lori lightfoot is devolving further into lawlessness, yet somehow this disaster of an unrepentant radical thinks she deserves to be reelected. critics complain, her tone is as heartless as her policies are useless. she still hasn t addressed the heinous attack on 23-year-old dakota early who left friday night was ambushed, shot three times in the head and back and left for dead in the streets in an upscale neighborhood called lincoln park. after multiple surgeries he still clinging to life. zero suspects are in custody. last night the bloodshed continued, three young children were shot on the south side. to go boys ages six and 11 standing about a mile and a half away, a 3-year-old girl, this is tragically nothing new. at least 73 people have been shot since last friday in chicago, 14 on wednesday, 21 on tuesday, 14 on monday, and 24 over the weekend. the young thugs are running wild and they are fearless, they re not worried about the consequences and why should they be? lig
have presided over 1 million covid deaths? now more americans have died with biden in office with the vaccine then in 2020 with trump in without them. everything biden touches goes bad, everything. our country is essentially leaderless on five major issues. the border, inflation that includes sorting energy and food costs, and the china threat to. on each issue the administration is either done nothing or when it has done something that has made worse. the result is the american people have suffered, continue to suffer. or family budget, their personal safety, their wages along with our overall national security and stability. a partisan cabal on capitol hill are spending money like there s no tomorrow, this week our bankrupt nation has agreed to send $40 billion to ukraine. it s a number so staggering even the new york times questioned the wisdom of the russian
wave. to retakes are going the house. i think we re going too retakee the senate also because people are fed f up with policies that don t work and we haven t even touched the disastrous economy, inflation out of nt, the chaos at the southern border and the utterlyth incoherent weakness of foreign policy. like everything biden touches goes to pretty much well said . i think we ll freeze frame that . nk ator , good to see you. thank you . in an effort to rewrite history, many democrats are now lifting covid-19 restrictions under the guise the science hase changed. in fact, the science has notce changed, but the polls have still won. powerful teachers union president is demanding that your kids continue to wear masksful in school in perpetuit take a look at one governor who i think is doing it absolutely the right way was governor i hochul in new york. she lifted the adult masked mandate effective immediately like the nevada governor did.
putin is targeting civilians and american families can t afford food and gas and biden is acting like an msnbc pundit by feeding russia and china anti-american propaganda? yeah, that happened today. this entire trip to brussels was just a waste of jet fuel. biden should have just over zoom or something, it would ve been easier. the man is incoherent enough without jet lag. how do you think he was with jet leg? side. how pathetic to see an american president make false claims about nato unity while selling division and disunity at home. everything biden touches falls apart, doesn t it? including his disastrous foreign policy. americans are used to seeing their commander in chief as an observer on the world stage. -matter what you thought of trump, he was the lead dog in every fight and the latest polls suggest that americans aren t loving biden s lead from behind strategy.
0 . congo, senegal, liechtenstein, we just can tir i unite them fel safe. that s about was mean.y. it s mean to say that . but president, we ll be back tomorrow night and every night 8:00 p.m. the show that s a sworn enemy of life, pomposity, smugness and groupthink have the best night here. sean hannity and tucker,ea thank you and welcome to hannity . and tonight our live coverage from the freedom convoy in ottawa er, canada continues and it is now spreading worldwidee. the truckers, they re not goinga anywhere and calls grow for the very week cowardly, pathetic justin trudeau to end all mandatess. looks to me like the truck is going to happen anyway. sarah carter, as youu haven t got all time with the truckers, she ll check it with us any moment. but first, back here at home, democrats, they re in a full blown panic after spending trillions and trillions and trillions of dollars on handouts. our economy is on fire but not in a good way. breaking today, inflation hit a brand new 40 y