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Transcripts For DW Business - News 20181121 05:02:00

global markets are in the red after a sell off tech shares expanded to other sectors the dow jones index who raises its gains for the entire year as the internet giants continue to fall. on the program makes crucial decisions after arrest over alleged financial misconduct it's keeping him as c.e.o. . and young population is building on a strong internet infrastructure empowering entrepreneurs to talk to some of the. it's time for business on the w. welcome to the program tech stocks are heavily losing market value on the trading floors some compare it to a bubble others say it's nothing to worry about the developments originated of course in the u.s. where the big names are under pressure but repercussions are global as stock markets slide driven by some of the biggest names in tech take aapl at the beginning of this month it was worth over a trillion dollars now it's dropped to eight hundred eighty billion one reason for the decline weaker than expected demand for the latest i phone models. not just for apple but for the entire benchmark s. and p. index here's why. well when a company represents close to five percent of the s. and p. five hundred itself then you do have companies that are behemoths that can move the market much more so than any company that's running to fifty or below but shares in other tech titans like facebook amazon netflix and alphabets are also down suggesting there may be more to this slump than simple i phone fatigue top of the list of concerns among global investors the unpredictable consequences of the ongoing trade battle between the united states and china. reason enough of course to worry let's find out more with our financial correspondent at the new york stock exchange causes joining us now it's good to see you well we're talking about tech stocks but looking at all the figures right now it's probably fair to say that fears are expanding to other sectors right it certainly is the c.e.o. of red we just had a good handful of the big tech names losing around one trillion dollars in value from the recent highs but on tuesday the broader market sold out even more than the tech industry of blue chips down by a good five hundred fifty point that was down by a good two point two percent but we also had selling pressure in the oil market the oil prices have dropped by almost seven percent or we even had the big retailers some of those selling out for ten percent or even more now talking about those retailers yes they are under pressure especially the traditional retailers but the holiday season is around the corner so expect there might be good news then what's the word. we certainly expect a very solid holiday shopping season here in the united states but there could be some clouds on the horizon for the big retailers are looking at next year we could see higher costs partly because transportation costs have increased of agents are up and then let's wait and see what happens with the trade dispute between the u.s. and china if that escalates that could mean that tire tariffs would also be a drag for some of the big names here on wall street and that's the overall story it's not so much what is right now but what could happen next year maybe also a weakening of the u.s. economy and that is making investors nervous certain times ahead thank you very much and scotto for the analysis from new york and another big story we're nor has decided to keep carlos golden as the company's c.e.o. at least for now that's according to a corporate statement go one is currently arrested accused of financial misconduct as we have reported here he has been now named as deputy c.e.o. of the company and will have the same powers or stolen nessen has yet to decide how it will react to the arrests as go in as also the head of the japanese carmaker its board is going to convene on thursday to make a decision that could define the future of the alliance between both companies. at first glance it's just a normal day as the employees from nissan head into work but in reality it's the day after their boss carlos ghosn was arrested put it to me a pretty cut in a stick with bones arrest is regrettable as he's the one who helped nissan turnaround its business. last night i hope management can work hard to regain the public's trust most of it almost what i take the place of. trust that carlos ghosn is accused of abusing the superstar auto manager is said to have under reported his income for several years and to have misused company money from asia to europe the news has had a ripple effect guns alliance is a major force on the global automotive market. i understand the nissans chairman carlos ghosn was arrested it is extremely regrettable that we are seeing a development like this. i declined to comment on details of his case as prosecutors investigations are underway regarding its impact on the economy the japanese government will closely watch this development. beyond any potential economic consequences many japanese say they've experienced a sense of betrayal after the revelations. we didn't get it they were actually we also have a nissan car so i do feel deceived because essentially he was being dishonest. and then when i hear nissan i think of a company that you man is proud of my family drives a nissan leaf but as the head of a company you shouldn't do something so irresponsible and as a japanese person i thought it was embarrassing. now a decision needs to be made about cohen's future on thursday nissan's board will determine its course of action. the back of the bank of england discover nerd has given his backing to a bricks of deal struck by the u.k. and the e.u. mark carney says it will help smooth the country's departure from the bloc but as the future of the deal is still uncertain young experts are assessing how the looming brecht's it will impact. coventry in the heart of england home to students and researchers from across the