orange county. secretary of state and attorney general are all democrats. state level democrats won 3/4s of california s assembly in 2018. that s the biggest margin in 100 years. sheer how the new york times put it. the california republican party, a once dominant power in the nation s largest state, the party of errol warren, richard nixon and ronald raying isn t teetering on the brink of right here he will z. as to that a dire warning from the head of the republican party. it s not just about california. it s a canary in the coal mine. warning it needs to wake up to the demographic reality that in 2044 the u.s. will be a majority minority country and winners will have to appeal to all voters. that s going to wraup thup hour. i m chris jansing for katy tur. ali velshi brings it up. and we re in a coal mine.
that, and and i think justice alito ask right not to go. i m not sure why any of the justices would go. they are a separate and equal branch of the government. to be attacked by the executive branch in the legislative chamber, i don t blame them at all. i wonder why any of the other justices would go, to be honest with you, james. ed, i can t believe someone would attack a supreme court decision. my god, how unpatriotic is that. can no one ever attack the warren court? i didn t see signs all over the south saying impeach errol warren. if you re going to attack them as the head of the executive branch, you ought to be factually accurate in your attacks. he was. i m not saying they shouldn t be the subject of criticism. i m saying what president obama said was flat out wrong and factually inaccurate and i don t blame the justices, any of them, for not coming. why would you subject yourself to that kind of to that from a separate and equal branch of government? they were there
republican. and rahm emanuel vows to fight a new court ruling booting, yes, booting him off the ballot for chicago mayor. it s an enormous setback for a democrat who has two presidents in his corner. i m wolf blitzer. you re in the situation room. right now the smoke is clearing, and police are on high alert at the scene of that deadly airport bombing. russian officials say a terrorist detonate at homemade explosive device inside moscow s busiest airport today. 35 people were killed. more than 150 wounded. the bomb went off in a crowded area where people were waiting for passengers to arrive. the russian interfax news agency report fragments of the suspected suicide bomber s bod very been found. let s go to our senior international correspondent matthew chance. he s on the scene for us at that parent in moscow. tell us what we know, matthew. reporter: well, details still very sketchy. in fact, the investigators are inside this building here behind me. the domodedovo a