbetriq may affect... ...or be affected by other medications... tell your doctor about all the medicines you take. before taking myrbetriq, tell your doctor if you have liver or kidney problems. common side effects include increased blood pressure, common cold symptoms, urinary tract infection, and headache. take charge by talking to your doctor about your oab symptoms and myrbetriq. find out if you can get your first prescription at no cost by visiting welcome back on this sun this morning. a quick look at your headlines. a traffic stop traumaticizing one police officer. >> step out of the car! step out of the car! 3-22. 3-22. >> after arresting the driver the officer spotted a wanted man hiding in the backseat. he took off with the car with the officer desperately holding on. in a scary moment in a golf tournament in san francisco, holmes hits a ball which bounces off a tree and smacks a volunteer in the head. the man was down for several minutes, but he's doing just fine. fore! ed wow. she's running to keep a democrat in the office but is hillary clinton distancing herself from the two most recent democratic presidents many her husband and her former boss. will this approach help her? >> what do you make of hillary clinton? we knew that she might distance herself from president obama, she was secretary of state, it's going to be hard for her to separate on some of these foreign policy issues that are hot spots, but all of a sudden she's distancing herself from her husband. >> yeah if you look at his policies tough on crime, he was absolutely for traditional biblical type marriage, she's supported those back then and she's changed. one thing that is similar, after her husband would victimize women, she would victimize them and now she's still victimizing victims of crime. >> let's listen to what she said this week and what her husband said. >> it's time to change our approach. it's time to end the era of mass incarceration. we need a true national debate about how to reduce our prison population while keeping our communities safe. >> 100,000 more police officers on the street. [ applause ] >> provide boot camps for first time nonviolent offenders, more space for the hardened criminals in jail. hillary clinton and other democrats are saying whoops we went to far. >> it's a real shame. we go through these things as a former judge who has tried every kind of felony there is we see this we see the waves. for a while, we're going to feel sorry for the criminals, and then crime increases and increases and then we have a crackdown where we're going to be tough on crime, and then crime goes down for a while and we're at that way where crime has gone down and so now you have all these people going back. i can't help but wonder there are a lot of democrats that worked very hard to make sure that felons in some places can start voting. maybe she needs their votes. >> on jeb bush for example, right, he's not going to be with george w. bush and with his father george h.w. bourbon -- bush on every issue, what's with hillary clinton? >> it's more like revolving. you'll see her focus on is more her vision for the future. any time you have such a sordid history of accomplishments, like benghazi she didn't provide the protection she needed and when they were under attack she left them alone. she reset russia so now they would feel free to go after ukraine. i mean, with her past she's going to have to talk about the future. >> she's only been a candidate for three weeks and already i suspect there's a big debate ahead. >> she's been a candidate forever. clayton. coming up forget the national guard, would baltimore be better off sending in the moms. >> i just kept asking him what did the police do to him to be out there trying to do what police have been accused of doing, two wroks don't make a ride. >> should more parents be like toya graham? 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let me not say that i understand my son was angry for a lot of reasons, but to be out there trying to do what police have already been accused of doing, two wrongs don't make a right. what lessons could parents learn from her? let's ask, co-authors of the new book "be the best mom you can be." >> your reaction when you saw that mom, what did you think? >> i commend her for having a vision for her child. i think she loves her child and she doesn't want him to be a part of the pattern of her own past. i think all of us moms and i put myself firmly there, i wrote a book "be a better mom" not a perfect mom. this is dealing with reality in the 21st century, whether we're in baltimore or in our own communities, we're dealing with lots of issues on discipline. one of the realities of this new world is single parenthood. here's some statistics out of baltimore. 64% of kids live in a single-parent household there. 35% of those kids live in married households. it's a big problem. >> it's a huge problem. what we see statistically, children in single parents home have a much higher incidence of drug abuse and incarceration and suicide and all these very negative statistics. moms and dads are important and that's why we wrote this book to help moms be better. >> what are some tips out of this book? it's called "be the best mom you can be" you mentioned vision. what do you mean by that? >> it's critical for families to sit down at the beginning of their union together to discuss what they want in their marriage and what they want for their children and as their children grow older, it's important to sit them down and have a continuing conversation through the years about where they see themselves in their families so you all feel that you belong to each other. >> belonging is what you mentioned is the second tip in the book. what do you mean by that? >> belonging, it's so important that we have to belong to something, human beings we're by nature social beings and unfortunately if we don't belong to the family as children we're going to belong to a gang or something else. so it's so important whether it's a single mom or single dad or a traditional family to have a sense of belonging one to another and the children in this group which is bigger than just themselves. >> it all gets tied together with love. >> absolutely. this generation is getting hit very hard with the stresses of the 21st century. three, suicides is the third leading cause of death for teenagers. parents have to address these issues. the world doesn't shy away from these issues and in the family that we have to you know really deal with this. >> thank you guys for joining us. the book is called "be the best mom you can". your military family for every one copy folks buy out there, you'll donate one to a military family. >> we hope it's a double blessing to the folks who buy it. we're not perfect parents. everybody needs to get better and to our u.s. military moms and dads who are serving and god bless them. >> thank you guys. >> thank you. it's a privilege. plus coming up here on the show it's a packed show lieutenant colonel allen west and dr. ben carson is also here. he's hinting a white house run and he could make an a big announcement tomorrow. we'll ask him about it coming up here on "fox & friends." how do crest 3d white whitestrips compare to a whitening toothpaste? 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sprinkles are for winners. i understand. with the help of comfort keepers, i'm keeping my mom healthy! i'm keeping dad on schedule. i'm keeping my mom happy! comfort keepers in-home professional caregivers can provide meal planning and preparation, health and wellness services and personal care services through custom care plans that can change as needs change, so your aging loved ones can stay happy and healthy in their own home. ♪ i'm anna kooiman and a fox news alert. breaking overnight as tensions between cops and citizens reach an all-time high an nypd officer shot in the head and the suspect has an extensive criminal past. updates this morning. protests in the street after six officers charged. guess who is fanning the flames? >> they point the evidence take four or five months to study it and come back with nothing. why al sharpton is saying this prosecutor got it right but in ferguson and new york they got it all wrong. she was fed up with her ten-year-old son's bad behavior. she called the cops and had him put in handcuffs. was it tough love or bad parenting? you decide. "fox & friends" starts hour two. welcome into "fox & friends" weekend. ed and carlton here this morning. janice wanted you to switch up your pocket squares. >> i didn't realize janice helped dressed you this morning. >> technically, i did too. >> she dressed me in the green room. >> it's a pleasure to have you here this morning. >> tag team dressing this morning. we're going to a fox news alert now. >> an nypd officer is hospitalized in critical but stable condition at this hour just hours after annex couldn't victim allegedly shot him on the head. he was on duty in queens when an man opened fire on an unmarked police car last night. >> 35-year-old demetrius blackwell fired two shots. that's when he and his partner confronted blackwell. >> blackwell has a long criminal rap sheet. he was arrested less than two hours after the shooting. >> doctors say it could take days before they follow the extent of his injuries following surgery. he's the fifth new york officer to be shot in as many months. >> you are not seeing outrage about this police officer's shooting. this comes on the mention of the heels of what we saw in brooklyn and those officers shot in cold front in -- blood from the michael brown shooting. thousands of protesters celebrating in the streets. turning a march into a victory rally. take a listen. >> lives matter. >> black lives matter. their cheers coming one day after six cops were arrested for freddie gray's death. we've got the latest. >> when the pendulum swings too far in one direction and when the rabble rousers, that shooting coming on many days of speeches in baltimore. we have one speaker cited winston churchill. and another one, a photograph appeared in the paper, his mother and stepfather urged to turn similar he have -- himself into police. he did that and facing $5 h 00,000 pond. >> we cannot allow them to tear democracy up in our face while we pay for it. when is a man's life worth less than a damn car window? a car window? he turned his self in. and in that one case you see so many of the sociopathologies of the inner city. he had a string of juvenile offenses. his mother was arrested for prostitution. one out of every four of the houses were boarded up. they are once populated by baltimore's blue collar class, the machinists steel workers, they all moved to china and third world. >> jobs gone. thanks a lot. one of the reasons that governor hogan is calling for a day of prayer and peace today. guess who was there fanning the flames again? can you guess? who would you think flew down there? it's al harp ton -- sharpton. he's raising some interesting questions about the prosecutor. he's saying she acted swiftly, she made the right choice but she's not fearful of the police unions that others are fearful of. that's why she was able to act so quickly and decisively. >> critics are saying she moved too quickly. they will find out if they have the evidence later on. >> when you have prosecutors that don't fear the police union and don't fear there is going to be some backlash they go by the evidence. when you have prosecutors that are playing politics they put the evidence aside, take four or five months to study and come back with nothing. >> on the other hand you have critics say can she make an impartial decision on this? she acting more like an activist partially because of her connections, one of her mentors is the freddie gray family attorney who donated the maximum amount to her campaign under the law. he said look as an attorney as a prosecutor that's who you raise money from all the time. he said i don't care about that at all. that's the other side of it. >> she could make a decision that isn't emotionally involved. >> the news conference when she announced the charges, she said no justice, no peace, i hear you. that suggested that was -- that politics was at play. if there was a rush to charge these officers it's going to come out. does chef a bias? does she have a larger bias that would prohibit her for being fair and objective in this? and the daily caller uncovered some quotes. it's been 78 days since michael brown was shot in the street by a police officer. it's been 101 days since eric garner was choked to death by a police and 54 days since the new york city medical examiner ruled that incident a homicide. officer darren wilson ended being exonerated. calling for an indictment turning out he was not culpable is a great contrast. you wonder what the reaction will be if the officers are exonerated. >> we're going to take ben carson's take on that. this also making headlines. another fox news alert, an horrific mass slaughter by the islamic state. hundreds of yazidis prisoners murdered. isis captured thousands of yazidis if you remember last year during attacks on their villages and thousands more fled to nearby mountains. tragedy in the tech world, the husband of facebook's chief operating officer sheryl sanberg has suddenly died. the couple lived in california with their two children. riept, it's unknown how he died. his family says they are shocked by his passing. obama care financial woes nearly half of the 17 states with health care exchanges are struggling financially. some states are considering raising fees on insurers sharing costs with neighboring states or asking more federal grants. the fight of the century goes to floyd mayweather. he beat manny pacquiao. and it comes down to two minutes? >> dortmund coming to the finish american pharoah and victor espinosa has won the kentucky derby. >> in front of a record crowd of 170,000. the horse was favored five-to-one, he is pi nose za won last year with california chrome last year. janice dean nice to see you this morning. >> you brought up yesterday that it was national naked gardening day. >> i cannot say, but i had to wear a lot of sunscreen yesterday. >> no tan lines for j.d. >> i did tweet out a picture of my garden gnome. did you see that? >> let's do the weather. we've got some radar happening and a little bit of a storm system moving across the upper midwest and the great lakes. the potential for severe weather today. if you live in these areas, the potential for large hail damaging winds and isolated tornadoes, trying to hold it together. so if you live in that area just be aware, we could see the hail damaging winds, isolated tornadoes and the flooding threat as we go through the week this week especially across texas. tornado threat we're right on target for tornado alley, so these are the areas that we typically look formal tornado probabilities and our highs today very nice for much of the country, feeling almost like summertime. back to you. i wonder what the spf was. what would you do if your fifth grade son was talking back not lynning. whou call the cops? >> she's under fire for calling police on her ten-year-old son, slapping him in handcuffs. he thought he was being arrested. she's trying. -- he's crying. >> this is certainly getting attention where the mom grabbed her son and said you better be not part of this looting and it really captured the attention of the nation. >> calling the cops might cross a line. >> you run into the dramaticizing area. look at his face. >> when you turn to violence and this type of behavior my humble opinion that there's a lack of communication and it falls back on the parent to be a better parent so you are turning to other people to parent for you in this situation, a ten-year-old. >> it was her decision. it wasn't like the teacher's decision to call the cops and teach him a lesson. i'm not a parent. will be one day hopefully. ic see the other side of it too. this parent knew this this type of discipline would work for her child. just like your kid is cussing on the playground or something, you decide when he comes home that you decide to wash out his mouth with soap. >> i hope some of viewers have tweet you the @fox and friends. >> friends and fox coming up, it's been run entirely by democrats for the past five decades. and a high school principal student athletes in an optional prayer meeting, now he's out of a job. more ahead. expected wait time: 55 minutes. vo: in the nation, we know how it feels when you aren't treated like a priority. we'll take care of it. we put members first. join the nation. thank you. ♪ nationwide is on your side ♪ they say after seeing a magician make his assistant disappear mr. clean came up with a product that makes dirt virtually disappear. he called it the magic eraser. it cleans like magic. even baked on dirt disappears right before your eyes. mr. clean's magic eraser welcome back. riots in baltimore now putting another failing american city in the spotlight. it's been run by democrats for more than 50 years. the question this morning, are liberty policies to -- liberal policies to blame for the chaos there. >> here is lieutenant colonel alan west. >> you say that liberals are embracing the rahm emnanuel never let a crisis go to waste. >> they are trying to stir up a sentiment and emotion but they are not really talking about the real issue. earlier in the program, you had two individuals who talked about the out of wedlock birth rate and the number of single parent household families 64%. lyndon johnson said we will give a check to a woman had a child out of wedlock and as long as she kept the man out of the house, they will continue -- she will continue to get a check. thankfully that mother came out and took care of her son, that was one of six children where was the father where was the dad? the rate is 72% nationally. it's 68% in the hispanic community. the city council has been exclusive exclusively democratic and school leaders, and the mayor, i wonder what you would do differently. you were just talking out of wedlock births. what would you do differently if you were in charge of this city? because you are a conservative who doesn't like government programs how do you deal with these problems? what would you do differently? >> well, first of all, i would go back to the fundamental principals of booker t. washington at the tourn of the century for the black community. he talked about education, snirp and self-relying and all of those cities that you see, baltimore, chicago, detroit, new york you don't see that. first and foremost we have to be better education opportunities. we need to come in with school choice vouchers charter schools and maybe even promote home schooling? some instances. i find it very odd that first black president canceled the school voucher program and yet he sends his kids to sidwell friends. we have to get capital reinvested into the inner city so we can have small business entrepreneurship once again and most importantly is self reliance we have to break the tentacles of the welfare-nanny state. you have to have the right tax policies that reignite production and manufacturing in this where i country so we can get that growing. we've got to start producing and manufacturing in america and get those jobs in the inner city. get those blue collar jobs back. it's a story we told you about, a college protester stomps on the aflag. now his disrespect for america takes a whole new sick level. >> i am about to do the eric shepard challenge. hands off [ bleep ]. >> you can't even watch that. a former navy s.e.a.l. is going to be here to react on social media. >> it's the event everybody is talking about this morning. the fight of the century, floyd mayweather versus manny pacquiao. we've got an inside look behind the scenes ringside. ♪ let's get it started ♪ ♪ ♪ there's people who care where i'm going ♪ ♪ and good friends to welcome me home ♪ ♪ so get a full tank of freedom, ♪ ♪ drive the american road ♪ ♪ and with a full tank of freedom, ♪ ♪ find your own highway ♪ ♪ we'll take you wherever you go. ♪ ♪ we'll take you wherever you go. ♪ this allergy season, will you be a sound sleeper, or a mouth breather. a mouth breather! well, put on a breathe right strip and shut your mouth. allergy medicines open your nose over time, but add a breathe right strip and pow! it instantly opens your nose up to 38% more. so you can breathe and sleep. add breathe right to your allergy medicine. shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right and look for the calming scent of breathe right lavender in the sleep aisle. you're driving along, having a perfectly nice day, when out of nowhere a pick-up truck slams into your brand new car. one second it wasn't there and the next second... boom! you've had your first accident. now you have to make your first claim. so you talk to your insurance company and... boom! you're blindsided for a second time. they won't give you enough money to replace your brand new car. don't those people know you're already shaken up? 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what could have happened? >> i think putting all this together and i haven't seen the records, but from what i've been able to hear that when he was arrested he was put on the ground and somebody's knee went into the back of his neck. now, this was not an intentional injury. this was a way of subduing the suspect. that probably produced the instability, and then by putting him in a van and having him rattle around that's when the spinal cord injury occurred. >> you also said doctor you were happy to see the prosecutor marilyn mosby coming out sooner rather than later. she's been criticized for that. why do you say that? >> because tensions were mounting. this is clearly something went wrong here. there's no question about that. people don't develop spontaneous trauma of this nature to the spine, so that was just going to fester and create more discord and violence and that we don't need. you know a charge has been made. obviously, the system will now work through it and, you know medical experts will be called in the evidence will be analyzed quite carefully. it will be possible to make a pretty significant determination of exactly what happened and that's the way the system should work. >> dr. carson you are in detroit, where you are from you are getting ready to make a big announcement in 2016. you've already made a video how you want america to heal survive and thrive. are you going to announce whether or not you are running for president? >> i'm going to make an announcement about whether i'm going to run for president and why. there is no question that our nation is in very dire straits. we have a very amount of division going on. we need to address that because we have people outside of this country who want to destroy us and our way of life. why would we help them? we need to talk about the economy which is causing a host of the problems including thinks going on in baltimore. you hear a lot of people saying that the economy is great, unemployment down. why can't these people find jobs? we got to put our brains into gear and start thinking about these things. and the whole leadership issue is lacking. i'm very glad anterior -- there are a lot of people who are running because the people will get an opportunity to really hear of a variety of solutions and make a wise choice. >> you talk about a divided america under president obama. how do you alter leadership and when there's a tragic situation like the freddie gray death that is dividing america further? how do you unite people and help these communities like baltimore to thrive? >> well i think you have to be even handed. we need to be just as outraged when a police officer is killed as we are when a citizen is killed. police officers are very important. what if they weren't there? people would come in your house. they say i want this t.v. better still, you get out, i'm taking your house. it would be total chaos. they are the only thing between us and total chaos. we need to be able to look at both sides. we need to be equally outraged but more importantly we need to be establishing appropriate relationships within communities. that's something that somebody with a bully pulpit with down. the first encounter with a young man should be a pleasant encounter with a police officer. police in our community. they are not all bad. of course not. >> tuesday, we will hear an announcement about a possible announcement correct? >> actually monday. >> monday. >> tomorrow. >> you are to go on our show on tuesday. >> he's ready to go. >> tuesday, it's old news. dr. ben carson, great to see you this morning. thanks for your perspective on this. some other stories mang making headlines. yemen officials say at least 20 arab coalition troops are in the country on a mission. citizens are advised to check the state department website for the next rescue opportunity. >> you've got aq al qaeda in the arabian peninsula. what a coup. let's think of 100 americans on a beach laid up on their knees. that is something i don't want to see. >> the state department says it's working with other countries to help rescue americans. scary moments obdidn't orb an a virgin flight. it turned around and landed with fire trucks waiting on the tarmac. it turned out to be a problem with a fan and the flight took off shortly after. and a school district throws the book at a high school principal but not the one he read from a prayer meeting. he was fired after reading the bible. >> i am proud to see our football team taking knee and pray before and after games, and also in clubs and we're just shocked. >> and he says he was only filling in for the person who normally leads the class. regardless the district superintendent put him on indefinite administrative leave just two kas after the meeting, he was only filling in for that as we mentioned. and the avengers are proving mighty once again with the new release of "age of otron". >> you are a puny banner. >> take it away clayton. >> i saw it on friday. early estimates have the summer block buster hauling in over $200 million in its opening weekend. ultron is on track to surpass that. it looks like it had the second biggest opening day in history. >> did you see it? >> i'm not going to go. >> i'll see it twice. i'll see it once for you and janice are you going to see it? >> of course. you didn't tell me is it any good? it's fantastic. >> in comparison to the other ones does it live up to the hype? >> nerds are taking over we're in charge now. we're in charge. >> we could put that on a 24-hour loop on "fox & friends" and they would be glued to the set of hulk and tony stark and all those other guys. and we have the review of the film. nerds here. let's take a look at the maps. i'll show you where we're in for some pretty nice weather across the country. 