european union many of them originally came to the u.k. through the e.u. a rasmussen program but with briggs that looming exchange programs like these could be a thing of the past for british students the country's future outside the e.u. has also been the subject of heated debate here in berlin where many young brits had their first taste of studying abroad. i figure u.k. or at least. employers in the u.k. want to employ more local people now or at least see it as something that's going to be easier and more practical for them as i think that is something that could definitely affect foreigners brits living in the e.u. are concerned about how freely they'll be able to move once britain leaves the european union. also just in terms of the friction of like moving from one place to another you know i don't know now but me back to the u.k. moving a truckload to share everything and is that going to be subject to some kind of you know is it is it basically to make things worse that's a full way out of it but others maintain that britain is unlikely to burn all its bridges with europe which get half an hour as does minda so i think that in the long term they'll be at least an agreement for either members and citizens because otherwise britain would end up cutting itself off economically and i don't think that would make sense in the long term. hellish racists as long as they didn't have it with so many questions still unresolved young people are still unclear about whether they'll win or lose after brigs it. to young people in indonesia now one of the biggest countries in the world with two hundred sixty five million people and an impressive connectivity half of the population is connected to the internet and uses it regularly and sixty seven percent of indonesian have a cellphone young entrepreneurs have recognised these opportunities and are making sure others profit from them to. this man is out to revolutionize indonesia's struggling education system. the man is the founder of the ron grew online learning app platform helps students study up on the topics they find difficult in school and in visual interactive ways it's a new concept in the country where millions are now using the service. here. in the news it is the fourth largest education system globally fifty million students four million pictures but you also one of the lowest performing for a lot of different reasons but one of the things that i want to highlight is the point of the teachers according to what bank what if you two percent of our teachers are not qualified for teaching. after raising his own venture capital in money founded the company and twenty fourteen when he was still a student himself lessons are available for a diverse range of educational levels from primary school right up to university users can also book private lessons by the app for many it's opened up a new world of knowledge but. you need to do at first i didn't tell my parents that i was using it to study. i just said that i was working. but finally i had the courage to inform them that my parents are really proud of me because i have achieved so much. for years after its founding the company now has over a thousand employees growth has been rapid and plans are in the works to move into a larger space. in the last one year on the we have gone from four million to ten million users know we are now the largest education player in southeast asia. and we've seen how millions of students learning every single day. it's education for the masses thanks to innovation and it's a promising concept particularly here in indonesia where the population is young and over sixty percent of people own a mobile phone in the future grew and grew will also feature job ads to help students find work that suits their skills and it's developing plans to expand across asia. that's all for business thanks for joining us we'll see you next time or whenever you like on the w. dot com feature. the to. come up. to. cut. the amount. of such. absurd. climate change so. isn't it time for. africa people and projects that are changing our environment for the better it's up to us to make a difference let's explain such. people would be environment magazine. w that that. the big. players. love music we've got you covered. congress for w.


Transcripts For DW Business 20190524 03:02:00

when will boeing's grounded 737 max return to the air global regulators meet in the u.s. to discuss just that and why the americans were the last to ground the jet. also on the show deutsche of box board faces off with investors were angry over the lenders corporate and legal woes how bad is the mood we'll tell you how investors reacted. and the head of the european parliament elections what's on the mind of europe's youth well jobs for one to bring your report from paris. welcome to d business i'm stephen beers in berlin thanks for joining us the boeing 737 back has been grounded for 2 months following fatal crashes in indonesia and ethiopia boeing has yet to present a critical software update to american regulators who say they'll need some time to certify the plane they're under pressure from global airlines bottom lines demand they get the plane back in the air. the boeing 737 max will remain on the tarmac until the regulator is convinced the aircraft is safe the 737 max was grounded following the ethiopian airlines crash in march just months after a similar liner disaster in indonesia in all 346 people were killed. the f.a.a. is meeting over 30 international air regulators including china the e.u. brazil and canada to discuss a software fix a new pilot training. both crashes were blamed on faulty technology boeing says it has upgraded the software to make it safe the f.a.a. is still waiting for boeing to formally submit the patch for approval. financial pressure on boeing is growing global airlines who bought the fuel efficient long range aircraft had to cancel flights and scramble to find replacements on routes flown by the 737 marks. air china and other