project is about democrats wanting to raise your taxes in the next congress and also in 2020 when they hope to take the white house. they want to impose a national carbon tax which is an energy tax on everything you buy, everything you travel, every time did you go to the grocery store, it s going to cost more. this is understandably unpopular with voters, even in blue areas of the country. every time voters face this question or face a politician who pushes a carbon tax, they get kicked out of office. so, because the democrats know that if they can convince one republican one republican in the senate. every other republican said no. they find flake on the way out the door. flake doesn t have to face the voters anymore. what the democrats get is this little stamp, r republican on their bill even though this is entirely democratic idea. so now the compliant press look at this bipartisan bill when the entire thing is a democrat idea. brian: it should come with a yellow vest. the last tim