50s and 60s for most. 79 in phoenix. we've got cooler air moving across the northern rockies. a little bit of a set-up here for severe weather, including hail damaging winds and isolated tornadoes across the upper midwest. we're into may and it is this time of year. the forecast is spectacular. we're going to be in the 80s for a lot of these cities monday and tuesday and heading toward the south, a lot of 80s on the map with plenty of sunshine. great news there. across the upper midwest, that's where we're going to see the rain and the potential for some flooding. a little bit of snow across the colorado rockies which again it's the time of year where we see the springtime snow a little bit rain as well as that system moves east ward and i want to point out it's very early to see tropical activity across the southeast coast but we might see it heading into next week. the first day of tropical season is june 1st. this would be early. we'll be watching the tropics later next week. back inside ed clayton, anna. coming up here we told you about a college protester stomping on the american flag. how his disrespect for america takes a new sick level. watch this. >> i'm about to do the eric shepard challenge, hands off e.j. [ bleep ] play. >> a former navy s.e.a.l. here to react to this disgusting social media trend next. it's the last thing you want to see in the air. this new instructional video is on your next flight coming up next. ♪ ♪ ♪ here at td ameritrade, they're always working. yup, we're constantly making thinkorswim better. like a custom screener on your desktop, that updates to all your devices. and you can share it with one click. wow. how do you find the time to do all this? easy. we combined every birthday and holiday into one celebration. (different holidays being shouted) back to work, guys! i love this times of year. for all the confidence you need. td ameritrade. you got this. a quick look at the headlines. your job may be in danger thanks to robots and now it's not just blue collar jobs being targeted. new robots are being designed to take over jobs in theother fields. estimates are 30% of jobs will be taken over by robots. new numbers show the teen job market is expanding, 44% of 1,000 managers plan to hire more seasonal employees this summer. thanks so much. it's a story we told you about. a college protester stomps open the flag and now that disrespect for america takes a whole new sick level. >> my name is erica walker and i'm about to do the eric sheppard challenge. hands off e.j. [ bleep ] play. >> america is upside down. this is so hard to watch. it's dawl the -- called the eric shepard challenge, a self-proclaimed terrorist, a member of the new black panther party. where does this come from? this girl obviously thinks it's cool to stomp on the american flag. this is a growing problem in my generation, generation y we don't respect authority and the rights and privileges that we have. people like this need to be showed up. i'm a small government guy but i would say that it's time for our lthers to introduce something to make it illegal to disrespect the flag and treat it like a citizen. >> this guy has helped to organize protests before. >> we tolerate it. we continue to let people go and they glorify it on social media. this is the problem with our society. we have this access to social media where one dumb person can make a massive statement nationwide and get other people to follow him, which is disgusting. >> it's obviously a sick knock-off of the als ice bucket challenge and she's got this jovial look on her face as people do when they do the a.l.s. ice bucket challenge before they do it. how disrespectful is this to this group too? >> it's incredible. my brothers and i went overseas and fought very hard for what america stands for and that is briptd flag. if you are a citizen and you see this happening, stop it. i don't care what the ramifications are, you need to stop it. >> this is a lack of education. does this woman not know if she went to another country, she would be a woman treated like a second class citizen in many other countries? do you think she doesn't know? . >> try in china or north korea and see what happens. their slogan says crowd funding for earn apparently that doesn't include the officers facing charges in the freddie gray case. is this a sign? it's probably the last thing you want to watch midair. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> a new instructional video of a plane crashing is not only terrifying tech coming to you. the cyber guy has those details next. ♪ ♪ ♪ i knew instantly that this! it's crest hd. it's amazing. new crest hd gives you a 6x healthier mouth and 6x whiter teeth in just one week. it gets practically every detail. that's why it's called hd. try new crest pro-health hd. this is mike. his mortgage payment was $728 a month. now mike thought he would have to work for another 12 years until his mortgage was paid off. and then mike heard that a reverse mortgage may help him. he called one reverse mortgage to get the details. mike retired immediately after getting his one reverse mortgage loan. call one reverse mortgage now to get your questions answered and ask for your free guide. in the first year, his cash flow savings totaled $8,736. after 5 years, it will be over $40,000. a reverse mortgage is a mortgage with no required monthly payments. call one reverse mortgage now and ask for your free guide. it's a terrifying scene of your praen crashing right before your eyes. got to wear a special goingle. gsh goggle. ♪ ♪ he's wearing something on his face. a new app is to get you to pay attention to the safety instructions. is scaring passengers a good idea? >> it scared the heck out of me. i learned a lot when the camera stopped rolling and i talk to the director who had been there for 12 years. i said how do you fly differently with your family? he said let me just tell you. he had a laundry list of airlines that he won't get on none of which we'll ever cross here in the states certainly and really about how to get out of the plane and 86% of all airline accidents are survivable which is a surprising statistics. >> is this going to be installed on air crafts so our next flight we get a look at this. >> this is the future of flight training. we're going to see flight crews training this way very soon and we'll see now that at home for anyone who has got a sense of a fear of flying. it's a life jacket the first one, let me go to this one. first you have an app that does this. if you have a fear of flying and you are wondering oh, my gosh what are my chances, this app will predict it. it's called am i going down it is $1.99 at the itunes store. if you are really scared about flying you put in the departure airport where you are aright airline, when they are green like that you are looking good on your airport, and the yellow the london heathrow means there's a greater chance of an accident or incident at that airport. they come up with stats. i will be run over by a truck or struck by lightning before that plane crashes. it makes me feel better. >> that's light -- like the death countdown app. i don't see i don't want to see this. >> learning to brace. i thought i know everything. i've been toll flight training school. this app actually let's you interact with your screen on any smart phone. you brace for the impact simply by guiding how you would posture yourself in the seat in the event the aircraft were going down. >> that one called learn to brace. >> and what i failed on when i took this test is how i grip behind my afternoon kels. here's what you end up. you drag these yellow objects around and you put yourself in the right posture. you tighten your belt. you brace forward. i originally had put my hands incorrectly on the seat in front, and no that was the wrong thing to do. to put your hands behind your legs, which are tucked underneath you is the thing to do. >> life vest. >> this is one from the same folks showed you start to finish it's all based on the ditching in the hudson. this one takes you from in your seat how to get the life vest out and the tricky thing is putting the belt around and tighten in while you are seated and belted in. it's kind of tricky. this will walk you through all of that. >> three interesting apps and the future of flying training. thank you so much. you can check out cyber news letter. protesters in baltimore celebrating in the streets as six officers face charges in the death of freddie gray. guess who came down to fan the flames? >> they put the evidence aside, take our or five months to study. come back with nothing. >> why al sharpton says this prosecutor got it right. find the best looking man during the marathon and give him a big kiss. now she's on a mission to find ain. she needs your help. whoa! food for giants. oh! no wonder no one's eaten this sandwich. kids discover the world with their mouths. keep laundry packs out of reach and away from children. brought to you by tide. if you suffer from a dry mouth then you'll know how uncomfortable it can be. but did you know that the lack of saliva can also lead to tooth decay and bad breath? well, there is biotene specially formulated with moisturizers and lubricants... biotene can provide soothing relief and it helps keep your mouth healthy too. biotene, for people who suffer from a dry mouth. we all enter this world with a shout and we see no reason to stop. so cvs health is creating industry-leading programs and tools that help people stay on medicines as their doctors prescribed. it could help save tens of thousands of lives every year. and that w ould be something worth shouting about. cvs health, because health is everything. you're here to buy a car. y being able to recognize a fair price. that's never really been possible. but along comes a radically new way to buy a car called truecar. now it is. truecar has pricing data on every make and model so all you have to do is search for the car you want there it is. now you're an expert in less than a minute. this is how car buying was always meant to be. this is truecar. ♪ hi everyone and goerng today is sunday the 3rd of may, 2015. i'm anna kooiman. a suspect with an extensive criminal past just charged after shooting a new york city cop in the head. the latest on his condition this morning. and shutdown. a funding page supporting those six baltimore police officers charged in the case they have now been pulled from online after 40 minutes. is the public rushing to judgment? and did you stay up late to watch this? >> landed for pacquiao and mayweather. >> floyd mayweather jabbing his way to the top. the highlights from the ring and all of yesterday's major sporting events "fox & friends" hour three starts right now. ♪ ♪ hi everyone. so nice to have you here. "fox & friends" weekend. >> welcome in. thank you for joining us in our living room. >> we have a guest on the couch this morning. ed is in. >> you are a conflicted sports guy, you are from new york and your capitals are in the playoffs and you went to a raenkers game. >> i went to a rangers game. i was rooting for the rangers. i am conflicted. i'm from new york. >> one of five capital fans. >> they beat you up if you start rooting for the kapps. maybe i'm just a wimp. the fox news alert, we learned the man accused of shooting a nypd plain clothes officer in the head has been charged. >> demetrius blackwell opened fire on 25-year-old officer brian moore in the unmarked police car last night. >> blackwell was taken into custody right after the shooting. moore is in critical and stable condition this morning. doctors say it could take days before they know the extent of his injuries following the surgery. he is the fifth new york city police officer to be shot in as many months. you remember the tragedy with rafael ramos and wan jen liu. no justice, no peace! >> their cheers coming one day after six cops were arrested following developments in freddie gray's death. >> it looked like big celebration instead of protests. >> what a contrast to what happened in new york city. a terrible situation. it was another quiet night in baltimore last night after that 10:00 p.m. curfew took effect. the combination of that curfew, also the charging of the six police officers and a little bit more aggressive policing as the week has progressed has really paying off right now. we saw only 20 arrests as of 11:00 p.m. last night. in a rally here at city hall yesterday afternoon, we heard some provocative rhetoric from the speakers. one evoking the words of winston churchill and another speaker citing the case of allen bullock. he was photographed smashing a police car window with a traffic cone. after his parents saw that photograph in the baltimore sun, they urged their son to turn himself into police. he did just that but now he's facing $500,000 bond and the prospect of eight years in jail. that while other arrested rioters were merely set free. >> we cannot allow them to tear democracy up in our face while we pay for it. when is a man's life worth less than a damn car window? a car window. he turned his self in. the six police officers charged in freddie grey's death has all been released on bond ranging from $250,000 $350,000. the governor of maryland, larry hogan is calling for a day of prayer and peace. this is a city that badly needs it. ed back to you. >> doug mckeller live in baltimore. the protests were mostly peaceful guess who is fanning the flames? al sharpton. >> shocking the msnbc host flew down there. he wanted to tie this altogether in one large narrative. he said look she's not handcuffed by the police unions in baltimore and doesn't need to be fearful of them. take a listen. >> when you have prosecutors that don't fear the police union and don't fear there is going to be some backlash they go by the evidence. when you have prosecutors that are playing politics they put the evidence aside, take four or five months to study it and come back with nothing. also taking this opportunity to call for body cameras on aw law enforcement officers but on the flipside of what al sharpton is saying is the opposite. others saying that marilyn mosby had a rush to judgment. and we heard yesterday on our show our guest said he's going to be exonerated. something clearly went wrong here for freddie gray to die tragically but whether or not these officers are going to be sentenced and going forward with the prosecution, remember this prosecutor in maryland months ago said that ferguson wasn't moving quick enough on a prosecution and in the end officer darren wilson was exonerated. >> we no, i don't all the circumstances, all the evidence that will come forward mere in -- here in maryland. >> many say this was rooted in race, when we looked at the mug shots, half of them were white and half of them were black. there was a go fund me page that was set up for them to raise money for their leg fees and also for their families and what happened clayton? >> it wasn't for their legal fees. from what the website says and the fraternal order of police they said it was for their living expenses while they were out on bail so this -- you know against their ems terms of service were just changed recently. go fund me doesn't want people creating controversial pages so you can support their legal defense fund and the fraternal order of police saying this is when they are out of bail and trying to put food on the plate of their family when they can't serve their community. >> you are saying this page shouldn't have been taken down. >> think about it. we do this politically correct moment with go gunned me can you -- go fund me what if there was, we're not comparing these people at all, what if it was some lone wolf style terrorist awaiting trial, the outrage we would have that people are actually pouring money into a terrorist page. >> a child predator or something. >> it's an interesting discussion. we love to know what your thoughts are this morning. go to fox and friends and let us know. >> we're waiting to hear their side of the story as well. other stories making headlines, this other fox news alert, horrific mass slaughter by the islamic state. hundreds of yazidis prisoners murdered. thousands more if you remember fled to nearby mountains and were trapped there. tragedy in the tech world, the husband of facebook's chief operating officer sheryl sandberg has suddenly died. 47-year-old dave goldberg was best known as ceo of the website survey monkey. the couple lived in california with their two children right now now his cause of death still unknown. a 3.9 magnitude earthquake outside of los angeles and western michigan also rocked by a earthquake 4.2 centered near kalamazoo. tennessee woman is looking for the mystery man she kissed on a dare while running her first boston marathon. barbara says her daughter dared her to kiss a random good-looking man and take a photo of it. she delivered lip service to this man. they join us tomorrow as they try to find the mystery man. it was such a crazy day of sports yesterday. what were you watching yesterday? because you had a long list of things to pick from. huge boxing event was late at night. anna was up late watching that. mayweather versus pacquiao. pay per view there. mayweather won that. the kentucky derby, always exciting. the nfl draft is exciting at the beginning, we're now on day four five -- >> the 30th round. >> who is left at this point? the nhl playoffs. >> big show down between the red sox and the yankee as well. kentucky derby winner is american pharoah and the same jokey from last year with california chrome. >> his last one was 2002 the trainer for american pharoah. >> his name is espinosa, the jockey. will he race at the belmont and the preakness on the back of that horse? that doesn't necessarily happen. >> we haven't seen a triple crown since the early 70s. >> i think you are right. >> we had some viewer responses this morning, people weighing in on what they saw. >> kathy on facebook wrote, the brewers. they actually won a game. >> i'm right there for you. >> the derby, of course. >> the clippers they upset the reigning champions, the san antonio spurs. the fight was too rich for my blood and the nfl draft was over in a half hour on friday night. mayweather is a defensive fighter and all of them were going to watch this fight to reenergize it. >> people were saying mayweather was hugging pacquiao. other thing we're learning about is pacquiao hurt his shoulder. he said it was not a huge factor but at his post fight news conference kept mentioning it because they threw about the same punches. over 400 punches each but mayweather landed far more punches than pacquiao. >> you heard the boos there as the unit nous victory was red. clearly the crowd in favor of pacquiao. he got two rounds of boos last night. mayweather did last night. >> people are saying the punches were counted incorrectly. >> ths a two-way conversation. an a.b. conversation and i'll see my way out. this week is a big one for the 2016 presidential election. three potential candidates expected to make headlines. chris wallace has a preview from washington next. and high tech meets high fashion. heels designed by a rocket scientist and an astronaut but what did they do? >> you would wear those. >> yeah. ♪ ♪ why are you deleting these photos? because my teeth are yellow. why don't you use a whitening toothpaste? i'm afraid it's bad for my teeth. try crest 3d white. crest 3d white diamond strong toothpaste and rinse... ...gently whiten... ...and fortify weak spots. use together for 2 times stronger enamel. crest 3d white. vo: today's the day. more and more people with type 2 diabetes are learning about long-acting 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of your medical conditions. check your blood sugar. your insulin dose should not be changed without asking your doctor. get medical help right away if you have trouble breathing, sweating, extreme drowsiness swelling of your face, tongue, or throat, dizziness, or confusion. today's the day to ask about levemir® flextouch®. covered by most health insurance and medicare plans. i am going to make an announcement about whether i'm going to run for president and why. the whole leadership issue is lacking. i'm very glad there are a lot of people who are running because if people will get an opportunity to really hear a variety of solutions and make a wise choice. that was gop hopeful dr. ben carson earlier on our show and this week he's expected to announce a run for the white house and he's not the only one. joining us now with a preview of 2016 expected announcement and a preannouncement of an announcement before his announcement on fox news sunday. good morning, chris. >> good morning. it really does show how strong this republican field is because you are talking about three folks who are going to anous this week that they are running for president. ben carson a world famous neurosurgeon an extraordinary story, came up from the streets and extremely under privileged childhood in detroit. obviously not a professional politician. that's a good thing. carly fiorina, the first woman, the head of a fortune 100 company. and you've got mike huckabee who won back in 2008 the iowa caulk can you says finished second to john mccain that year and the interesting thing, while they are all interesting, all have interesting things to say, i think will all add to the debate i think honestly you have to say at this point none of them are top tier candidates that gives you a sense of how strong this field is. >> there were voters frustrated while all the republicans were running, and bernie sanders says he runs 20 -- 2016. >> he will certainly go after her from the left. after said that if you look at the polls, it's not much of a race and there's very little of a reason to think it's going to become much more of a race, in the iowa caucuss, he may be able to push on issues of wall street and the billionaire class, in terms of being competitive in terms of the democratic nomination that would be a huge. >> all the unrest in baltimore, do you think that's going to have an impact? >> having said that there are a lot of interesting things you can say. you saw hillary clinton this week talk about restoring trust between the police and the community. you can talk about various social programs. i don't think it ends up being a top tier issue in the race. i mean generally speaking what are the top issues always in presidential races? peace and prosperity national security how you are going to take on the threat from russia and from islamic radicalism and what are you going to do to jump start the economy. now, that has an impact in terms of the inner city but it also has an impact more broadly in term of the middle class across the country. >> you have some guests from baltimore today. >> we do indeed. we're going to talk to donna edwards. she's going to be along with the lawyer for freddie gray's family billy murphy. talking to them about the situation on the street and tough charges against those six policemen and what happens if they are not convicted. there are some people demanding convictions. that's not quite the way the criminal justice system in our country works and we're going to talk to another potential 2016 contender. that is ohio governor john kasich. that will be really interesting if he gets into the race. thank you so much. more "fox & friends" in two minutes. why are you deleting these photos? because my teeth are yellow. why don't you use a whitening toothpaste? i'm afraid it's bad for my teeth. try crest 3d white. crest 3d white diamond strong toothpaste and rinse... ...gently whiten... ...and fortify weak spots. use together for 2 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straight program -- >> you see them on tv the specials on the scared straight. they come into schools. >> it started in 1978 and it's shown it doesn't work. i do know that and taking that knowledge, i think in certain instances it can work and if you are at your wit's end as a mother she was trying to mother and parent. i don't really take issue with it. >> isn't he traumatized now? >> absolutely. he's too young. if he's 16 and it's a constant behavior pattern and nobody gets through to him, i'll talk about it then. this is a ten-year-old. i have a ten-year-old. he's been disruptive in the school. i'm working with the school to figure out what works. i'm not calling the cops to parent my child. >> at 16 i don't think you are going to change the behavior pattern. it wasn't extreme. it was a five-minute ordeal. >> it is extreme. did you see his face? >> i think he gets the message. >> look at that. >> that face. we would love to hear from our viewers this morning. i remember you used to be a former fight doctor at madison square garden. what did you think? >> i was a little disappointed. i wish it was five years ago, but i like all the stuff surrounding it was a lot of fun, but it was a little boring for me. >> how are those boxers feeling torng -- this morning? >> a little sore. no one took a really big hit. it's hip accuracy the liberal billionaire has been dodging uncle for years. the south is known for some good home cooking. we're learning the secrets to perfect fried chicken just like mama used to make. a huge slice is already missing. is janice to blame? we'll get to the bottom of that. ♪ just because someone grows older does that mean they have to grow apart from their friends, or from the things they love to do? with right at home, it doesn't. right at home's professional team thoughtfully selects caregivers to help with personal care housekeeping, meals - and most of all, staying engaged - in life. oh, thank you, thank you. you're welcome. are you ready to go? oh, i sure am. we can provide the right care, right at home. ...and the wolf was huffing and puffing... kind of like you sometimes, grandpa. well, when you have copd it can be hard to breathe. it can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. so i talked to my doctor. she said.. doctor: symbicort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. symbicort helps provide significant improvement of your lung function. symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort contains formoterol. medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections osteoporosis, and some eye problems. you should tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. grandfather: symbicort could mean a day with better breathing. watch out, piggies! child giggles doctor: symbicort. breathe better starting within 5 minutes. call or go online to learn more about a free prescription offer. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. here ye. hear ye. >> a little more from the diaphragm. it's your royal shout of the morning. >> i'm the town crier. the duke and duchess introducing the newest princess this morning. >> take a look at thxt on one side a two-year-old prince william walking into the hospital to meet his brother harry. and on the other, william bringing his own little son meeting his little sister. >> the princess is unnamed at the memo we're still on princess baby name watch. >> anna, i i'm thinking. >> oh, that's nice. everybody on facebook and twitter, they are fired up how does princess kate do it? this is amazing. >> it was ten hours after. she got some make-up on. clearly, she has a team. >> she's got a squad. >> on social media, dear jesus i love you, you are awesome, please let me look half as good as kate middleton after giving birth. amen. another one says i'm not okay with how good she looks after giving birth. this isn't fair. and kate looks better than me on a good day. you know what she's also so much scrutiny and that's kind of an unfortunate think, princess deanna that was one of her demons too. any time she would wear pink it was oh, that's a sign. this is a jenny packem floral dress. it's going to be flying off the shelves at the store. >> you could have told us it was from the gap. i would believe you. >> let us know your thoughts on it. a u.s. college student is arrested in north korea, accused of entering the country illegally. according to north korea's state-run media, 20-year-old waun mu jau is arrested. he's a jean i don't remember at -- junior from new jersey. he advocates for higher taxes on the wealthy and liberal billionaire george soros may face just that with a tax bill of $7 billion. congress has closed the loophole and he will likely owe taxes on the $13 billion he earned in that time period. he reportedly has until 2017 to pay up. and they undergo hours of grueling training to become firefighters but a woman who failed the physical test will still graduate. how do you feel about this? 33-year-old rebecca west will reportedly be the first graduate without passing the test the test for the real life emergencies such as dragging dumbies with through smoke with limited air supply. last year there were changes to the physical requirements for women. one giant leap for stiletto wearers everywhere rocket scientists and astronauts has teamed up. there was a high grade polymer is being used for a pain-free stiletto. they are trying to figure out the distribution of weight between the heel and the ball of the foot. janice dean is outside. she could use those. >> the heels, that is impossible to come up with a heel that doesn't hurt i'm just saying. >> beauty is pain. >> let's meet some friends here. name a town. >> atlanta. >> and your name? >> atlanta. leah. >> kelly, mississippi. >> mississippi. happy birthday's right? >> right. >> where are you from? >> florida. >> name? >> carla. >> roseanne. >> nancy. >> and you guys have a little happy anniversary. how long have you been married? >> 25 years. >> congratulations. you like southern fried chicken. >> absolutely. >> stick around. let's take a look at the weather maps real quick. a beautiful day in new york city isn't it? >> yes! 54 right now. 50 in rapid city. a little cooler across the northern rockies. we do have the set up for the potential of severe weather today if you live across the upper midwest, we could see large hail damaging winds and isolated tornadoes. that could move across texas and new mexico tuesday. we were talking about southern fried cooking. anna with matt moore. >> how are you today? >> good. >> based on your book "a southern gentleman's kitchen." >> i'm going to go on record and say this is the best fried chicken recipe ever. >> what's your secret ingredient? >> it's my grandmother's recipe. i'm going to walk you through this. we're going to season this up with a little bit of salt and pepper. >> even i could do this and i'm very cooking challenged. >> you know what i love about this it's five ingredients, salt flour, pepper water, and chicken. that's the theme about this. cooking should be approachable and fun. i want it to cook through the book. we've got some flower and -- flour and water here as well this is a simple dredge. we're cooking today. >> can i help? >> you can. a little more flour and the secret to this is a little light batter. you'll see that i got some down here oil about 350 degrees. >> salt, pepper flour and water. >> what is the key to perfect fried chicken? you do it without burning it. >> it starts with a very simple dredge like we have here. let's get one of these pieces in. we are shallow frying in cast-iron. i'm a huge cast-iron guy. >> is it true your wife has fewer shoes than you have cast-iron skillets? >> it's true. we want it really nice crisp and golden brown. >> your mom is here. >> every southern man loves his mom, right? she taught me after football practice to do my laundry and i would get in the kitchen to learn all the recipes from our family and it's a great honor to showcase family and food and showcase all that. >> you brought along some side dishes. >> is he a moma's boy. >> he's not a mama's boy. he's got a wife and a baby on the way. >> not everything in the south is fried. we've got an oven fried okra. i've got my other grandmother here with a classic southern caramel cake. i cannot think of a time when we went to enterprise mississippi where this was not showcased. >> janice and are hungry. >> online the recipes are at fox and it looks amazing. janice dean a cooking machine. coming up, the critics say the prosecutor in the freddie gray prosecution is biased. sidelined his dreams to play in the nfl to serve his country. his story will make you proud to be an american. straight ahead. this allergy season, will you be a sound sleeper, or a mouth breather. well, put on a breathe right strip and instantly open your nose up to 38% more than allergy medicines alone. so you can breathe and sleep. shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right. you're here to buy a car. what would help is simply being able to recognize a fair price. truecar has pricing data on every make and model so all you have to do is search for the car you want there it is. now you're an expert in less than a minute. this is truecar. ♪ ♪ ♪ if you can't put a feeling into words, why try? at 62,000 brush movements per minute philips sonicare leaves your mouth with a level of clean like you've never felt before giving you healthier gums in just two weeks. innovation and you. philips sonicare. welcome back. time for some quick hacking headlines. chinese government hackers being blamed for attacking american websites that fight chinese censorship. in march, the fbi did not say which sites were affected. america's friendly skies are now safe from hackers as the faa replaces the massive computer system controlling u.s. air traffic. the $2.5 billion upgrade came after a federal probe pin pointed issue with the system. links between the gray family attorney and prosecutor marilyn mosby have many asking about the motive behind her very quick move to bring charges against these officers. here to debate former prosecutor johna gillsbor. there was a donation from the family attorney of $5,000 to the mosby campaign. that's the maximum donation under maryland law. he also served on her transition committee after she was elected the prosecutor. should she recuse herself? >> she should but not for that reason. the reason she should recuse herself is because when she made her decision to charge these six officers and she took that microphone she didn't just come out as an objective prosecutor who is set on prosecuting these six people. she came out and gave her closing argument. she aligned herself openly with the violent protesters who will be the jury pool that is going to sit on the trial of these six -- five men and one woman. that's why she should recuse herself because she tainted the jury pool on purpose. that's an impmportant point. what say you, counselor about the allegation on the campaign contributions, she should recuse herself? yes or no. >> i would say no. there's no grounds there. both sides have donated to her campaign. normally the police are not asking for the prosecutor to recuse herself. normally it's the other way around because the prosecutor has an innate need to protect the police because she has to work with them in the future. so the fact that there's any connection whatsoever to the victim only balances the scale. >> let's get to the broader point, when these charges were announced, the prosecutor came out and said to the protesters i hear you, no peace, no justice and made it sound like these officers were not just being charged, but they were guilty. >> uh-huh. >> she's the prosecutor. she's making a case for herself. she's making the allegations. she just filed criminal charges in the belief that these are men are guilty. of course she's going to advocate her position. >> she should say we have evidence we're going to bring this case. and you were talking about the jury pool out there, has it been tainted? >> oh, absolutely. she basically said to them i am one of you. this is a moment this is our moment. that's directly from the prosecutor's mouth. you don't do that. you don't talk from the investigative report as if those facts have already been proven which is exactly what she did. had she waited there will be an gag order in this case so that neither side can talk about the case. she needs to recuse herself from the case. she was speaking not just for those in baltimore but somehow this was a bigger mench venlingt she was elected by the people of baltimore and people of baltimore have spoken very loudly that they want this situation addressed. she's telling them i'm look -- i'm moving forward because of evidence. you are not tainting the jury pool unless she put the evidence out there. >> she did. she read from the report. nobody had a chance to look at it. no defense attorney had a chance to look at it. s she's the only one. >> what evidence has she discussed. she's come out and said she's prosecuting. >> one or the other. >> you both made some strong points. bring it to the judge. we're going to get a ruling at least open your case. coming up it's the movie everyone is talking about this weekend. >> you are bruce banner. don't mention puny banner. >> that's right, clayton earlier told us the nerds are uniting. the avengers "age of ultron" is coming out. he sidelined his dreams to play in the nfl to serve his country. now he's got a brand new chance to play in the nfl. his story is going to make you proud to be an american. that's coming up next on "fox & friends." ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ so when my husband started getting better dental checkups than me i decided to go pro... with crest pro-health advanced. my mouth is getting healthier. my teeth are getting stronger. this crest toothpaste is superior in five areas. great checkup. female announcer: sleep train's interest free for 3 event! ends sunday. it's your last chance to get three years interest-free financing on beautyrest black, stearns & foster serta icomfort even tempur-pedic. plus, get free delivery, and sleep train's 100-day low price guarantee. but hurry! sleep train's interest free for 3 event ends sunday. ...guaranteed! ♪ sleep train ♪ ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ my name is mary molina and i'm a pipeline engineer for pg&e in the sacramento region. new technology is being used in all facets of the company and what we do. pg&e is employing these technologies as an investment to the system for the long run. we're not just going to roll up and go home because we live here and we work here and we care about the work and we care about doing it right. we all have the same goals to make the system safe and to make the community safe. together, we're building a better california. >> thank you you all for having me. >> you are down there. am i right, you are heading to tempe, arizona for the hopes of actually getting signed in the nfl after having to take this big break, of course and serving your country, is that right? >> yes, sir. i went down to the veteran combine back in march out in tempe and, you know things went well for me. it was almost in my eye, a near perfect workout for all 32 teams, and just very blessed to have that opportunity and a chance to get back trying to pursue my dream. >> i hear you've been working, you know doing two a days and even when serving, you were finding time to train and keep your football skills up to bar. >> why would you be an asset to them off the field too. being so patriotic, what else could you add to a team besides your skills on the field? >> you know i think that's one of big things that i bring is just the intangibles, being in the military and serving as an officer and being an our finest men and women for two years, it was the most humbling experience of my life and you know not only did i learn a lot, but they taut me a lot. they taught me what it is to be a leader to be able to step into any type of environment and take control. you know i pride myself on always taking control and trying to be that leader for those guys and, you know like i said it was a humbling experience and to know that i had that in my background should prove a lot for me for teams hopefully in the near future. >> trent, we saw a picture of you and a lovely lady a moment ago. i understand while you were waiting for the nfl, you are not waiting to walk down the aisle, are you? >> i'm not. it's coming in just about a month. it will be here before i know it. >> you were almost drafted by the baltimore ravens back in 2013. they were keen to sign you as a free agent. of course you had to put that on hold. what was that like knowing you were that close to your dream? >> you know it was tough. it was real tough. ever since i picked up the game of football at the age of 7, that's been my lifelong dream. i think for any player who goes on to play collegiate football that's what they aspire to be. that's what they dream to become is a professional football player but you know fortunately for me it was a blessing the good lord had a different plan for me and that was to go serve my country for two years and i wouldn't trade those times for anything in the world. like i mentioned before i learned more and became a better man because of it, and, you know it's all going to work out the way it's supposed to be, but at the time you know it was tough for me to know that my dream was right there at my fingertips only to be put on old. it was something that you know i slept on a lot at night and it kept me up but you know for me a lot of praying and just kind of thinking back and sitting, i knew there was a different path for me. >> chip kelley from my philadelphia eagles gave you a call would you be willing to go to philadelphia? >> i would be willing to go anywhere but absolutely. if there's any nfl teams out there listening right now, i'm open. >> i'm pulling for you. i think any team would be a dream team with you on it. >> chip give him a call. >> good luck next month as you get hitched. coming up on "fox & friends," a fox news alert, an nypd officer shot in the head and he's fighting for his life. the question was why was the suspect on the streets in the first place. plus it's the epic fight everyone is talking about tonight, floyd mayweather versus manny pacquiao. we're recapping the highlights at the top of the hour. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ (rock climbing sfx) when kevin jorgeson needs light, he trusts only duracell quantum because it lasts longer in 99% of devices. ♪ ♪ hope you're doing well this morning. it's sunday the 3rd of may, 2015. a fox news alert right now. a suspect with an extensive criminal past just charged after shooting a new york city cop in the head. the latest on his condition this morning. >> as protestors celebrate the arrest of six cops in baltimore where's the same outrage when a cop gets shot. >> we need to be just as outraged when a police officer is killed than when a citizen is killed. >> did you stay up late to watch this last night? >> floyd mayweather jabbing his way to the top. the highlights from the ring and a look at a little thing called the kentucky derby. straight ahead. it was a big sports day yesterday. fox and friends hour four starts right now. >> hey, everybody, welcome in to fox and friends. welcome to you. >> good morning. >> people say hey, you guys mentioned all of these other sports events but you forgot to mention nascar. nascar the xfinity race on fox sportsnet. no mention of the golf either. we got it all. there was a lot in there. >> we're going to do another three hours. >> four hours in sports. but meanwhile we want to focus on what's happening in baltimore this hour. i tensions between the police and the citizens there. we saw the riots and protests there. now in new york city once again another brutal shooting of a police officer here yesterday ooerge evening in queens new york. >> two plain clothes police officers were sitting in their unmarked car in queens. >> one officer. >> two of them in the unmarked car. and they saw the suspect that apparently was carrying a gun and he was tucking it in his waste band so they approach him and that's when officer brian moore was hit in the head by the suspect firing several shots into his head. the 25-year-old is now in stable condition. we're told. he went through surgery and was put into a medically induced coma to release pressure on his brain. >> the suspect is charged with attempted murder criminal possession of a weapon and assault. those charges coming this morning. he has an extensive criminal history and 5 nypd officers shot in the past five months. >> we're not sure of his motive here. he was asked what was in his belt loop. and he was fiddling with something. and when confronted with police at the time that may have been why he took action and fired the weapon. in those other situations of course the brooklyn the two officers that were shot brutally in cold blood while they were sitting in a police cruiser they saw the social media posts ahead of time by the suspect at the time saying he was getting revenge for michael brown shooting and fled into the subway where he took his own life. >> you wonder where the outrage is. you see everything in baltimore with the unrest and riots and arsonists and looting and you don't wish that upon any community. certainly none of us are advocating that when a police officer is murdered. where is the outrange? we had dr. ben carson on the program earlier. he's expected to announce his run for the white house tomorrow but he was speaking on this issue. let's take a listen. >> we need to be just as outranged when a police officer is killed as we are when a citizen is killed. police officer are very important. what if they weren't there. people would come in your house and they'd say i want this tv. better still, you get out i'm taking your house. it would be total chaos. they're the only thing between us and total chaos. we need to be able to look at both sides and be equally outraged but we need to be establishing appropriate relationship with that community. >> officer brian moore is from a law enforcement family and these officers put their lives on the line every single day. >> in every city. >> crime ridden neighbors, drug infested and this happens and it's a family's worst nightmare. >> dr. ben carson came to the defense of the prosecutor in baltimore saying that he thought that her responses were swift and needed for this community because it was descending into chaos. so he supported her swift call to judgment. not entirely sure they supported her politically charged comments but the fact that she came out so swiftly in that but there is new information this morning that the daily caller has found from back in october. so is it a double standard here? back in october she gave a speech where she said it's been 78 days since mookel brown was shot in the street by a police officer. it's been 101 days since eric garner was choked to death by a police officer and 54 days since the new york medical examiner ruled it a homicide and there was no indictment. >> there was to indictment because he was exonerated. there was still a thing but there was need for an indictment because they were exonerate aed. it was not deemed to be a murder. her comments will be compared to how he said last week about we need to move quickly. >> many think she sounded more like an activist than prosecutor. where she said to the youth i hear you. this is your time. >> at the end of the day she is going off the medical examiners report. severe trauma to the spine. that doesn't just happen. >> governor larry hogan in maryland saying statewide he wants this to be a day of prayer. >> press pause. all right. some other stories making headlines. this happening overnight, at least 20 airco ligs coalition troops landed in yemen while hundreds are trapped there amid the unrest because the state department claims it's too risky to rescue them. is adviseing citizens to check the website for updates on the next rescue opportunity. well earlier, ben collins told us leaving them behind is not an option. >> you have al qaeda in the arabian peninsula and isis. what aif they can get their hands on 100 americans. let's think of 100 americans layed on a beach on their knees. that's something i never want to see. >> they're working with other countries to help rescue americans. >> scary moments on board a virgin atlantic flight. the plain was forced to make an emergency landing after they noticed a burning smell on the flight deck. it turned around and landed with fire trucks waiting on the tarmac. turns out there was a problem with the van and the flight took off shortly after. >> a 3.9 earthquake rattled los angeles and western michigan knocked by a rare earthquake. there were no reports of injuries. and do one of you boys want to take this away? >> floyd mayweather wins the fight of the century. manny pacquiao challenged him early but mayweather countered with strong defense. timely punched of his own. mayweather won by unanimous decision and is 48-0 in his career now. interesting because some people say he hugged his way to victory. the fastest two minutes in sports meanwhile comes down to the wire. >> american pharoah and victor espinosa won the kentucky derby. >> galloping to victory in front of 175,000 people. the horse was 5-1 to take the victory. he also won with california chrome at last year's derby and on to the potential triple crown. >> and she was rocking the kentucky derby hats for us. >> each hour i had a different hat and i want to talk to ed henry because there's something different about ed on the curvy couch right now. >> janice this morning helped dress me. i should say here at fox. >> disclaimer. >> take a number -- yeah. >> i don't know what that means. >> but she said she was going to help me pick my pocket squares so i had one earlier that was all purple. this one she thought was too colorful. >> no. >> here's the other one you were wearing earlier. >> here's the thing, ed henry you are the king of the pocket square. i want to know where that came from. >> i can't pull off a pocket square. >> why did that come from though? >> you get tired of just using a tie, a tie is like your only statement. >> peter johnson jr. can pull off. you can pull it off. how come you can't pull it off? >> i look like a dork. >> i don't need more help looking like a dork. >> janice get to the weather. >> we'll talk about #pocket square later on. there's a look at the temperatures. 