carriers are demanding substantial compensation. and let's talk now with our financial correspondent in new york jose luis de haro who is in the f.a.a. is now saying late june is the earliest the 737 max could be recertified what does that mean for boeing well of the deal for a boy will keep growing and i mean that to $1000000000.00 taken inside the 1st quarter to deal with these matters that are going to fall short some analysts at a cost of around $5000000000.00 because not only this is hurting the company internally in terms of a slowdown in production delays or any order of cancellations it's also affecting airlines around the world which are already claiming a boeing 2 food bill are quoting designs to make that industry over $44000000.00 for every day that $737.00 max is a ground it does is a model for many airlines especially the ones that depend on these model to renew its current fleet. already for compensation they have done china say 3 biggest airlines let's not forget that china was one of the 1st countries to ground the jets globally and now he's also we know of a trade and take conflict with the united states there's a getting beyond boeing it's been a tough day on wall street tell us what's going on. well wars that seem to be seeing steve in the markets are realizing that this is not going to improve anytime soon both tensions in tech industry are making investor never about what yet to some economies the thing that once the u.s. consumers which import 2 thirds of the economy start feeling the heat and pay more for some product consumption and confidence will take on top of that we learned that the u.s. manufacturing activity grew out of the flow with september 2009 small as he. helped to leave the investor spirits as a they get more and more worried that the possibility of president trump and he calling i know the truth by the end of june is pretty limited right now all laws all those trade negotiations was a louis saha joining us from new york and here's some other business stories making news. while prices also fell sharply on thursday due to fears of prolonged trade tension between the u.s. and china festers fear that if you could weigh heavily on growth on global growth rather u.s. light crude fell nearly 6 percent below $58.00 per barrel. u.s. president donald trump is providing an additional $16000000000.00 in aid to farmers hurt by his trade policies to washington introduced tariffs on foreign products china and other countries responded with retaliatory tariffs focusing on u.s. exports. popstar rianna has unveiled her luxury fashion brand with new owner l v m h and paris is the latest brianna's business ventures which include cosmetics and launch re the collection offers a range of clothing shoes and accessories. the criticism is growing and it's getting more pointed at georgia box annual general meeting thursday in berlin investors accuse the firm's leaders of mismanagement and sinking germany's flagship lender who shares hit an all time low the bank's woes stem from its 4 decisions its legal problems and its under pouring under performing divisions yes or from chief executive christiane saving is even tougher cuts. it's done a good time to be a doctor bank shareholder anyone who invested 1000 euros 12 years ago now has just 70 that's a loss of 93 percent and some people here think they know who's to blame. because they want the bad guys to pay the whole board you've got it's a negative mood here we want fundamental change. c.e.o. christiane's evening is trying to put a brave face on the disaster pointing to the banks modest earnings last year. deutsche bank. bank back into profit we've all achieved our goals and laid the foundation for a sustainable profitable bank often deep so i know enough to be tough and bank but many shareholders say that with so much upheaval they don't even recognize the bank anymore and the problems continue to mount just this week it became known that i.t. systems have faulty programming and that cash flows to major customers sometimes cannot be monitored added to that suspicions of money laundering perhaps even for the business ventures of donald trump. nothing came of the plans to merge with rival come out spang. and the investment banking business has been an ongoing disappointment at least it faces downsizing but with the lender planning to cut costs shareholders have even less understanding for the fat bonuses management still dishes out some 1800000000 euros went to employees of the investment division last year alone in contrast the total dividend paying to all shareholders amounted to only $230000000.00 euros. youth unemployment in the european union fell last year around 10 percent compared to the previous year it's great news for the younger generation but there are still about $5800000.00 people between the ages of 15 and 25 without work job opportunities and with that people's prospects are not the same across europe far from it young people in germany have the best chance of finding a job that's of course europe's largest economy and youth unemployment there is 5.6 percent and here's something that might surprise you france is the 2nd largest economy but the youth the youth unemployment rate is almost 4 times that of germany at 20.2 percent that accounts for more than a 1000000 young french people. these activists don't think finding a job will be much of a problem for them thanks to the european union. the little village of commercial here is a part of my life a friend of mine as for example currently doing an internship in germany as part of the exchange program erasmus and there are many other e.u. initiatives for young people the e.u. is really important for us that's why everybody should turn out to vote. present. but it's not always easy to convince people of the value these activists say this is also down to the current election campaign to get this all fixed it in the election campaign is a catastrophe all the politicians talk about is nationalism and identity they forget the