in late january 2010, nearly a year after the first bones were discovered on the albuquerque s west mesa, in late january 2010, nearly a year after the first bones were discovered on the west mesa, another set of names was matched to ida s list. they identified jaime borella. she was not a prostitute. she was last seen with one, her cousin, evelyn salazar whose remains were also found on the mesa. there were also seven missing women who fit the profile on ida lopez s list and if they weren t on the mesa, where were they? with the investigation focussed on a serial killer, she thought back to her late night chatsz with the women of the war zone.
class= nosel noCC > 01012&q=mesa >Mesa 10, Dan 10, Ida 10, Lopez 9, Dan Valdez 7, Fbi 7, Ida Lopez 6, Camille 5, Lorenzo Montoya 5, New Mexico 4, Victoria Chavez 4, At&t 3, Mexico 3, Valdez 3, Humana 3, Christine Ross 3, Feist 3, California 2, Syllania 2, Virginia 2 Network NBC Duration 02:00:00 Scanned in San Francisco, CA, USA Language English Source Comcast Cable Tuner Channel 80 (561 MHz) Video Codec mpeg2video Audio Cocec ac3 Pixel width 528 Pixel height 480 Audio/Visual sound, color