58 in new york. 64 in chicago. a little cooler across the northern rockies and that's going to give us the set up for the potential of severe weather today across the upper midwest and central u.s. down toward the southwest on monday and tuesday. so hail damaging winds, isolated tornadoes for you across the upper midwest. we're not talking about an outbreak of tornadoes but the potential for big thunderstorms later on this afternoon and taking a look at tuesday across portions of new jersey and texas and wow we are in for a warm up across the northeast. it's been such a long winter so finally temperatures in the 80s for new york and d.c. and we'll be watching the potential for tropical weather to start to perk up earlier this year across the southeast. so watching this potential tropical storm later on this week. back to you. >> the fashion machine. >> thank you. >> pocket square. >> what would you do if your fifth grade son was acting out in class and wasn't listening to the teacher, was being disrespectful, would you call the copse on him? >> clearly. that's what she did to her 10-year-old son down in georgia. she said we tried everything in the school. tried getting him to follow the rules at home. so we called police. they agreed to come to the house, put him in handcuffs and throw him in a police cruiser. >> we're getting a lot of reaction on facebook. one person said so many kids are out of control and it's the mom criticized for cracking down on him. give me a break. >> marilyn says so already he doesn't like the copse. bad idea that mother is a disgrace to do that to this child. they should put her in a cell. >> when my son was in the first grade he thought it was a cool thing to do to take others belongings. i had a friend at the police department and asked them to do the same. my son has never been in that kind of trouble again. at least you're doing it. >> this one seems a bit extreme. when you look at the pictures of the young child. >> he's tormented. >> traumatized. >> you should send a message but a message in this case might backfire. >> doctors are saying this is going to be a trauma this kid won't be able to guest past for years to come. you have to be -- if he's 16 years old and having problems and you can't communicate with him and you've tried for years to reason with him. >> i'm not advocating this but do you remember the video of the mom of the year who went out there in baltimore -- is that mom of the year either? i mean it seems like people are speaking out of both sides of their mouth. this guy is older. >> to clayton's point about a 10-year-old. it seemed more traumatizing for 10-year-old to face the police. >> resorting to violence and that type of behavior shows a lack of parenting. if you let it get to that point and you result to violence. >> we're going to talk more about this coming up as the nation watched young people rioting in baltimore. the big question where are the mentors and leaders? our next guest said he was a troublemaker but found an out let for his anger. his message is next. >> one minute she was in labor, the second the royal baby was born. here she is. stunning as ever and social media is lighting up saying how on earth does kate middleton do it? with psoriatic arthritis, i had intense joint pain that got worse and worse. then my rheumatologist prescribed enbrel. i'm phil mickelson, pro golfer. enbrel helps relieve pain and stop joint damage. i've been on the course and on the road. enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal, events including infections tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders, and allergic reactions have occurred. tell your doctor if you've been someplace where fungal infections are common... ...or if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure... ...or if you have persistent fever, bruising, 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buildings, it is clear community mentors and leaders have dropped the ball. our next guest started a nationwide tour to help at risk youth interact with police officers. he's a former alabama state trooper, air force veteran and the recipient of the fbi community leader award. i'd love to have your resume. thank you for being with us on fox and friends weekend. >> it's great to be here anna. today is the best day of my life. would you like to know why? >> tell me. >> i get to share with the world what i'm committed to do. i get to help them think strategically about their future. get your grades up, get your panlt pants up and never give up. >> the headline is dear black people stop running from the police. some would say that's a provocative headline. what did you mean and what is your message? >> do the right thing. when you make the right moves you get the right results. evil will never win over good. all you have to do is make the right move and good things will happen. >> no doubt there's a risk between many communities and, you know law enforcement so what is it that you're advocating. do police officers need to go to where the kids are and where do you go when these communities are socioeconomically really under hardships. >> the main thing you have to realize is power in illusion. when i was a state trooper i had the blue light, the badge a, the bullet proof vest but you have to treat everybody you stop like the most important person in the world. power is an illusion and whatever you do for others you're doing for yourself. so treat people like the most important person in the world and you won't have any problems. we're all one. universe means one. so the key to success in all fields is take care of people and treat them better than you want to be treated and all the problems will go away. >> critics have said too much money has been thrown at this problem and not enough action has been thrown at this problem. it's also the result of failed liberal policies since baltimore has been under democratic leadership for so long. do you see that as a fair assessment the cause and the effect of democratic leadership? >> well everything starts with leadership and if you're following a follower you're not going to get anywhere. we need people to be leaders and we need people to work with facts and good information. often times we're acting on bad information and we are not acting on the right information. when you listen to the wrong people and you make the wrong decision you get the wrong results. we have to find the facts and search for truth. we have to respect each other and help each other because we all are one. >> we commend you and just so impressed by what you're trying to do. thank you. thanks for your time. >> 20 minutes after the hour. coming up on fox and friends it's a story we told you about. a college protestor stomps on the flag. now his disrespect for america is taken to a whole new sick level. >> i'm about to do the challenge. hear how a former navy s.e.a.l. reacts to this disgusting social media trend. that's ahead. >> plus it's the movie everybody was talking about this weekend and clayton was first in line for the avengers. he's geeking out with kevin mccarthy straight ahead. here come the nerd tears. introducing new flonase allergy relief nasal spray. this changes everything. new flonase outperforms a leading allergy pill so you will inhale life. when we breathe in allergens our bodies react by over-producing six key inflammatory substances that cause our symptoms. most allergy pills only control one substance, flonase controls six. and six is greater than one. so roll down your windows, hug your pet dust off some memories, make new ones. new flonase. six is greather than one. this changes everything. here at the td ameritrade trader group, they work all the time. sup jj? working hard? working 24/7 on mobile trader, rated #1 trading app in the app store. it lets you trade stocks options, futures... even advanced orders. and it offers more charts than a lot of the other competitors do in desktop. you work so late. i guess you don't see your family very much? i see them all the time. did you finish your derivative pricing model, honey? for all the confidence you need. td ameritrade. you got this. i'm one. i'm one. i'm one. i am one of the ones who discovered always discreet underwear for sensitive bladders. it makes me feel secure, confident and i feel protected. i mean i feel comfortable to move in them they move with me. i love always discreet underwear because of the fit. the fabric is very soft. i can wear whatever i want to wear. always discreet made me a very happy woman. join over 500,000 women who've discovered always discreet underwear. for more stories and your free sample go to so bladder leaks and feel like no big deal. this is the movie that everyone in the nerdy universe and comic university wants to see. >> we waited three years for it buddy. >> i know. the first time we ever talked was about the first avengers in 2012. the movie is opening up this weekend. the first one did a billion and a half dollars worldwide at the box office. the third highest grossing movie of all time and now the new avengers out right now. the idea here is tony stark, iron man creates ai essentially, artificial intelligence that is a global peace program called ultron that ends up backfiring and they have to assemble avengers to try to stop ultron from running the world. i had a lot of positive and negative things to say about the film. i love the action and the one liners. there's one specific shot you're going to freak out about where all the avengers assemble a long continuous action shot where they're all fighting in the same scene and it ends on this epic jump that moment is worth the entire price of admission. i would pay $20 to watch that on a loop for 2.5 hours. that scene is so epic. on the negative side it's lightly under the first avengers but i did really enjoy the action overall and marvel fans are going to like it. >> it's more of a hawkeye film. i'm a huge hawkeye film. he takes a bigger role in this film right? and it's a little bit darker too. >> it's much darker and hawkeye is one of the big stars of the film. they expand his role. there's no end credit scene at the film. at the end of the movie. there's a small one in the middle. also the imax 3-d is worth it. one of my favorite scenes in the film they all try to lift thor's hammer at a party and i want to know how they make his hammer feel that heavy. this is what chris evans and chris hemsworth said about it. >> i actually couldn't lift it. >> i was like guys it's not that heavy and they were like actually it is. everybody was like we're all worthy aren't we amazing. and then they couldn't pick it up. >> is it like nailed down? >> they did nail it down. initially they nailed it down and then we lifted it and the whole table came up so ultimately they ended up doing something with it. kind of secured everything. >> they had to like bolt it into the floor. >> they couldn't pick up the hammer but they could pick up the whole table. >> exactly. the guys are incredible. the movie is a 4 out of 5. not as solid guardians but a solid effort for marvel fans. they'll be nerding out all over the world this weekend. massive numbers. >> saw it on friday. fantastic. probably have to see it a second and third time just to make sure that i caught everything. >> we need to go together and nerd out together. we need to hang out and go to a movie together and cry nerd tears. >> we almost did the marathon where you watch all the marvel films back to back to back to the lead up. i'm getting too old for that. >> that's true. >> have a great weekend everyone. enjoy avengers. >> thanks a lot clayton, bye. >> clayton is a nerd but he's our nerd. coming up, high school principal leads student athletes in an optional prayer meeting and gets fired and he was filling in for a co-worker. that's next. plus national burger month with a fox and friends burger. the tips you need to make it this summer. and janice already getting a head start. look at that. ♪ if you're looking for a car that drives you... ...and takes the wheel right from your very hands... ...this isn't that car. the first and only car with direct adaptive steering. ♪ the 328 horsepower q50 from infiniti. you exercise. you choose the salad. occasionally. but staying well - physically, financially, emotionally - its hard on your own. so cigna's got your back and your knees, 24/7. cigna's there to answer your questions. or when you need some coaching. in sickness and in health, cigna's there, helping you to get well and stay well. that's having a partner, who's with you all the way. cigna. >> we apologize to viewers. this is what happens when you air raw footage but there's also a strange beauty. two warriors locked together. two of our actors have left the sketch to go watch the actual fight in wiz khalifa's dressing room. let's just say manny pacquiao won. no reason to change the channel. >> not too far off but uber was totally shutdown yesterday. the car book service. people trying to book cars and cities. you couldn't get a car anywhere because all the uber drivers were watching the boxing match last night. >> they were taking them to where ever the party was. >> no i'm off duty. >> not worth the money to them. >> right. we have to get to the 2016 republican field about to get a little more crowded. >> in the next few days three more names will join the race for the white house. elizabeth is live in washington with the preview of the big announcements. >> good morning, the next wave is upon us. announcements are expected from former arkansas governor mike huckabee as well as dr. ben carson. the official word from dr. carson as early as tomorrow in detroit. he did appear earlier on fox and friends to discuss the possibility. >> i am going to make an announcement about whether i'm going to run for president. and why. there's no question that our nation is in very dire straights. the whole leadership issue is lacking. i'm very glad that there are a lot of people who are running because if people will get an opportunity to really hear a variety of solutions and make a wise choice. >> also tomorrow we can expect to hear from carly fiorina via social media. as a former corporate executive fiorina is touting her experience. she has been vocal in attacks against clinton such as equal pay, women's issues and foreign policy matters. governor huckabee will announce his run the day after. he'll make his official announcement from arkansas on tuesday. after the three announcements from the potential candidates they are expected to head to iowa, the same state where huckabee won during the 2008 caucas. the republican party already has three serious contenders. ted cruz rand paul and marco rubio. the democratic landscape looks different though. bernie sanders is the only candidate to come out opposing the clinton's ticket. back to you guys in new york. >> like game of throwns.nes. >> tragedy in the tech world. the husband of facebook's chief operating officer has suddenly died. 47-year-old dave goldberg was best known as the ceo of the website survey monkey. the couple lived in california with their two children. his cause of death, still unknown. we have been telling you about this story. a college student stomps on the american flag sparking a sick new media trend. >> my name is erica walter and i am about to do the eric shepherd challenge. [ bleep ] your flag. >> this video should come with a warning. it's called the eric sheppard challenge and proclaimed by the member of the new black panther party. how do we get to this level of disrespect? earlier former navy s.e.a.l. told me this. >> this is the problem. we tolerate it. we continue to let people go and they glorify it on social media and this is the problem with our society. we have this access to social media where one dumb person can make a massive statement nationwide and start to get other people to follow them which is disgusting. >> sheppard is on the run wanted on a gun charge and also wanted under investigation for making terrorist threats. >> a high school principal reportedly loses his job for leading a student prayer meeting. he said he was fired after reading the bible and praying with students who voluntarily attended the fellowship of christian athletes meeting. >> i want prayer in this school. i am proud to see our football team take a knee and pray before and after games. and also in clubs and we're just shocked. >> he says he was only filling in for the group's organizer but the district superintendent put him on indefinite administrative leave just two days after the meeting. >> and just hours after giving birth the dutchchess of cambridge looks flawless. showing off her new princess. one person tweeting dear jesus, i love you, you're awesome. please let me look half as good as kate middleton aafter giving birth. amen. >> i'm not okay with how good kate middleton looks after giving birth. >> probably if anyone had the hairdresser and dresser on the ready she too would look amazing. >> certainly she has a whole squad. hair makeup wardrobe you name it. janice they give us a little bit of help too. everybody should see us when we walk in the building. >> it takes a village. i'm doing something i have never done before. i'm wearing an apron. that's never happened before. my husband can tell you that much. let's meet some friends here. what's your name. >> dan. >> dawn. >> jimmy. >> where are you from? >> pittsburgh. >> what are you here for? >> anniversary. >> anniversary and to eat some burgers? >> yeah. >> all right. we're going to do that. thanks for everybody that came together. let's take a look at the weather maps and then we'll talk about burgers. there's our radar. across the upper midwest a slight risk of severe weather today with isolated tornadoes so that is the risk today heading into monday and tuesday. it moves a little bit further south and then we'll get the rain threat. heavy rain and the potential for flooding across texas and the midwest. highs today and oh my gosh we're going to be talking about burgers with smash burger. >> oh janice. it's national burger month. of course and we're out here to celebrate with a very special burger right? tom ryan he's the founder of the delicious smash burger. you know him and love him. nice to see you this morning. >> thank you for having us here. >> fox and friends burger by the way. >> we do actually you know we were asked -- we do a local burger in every mark and we thought about what it must be like to be up as early as you guys are. we do this great burger. it's a smash burger with american cheese and fried egg and bacon. >> it's on the menu. >> it's on the menu for you. >> you guys make fantastic burgers. how do we make a good burger on the grill? >> great ingredients. one of my favorite beevesfbeefs to make is an gus. so don't squeeze it. >> i thought you were going to smash it down. >> no there's a special smasher. >> we cake the grill with butter. we put parchment on the burger and these are our smashers. so ten seconds. metal to metal and i'm sering this. you can do it at home in a skillet but i'm sering the bottom and setting up this loose texture so when you bite into this burger it gives everything up at once. so you get this heavily juicy in every bite. >> have you patented that at smash? >> we have. >> a lot of times people will flip it and they don't flip the char with it but that's tastey goodness. >> that's criminal. after ten seconds. >> see they baked in their own juices. and then we season it. seasoning is really important for a great tasting burger. >> that smells like summer right there. >> kosher salt black pepper garlic and special seasoning that gives us our brand flavor. >> i guess it can actually dry out the beef if you do it before you put it on the grill. >> never season in advance. it makes it tight in texture and you can see thousand juices actually bubble up through this burger so they actually beastaste themselves in their own juice. >> that might be the most beautiful burger. >> thank you. it's important we get that sere to come off with the burger. >> what's that called? >> that caramelized layer is a beautiful thing but that's the heart and soul of a smash burger and it's actually really key to make great burgers at home. >> as the founder you know your burgers. you're not stepping back and saying i'm handing this over to somebody else now. i'm handing over the skillet. >> i like that it has american cheese. >> good point. >> you want a meatball. >> we have a whole lot more coming up. >> where can people find out more about smash burger. >> smash >> there you go. thank you so much. >> hypocracy at its worst. he has been dodging uncle sam. maria reacts next. >> plus it's the epic fight everybody is talking about this morning. floyd mayweather versus manny pacquiao. we have the full wrap ahead. this allergy season, will you be a sound sleeper, or a mouth breather. a mouth breather! well, put on a breathe right strip and shut your mouth. allergy medicines open your nose over time, but add a breathe right strip and pow! it instantly opens your nose up to 38% more. so you can breathe and sleep. add breathe right to your allergy medicine. shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right and look for the calming scent of breathe right lavender in the sleep aisle. have a sunset mode. and an early morning mode. and a partly sunny mode. and an outside... to clear inside mode. transitions® signature® adaptive lenses ...are more responsive than ever. so why settle for a lens with just one mode? experience life well lit®. upgrade your lenses to transitions® signature®. get up to ninety dollars back when you combine crizal, varilux and transitions... and buy a second pair with xperio uv polarized sun lenses. visit to learn more. hi good morning, friends. he advocates for higher taxes on the wealthy and liberal billionaire george soros may soon face just that. tax bill of nearly 7 billion after years of dodging the irs. here to react, maria. >> irony or hypocrisy. i don't know what you want to call it. well the american family has not seen their wages go up in seven years, you have this progressive agenda that is being pushed by george soros where he tells everybody that makes more than $200,000 a year that they have to pay more taxes and then he uses every tactic on the planet to actually avoid paying his own taxes and now the bills are coming due and it's interesting to note this is happening on the same weekend that warren buffet has his big to do going on in omaha where he too pushes this political and progressive agenda the buffet rule telling everybody to pay more taxes yet he doesn't even get paid an ordinary income. he chooses to get paid in stock so he can avoid the tax. >> did you happen to see the photograph of all the private jets. >> yeah. >> and all of these people are advocating against climate change. >> so ramp up all the regulations from the epa and obamacare and dodd frank and cost the american taxpayer more money. >> talk a little bit about sunday morning futures because hillary clinton is facing this pressure from the left whether it's elizabeth warren and bernie sanders, she was more of a friend to wall street but i'm sure you're looking at the broader political climate this morning. >> she has to try to do this really weird balance where she is going to try to distance herself from the obama policies in terms of some of these same things. raises taxes on the average gal out there as well as trying to push the income inequality subject where at the time she is living with all of this. >> top of the hour who do you have? >> senator coming on to talk about the issues in iran. the bill will probably get a final vote this next week in terms of giving congress the ability to weigh in on this deal if in fact there is a deal. former treasury secretary hank paulson coming on the show as well to talk about china as we see once the promise of growth for the world slow down in a big way and the ceo of ford motor coming on as well. talking about technology and cars and recent recall. a lot to come. looking at the economy as well as the upcoming 2016 election. >> don't miss it at the top of the hour. >> you always have the best guests. >> thank you. don't forget to catch maria weekdays. log on to fox finder. >> coming up the fight of the century and the fastest two minutes in sports all going down on the same day. your full recap is next. ♪ . . . welcome back. from the kentucky derby to an epic showdown in the boxing ring yesterday was a huge day in the world of sports. >> here with the recap is rich "big daddy" of coastal advisers. >> great to see you. >> boxing mayweather, pacquiao. >> a big day in the draft. any big surprises on the third day of the draft? >> funny thing is that one of the guys i work with went in the second round. i think everyone knew who he was. a division iii kid to go so high especially in the second round, i think that was really one of the big shocks of the day. then i think the quarterback from ucla went fourth round to green bay. that was kind of shocking. then obviously collins, who didn't even get drafted with that pending investigation going on. >> let's run through the crazy day yesterday. mayweather pacquiao. the horse race in the kentucky derby. the nfl draft. the basketball playoffs in the nba and baseball. i'm yankees fan. playing the red sox. two things. yankees are quietly having an unexpectedly good year. part of that is a-rod is having an unexpectedly great year at the plate. now has tied willie mays. but the yankees are skittish about honoring him. >> i think because that asterisk that everybody keeps talking about being on there. you know if you've punished all these other guys for being, i guess, not clean or dirty, what do you do with him? right now he's under contract. you're paying him, he's your team player. still, everyone is going to say eh. >> $6 million bonus. >> good for him, but i think the yankees are going to have something to say about that. >> that had to hurt because they were playing the red sox. the big boxing match last might. the big takeaway. a lot of people saying it was surprisingly boring and all of these eyes on the boxing world to maybe reinvigorate boxing once again, but a lot of people saying, you know it was boring. did this hurt the sport more than help it? >> yeah you know what i think everything was so much focused around who was going to the event instead -- >> the stars, right. >> you looked through the crowd, it was a who's who. but mayweather won on points. he got his shots in. i thought it was going to be more, you know, knock them down. >> he's a defensive fighter. the fear was by the match he was just going to be hanging back the whole time and there wasn't going to be much action. didn't match the hype. >> and every time pacquiao did get a little jab in mayweather backed off and circled back. >> it turns out pacquiao had a shoulder injury we didn't really know about. you think that's an excuse? >> should have could have would have. i always say the old saying is sometimes you have to play hurt. >> i'd be remiss if i didn't get your predictions for the nfl season. who do you think is going to do it big this year and got some draft picks that can get their way to the super bowl? >> well, the unitegiant, every year they play the afc east they go to the super bowl and win. in '07 and '11. both times, afc east. >> eagles are probably going to have an awful year. >> eagles are going to be horrible. >> big daddy, great seeing you. >> absolutely. thanks for having me. >> more "fox & friends" straight ahead. ♪ (piano music) ♪ fresher dentures, for the best first impression. love loud, live loud polident. ♪ ♪ fresher dentures... ...for those breathless moments. hug loud, live loud, polident. ♪ ♪ we'll weigh in on the 2016 gop field. plus meet the mom searching for the stranger she smooched at the boston marathon. >> log on to >> i was just going to say thanks for being here. >> appreciate it. >> very nice. >> thanks big daddy. thanks everyone. see you on the after the show show. good morning. peace being restored to a city in turmoil over the death of a 25-year-old man after being arrested by the police. hi, everyone. i'm maria bartiromo. welcome to "sunday morning futures." we're looking at the decisions made by local city leaders and handling of protests over fred freddie gray's death. plus just how much is our economy influenced by china. hank paulson talks with me about china's changing economy. plus the future is bright for an american auto giant. the ceo of ford motor with me about the state of the business and the big changes to s


Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - FOXNEWS - 20150425:04:33:00

banned from campus. the university says it was simply protecting the student's right to free speefrp but the university's action caused a negative national reaction. >> the flag represents all the freedoms that we have guaranteed to us, you know. a lot of people put their lives on the line to defend those freedoms for us and to stomp on on it is really disrespectful. >> i served in the u.s. army i strongly believe in the flag and what it representatives. >> represents america, everything we stand for. >> campus police and local police were on hand to remind demonstrators to maintain the peace but tensions were certainly raised this week when a student who walked on the flag also brought a gun to campus. that student, eric shepard, calls himself a new black panther. he also protested the bible and koran and he is facing charges. today's demonstration was the biggest, but students have been marching in support of the flag all week long.


Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - FOXNEWS - 20150425:06:33:00

backpack? >> yes. his name is eric shepard. he was one of the ones seen stomping on the flag and a warrant has been issued for his arrest. >> is he a college student? >> from what we know, he was. but we have heard that he actually stopped going to classes. so i don't know if he is still a student. but we have heard that he did stop going to classes. >> all right. now, this original protest where they are stomping all over of the flag or this eric fellow is. about how many students were there joining in on this? i'm not too sure on the exact number but i do know it was a couple of students. >> did they give her a hard time at all the air force vet when she came over and picked up the flag? >> as far as we know. no and i believe up until the point where she tried to actually get the flag from the floor in the video you see them having altercation with her after she has the flag in her hand after the police having altercation


Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - FOXNEWS - 20150425:01:33:00

banned from campus. the university says it was simply protecting the student's right to free speefrp but the university's action caused a negative national reaction. >> the flag represents all the freedoms that we have guaranteed to us, you know. a lot of people put their lives on the line to defend those freedoms for us and to stomp on on it is really disrespectful. >> i served in the u.s. army i strongly believe in the flag and what it representatives. >> represents america, everything we stand for. >> campus police and local police were on hand to remind demonstrators to maintain the peace but tensions were certainly raised this week when a student who walked on the flag also brought a gun to campus. that student, eric shepard, calls himself a new black panther. he also protested the bible and koran and he is facing charges. today's demonstration was the biggest, but students have been marching in support of the flag all week long.


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Kelly File 20150425

presidency and still she has not done a single meaningful interview. there was that one time that one question to that one reporter to her and she smiled. instead her team dismisses all of this as the product of a right wing conspiracy. partisan partisan attack. that's what they say. but as the crisis grows, so does the pressure. republican speaker of the house john boehner accused mrs. clinton of violating the law by destroying more than 30,000 e-mails from her time as secretary of state. remember the left kept tells us sing us there was none. she says wrong. for the first time he raised threat of subpoenaing for her e-mail serve. they also want answers. last night condemning the clinton foundation for a lack of trance sparntcy while political reporters are becoming increasingly skeptical too. >> how many more warnings did the clintons need to have and yet they ended up doing these things? it's politically, though just dumb and inept. >> and it's not just him. we have a big lineup. howard kurtz who is host of media buzz. judith miller is a pulitzer prize-winning journalist of "the new york times" also with us. but first up chris stirewalt. when you see the times magazine anaheim ducks week chuck todd and even our own alam colmes coming out to say she needs to respond to this what does it tell you and what should we expect next? >> it wasn't too long ago we saw a similar cry when will hillary clinton answer questions about the server and the e-mails and there were too many doubts and senators democratic senators and others came up with a similar line that we read in "the new york times" and other places which is we're sure nothing wrong has happened here and all good intentions but the secretary needs to come clean and answer the questions. then she ended up coming out and doing that press conference not a pretty picture. but she did a press conference to answer the questions and say the important thing which was you ain't gettin' the servers. the e-mails are gone and you ain't gettin' anything. it's harder. you've got the house investigation well under way that started in benghazi goes to the e-mail servers and now we get to the question of what's on the servers and what was in the e-mails and was there anything that she deemed personal. >> prior to this when he was intimating about going after the server they wanted him to but now his tune seems to be changing in light of what he now obviously believes might have been on those servers and could potentially still be on. >> and what's personal. and the other thing that's happening right now, they have to be thinking about -- the clinton campaign has to be thinking about how do they weather this storm because it's not going away. you start out and say these are partisan attacks, but you can only buy so much time. when you have the "washington post," reuters, "new york times." >> her own donors. that's a bigger problem for her than "the new york times"." >> well in one sense, it's good to scare the donors and make them give her more money because she's going to have more problem shaking the money tree because they're so rich and have so much money. on the other hand that pressure is real and it will grow because they don't want to invest in a toxic asset. if hillary clinton has some huge problem that is lingering out there and they don't know if there is some huge problem lingering out there and a real corruption charge or intering inial charge or something with her husband, for goodness sanctions, that could explode her candidacy, not only would she not get to be president but no democrat would be president because it would be too late. >> chris, good to see you. >> you bet. >> the other question tonight, the "washington post," political and "newsweek" not to mention reuters and others all digging into this issue. has the press turned on hillary clinton. howard kurtz and also great to see you both. it's incredible to see, you know what i think many would describe as the left wing press go after her. they are on this story, are they not, howie? >> well hillary never had the press on her side but now it's open warfare and, yes, the pillars of the establishment media, you have almost the perfect storm. they're going after this story aggressively. you have serious allegations spanning the globe and you have a candidate that remains in the bunker sticking to the old 1990s playbook we won't answer the question and maybe we'll ride it out and the story will recede somehow. >> and saying this is just a partisan thing, this is the right wing a partisan thing. a line we heard echoed from the white house just today judith. listen to josh earnest who signed on to that clinton rhetoric. watch. >> i have been in a position where there have been other, to put it mildly conservative authors who have launched -- written books based on what they purport to be serious allegations against the president of the united states'm often in the position of responding to those incidents and trying to defend the president from accusations are that are not rooted or adpaeped by any evidence. my point is right now these what's happening to secretary clinton. >> really? >> well this is going to be the mean but what's interesting to me megyn is the which from yesterday to today, the memo that she had signed vowing to it and avoid the conflict of interest. they sail we'll ask the state department about that today and they're saying we're defending her. i think it's because a lot of people are deciding that one, peter schweitzer's book does not contain in and of itself a smoking gun and he's rileying on us reporters to do a lot of legwork for him and, two too much is at stake for the democrats. so i think now you've got a kind of democratic rally except for the normally sympathetic pro-democratic press and the sides are going to be clearly drawn here. >> this has made it so much harder for her to just dismiss, how by the right wing conspiracy. you cannot do that with "the new york times" editorial board calling you out. >> no. that whole strategy has been utterly obliterated. they haven't come up with a new one short of answering questions. when i covered the clinton white house and there were lots of scandals involved monica lewinsky and other fund-raising one of the things the aides would do is try to embarrass them and say instead of covering this you should cover the latest proposal on school uniforms. >> that's classic deceptive behavior. go ahead. >> right. but at least they had some other story to tell. hillary's entire campaign so far is a series of photograph photo ops. you have this important story, yes. it's very complicated but the tangled web of the clinton foundation donors and people paying bills and big money for speeches what she may or may not have done at the state department that is the only story of the campaign right now, and, of course -- >> she's not talking. two weeks into her candidacy, candace, she's still not saying a word. she has to does she not? >> she definitely does. this morning on msnbc, steve rattner who was a big bund ler for her and the democrats says she's got to do that press conference that alan koems calledcall called for on fox. the norng times looked at uranium. tonight fox news is looking at another aspect of it. as long as the mainstream media stays on this story, she's going to be under pressure. she can't dodge it. >> i'll leave the reviewers with this. look at the denial if the clinton camp. i want to put it on the board. you know as media -- as reporters yourself there are so many outclauses in this denial. read it for yourself. no one has produced a shred of evidence no one has produced a shred of evidence that hillary clinton ever took action as secretary of state in order to support the interests of donors to the clinton foundation. i mean there is enough room in that denial judith, to drive a mack truck through. >> absolutely. you're the lawyer, megyn. i tell you as a lawyer who read as statement like that howie may not disagree with me. i see so many questions i have just about that statement. >> right? at the two-hour press conference i'll be standing there trying to go through. >> it no one has yet to produce a shred. >> right. no one has produced it. they haven't produced evidence of it. it's another, she didn't do it. she didn't do it. anyway great to see you both. >> thanks megyn. >> before you think they're suddenly going tough on the democrats, stay tuned. dana perino is next with an eye-opening and rare dismaying account of what happened when she shared a heart-warming story this week about president george w. bush. you even got to hear this. plus, outrage of americans on a retreat like this who are spat on assaulted and abused by a group of college punks. one of those veterans is here in a kelly file exclusive. when the vietnam veterans came home they were spit on and disrespected and that's honestly how i felt. there's some facts about seaworld we'd like you to know. we don't collect killer whales from the wild. and haven't for 35 years. with the hightest standard of animal care in the world, our whales are healthy. they're thriving. i wouldn't work here if they weren't. and government research shows they live just as long as whales in the wild. caring for these whales, we have a great responsibility to get that right. and we take it very seriously. because we love them. and we know you love them too. ♪ miranda: ♪ i got red dirt stains on my boots and jeans. ♪ ♪ calloused fingers from my guitar strings. ♪ ♪ wild like the wind in the tall pine trees. ♪ ♪ i got roots and i got wings. ♪ ♪ i love life, but really i love my chico's life. i take good care of myself and i love what i see when i look in the mirror. i've often been told i'm the best pair of legs in the room. the so slimming collection only at chico's and who does this kinda thing online? 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[♪] developing tonight, we spoke moments ago about the mainstream media and the heat being put on hillary clinton. here's the prediction. some of these tough questions of the former press secretary will be harder to find. consider the case of president bush a man who still finds it hard to get a fair shake. as president bush's press secretary dana perino had exclusive access to the commander in chief and she recently shared a story with the nbr about a visit the president paid to a wounded warrior in the hospital but she also shared a story about the prfrt thatesident that some of the folks had frustration over the iraq war. guess which one made the piece? joining me now and the author of "and the good news is" and co-host on "the five," dana perino. your book is number one on amazon which is awesome. and you tell these beautiful stories. tell the audience what the story was that apparently npr had no interest in. >> well there was -- i was glad to be on npr and i'm glad they asked me about my book. one of the reasons i wrote the book is that some of the stories that they wrote about president bush hayed with unof the front row seats to see. one of the reasons i wrote the book is there are story that don't get told enough. the president went to visit 25 woulded warriors. the first one he saw was a marine. this is a story that didn't make it on npr and the daily signal ran it and then they heard npr and said what happened to the good part a family so overjoyed to see president bush. the family member was wounded in the hospital. he had not opened his eyes since he had been injured when his humvee had been hit with around ied. within two weeks his mom and dad were there, wife son and daughter were there, and the president is there. the family was overjoyed to see them. that was interesting to me. i hadn't seen that before. it was my first visit with him to see the wounded warriors. at the end of the it the little boy grabbed the president's jacket and he said what's the purple heart and the president got down on his knee and said the purple heart is because your dad is brave and courageous and he loves you and the country and i hope you remember that. just then i had line of sight of the marine and he opened his eyes and president bush rushed to the side of his bed and grabbed his hand prersed his forehead to him and said read it again and we stood there while they reddit again when he heard the president telling the story to his child and that is how the story begins in the hospital. there is a story about a mother who was very distraught and inconsolable and bee rated the president and i witnessed that, too, and he stood and took it and then he told me on the chopper on the way home that mama sure was mad at me and i don't blame her a bit and he looked out the window and one tear rolled down his face and he didn't flick it away. and that's the full story and that's one of the reasons i wanted to right that book. some of the stories can't be told. >> and still can't. npr comes out and says dana perino told many anecdotes in her wonderful interview. it's too bad we didn't have time. >> actually they didn't ask me about that part. when they askedmy about that -- i like david greene. the first question was about the mother who was upset and so i told him the whole story to make sure the full context was available. >> what's amazing is it's a beautiful story. it is a moving story. and just sitting here listening to it even though i read it in your book it still causes a physical reaction to think of what was happening as you wrote about the president's tears. it just tells you something that they chose not to include it. it certainly wasn't because it wasn't moving. it wouldn't make people feel something. it's that they're wanting people to feel something else. >> well the iraq war was controversial. and there is a mindset that thinks that the families all think that the sacrifice was not worth it. that's not what i experienced. when i watched, i would say 99% of the visits president bush made to wounded warriors and there were many of them and families offul fallen they were grateful to the commander in chief, they understood that their son or daughter had volunteered to be in the military and that they wanted that sacrifice to be honored and he did that. >> what do you think, dana? what do you think of my prediction? that the press that asks these tough questions that they're going to lighten up if she becomes becomes it. ? >> i think they will get bored and say it's an old story. i have a predict foryou megyn. i predict by next monday you're going to see divisions within the clinton camp bill and hillary's camp pointing fingers with the hillary clinton camp saying there goes bill again. she was clean on this. she will become yet again a victim of his bad judgment. >> wow. it's not like he stops being her husband if she becomes president, right? that's not exactly how well it works. i'm not sure how well that defense will work. dana thank you and congrats on the book. >> thanks for having me on and letting me tell the story. with candidates popping up across the country, folks are noticing something interesting