important things like youth unemployment that's a real shame we are europe's future could imagine. many see the e.u. as an abstract idea this group is participating in a job seminar there paris most of them haven't graduated from school and have never heard of exchange programs like iraq's mess they feel left behind by the e.u. and are not planning to vote here only $400.00 euro edition we have to fend for ourselves all right enough it's our only chance to find a job which the e.u. isn't helping us or to an easy politicians don't care about us in social measure. i'm a small village with 300 inhabitants. you can see the european logo on all our official buildings but that doesn't mean anything to us. the only programs that might possibly help us a local initiatives. so that. this economist says young people are wrong to expect too much from the european union its room for maneuver is limited you know what 10 percent a little can only provide money through structural funds but its programs are not targeted at specific countries demographics all classes it's up to national governments to implement concrete programs france has the extra difficulty that its birth rate is quite high and it needs to create even more jobs for the young. the young europe fans think that e.u. programs are still helping them increase their chances on the job market and that the u.s. should be widened out to win over more young people. on the i want to take or leave point this is so much creativity here we could easily keep up with the start up paradise of silicon valley where young dynamic and have potential but the e.u. needs to give us more support to develop that potential. but it's not certain programs like these would also benefit those who haven't been to university unemployment among non-graduates is up to 4 times higher than those with a university degree. it's a form in the business team. let's watch a. hijacking the news. where i come from the news is being hijacked journalism itself has become a scripted reality show it's not just good versus evil us forces them to whack. in countries like russia china church people or childhoods or something and if you're a journalist there and you try to get beyond this you are facing scare tactics intimidation. and i wonder is that where we're headed as well. my responsibility as a journalist is to get beyond the smoke and mirrors it's not just about the fear and balance or being neutral it's about being truthful. finding this point golf and i'm working.


Transcripts For CNN CNN News Central 20240611

oh like she's still got it. courtney cox, letting the world know. she's still has the moves that she showed off in bruce springsteen's video for dancing in the dark, the friends star joining a social media trend where kids ask their parents to show them how they danced in the 1980s, cox famously appeared in springsteen's 1984 and music video. jumping on stage to boogie with the boss molly ball has your daughter made you do this yet no could you better or worse than a by way waveshape, let's put courtney back first quarter me and her dancing. there yep, there she is. >> i mean, honestly that i think i could do that might be the limit of my abilities, but that i could do i mean i don't know because i wouldn't want to do it in public, but i'm not do not checked doing matt either. all right thanks, guys. >> every much. appreciate your time today. thanks for all to all of you for joining us. i'm casey had don't go anywhere santa new central starts right now all right. breaking overnight for american stabbed in china's the attack centered on social media. and we just learned seconds ago, a suspect has been arrested sit in this attack dangerous for our democracy. this must stop. attorney general merrick garland taking on republican lawmakers and taking them on head-on today as he warned because the attacks on his department are going to get someone hurt jury deliberations resumed today and hunter biden's federal gun trial, the president's son, waiting to hear his fate i'm kate bolduan with on vermin cnn's sara sidner is out today. this is cnn news central breaking just seconds to go a suspect arrested in china, connected to the stabbing of four american educators there still questions about if and why these americans were targeted. >> new video appears to show the aftermath what was quickly centered on chinese social media blood is visible at the scene. the victims are from cornell college in iowa they are in northeast china as part of a partnership with a local university seed and steve john joins us now from beijing with the very latest on this arrest iv. what are you learning? >> yeah, john, that police of that you just mentioned came from jilin city in northeastern china. as you said, a suspect was caught by the police and now in custody, the police describing him as a 55-year-old local residents with a surname of twain. now, they also add a bit more details in terms of what happened, saying this suspect, according called collided with one of the americans in the park and then somehow decided to use a knife to attack that an american and three companions, as well as a local chinese citizen trying trying to stop this attack. now, the police statement added that none of the injuries were life-threatening and all of the injured people have received prompt m. proctor medical care. now, this is the local authorities breaking their silence more than 24 hours after this horrific incident earlier, we have heard we had heard from the chinese foreign ministry echoing a lot of whether police just said, but also they he used the word isolated incident to describe this case. that's obviously the key message from the government to the outside world. but it is worth pointing out that this kind of violence against foreigner is rare in this country because china's generally considered a safe place to visit with a heavy security police presence, not to mention there are massive surveillance and it's technologies being deployed nationwide. but