No, not close. No chance. And we know the Christmas Tree is going to be lit, and so are we. We live for this day. Hello, andy. And so before the celebration, he is going to play who knew with us. And now, eight kids now, mom Kate Gosselin and the broad are back on tv and we will catch up with her. If you want a fresh new look for the new year and who doesnt. Jill martin is back with the makeup winners with the mascara and the concealer and more. And now, time for winesday wednesday and kath and i are going to be uncorked. And balsam. We will see what it takes to become a smellier. And now a story. People more than anything have to be are restored, renewed, redeemed and reclaimed. Never throw anything out. Audrey hepburn. I told you that everybody in the business of 50 years of meeting people, and interviewing this them was Audrey Hepburn and paul neumann. Yep, yep. And you have to throw in billy graham. Got t o do that and sandra bull lock is moving up the list. Yes. She is. And if you
And andy was in the macys day parade. And tonight is the night of the lighting of the Rockefeller Christmas tree, and are you going to be there . No, not close. No chance. And we know the Christmas Tree is going to be lit, and so are we. We live for this day. Hello, andy. And so before the celebration, he is going to play who knew with us. And now, eight kids now, mom Kate Gosselin and the broad are back on tv and we will catch up with her. If you want a fresh new look for the new year and who doesnt. Jill martin is back with the makeup winners with the mascara and the concealer and more. And now, time for winesday wednesday and kath and i are going to be uncorked. And balsam. Become a smellier. And now a store y. People more than anything have to be are restored, renewed, redeemed and reclaimed. Never throw anything out. Audrey hepburn. I told you that everybody in the business of 50 year s s of meeting people, and interviewing this them was Audrey Hepburn and paul neumann. Yep, yep.