about who's where and how they sound. our own james rosen is next on that and you've got to stay tuned for his report. an air force veteran was taken down by police after trying to stop protesters from trashing the american flag but wait until you see what hundreds of folks today have done in response. so if you have a flat tire dead battery need a tow or lock your keys in the car, geico's emergency roadside assistance is there 24/7. oh dear, i got a flat tire. hmmm. uh... yeah, can you find a take where it's a bit more dramatic on that last line, yeah? yeah i got it right here. someone help me!!! i have a flat tire!!! well it's good... good for me. what do you think? geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. ever notice how when you travel to a different part of the country, after a while you start to sound more like the folks you are visiting? what if you're a presidential candidate who pops up in a different region every single day? one major outlet did some digging on this and we asked our own james rosen to look into it. james is our chief washington correspondent and he used hillary clinton for our test. james, what did you find? how big were the differences? >> well megyn, the switchups here are, to borrow a term pretty pronounced even in campaigns and elections where they're known back in the days of the lincoln-douglas debates. in a now viral video, bloomberg has cataloged the various voices of hillary clinton. consider this speech from the 1983 speech when bill clinton was the newly elected of govern for arkansas. >> the road to being somebody in this society starts with education and we intend to be sure that everybody in this room and every child in this state is somebody. >> now, that was fairly drenched in southern drawl, something that mrs. clinton did for comedic effect and scored big with when she did a forest gump routine for a fwrid iron in 1985. >> you know that's back there. my mama always told me the white house is like a box of chocolates. it's pretty on the outside but inside there's lots of nuts. >> reporter: now, by way of contrast here's former secretary clinton earlier this month in iowa where the only hint of a drawl for days gone by interrepresents what was otherwise the typical blend of polish and american personality was a little bit of a dropping of the "g" in living. >> every one of them should have the same chances whether they're livin' in rural iowa or someplace else. >> i like the first one. the route to being somebody is education. you're a new york guy. you're a public speaker, you get paid to speak this. do you ever do this. >> the truth be told we're all amalgams. my voice is basically rolled into one. growing up a bit of dan rather. no, sir, mr. president, thank you. are you. a little bit of bill curtis from a & d investigates. issue got a little bit of bob costas in my voice. you might say you work with some of the greats like belushi or mccartly. >> i like that one. >> or bill buckley who said he would sooner be governed by the first 100 names in the boston phonebook than by the faculty of harvard university. >> i've gob at surt one for you how about brit hewnouston. >> everyone's got it. it looks like. >> >> he would say, what is your pack and about? >> it's about this. well then it should are e flekt that. he was tough. good. >> there is a softer gentler brit hume. >> james, great to see you. >> likewise. outrage tonight after a group of wounded warriors go to get some rest and relaxation and then the group was attacked by a group of college students and it is disgusting what these morons did to these honored veterans we have breaking news on it next with around exclusive with one of the folks who was there and a woman who organized it in honor of her son. plus most would recognize this man almost immediately, but you'll never guess the trouble one college student ever had. >> was he an actor? >> yes, he was an actor. >> did he have another job. >> yes h e did have another job. >> was he pretty important? >> yes, he was pretty important. you wouldn't buy a car without taking it for a spin and it's...well...just a car. test-drive our full lineup only at your local john deere dealer. ♪ ♪ the beautiful sound of customers making the most of their united flight. power, wi-fi and streaming entertainment. that's... seize the journey friendly. never before has this kind of passion this kind of innovation, engineering, design and performance... been available... for this kind of price. the 2015 cla from mercedes-benz. see your authorized dealer for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial services. if you're taking multiple medications does your mouth often feel dry? 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>> it's a time of r & r and our community is what hosts this in panama city beach. it's such a place of healing, we were in our sixth year. they come for eight days and seven nights for a time of the r & r. we had a parade on the 16th where eight8,000 to 10,000 lined the streets to go to it. panama city beach is a place of patriotism to honor these men and women and they enable us to do that and we were very grateful. >> sergeant, you were in attendance. you served three duties in iraq. a lot of guys have ptsd and are getting through some serious issues and what do you see with respect to these college morons? >> a lot of us are gathering outside. you have to understand a lot of these guys don't leave home now. they're secluded. they like to stay by themselves because they don't think anybody cares about them. so linda cope and the bay county area in panama beach have them there for these retreats. these guys are starting to come out, congregate and have fellowship with each other. as they're doing that these college kids are completely tearing that apart -- tearing us away from that. >> what were they doing? >> well we were sitting outside of the hotel friday evening. we had just got back from a day of -- full of events that panama city has gifrp to us and these guys are standing up on a balcony and they were throwing big champagne bottles down on us urinating off the balcony onto the flags. one event we were standing there chit-chatting with each other and a group of people came by they ripped the american flag auto of the ground which is right in front of the cop frins room where we were standing at and they started to walk off with it. we stopped them and confronted them and said what are you doing? what are you doing. they said we don't mean anything by it. i said if you don't mean anything by it explain it. then you need to put the flag back and go on your way. that was just one of the many events that happened from friday night until saturday afternoon when it was all -- when it was done. >> linda, have you -- obviously you tried to put a stop to it. have you heard anything because now the fraternity says it's embarrassed, mortified, suspended these students or expelled thiess students. they call it ugly and unacceptable behavior. the university of florida has given you a statement. em areeryory university has given a statement. they're not sure if their people are involved but they are, they're sorry. >> they're taking it very seriously and the superintendent is to be commended for not shoving it under the rug. they're also trying to help our corporation, you know -- they say what can we do to rectify this so i commend the fraternities -- >> how can we help? how can our viewers help? is there a foundation? >> yes. i am the founder and president of warrior beach. go to our website we're a 501(c)3. they can donate at paypal right there and just pray for us because we're christians and we feel god's given us this vision to bring hope and healing and it was so disheartening to me as a mom to see the way these men and women were treated, but i was so proud of them because no one retaliated. these are men and women that show the quality of the character of the men and women that are serving our nation that wanted to honor warrior beach retreat to not bring us harm and they stayed in control. and anybody knows what these men and women go through. it affects the whole family. and it's -- i'm very proud of the men like john mckay that were there. they kept their cool when somebody else might not have for the things they were saying and doing. >> that's right. >> i'm very proud of them and very proud of our community for getting it under control, for the resort, the police the security that the second night was a good night and the rest of the time they were there was very positive. >> good. what a juxtaposition. what a juxtaposition among these, you know kids behaving like jerks and the real men who were standing beneath them watching them desecrate our flag and trying to desecrate these men's honor, which, of course, they could never do. thank you both so much for being here. >> absolutely. >> with this story. >> thank you, megyn. >> don't forget whenever we mention a website like that on air it always crashes. it's not a big organization. do her the courtesy of trying tomorrow on sunday, make a net on your iphone so we can really get through. coming up most would recognize this man almost immediately but you would never guess the trouble some college students recently had. plus remember the story? an espn reporter goes off on a recorded statement and is suspended. the return of brit mchenry. >> oh like yours? i'm on television and you're [ bleep ] in a trailer, (dog) mmm, beneful healthy weight is so good... and low-calorie. keeps me looking good. hey, i get some looks, i hear the whistles. 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[ male announcer ] we know they're out there. you can't always see them. but it's our job to find them. the answers. the solutions. the innovations. all waiting to help us build something better. something more amazing. a safer, cleaner brighter future. at boeing, that's what building something better is all about. ♪ ♪ developing tonight, the patriarch of one of the most famous families expected to share a very personal decision in an interview with diane sawyer. after months of speculation and rumor, bruce jenner has announced he's transitioning from male to female. so what is america to make of this moment? mark hannah a former campaign aid for obama and kerry's presidential campaigns and adjunct professor of the media school and school. what are we to make of this? is this significant beyond reality tv and people have grown very curious in the patriarch of the kardashian family? >> nobody really knows why these guys are famous to begin with. >> i do. kim kardashian made a sex tape. >> as a result of that bruce jenner is now in the public eye. >> kind of the things you wouldn't foresea. you made a sex tape and now it's public and oh no although i don't think that was the reaction and now bruce jenner is becoming a woman. >> i just want to applaud you for pulling two of the most current experts on the kardashian kardashians. >> it's always stunned me. >> i see him on the treadmill when i'm at the gym. >> chloe. i'll give you $25. tell me how old chloe is? >> let me guess. late 20s, early 30s. >> is this the bill reilly of pop culture? >> yes, because i don't know the answer. >> if it takes a medical procedure out of obscurity and makes it relatable, again, i don't necessarily know if bruce jenner is a guy people can relate to or gal. >> media is writing all mean tweet on you right now. they know that you're a liberal. >> i'm going to walk that back. >> what about it rich? bruce jern will be somebody who can sort of take people through what this is like but you know that there will be many people in the country still who will say, i don't want to see that and i don't want that on tv and i don't want that you know public sized and available to my child. that's still going to be the reaction among many. >> i think there will be a lot of commentary about the meaning of it and what an important moment it is in culture. it's what it always is about kardashian. it's about spectacle, ratings, and ultimately money. that's all it is. >> let me ask you, though, whether that is the wave of the future and actually the wave is here. ice not just the kardashians who have capitalized on reality tv and american people eat it up. >> it is the future and it's what we live in and she sold a fake wedding the first time around and sold off her second wedding. everything is for sale. and, look bruce jenner is going through this you know. god bless him. do we really have to hear about it? does there have to be a reality show about it? the answer in contemporary is yes. >> i will say this family is famous for nothing, famous for being famous. it's kind of odd and mind-boggling that they've got on the this and it's totally artificial. their franchise, their brand is full of artifice. this is a real person going through this right now. >> and there's never been somebody who's been this public about going through this. >> i've seen every magazine that's got bruce jenner's picture on the front of it. i think diane sawyer is a class act. she's going to handle it with the kind of skill any journalistist can. so hopefully she'll treat this with sensitivity. >> an enormous marketing campaign around about it. they've been leaking bits about it so all the programs will pick it up. >> in bruce jenner's defense, this is still a group of folks who is one of the last groups that some people feel it's okay to mock and i'm not saying like listen we all mock each other, but i mean to really go after in a cruel and demeaning way and i'm sure that a lot of transgender folks are looking at bruce jenner and saying thank goodness somebody who's in the public eye and respected by many in particular for his athletic accomplishments is going to be this honest with something that so many struggle with. i've got to leave it there. >> good to see you. coming up, college kids have trouble recognizing -- do you know ♪ miranda: ♪ i got red dirt stains on my boots and jeans. ♪ ♪ calloused fingers from my guitar strings. ♪ ♪ wild like the wind in the tall pine trees. ♪ ♪ i test. test. ♪ mr. gorbachev, tear down this wall. >> that was one of president ronald reagan's most defining moments. mr. reagan was elected our 40th president in 1980 and led the country through a memorable decade. many kretcredited him with ending the cold war and revital izing the movement in america. >> who is this dude? >> that's really the question before us tonight. >> take your time. >> handsome guy. >> yeah. who is that guy? ever seen him before? you want to take a guess? >> nope. >> actor? >> no idea. >> leader of the free world. nothing, huh? >> many americans seem to be wondering, searching. >> i'll give you a hint. he was an actor. >> oh my god, you got it. you nailed it. way to go. no worries, man. actor's name is ronald reagan. did some other stuff, too. that's not important. >> fox news here on this. really? >> did some other stuff, too. >> was it the university of maryland? college park. obviously our children are not going to go there. >> anybody born after 1990, has no idea. to their defense, the cowboy hat might have -- >> it was totally incognito with the hat. >> if you walk down the street and have a cowboy hat, you would do a double-take. >> i know. >> i cannot -- i'm sort of like this. that's a sad commentary. >> are they more interested in watching the kardashians than consuming anything about our history? >> and he is was an actor. he is americana. i'm from canada and i know who ronald reagan is. >> pay attention, kids. >> it's a disclaimer. >> do you know who brit mchenry is? many did not a short time ago. now many do. that has some questioning whether this woman who went on this rant with a tow truck operator somehow did herself some good. watch. >> i have a brain and you don't. i'm on television. >> nice. she just returned to duty for espn. where she will be back on television. >> for one week. of course she made that catch phrase i'm in tv sweetheart. >> she had a nickel right? >> what if that was you or i that did that? i think we'd be gone, right? that's the sad thing. i mean you talk about reality tv. when i first saw that clip i thought it was a reality tv show. >> the gals are outnumbered today. we're talking about how we should forgive and we all have an angry moment. what i found problematic about this clip is it was such a cruel moment. you know that's not -- everybody's been to the point that you're like ah but this was so demeaning and elitist. should she retain her job? >> i think one week suspension was not enough. i think there should have been community service. i don't know if an employer can enforce that. maybe she needs to do a job like that for a little while. >> oh! i like the way you're thinking. >> why doesn't she do that job for a week? the attendant can do her job at espn. >> that's brilliant. everything would be forgiven. janice great to see you. >> so nice to see you, too. >> we'll be right back. don't go away. who does this kinda thing online? i-i-i clicked on some links, ugh the kids weren't even home. wait, wait, wait, this changes everything. it's service & repair feature. so we'll never pay more than we should. well done. research, price, find. get the right service without all the drama. ♪ ♪ the beautiful sound of customers making the most of their united flight. power, wi-fi and streaming entertainment. that's... seize the journey friendly. set your dvrs right now for the kelly file monday night. a guest without whose advice i would not be sitting in this anchor chair. have a great weekend. thank you for the work that amsterdam has done in helping -- >> i thank you the global initiative for bringing us all here. >> thank you. thank you. thank you very much. >> the clintons have been cashing in. >> they took in something like $136 million. >> but have they also been selling out? >> everybody walked away from the table that night with something. >> the clintons' influence is felt all over the globe. >> the clintons did a good job. it feels like there's a but. >> will it all come back to haunt hillary. >> we're talking about uranium. we're talking about the russian government. >> we will be