because it's almost impossible to get hold of gun for most ordinary chinese people, stabbing incidents like this have happened in recent years targeting people ranging from doctors, to school schoolchildren. but again violence against foreigner is rare. that's why this case is receiving so much attention. nine not to mention the timing of this attack, couldn't have come at a worse time for the chinese government because they're leader xi jinping has been personally promoting the resumption and expansion of the so-called people-to-people exchanges between the two countries after the two governments finally, somewhat stabilized their fragile relationship. >> xi jinping, wow, in san francisco november personally said, china was ready to host 50,000 young americans in the coming five years for study and exchange programs. >> just last year, she i just last week actually, excuse me, xi jinping wrote a letter to a new jersey, new jersey college stressing the importance of this kind of exchanges. so if this incident somehow ends up dampening america two kinds interest and enthusiasm in coming back to china, i think that we consider, considered quite a major setback for the chinese leader john kth, china, china wants you as students there and us money there. >> and this is the video we're looking at right now. you can see the victims clearly are on the ground. this video again has been centered on chinese social media. one suspect now in custody, steve. thank you so much for that update. keep us posted on new developments. >> also, do this morning, a scathing public statement by attorney general merrick garland just published in the washington post to garland riding in an op-ed is warning against what he calls the unfounded attacks and department of justice that he says is putting his staff and democracy in danger. the attorney general saying this in part, using conspiracy theories, false hoods, violence, and threats of violence to effect political outcomes is not normal. the short-term political benefits of those tactics we'll, tactics will never make up for the long-term cost to our country. and even though he does not say republicans anywhere in this op-ed, it is clear who he is referring to, quite frankly, garland also saying this at one point, these attacks come in the form of threats to defund particular department investigations. most recently, the special council's prosecution of the former president, the attorney general's rare public rebuke comes right as house republicans are preparing to take the next step today and charging him with contempt of congress seen as lauren fox has more adding to the attention around this movement today is now this opinion piece from the attorney one general. what is going to happen in the house today? lauren yeah. >> okay. what you're going to see in just a couple of hours is the house rules committee will convene to consider these two resolutions to hold garland in contempt. now, what this does is it is the first step to get it to the house floor. we do expect that that action could to happen later this week. one of the question marks since these two resolution's passed in the judiciary and oversight committees, was whether or not house republican leadership had the votes to actually advance them on the floor. obviously, they're feeling very confident about that, or they wouldn't be moving this through the rules committee today. but again, how speaker for my johnson can only afford to lose two republicans and still get this across the finish line. what this would ultimately do is these resolutions would instruct the house speaker to refer garland for potential criminal charges from the attorney in washington, dc. again, it is very unlikely that that would happen, but this is not without some precedents. if you remember, house republicans actually held eric holder in contempt of congress democrats held william barr in contempt of congress. nothing ultimately came of that, but that just shows you that there is a record and there is a history of the opposing party holding the president's attorney general in contempt of congress. and we should just note this all stems over a dispute over whether or not the attorney general should release the special counsel's audio interview with president joe biden. those transcripts have been released, but house republicans say that they want the audio of the interview to continue their investigation into joe biden lauren. >> good to see you. thank you so much. let's see what happens today. also with us, also for us, this coming up for us right now, is that your teres day and one blinken is in jordan to discuss how to get think more critical humanitarian aid into gaza. >> and also with that, putting more pressure on hamas to accept a ceasefire deal. and it's already expensive enough to buy a home but a new report shows the cost of maintaining one are skyrocketing as well, and new details this morning about the payouts for passengers of that singapore airlines flight that hits such dangerous turbulence that one person died. we'll be back 19th cnn celebrates junzi, which special performances by john legend, eddie lewbel, smokey robinson we still have a lot of work to do. >> june teeth and celebrating freedom and legacy wednesday, june 19 at ten on cnn, it's so easy to get your windshield replaced using safe flight, tell the people why you haven't done it? already. my moment, let's start off as a chip and grew to a crack and it just keeps 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most anticipated moment of this election and the stakes couldn't be higher. the president and the former president, one state to moderated by jake tapper and dana bash, the cnn presidential debate thursday, june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming on max all, right happening now we are standing by for jury deliberations to resume in hunter biden's federal gun trial. >> the jury had the case for about an hour before breaking for the night. the president's son could arrived