Ship finance, a topic of paramount importance at the executive level, was the subject of multiple panels at last month’s Connecticut Maritime Association (CMA) conference, when a group of bankers.
What a difference a day makes. A day after the announcement of the mega merger between tanker giants Frontline (“FRO”) and Euronav (“EURN”), there were rumblings that some of the.
By Barry Parker (gCaptain) –
The International Maritime Organization is expected to codify a transitional (i.e. 2030) energy efficiency pathway for commercial ships in an upcoming meeting in June of its Maritime Environmental Protection Committee (MEPC 76).
This is a big deal because the language coming out of the soon-to-happen meeting will then find its way into the language of MARPOL, the international legal framework for all matters related to maritime emissions, by 2023.
Energy efficiency (measured by EEDI, EEXI and the like), specific to individual vessels, is really a subset of broader issues related to the bigger picture of where shipping fits into greenhouse gas emissions targets farther out to 2050. Getting to these targets will certainly require technical actions, related to the vessel design and captured in EEDI type measures. But meeting the longer-term targets also will require expansive and expensive paradigm shifts.