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Kelly File 20150425

done a single meaningful interview. there was that one time that one question to that one reporter to her and she smiled. instead her team dismisses all of this as the product of a right wing conspiracy. partisan partisan attack. that's what they say. but as the crisis grows, so does the pressure. republican speaker of the house john boehner accused mrs. clinton of violating the law by destroying more than 30,000 e-mails from her time as secretary of state. remember the lefeft kept tells us sing us there was none. she says wrong. for the first time he raised threat of subpoenaing for her e-mail serve. they also want answers. last night condemning the clinton foundation for a lack of trance sparntcy while political reporters are becoming increasingly skeptical too. >> how many more warnings did the clintons need to have and yet they ended up doing these things? it's politically, though just dumb and inept. >> and it's not just him. we have a big lineup. howard kurtz who is host of media buzz. judith miller is a pulitzer prize-winning journalist of "the new york times" also with us. but first up chris stirewalt. when you see the times magazine anaheim ducks week chuck todd and even our own alam colmes coming out to say she needs to respond to this what does it tell you and what should we expect next? >> it wasn't too long ago we saw a similar cry when will hillary clinton answer questions about the server and the e-mails and there were too many doubts and senators democratic senators and others came up with a similar line that we read in "the new york times" and other places which is we're sure nothing wrong has happened here and all good intentions but the secretary needs to come clean and answer the questions. then she ended up coming out and doing that press conference not a pretty picture. but she did a press conference to answer the questions and say the important thing which was you ain't gettin' the servers. the e-mails are gone and you ain't gettin' anything. it's harder. you've got the house investigation well under way that started in benghazi goes to the e-mail servers and now we get to the question of what's on the servers and what was in the e-mails and was there anything that she deemed personal. >> prior to this when he was intimating about going after the server they wanted him to but now his tune seems to be changing in light of what he now obviously believes might have been on those servers and could potentially still be on. >> and what's personal. and the other thing that's happening right now, they have to be thinking about -- the clinton campaign has to be thinking about how do they weather this storm because it's not going away. you start out and say these are partisan attacks, but you can only buy so much time. when you have the "washington post," reuters, "new york times." >> her own that's a bigger problem for her than "the new york times"." >> well in one sense, it's good to scare the donors and make them give her more money because she's going to have more problem shaking the money tree because they're so rich and have so much money. on the other hand that pressure is real and it will grow because they don't want to invest in a toxic asset. if hillary clinton has some huge problem that is lingering out there and they don't know if there is some huge problem lingering out there and a real corruption charge or intering inial charge or something with her husband, for goodness sanctions, that could explode her candidacy, not only would she not get to be president but no democrat would be president because it would be too late. >> chris, good to see you. >> you bet. >> the other question tonight, the "washington post," political and "newsweek" not to mention reuters and others all digging into this issue. has the press turned on hillary clinton. howard kurtz and also great to see you both. it's incredible to see, you know what i think many would describe as the left wing press go after her. they are on this story, are they not, howie? >> well hillary never had the press on her side but now it's open warfare and, yes, the pillars of the establishment media, you have almost the perfect storm. they're going after this story aggressively. you have serious allegations spanning the globe and you have a candidate that remains in the bunker sticking to the old 1990s playbook we won't answer the question and maybe we'll ride it out and the story will recede somehow. >> and saying this is just a partisan thing, this is the right wing a partisan thing. a line we heard echoed from the white house just today judith. listen to josh earnest who signed on to that clinton rhetoric. watch. >> i have been in a position where there have been other, to put it mildly conservative authors who have launched -- written books based on what they purport to be serious allegations against the president of the united states and i'm often in the position of responding to those incidents and trying to defend the president from accusations are that are not rooted or adpaeped by any evidence. my point is right now these what's happening to secretary clinton. >> really? >> well this is going to be the mean but what's interesting to me megyn is the which from yesterday to today, the memo that she had signed vowing to it and avoid the conflict of interest. they sail we'll ask the state department about that today and they're saying we're defending her. i think it's because a lot of people are deciding that one, peter schweitzer's book does not contain in and of itself a smoking gun and he's rileying on us reporters to do a lot of legwork for him and, two too much is at stake for the democrats. so i think now you've got a kind of democratic rally except for the normally sympathetic pro-democratic press and the sides are going to be clearly drawn here. >> this has made it so much harder for her to just dismiss, how by the right wing conspiracy. you cannot do that with "the new york times" editorial board calling you out. >> no. that whole strategy has been utterly obliterated. they haven't come up with a new one short of answering questions. when i covered the clinton white house and there were lots of scandals involved monica lewinsky and other fund-raising one of the things the aides would do is try to embarrass them and say instead of covering this you should cover the latest proposal on school uniforms. >> that's classic deceptive behavior. go ahead. >> right. but at least they had some other story to tell. hillary's entire campaign so far is a series of photograph photo ops. you have this important story, yes. it's very complicated but the tangled web of the clinton foundation donors and people paying bills and big money for speeches what she may or may not have done at the state department that is the only story of the campaign right now, and, of course -- >> she's not talking. two weeks into her candidacy, candace, she's still not saying a word. she has to does she not? >> she definitely does. this morning on msnbc, steve rattner who was a big bund ler for her and the democrats says she's got to do that press conference that alan koems calledcall called for on fox. the norng times looked at uranium. tonight fox news is looking at another aspect of it. as long as the mainstream media stays on this story, she's going to be under pressure. she can't dodge it. >> i'll leave the reviewers with this. look at the denial if the clinton camp. i want to put it on the board. you know as media -- as reporters yourself there are so many outclauses in this denial. read it for yourself. no one has produced a shred of evidence no one has produced a shred of evidence that hillary clinton ever took action as secretary of state in order to support the interests of donors to the clinton foundation. i mean there is enough room in that denial judith, to drive a mack truck through. >> absolutely. you're the lawyer, megyn. i tell you as a lawyer who read as statement like that howie may not disagree with me. i see so many questions i have just about that statement. >> right? at the two-hour press conference i'll be standing there trying to go through. >> it no one has yet to produce a shred. >> right. no one has produced it. they haven't produced evidence of it. it's another, she didn't do it. she didn't do it. anyway great to see you both. >> thanks megyn. >> before you think they're suddenly going tough on the democrats, stay tuned. dana perino is next with an eye-opening and rare dismaying account of what happened when she shared a heart-warming story this week about president george w. bush. you even got to hear this. plus, outrage of americans on a retreat like this who are spat on assaulted and abused by a group of college punks. one of those veterans is here in a kelly file exclusive. when the vietnam veterans came home they were spit on and disrespected and that's honestly how i felt. there's some facts about seaworld we'd like you to know. we don't collect killer whales from the wild. and haven't for 35 years. with the hightest standard of animal care in the world, our whales are healthy. they're thriving. i wouldn't work here if they weren't. and government research shows they live just as long as whales in the wild. caring for these whales, we have a great responsibility to get that right. and we take it very seriously. because we love them. and we know you love them too. ♪ miranda: ♪ i got red dirt stains on my boots and jeans. ♪ ♪ calloused fingers from my guitar strings. ♪ ♪ wild like the wind in the tall pine trees. ♪ ♪ i got roots and i got wings. ♪ ♪ i love life, but really, i love my chico's life. and my days are filled with important lunches and afternoon meetings. i also like to play hard whether i'm spending time with friends or an evening with my favorite date. i take good care of myself and i love what i see when i look in the mirror. in fact, i've often been told i'm the best pair of legs in the room. the so slimming collection. only at chico's and you're driving along, having a perfectly nice day, when out of nowhere a pick-up truck slams into your brand new car. one second it wasn't there and the next second... boom! you've had your first accident. now you have to make your first claim. so you talk to your insurance company and... boom! you're blindsided for a second time. they won't give you enough money to replace your brand new car. don't those people know you're already shaken up? 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joining me now and the author of "and the good news is" and co-host on "the five," dana perino. your book is number one on amazon which is awesome. and you tell these beautiful stories. tell the audience what the story was that apparently npr had no interest in. >> well there was -- i was glad to be on npr and i'm glad they asked me about my book. one of the reasons i wrote the book is that some of the stories that they wrote about president bush hayed with unof the front row seats to see. one of the reasons i wrote the book is there are story that don't get told enough. the president went to visit 25 woulded warriors. the first one he saw was a marine. this is a story that didn't make it on npr and the daily signal ran it and then they heard npr and said what happened to the good part a family so overjoyed to see president bush. the family member was wounded in the hospital. he had not opened his eyes since he had been injured when his humvee had been hit with around ied. within two weeks his mom and dad were there, wife son and daughter were there, and the president is there. the family was overjoyed to see them. that was interesting to me. i hadn't seen that before. it was my first visit with him to see the wounded warriors. at the end of the it the little boy grabbed the president's jacket and he said what's the purple heart and the president got down on his knee and said the purple heart is because your dad is brave and courageous and he loves you and the country and i hope you remember that. just then i had line of sight of the marine and he opened his eyes and president bush rushed to the side of his bed and grabbed his hand prersed his forehead to him and said read it again and we stood there while they reddit again when he heard the president telling the story to his child and that is how the story begins in the hospital. there is a story about a mother who was very distraught and inconsolable and bee rated the president and i witnessed that, too, and he stood and took it and then he told me on the chopper on the way home that mama sure was mad at me and i don't blame her a bit and he looked out the window and one tear rolled down his face and he didn't flick it away. and that's the full story and that's one of the reasons i wanted to right that book. some of the stories can't be told. >> and still can't. npr comes out and says dana perino told many anecdotes in her wonderful interview. it's too bad we didn't have time. >> actually they didn't ask me about that part. when they askedmy about that -- i like david greene. the first question was about the mother who was upset and so i told him the whole story to make sure the full context was available. >> what's amazing is it's a beautiful story. it is a moving story. and just sitting here listening to it even though i read it in your book it still causes a physical reaction to think of what was happening as you wrote about the president's tears. it just tells you something that they chose not to include it. it certainly wasn't because it wasn't moving. it wouldn't make people feel something. it's thahat they're wanting people to feel something else. >> well the iraq war was controversial. and there is a mindset that thinks that the families all think that the sacrifice was not worth it. that's not what i experienced. when i watched, i would say 99% of the visits president bush made to wounded warriors and there were many of them and families offul fallen they were grateful to the commander in chief, they understood that their son or daughter had volunteered to be in the military and that they wanted that sacrifice to be honored and he did that. >> what do you think, dana? what do you think of my prediction? that the press that asks these tough questions that they're going to lighten up if she becomes becomes it. ? >> i think they will get bored and say it's an old story. i have a predict foryou megyn. i predict by next monday you're going to see divisions within the clinton camp bill and hillary's camp pointing fingers with the hillary clinton camp saying there goes bill again. she was clean on this. she will become yet again a victim of his bad judgment. >> wow. it's not like he stops being her husband if she becomes president, right? that's not exactly how well it works. i'm not sure how well that defense will work. dana thank you and congrats on the book. >> thanks for having me on and letting me tell the story. with candidates popping up across the country, folks are noticing something interesting about who's where and how they sound. our own james rosen is next on that and you've got to stay tuned for his report. an air force veteran was taken down by police after trying to stop protesters from trashing the american flag but wait until you see what hundreds of folks today have done in response. this is good, mom. "good"? 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>> it's a time of r & r and our community is what hosts this in panama city beach. it's such a place of healing, we were in our sixth year. they come for eight days and seven nights for a time of the r & r. we had a parade on the 16th where eight8,000 to 10,000 lined the streets to go to it. panama city beach is a place of patriotism to honor these men and women and they enable us to do that and we were very grateful. >> sergeant, you were in attendance. you served three duties in iraq. a lot of guys have ptsd and are getting through some serious issues and what do you see with respect to these college morons? >> a lot of us are gathering outside. you have to understand a lot of these guys don't leave home now. they're secluded. they like to stay by themselves because they don't think anybody cares about them. so linda cope and the bay county area in panama beach have them there for these retreats. these guys are starting to come out, congregate and have fellowship with each other. as they're doing that these college kids are completely tearing that apart -- tearing us away from that. >> what were they doing? >> well we were sitting outside of the hotel friday evening. we had just got back from a day of -- full of events that panama city has gifrp to us and these guys are standing up on a balcony and they were throwing big champagne bottles down on us urinating off the balcony onto the flags. one event we were standing there chit-chatting with each other and a group of people came by they ripped the american flag auto of the ground which is right in front of the cop frins room where we were standing at and they started to walk off with it. we stopped them and confronted them and said what are you doing? what are you doing. they said we don't mean anything by it. i said if you don't mean anything by it explain it. then you need to put the flag back and go on your way. that was just one of the many events that happened from friday night until saturday afternoon when it was all -- when it was done. >> linda, have you -- obviously yo tried to put a stop to it. have you heard anything because now the fraternity says it's embarrassed, mortified, suspended these students or expelled thiess students. they call it ugly and unacceptable behavior. the university of florida has given you a statement. em areeryory university has given a statement. they're not sure if their people are involved but they are, they're sorry. >> they're taking it very seriously and the superintendent is to be commended for not shoving it under the rug. they're also trying to help our corporation, you know -- they say what can we do to rectify this so i commend the fraternities -- >> how can we help? how can our viewers help? is there a foundation? >> yes. i am the founder and president of warrior beach. go to our website we're a 501(c)3. they can donate at paypal right there and just pray for us because we're christians and we feel god's given us this vision to bring hope and healing and it was so disheartening to me as a mom to see the way these men and women were treated, but i was so proud of them because no one retaliated. these are men and women that show the quality of the character of the men and women that are serving our nation that wanted to honor warrior beach retreat to not bring us harm and they stayed in control. and anybody knows what these men and women go through. it affects the whole family. and it's -- i'm very proud of the men like john mckay that were there. they kept their cool when somebody else might not have for the things they were saying and doing. >> that's right. >> i'm very proud of them and very proud of our community for getting it under control, for the resort, the police the security that the second night was a good night and the rest of the time they were there was very positive. >> good. what a juxtaposition. what a juxtaposition among these, you know kids behaving like jerks and the real men who were standing beneath them watching them desecrate our flag and trying to desecrate these men's honor, which, of course, they could never do. thank you both so much for being here. >> absolutely. >> with this story. >> thank you, megyn. >> don't forget whenever we mention a website like that on air it always crashes. it's not a big organization. do her the courtesy of trying tomorrow on sunday, make a net on your iphone so we can really get through. coming up most would recognize this man almost immediately but you would never guess the trouble some college students recently had. plus remember the story? an espn reporter goes off on a recorded statement and is suspended. the return of brit mchenry. >> oh like yours? i'm on television and you're [ bleep ] in a trailer, honey. lose sonme weight, baby girl. i love life, but really i love my chico's life. i take good care of myself and i love what i see when i look in the mirror. i've often been told i'm the best pair of legs in the room. the so slimming collection only at chico's and you can call me shallow... but, i have a wandering eye. i mean, come on. national gives me the control to choose any car in the aisle i want. i could choose you... or i could choose her if i like her more. and i do. oh, the silent treatment. real mature. so you wanna get out of here? go national. go like a pro. congratulations. you're down with crestor. yes! when diet and exercise aren't enough, adding crestor lowers bad cholesterol up to 55%. crestor is not f test test test tell your doctor all medicines you take. call your doctor if you have muscle pain or weakness, feel unusually tired have loss of appetite, upper belly pain, dark urine or yellowing of skin or eyes. these could be signs of serious side effects. i'm down with crestor! make your move. ask your doctor about crestor. 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is this significant beyond reality tv and people have grown very curious in the patriarch of the kardashian family? >> nobody really knows why these guys are famous to begin with. >> i do. kim kardashian made a sex tape. >> as a result of that bruce jenner is now in the public eye. >> kind of the things you wouldn't foresea. you made a sex tape and now it's public and oh no although i don't think that was the reaction and now bruce jenner is becoming a woman. >> i just want to applaud you for pulling two of the most current experts on the kardashian kardashians. >> it's always stunned me. >> i see him on the treadmill when i'm at the gym. >> chloe. i'll give you $25. tell me how old chloe is? >> let me guess. late 20s, early 30s. >> is this the bill reilly of pop culture? >> yes, because i don't know the answer. >> if it takes a medical procedure out of obscurity and makes it relatable, again, i don't necessarily know if bruce jenner is a guy people can relate to or gal. >> media is writing all mean tweet on you right now. they know that you're a liberal. >> i'm going to walk that back. >> what about it rich? bruce jern will be somebody who can sort of take people through what this is like but you know that there will be many people in the country still who will say, i don't want to see that and i don't want that on tv and i don't want that you know public sized and available to my child. that's still going to be the reaction among many. >> i think there will be a lot of commentary about the meaning of it and what an important moment it is in culture. it's what it always is about kardashian. it's about spectacle, ratings, and ultimately money. that's all it is. >> let me ask you, though, whether that is the wave of the future and actually the wave is here. ice not just the kardashians who have capitalized on reality tv and american people eat it up. >> it is the future and it's what we live in and she sold a fake wedding the first time around and sold off her second wedding. everything is for sale. and, look bruce jenner is going through this you know. god bless him. do we really have to hear about it? does there have to be a reality show about it? the answer in contemporary is yes. >> i will say this family is famous for nothing, famous for being famous. it's kind of odd and mind-boggling that they've got on the this and it's totally artificial. their franchise, their brand is full of artifice. this is a real person going through this right now. >> and there's never been somebody who's been this public about going through this. >> i've seen every magazine that's got bruce jenner's picture on the front of it. i think diane sawyer is a class act. she's going to handle it with the kind of skill any journalistist can. so hopefully she'll treat this with sensitivity. >> an enormous marketing campaign around about it. they've been leaking bits about it so all the programs will pick it up. >> in bruce jenner's defense, this is still a group of folks who is one of the last groups that some people feel it's okay to mock and i'm not saying like listen we all mock each other, but i mean to really go after in a cruel and demeaning way and i'm sure that a lot of transgender folks are looking at bruce jenner and saying thank goodness somebody who's in the public eye and respected by many in particular for his athletic accomplishments is going to be this honest with something that so many struggle with. i've got to leave it there. >> good to see you. coming up, college kids have trouble recognizing -- do you know who this is? well, the college kids of america may not. that's next. here at fidelity we give you the most free research reports, customizable charts, powerful screening tools and guaranteed 1-second trades. and at the center of it all is a surprisingly low price -- just $7.95. in fact, fidelity gives you lower trade commissions than schwab, td ameritrade and e-trade. i'm monica santiago of fidelity investments, and low fees and commissions are another reason serious investors are choosing fidelity. call or click to open your fidelity account today. ♪ miranda: ♪ i got red dirt stains on my boots and jeans. ♪ ♪ calloused fingers from my guitar strings. ♪ ♪ wild like the wind in the tall pine trees. ♪ ♪ i got roots and i got wings. ♪ ♪ my name is tony sartorio. i'm a lineman for pg&e out of the concord service center. i have lived here pretty much my whole life. i have been married for twelve years. i have 3 kids. i love living here and i love working in my hometown. at pg&e we are always working to upgrade reliability to meet the demands of the customers. i'm there to do the safest job possible - not only for them, but everybody, myself included that lives in the community. i'm very proud to do the work that i do and say that i am a lineman for pg&e because it's my hometown. it's a rewarding feeling. mr. gorbachev, tear down this wall. >> that was one of president ronald reagan's most defining moments. mr. reagan was elected our 40th president in 1980 and left the country with a memorable decade. he created millions of jobs and revitalized the conservative movement in america. try telling that to these kids! >> and who is this dude? >> um -- >> that's really the question before us tonight. >> i cannot think of his name right now. know his face. >> handsome guy. >> do you want to take a guess? >> no. >> leader of the free world? nothing, huh? >> i'll give you a hint. he was an actor. >> is he in a movie or anything? >> you totally nailed it. way to go. all right. no worries, man. the actor's name is ronald reagan. he did some other stuff, too, but it's not important. >> fox news's janice dean is here on this. >> with some other stuff, too. >> really? the university of maryland is where they were? college park. so obviously our children are not going to go there. >> it's not good. anybody born after 1990 has no idea. to their defense, the cowboy hat might have you know -- >> yet it was totally incognito with the mask. >> if you walked on the screen with a cowboy hat, i would do a double take but -- i know, iconic. i cannot. i'm just going like this. it's a sad commentary. >> what is it that they are more interested in watching the kardashians than consuming anything with our history? >> as an actor, he's americana. i'm from canada and know who ronald reagan is. disclaimer. >> but do you know who brit mchenry is? much of the country didn't a short time ago and now many do. many are questioning this woman who went on the rant with a tow truck operator somehow did herself some good. watch. >> i'm in the news sweetheart. so i have a brain and you don't. i'm on television and your in a [ bleep ] trailer honey. >> nice. she just returned to duty for espn where she'll be back on television baby girl. >> for one week. >> what does that mean? >> she made the comment, i'm in tv sweetheart. what if you or i did that i think we would be gone? that's what is the sad thing. i mean you talk about reality tv i thought when i first saw that clip that that wasn't real. i thought it was a reality tv show. >> the gals are talking about how you should forgive and everybody has an angry moment. i agree with both of those things but what i found so problematic about this clip was it was such a cruel moment. it was not just an f-off everybody is to that point. this is so demeaning and elitist. should she retake her job? >> i think the one-week suspension was not enough. i think there should be community service, i don't know if an employer can enforce that but maybe she needs to do a job like that for a while. >> oh i like the way you're thinking. >> why doesn't she do that job? and the attendant can do her job, right? >> that's brilliant. >> solved. >> everything would be forgiven. janice great to see you. we will be right back. don't go away. working on my feet all day gave me pain here. in my lower back but now, i step on this machine and get my number which matches my dr. scholl's custom fit orthotic inserts. now i get immediate relief from my foot pain. my lower back pain. find a machine at people ship all kinds of things. but what if that thing is a few hundred thousand doses of flu vaccine. that need to be kept at 41 degrees. while being shipped to a country where it's 90 degrees. in the shade. sound hard? yeah. does that mean people in laos shouldn't get their vaccine? we didn't think so. from figuring it out to getting it done, we're here to help. unbelievable! toenail fungus? 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>> everybody walked away from the table that night with something. >> reporter: the clinton's influence is spelled all over the globe. >> bill clinton did a good job. >> it sounds like there's a but here. >> will it all come back to haunt hillary? >> we are talking about iranians we are talking about


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW On The Record With Greta Van Susteren 20150425