back in court shortly. he faces three felony gun charges i see it as marshall cohen is live outside the courthouse this morning. how will this work? marshall hey, john. >> good morning. well, as you mentioned, that jury got about one hour deliberations in the books yesterday, and they are expected to return here at 9:00 a.m. about two hours from now. now, the judge said that she's not going to call them all back into the courtroom just to win push them a good morning. there'll be allowed to go directly to the jury room and the once everyone is back in that room, vacant, pick up the deliberations on their own we won't necessarily see them this morning. now, while they're in that room doing their deliberations, they have to weigh three criminal charges that special counsel, david weiss this has brought against hunter biden. he's accused, as everyone knows by now, of lying on gun forms and illegally possessing a gun while addicted to drugs, but it's a little more complicated than that, john, because while those are the top line charges, each one of those offenses contains several elements of the offense that the jury needs to also debate discuss, and decide whether each one of those elements within each charge was also met so there's a lot under the hood here for the jury to hash out. now, i do want to point out obviously this has been a family affair for the bidens from the the very start, and they really beefed up the support yesterday in court. we saw obviously the first lady, jill biden president biden's sister, valerie, his brother, james and then hunter biden's sister, younger sister, ashley, was also in the pews in the gallery during the closing arguments during that final push. and they're present isn't caught the attention of the prosecution. one of the very first thing is that prosecutor leo wise told the jury in his closing arguments was basically telling them that there's a lot of famous people in the galleries. there are people you might recognize from the news, from the community. but respectfully, none of that matters. pay no attention come to that and only focus on the evidence in this case, which the prosecution claimed was overwhelming. john, in many ways right now the fate of the president's son it is in the jury's hands and there'll be back in just about two hours to hopefully reach a conclusion. >> a verdict could come at any time. marshall cohen, thanks so much for being there. needless to say, keep us posted so new eye popping data on the rising 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home-ownership has gone up 26% since the pandemic spring and seen as matt egan, he's got more on this digging into these what's going to be sobering numbers, what's going on here? well, a lot of people probably think that once they buy their first home, they're done, right? but in reality, they're just getting started because there's all of these hidden costs of homeownership and they can really add up bank rate found that on average americans are spending 18 thousand dollars a year to own and maintain their home. that is obviously a lot of money when you think about it, it's almost like the cost of buying a used car a year. this is 26% more than in 2020. and of course this is all on top of your mortgage payment, right? we're talking about the cost of energy, the cost of property taxes and the biggest drivers according to bankrate or the fact that it's gotten more expensive to maintain a home. and also the cost of home insurance that we've seen premiums spike, right? for two reasons. >> one, it's the fact that there's the climate crisis has made it more likely that there's these disasters, right? >> we've seen wildfire person hurricanes and flooding. then the cost of living, labor, materials that's all gone up. so it's more expensive to repair when this happens, i spoke to a woman in california yesterday who told me that her home insurance rate doubled with no notice because of concerns about wildfires on top of that, they have to spend $10,000 to repair the plumbing now, she's taking on extra hours to try to make ends meet and she's not alone, kate? >> absolutely. does it matter? does it change depending on where you live? >> it does. it does. >> not shockingly, some of them more expensive places to own and maintain a home or here in the northeast, we seat new jersey massachusetts, connecticut, of course, all of these states high cost of living also high property taxes. california and hawaii, two very expensive it's a place to live. it's costing almost $30,000 a year. now, we've also seen a big surge in the cost of owning and maintaining a home in hawaii up by almost 40%, but also big increases since 2020 in idaho and utah as well. these are the three states with you price is going to expense is going up the most. now, on the opposite end of the spectrum, some states has actually become more affordable to own and maintain a home. arkansas, kentucky, mississippi, three of the more affordable places to live there. we've seen expenses go up at a slower pace, but listen, i think at the end of the de, no matter where you live, the message here is that you've got a budget for the unexpected, the burst pipe, the home insurance spike, because when it happens, it can be really painful. yeah. >> and you're also keeping tied to this. you're also keeping then keeping a close watch on an increase of underwater mortgages. >> that's right. so let me most americans are sitting on a nice cushion of equity because home prices have gone up but there is an increase in some people who are seriously underwater. that means that they owe 25% more than the home is worth. it's never a good sign. we've seen this is a particular problem in louisiana, wyoming, kentucky, and mississippi, and oklahoma. and this reflects the fact that in some of these areas home prices have actually gone down since the peak and some people, they bought at the peak, they bought at the top. so now they owe more than what the home is actually worth. i think big picture nationally, this does not seem to be a major problem, only about 2.7% of all mortgages are seriously underwater. that's pretty low back in the great recession was around one in four homes that were underwater, but we do need to keep an eye on this. and i do think it's another reminder that whether you're talking about expenses or fluctuating home prices homeownership, it's not without risk. kate i mean, look, kentucky is a perfect example. >> kentucky is among the states that you said where homes were becoming more affordable and you're also seeing this is where people are for have being seriously underwater with their mortgages because they've also seen home prices go down. so you talk about the kind of the complicated web of, it doesn't come without risks and it's all interconnected in a very strange way exactly. >> it's good to see you, man. thank you so much. >> so coming up for us, attorney general merrick garland is facing another contempt vote in congress today, and he is not facing it quietly. >> he's his blistering rebuke of the conspiracy theories that he says are endangering the department of justice, the people working there, and democracy and the white house is celebrating black history with an early juneteenth celebration this election season, stay with cnn with more reported here's on the ground. >> and the best political team in the business follow the voters, follow the results, follow the facts follow. >> cnn we just signed the lease on our third shop. my assistant 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card. call today! unparalleled selection at joy devastating and sudden power of tsunamis. it happened in faraway lands and it's easy to think it can't happen here if one hits home, who we be ready silent, earth would liev schreiber sunday at night on cnn moments ago, us secretary of state antony blinken arrived in jordan for key meetings. now he just, just left israel where he says there is consensus among senior israeli leaders, including the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, to move forward on a ceasefire proposal now, backed by the united nations it is worth noting, however, that us and israeli leaders have often had different public interpretations of what that means everyone has said yes except for hamas and if hamas doesn't say yes then this is clearly on them all right, cnn's oren liebermann is in tel aviv this morning with the very latest on what are you hearing? >> john, secretary of state antony blinken held not only a number of meetings here, but also throughout the region to try to push forward this ceasefire deal and a hostage release. he had come from egypt. and then here he met with prime minister benjamin netanyahu, the defense minister, the leader of the opposition, and benny gantz, who until just a couple of days ago, was a member of the war cabinet before he resigned from the israeli perspective. that's everybody you'd have to meet with two potentially get israel to agree to a ceasefire proposal once it's at that stage, but blinken knows he's still has work to do and that's why he's now in jordan and then going to meet qatari officials who've been a key mediator here. he's trying to move this forward even after the events of the weekend and a hostile a hostage rescue operation in israel that killed scores of palestinians, incidents like that have brought negotiations to a grinding halt in the past he is trying to push them forward. the proposal on the table right now, here is the rough outline phase one would see a cessation to hostilities temporarily that would allow for more negotiations. to take place. a hostage release, palestinians released from prisons as well, and hostages remains released. that then would lead to phase two. that's a withdrawal of israeli forces, a permanent end to hostilities. that conclusion of the hostage release and then phase three would be the rebuilding of gaza from the us perspective, and the biden administration's perspective, they believe they have israel in a position where they'll agree to this. the question for blinken, does hamas and specifically hamas's leader in gaza, yahya sinwar agree we await the answer from hamas, and that will speak volumes about what they want, what they're looking before, who they're looking after are they looking after one guy who may be for now safe, very i don't know ten storeys underground somewhere in gaza as a while the people that he purports to represent continue to suffer and across fire of his own making or will he do what's necessary? >> to actually move this to a better place to help him the suffering of people, to help bring real security to israelis and palestinians alike hamas has made some positive noises about a un security council resolution that passed in the last 24 hours or so, calling for a permanent end to hostilities. >> but there is still the details to be worked out and that john is where this has certainly fallen apart in the past. that's what blinken is trying to prevent right now and his whirlwind of meetings through region yeah. just about every time in the past it has fallen apart when it gets to those details are in lieberman. thanks so much. keep us posted on what you here. >> also new this morning conspiracy theories, falsehoods, and unfounded threats of violence must stop that's from the attorney general, merrick garland speaking out this morning in a new opinion piece to defend his agency and also call out really no uncertain terms the people and politicians attacking the department of justice. garland saying in part, quote in recent weeks, we have seen an escalation of attacks that go far beyond public scrutiny and criticism and legitimate necessary oversight of our work. there baseless, personal and dangerous also saying disagreements about politics are good for our democracy. their normal. but using conspiracy theory is false hoods violence, and threats of violence to effect political outcomes is not normal they are dangerous for our democracy. this must stop joining me right