somehow donations to the clinton foundation had any impact on any policy decisions that were made by secretary clinton or anybody else in the state department. there is no evidence to suggest that. and there are a lot of accusations that are flying from secretary clinton's political opponents and for a response to those accusations i would refer to you secretary clinton's team. they are the ones capable of responding to them. >> that's a dodge. that didn't answer the question. yes, it is fair to be suspicious when a simple question doesn't get answered. white house correspondent kevin corke is at the white house. >> john karl and others and of course, you heard my question there asking the simple question, do you believe or do you not believe that as secretary of state did hillary clinton meet the so-called standard set by the white house? we all know he that she signed different documents saying that she would adhere to certain policies that she ultimately did not follow. and so we simply asked a simple question. and repeatedly we have seen josh earnst kind of punt on an answer, greta. >> you know, kevin it's just simple did. she disclose it or not to the white house? it's either yes she did no she didn't. and then when you see the white house press secretary do the double step. it's fair to be suspicious. why doesn't he find out the answer, why doesn't he go back and ask and say i don't know i will tell you later. that's the problem this sort of dodging that they do so naturally people are suspicious. and, you know, they have the information, yes or no? >> absolutely spot on. and i want to add one more thing. it's not earn earnst' job to be lanny davis. when lanny davis does it. we get it. if carville does it i get that i you completely understand but josh's job is to represent the administration and from their perspective it's a simple question. did she meet the standard or not? and if the answer is. no just say no. had she done it this way that would have been better. had she made different decisions support that because she didn't she didn't meet our standard. it's not to say we don't support her. she didn't meet our standard. he doesn't say that i think there is a reason he doesn't say that greta. i think he doesn't say that because you want to keep your friends close and keep your frememies closer. >> does the white house seem distracted by this latest development. >> i don't think so. i will say they suspect they will get plenty more of it. there is a volume of information yet to be revealed not just by the book that we have been talking about clinton cash but if you go back to her history as first lady of arkansas i mean, there is a litany really i can't. even run down the list of how many different stories at different journalists may want to begin to unpack once again so. i'm sure josh is practicing well his answer which will be not my problem. take it straight to her. >> well, there is an easy way to end all of this. that's a full interview sitting down with somebody for a long time and answering these questions. but when they dodge it and don't answer questions when secretary clinton doesn't naturally the vacuum fills up with all sorts of thoughts. anyway kevin, thank you. >> any time, greta. >> and the white house not the only place taking extreme heat over the clinton controversy. state department spokesperson marie harf facing questions about the donations to the clinton foundation. >> okay. you are able to say though that it did not -- that they weren't required to be disclosed? >> that's my understanding but i'm happy to check on some more details here, matt. >> even if it didn't. even if they donations did not were not required to be disclosed. >> again that's my understanding. let me check with the folks here. i want to be clear about what's covered by the mou and what's not. okay? >> all right. >> will this controversy rock the clinton campaign david cantonese and david diamond joins us. i'm sympathetic to the spokesperson for the white house and state department. every news organization would love to talk to her. so far we've heard nothing. >> sure, no. this is what happens when you have two people who competed against each other for a nomination and you make one of them your top diplomat. you have to give her a lot of latitude at that agency. it almost sounds like the administration, the rest of the obama administration didn't have a very good handle. they essentially let her freelance over there with the clinton global initiative happening out there. now all of it is coming back on them. yeah, you heard from both of spokes people they're struggling to catch up with this story. >> if there is an innocent explanation, no one is getting it and a dodge by the white house where you have josh earnst who won't even answer a very direct question that calls for yes or no answer. if you were in the courtroom i would ask the judge to please direct the witness to answer. it's obvious will he is dodging. >> if secretary clinton had disclosed, this they could have easily said she disclosed it so i think we got our answer by those two back and forth. the state department seemed annoyed by the question. >> but if he had said no and we're mad as hell, at least that would call off the dog for the press corps at the white house. >> not really that would have been white house spokesperson basically undercutting the clinton campaign right off their launch. that becomes a bigger story for all of us obama clinton round 2 they are trying to keep us at bay for as long as possible. as you said, she can settle. this she is now a candidate. she can do an interview with anyone she wants. friendly interviewer and answer these questions. she has yet to do that and she is officially a candidate. >> you are thinking what? >> you know, the defense that so far there is no smoking gun proving bribery you know, that's true. and there may never be that smoking gun. the issue is this. her campaign. my child and grandchild had. not everyone has billionaire friends who can pay a lot of money. these are the sorts of things that pop up that make people think wow, they are not like us. despite all their -- it's the hypocrisy of saying we want everybody to have the chances we had, they are not going to have those was i not suggesting bribery. i have no idea where this is going to be. the problem is it does look unseemly if all these deals are going on with lots of big cash and supposed to be disclosed according to an agreement. it's not being disclosed. server at home when you are supposed to have emails go through the state department. all this begins to look, you know look very very questionable. i won't even go so far as to say bribery. what in the world are you thinking? be straight with us or not? >> it's the hillary clinton paradox. how can an historic figure who could break the ultimate glass ceiling feel so exhausting and going through sort of a throw back to all the scandals and everything, the money the ties, the friends who is helping who? and that's the clinton paradox. >> so self-inflicting. >> playing by their own rules set up enemail server. and then when asked have to go through and delete emails, clear the server, it's all about playing by their own rules. that's not going to wear well with people. >> panel, stay with us. for the latest on the clinton controversy be sure to tune bret baier circle. tonight 10:00 p.m. eastern right here on the fox news channel. and developing now pressure on president obama to reevaluate his administration strategy on hostages taken by terrorist group. the news come one day after the tragic announcement that a u.s. drone strike killed two hostages, an italian and american. today wife of american hostage warren weinstein saying the government's assistance to her family and husband was inconsistent. the set to be completed this spring. now, it has been 1333 days. that's how long our marine, sergeant amir hekmati has languished in iran's brutal evan prison. this week amir dictating a letter to congressional leaders including speaker john boehner minority leader nancy pelosi, senate majority leader mitch mcconnell and minority leader harry reid among others. i'm twright bring your attention to long list of fellow americans. for three and a half years i have been falsely imprisoned and treated inhumanely by iran's ministry intelligence as part of an ongoing propaganda campaign. after months of torture in solitary confinement the ministry created a false confession international media false and forced confession. international media in an attempt to humiliate the u.s. government. >> tonight, "on the record" learning that so far hekmati getting total silence from congressional leaders who-to-whom he wrote. >> amir one of three americans spending tonight in a brutal evan prison. jason ray zion finally getting some much needed support. the "the washington post" preparing to hand out lapel pin with the #free jason. president obama will be at that dinner is that enough to get the president's attention and step up efforts to get chafin home. his brother alee joins us. i wish it were under other circumstances. >> thanks, greta for having me. the "the washington post" trying to put a spotlight on very big night in washington. everybody in the media is there. what are they doing. >> right now beaching out outful to a lot of folks. congress and this area so that people know more about what's going on. >> you know, as you listen to the marine hekmati, you know, you hear that he has been tortured and there is a false confession so naturally, i think i wonder is that what's happening to jason? i expect any day to hear that there has been a false confession by jason. >> you know it, wouldn't be surprising to me. i know they have done a lot of video of him. tornado we haven't seen anything yet. i know jason is really strong. i know he put up a good fight wouldn't confess to anything unless he had to. >> did he have any fear being over there? did he ever write home and say it's getting hot for me? >> couple times when he left town. he thought that as part of the "the washington post," with the global view on him it would be better for him. and it hjted ban problem in the past. we thought we should just remain silent here because we don't want to hurt your brother in any way or jeopardize him. when nothing seems to be happening and days go on. maybe we should put the spotlight on him and put attention on him. maybe that's the answer? which is it? what helps? >> that's what we have been going back and forth now for nine months now. it's 276 days that he has been locked up at the beginning we were trying to be quiet. now we are trying to be a little bit -- trying to get the message out a lot more. all the things going on in the world now is the time to talk more broadly and put more pressure on folks to understand it's important to get out. >> do you know if it is resonating at all with the leadership in iran? are they paying any attention to your brother at all? i mean, is he a high value person to them in terms of the high stakes of any of these negotiations going on? we don't get any information at all. we haven't talked to him recently. they just say is he in the judicial process and we will run the judicial process the way we want to. >> when you say recently, what's recently? when is the last time spoke to him had. >> my mom spoke to him christmas time when she was in iran. my sister-in-law spoke to him earlier this week. >> was she in iran too your sister-in-law. >> she can't leave the country. she was arrested the same day as jason. >> house arrest. >> she is out on bail and restrictions what she can do. >> what did shoe say about his condition? >> you know we know that earlier on he had lost about 20 kilos so 50 pounds within the first two months. >> key afford to lose that weight. >> i wouldn't say 50. maybe 20. and he has had a lot of side effects because of that. a lot of nerve issues and stuff like that. as well as a bunch of infections which were not treated for months on end. it's caused a lot of problems for him and is he really depressed right now. it's twice as long as any prior western journalist has been held over there. i'm sorry if there is anything we can do to put the spotlight on we are trying. we are doing what we can. let us know. you know how to find us. >> thanks, greta. >> thank you. >> this is a fox news alert. a plot to bomb the vatican foiled by italian police. nine islamic extremist now in custody but nine more jihadists all allegedly connected to the plot are still on the loose. all of it proof that the jihadist war on christians is growing. fox news courtney walsh is live from italy. courtney what's the latest? >> well, greta, there is a sense of shock here in italy, even though there have been other terrorist arrest in the past few years and especially past few months. albanians arrested for recruiting isis and writing online manual in italian. in fact last week the head of italy's anti-terror commission said 17 arrests and 33 expulsion orders since the terror attacks in paris in january. greta, as you mentioned this morning, 18 arrest warrants were issued and nineteen into custody. the suspects are pakistani and afghani nationals who plotted acts of terror in pakistan in hopes that the government would withdraw support for u.s. troops there. one man was reportedly the mastermind behind the 2008 bombing of the market that killed is 100 and injured 200 and mostly women and children. two were body guards or aids of usama bin laden. others were part of a people smuggling network that helped pakistanis and afghans were enter illegally. what's unsettlely is that the news that the vatican was in the crosshairs. apparently in contact with two potential bombers who came to italy in 2010 and discussed the possibilities that attacking the vatican. the men left when it became aware that they were under surveillance. the vatican has played it down. the spokesman father lombardi said today this was back in 2010. there is not a problem today. there is no real reason for concern. later the vatican secretary of state said france is actually -- he is not at all worried, but we are all exposed and we all are afraid. i actually spoke with an american priest who told me that it really have is a problem. they are all exposed. he gives mass every sunday outside the walls of the vat kin. there is no security. they are concerned. >> courtney, thank you: next, a hint that there is a new can at that time to jump in the race at the white house. who is it and what is the hint? it's a convincing to you? the "on the record" panel is here. and also outrage on campus shocking new video showing protesters trouncing on an american flag. report justttttt is chris christie getting ready for the campaign trail? rumors swirling after his wife mary pat christie is leaving big paying job on wall street. fueling that governor christie is gearing up for a run for the white house. our political panel is back. david, is that the hint or more than a hint? >> i think it's a pretty good indicator. you look at what many some of the other candidates have done before ted cruz announced his wife heidi took an unpaid leave from goldman sachs. jeb bush in the months leading up to his. he hadn't announced officially yet. pac. interest and round tables that he was sitting on. get away from the wall street apparatus. not exactly doesn't sell well in the streets of iowa, new hampshire, if you or your family members have big ties to wall street. who is an easy boogie man on the campaign trail. >> senator cruz wife took a leave of absence. governor christie's wife has quit her job right or not? a little different. >> with the agreement you can go back. >> one may be hedging when you only take a leaf of absence. >> sure although, look, most important is this is absolutely a signal that he is getting closer and probably will announce. he has also got this team in waiting with his leadership pack and whatnot. but, you know, what is he doing is all the right steps to try and remove those incorporate tanglements are the sort of thing that are snagging hillary clinton right now with bill clinton and the ties between her her husband clinton global initiative. it's a really good move no matter whether he is in the race for a short period of time or long period of time. >> i was with him last week in new hampshire. he still draws a big crowd. he puts on a show i doesn't do scripted anything. the town halls are great with christie. he goes toe to toe with people. he has problems. favorability numbers in the republican party they are the lowest. >> why? bridge gate. >> i thought people sort of like that? >> people like that but they have a lot of options this time. you have a lot of sunnier options that sort of, you know american exceptionism, who talks about it better than marco rubio. other governors scott walker and other governorsers positioning themselves christie two years ago looked like the guy. people afraid of the baggage. >> i haven't followed bridge gate that closely, but i would think that would not have a huge influence on most voters. of course, most voters don't drive across that bridge. they don't realize what it means. the bigger issue is how is atlantic city doing? how is the rest of the state doing? that's what would happen to me. if you can run your state well terrific, broad enough to include all the states if you can't that's a problem. >> it was looking good for first term. atlantic city is having problems now. you have the hug with president obama the hurricane relief money that he fought for unpaid out of cock. you know when he he battled republicans in congress. those are the sorts of things that pile up. look what i'm interested to see is if and when he does announce if he gets the same sort of boost in the pools that we have seen cruz, paul but especially rubio have gotten. right now christie is languishing down around 7th or 8th in the polls there seems to be a boost for some of the others. i don't know that that translates to christie. but, having said all of that his team is absolutely counting on that retail politicking that dave was talking about. they believe that's where he really can separate himself in iowa. >> i think that really helps in iowa, indeed. panel, thank you. a fun race to watch. college fraternity brothers. mocking, and spilgt on disabled american war veterans. can you believe that? unthinkable story. "on the record" takes to you florida, that's next. >> listen up. greta talk is your new podcast destination cub subscribe on itunes, tunein or stitcher. greta gets real with favorite fox permanent and shows you a side you never see on tv. listen in and subscribe on iwóóó what this fraternity is aacould youd of is disgraceful. university of florida amid allegations that fraternity members spat on a group of disabled military veterans. the gainsville sun has been covering this story. jeff, what happened? >> well, according to members of the warrior beach retreat project they were enjoying a vacation at the lake town warf in panama city beach. the fraternity members of the beta came through the parking lot ripped the flags off their cars, some personal magnets. there were reports of them spitting on veterans, even in spitting oone of the veterans' service dogs and insulting them. they went on to throwing beer bottles off of the balcony and just a lot of behavior that the university administration found very disgusting in the words of the vice president for student affairs. >> as has the fraternity admitted to this? >> they, in a letter apologizing to the warrior's project they apologized for the bad behavior of some of its members. they didn't really seem to take full ownership of it they didn't go into details of what happened. but the international organization has since expelled three of the frat members from the fraternity. and they are looking into it further to see if any other action is warranted from their end. >> you know, it's really sort of hard to believe this could happen. i mean, spitting on like disabled veterans. you know. it's just i don't know what to say it's so awful. >> it defies understanding. i have a nephew in special forces and just got back from the middle east. so it kind of touches home a little bit for me, too. >> and so the university though the fraternity has been suspended right? obviously not every single member it's not every single member of the fraternity but the fraternity has been suspended. >> they have no privileges at the university. pending the outcome of this investigation. i will tell you that this is coming on top of a probation that they have been serving since december for a hazing incident because they are already suspension the penalties could be more extreme than if this had just happened in and of itself. >> the irony is that these veterans probably would go out and do what they could to protect these people anyway because that's what our military does despite the gross disrespect. >> that's right. the v nts for student affairs is himself a retired general. he was personally disgusted by this behavior. i met a retired colonel who signature in a lawn chair outside of the fraternity house. he is -- his name is terry clawson. and he said he is not there to protest the fraternity. is he there to educate and inform and what he thinks the fraternity should do is, you know he, really claim ownership for the actions of some of its members. even the members who should have been there who didn't actually do these things should take responsibility and maybe even find a way of making amends like by raising money for one of the local veterans' homes or something of that nature. >> that would be a great idea. that would be a wonderful idea. at least show that they really do get it and they feel very bad. anyway jeff. thank you. >> absolutely. thanks very much. >> and more controversy on college campus tonight. outrage valdosta state university after cameras catch demonstrators stomping on american flag. video which has gone viral then showing air force veteran taking the flag away from the protesters in an attempt to show respect and protect the flag. and now amid fears of violence classes at the college are cancelled. student reporter for the spectator. jordan covering that protest just moments ago what happened? >> well, it was -- it happened around 1:30 earlier today, it was an estimated around 1,000 people showed up today. it was just people that supported the american flag and they just wanted to come to support the flag based on what happened friday. >> what was the point of the people who were stomping over the flag? what was the point that they were making to begin with? >> from what we talked about with some of the students that were involved, they were making the point that they feel inequal in america so that's why they were stomping on the flag. >> while they are stomping all over the flag i might add at a college where they are getting lots of opportunity. then an air force veteran does what? >> she from what we know she went to go ask them why they had the flag and why it was on the ground. so she wanted to go and try to dispose of it properly according to her. after that that's when our campus police got involved. and that's when she got in the incident with them. >> and as i understand it, there is a warrant out tonight for one man because one of the people involved in the stomping all over the flag a gun was found in his backpack? >> yes. his name is eric shepard. he was one of the ones seen stomping on the flag and a warrant has been issued for his arrest. >> is he a college student? >> from what we know, he was. but we have heard that he actually stopped going to classes. so i don't know if he is still a student. but we have heard that he did stop going to classes. >> all right. now, this original protest where they are stomping all over of the flag or this eric fellow is. about how many students were there joining in on this? i'm not too sure on the exact number but i do know it was a couple of students. >> did they give her a hard time at all the air force vet when she came over and picked up the flag? >> as far as we know. no and i believe up until the point where she tried to actually get the flag from the floor in the video you see them having altercation with her after she has the flag in her hand after the police having altercation with her but that's all in that video. i believe they didn't have an altercation with her up until she had the flag. >> jordan, thank you. >> all right. thank you. >> and we he have two special guests coming up, business gurus jack and susie welch are standing by to go "on the record" to tell you how you can earn a real life nba. plus apple fans getting first taste of the brand new apple watch. that story coming up. meet the world's newest energy superpower. surprised? 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any thoughts on how she should handle it. >> i think the clintons have proven very teflon over the past decades and i'm not even sure. people who like her and love her and people who are just democrats they are going to look right through it so the people who don't support the clintons well here is more evidence of the fact that think play by their own rules. and so i'm not actually -- they don't really need crisis management. i think they are above crisis management the clintons. >> well, it's a great new book. the real life nba which i really like because i think you learn an awful lot by being out there in the workplace. this is a good guide to sort of help your life. this is a good way to look at it. jack and suzie thanks very much. good luck with the book. it's a great read. >> greta thanks so much. >> thank you. straight ahead a terrifying scene sending chills up your spine caught on camera. a concert stage collapsing. send ising children plummeting into a pit. a live report is next. 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[screams] >> oh my god. >> move, move. that is awful. terrifying moments stage collapsed leaves 12 students injured at indiana high school. garrett tenney joins us live. what a horrible scene and how serious are the injuries? >> well it was really scary initially. and people thought it was much worse than it turned out to be. in all there were 16 students that were taken to the hospital, but last night, this was a show that students had been preparing for for weeks. this was the show of american pie. it was a sold out performance at westfield high school. and apparently had it been going really well until this big finale when the entire cast of 75 students rushed on to the stage singing and dancing until the stage collapsed take another look and you can can hear how the mood quickly changed. ♪ don't stop, believing ♪ >> oh my gosh. >> move, move. >> parents teachers, and other students rushed to the stage to help the piles of performers who are plummeted 12 feet and covered by pieces of broken wood and metal. 16 students were taken to the hospital with minor injuries. as of a couple hours ago they were all back home recruise ship -- recuperating. the high school's auditorium is surrounded by police tape. several state agencies are investigating, looking at the building and inspection records to try to figure out exactly what happened. the stage itself was redone just a few years ago and it hasn't had any issues before. including during the rehearsals of this performance. we're told the investigation is expected to take at least a couple of weeks. greta? >> wow that was a scare request scene. anyway garrett, thank you. >> a major league base brawl. that's demargia and lorenz zoe. we know what happened to w. those two in the opening series. that's not capitol hill that was last night's game. receiving warners fog two batters being hit by pitches. royals pitcher exchanged harsh words with white sox outfielder adam heaten. five players got ejected. inis the future finally here in the race is on to buy the new apple watch and consumers around the world lining up at stores to get their first look. andrew joins us. so tell me, what's the difference between this new watch and me just getting duct tape and putting my iphone on the wrist with the duct tape? >> there is awful lot of electronics, this watch can do a lot of things, can you pay with it. you can get your. >> i can do that with my iphone, can't i? >> you can. but the thing about this watch is that it is kind of -- you can look at it as an iphone accessory. take all that functionality out of your pocket for a quick glance, quick call, that's what they're selling this for. >> but i can just take my iphone out of my pocket for a quick call. i have every -- i am a gadget nut. i love gadgets. i have lots of laptops and cameras and everything else. but i just can't figure out this may be the first time that i'm like not even tempted. it's like it looks nice, i mean, it looks smooth and neat and a lot better than me duct taping my phone to my wrist but i just don't get this one. >> you and a lot of americans honestly, greta. a lot of folks are asking themselves what do i need this for? and that's apple's big challenge? they are trying to explain. you actually need another computer in addition to the one you have at work and in addition to the one you might have at home and certainly in your pocket. you need one here. this is do a lot of things that your normal computer can't. track your fitness your steps, your health, things like that. as i mentioned can you pay for things with it take calls outloud with it it if you are in a meeting and want a quick glance at your work, that's great. >> are you going to get one? >> i'm not. >> why not? okay. this is the test. i mean, it obviously didn't get you. >> no, but to be fair i'm a gadget minimal list. one computer, one phone kind of guy. i'm waiting for my killer use case just like you are. i will wait just like everyone else. >> i guess these are selling like hot cakes though, right? everyone is buying these in spite of fact that you and i are not? >> it seems that way but we really don't know. with prior apple products we look at the crazy lines and go my god they are clearly selling a ton. this time they are encouraging people to buy them online and we just don't know until they announce those first numbers. >> we will be watching to see what happens. who knows maybe i will take the bait. so far i have not been tempted. thank you. >> thank you. >> coming up, it's been a long tough two weeks in my home. something very personal off-the-record to share with you. that's next. intr test test. test test get ready to speed read the news first to madison wisconsin where a man accused of drying to join the islamic state pleads not guilty. 34-year-old joshua vanhaf ten. he was arrested o'hare airport. flown back after failed bid to join isis. hiker catches the calbuco volcano erupting. shows the column ash straight up into the sky. erupting for the first time in more than had 0 years. authorities ordering of the evacuation of thousands from a near town. in business town a mega merger disintegrating. cable giants comcast and time warner cable officially drops bid for $45 billion merger. had it been under regulatory review. the decision to scrap the deal comes after executives at the two companies met with regulators at the fcc. >> all right let's go afterthe record for a minute. as many of you know, it's been a rough two weeks in my household. my husband had open heart surgery but we are so lucky we had great doctors great friends, like so many of you sending notes and prayers. my husband is definitely on the mend. if ever there were any doubt that he will get better, this video sent to me by reverend franklin graham and created by our kids at the home in haiti guarantees a fixed heart. ♪ >> ♪ >> i'm better. >> i know. get better. soon. [giggles] >> get well soon.pp s live from america's news headquarters i'm jackie ibanez. protesters angry over the unexplained death of freddie gray vowed to shutdown baltimore. they promise it will be the beggest march with thousands expected to show up. so far this week's protests have been peaceful with very few arrests. baltimore's police commissioner hopes it stays that way. >> for any and all who seek to bring chaos to our city, the people of baltimore will not tolerate you hurting our community. >> gray suffered a deadly spinal cord injury while in custody. the police commissioner promised a quick investigation. he a


Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - FOXNEWS - 20150424:09:06:00

i saw it walking down the street randomly. i wouldn't have been able to turn my eye to it. >> because the video brought so much attention to the story there's concern today's rally will turn violent. people who don't live in the area are expected to come. they are cancelling classes they are saying we will have increasing law enforcement present on campus to ensure their continued safety through out the protest scheduled to occur around main campus. in addition to the rally there's a manhunt with due student protestors caught on camera stomping on the flag. eric shepard is accused of bringing a hand gun to campus and making threats about shooting people. his parents are urging him to turn himself in. >> oo in other news the prosecution rests in the penalty phase of the boston marathon bombing. jurors hearing three-days of


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