now. democratic congressman greg meeks from new york, he is the top democrat on the house foreign affairs committee. congressman, thank you for being here. this of course, is as republicans are moving forward with another step today toward potentially a full house vote on a contempt of congress charge against the attorney general. what impact will this have? >> nothing it's again another false allegations. >> and when the republicans have virtually done nothing in their majority, nothing for the american people. they keep coming up with plots in investigations and hearings that mean absolutely. and turns out to be nothing there's nothing burgers this is you know, i've been in congress for over 26 years and this is like nothing ever before. we should be doing legislative work. there's a lot of things that we need to be doing should be doing in a collective manner, in a bipartisan manner for the american people, oftentimes, you've seen hakeem jeffries and democrats step-up to do the kind of thing that the american people need. but these illness investigations and virtually every committee okay. just about every committee, mike committee on foreign affairs we've had and had to debunk these false allegations from time to time and time again. so it's just something that is i think horrendous and needs to stop. and let's do work for the american people fact that they're moving into rules committee. >> do you think republicans could only lose two votes? do you think that suggests they have the votes to push this through luck? i don't know what they're dysfunctioning is an oftentimes to get certain things out of the rules that were important for the american people. it took democrats to get that done. so whether they have the votes to get it out of the rules, whether they just don't want we don't want to try to divert the american people's attention away from the a candidate who has been convicted as a felon whether they are trying to close their eyes to the fact or the damage they've done to ukraine by holding the supplemental 46 months so it seems to me that they are trying to pull a bait and switch the try to keep the people's attention away from what is really taking place in the house of representatives, which is absolutely nothing to talk about what happened here in new york yesterday, un security council approving a hostage, throwing their support behind a hostage and ceasefire deal for israel and hamas the fact that they could agree on anything is a big deal considering how divided the council has been and divided the un has been over this war. and tony blinken said this morning that in meetings netanyahu reaffirmed his commitment to that peace proposal do you do you we have not heard from netanyahu publicly endorsing a peace proposal. do you does it concern you that we have not? >> i think that the fact that you see secretary blinken there you see the cia director burns there brett mcgurk there, and talking to the various people in the region. i think that the israeli people we see them talking about, they want a deal. everyone wants a deal and that's why i think it's important to now and what should be focused or hamas. and have hamas to agree to a deal i'm so happy we've got those four hostages home. but there was prices to pay for that. and the way to prevent the price of death for innocent individuals and putting israeli soldiers in harm's way is to have a deal done. it is time to do a deal. and i think that president biden has shown the great leadership that he always does and pulling people together that we should be able to get a deal done saudi arabia, once a deal and this then begins to talk about what takes place after there's a deal which was what benny gantz was talking about, which is really important, which and still remains a huge question right now, the house has passed a sanctions bill against the international criminal court for moving to seek for a seek arrest warrants against including benjamin netanyahu for what the court had said was they saw crimes against humanity and war crimes 42 democrats joined republicans in the house to support the sanctions vote. the white house does not support it, but i want to play, i want to play for you. one of the democrats who voted with republicans jared moskowitz, listen to this the ic50, she's saying is outrageous. >> okay. they have no jurisdiction over israel. they had no jurisdiction over syria. in fact, the icc's specifically said, well, the reason why we didn't go after assad for war crimes we didn't issue a warrant at after he killed 300,000 civilians with chemical weapons, by the way, gassing them it's because, we, don't have jurisdiction. well, they don't have jurisdiction here with israel, but now we have a made-up rule, right? it's, it's magical. all of a sudden they gave themself jurisdiction when they don't have any so that's why it was critical that we pass this bill yesterday on a bipartisan basis you voted against this this very same bill. >> why are you write and moscowitz wrong on this one? >> first of all, it's premature. what we had is a prosecutor who applied for a subpoena for the arrest of mr. netanyahu and of sinwar from hamas that hasn't happened is premature. number one. number two, it undermined some because we celebrated that too long ago when the icc did appropriately, it was went to the judges and the judges decided that they would ask for the arrest of mr. putin. should he do? who something of that nature not clearly what is wrong is the prosecutor. and i think that the the bill that passed was so wide in sanctioning allies would, would have been sanctioned and other individuals who are friends that it was just too much. >> and what we need to focus on narrowly is that prosecutor, to try to equate israel to hamas? >> that is absolutely condemn able. and something that we are all upset about. and so there's a way that we could work together. and if it was a singularly focused that regard to think that we could have talked about it. but this bill was far too broad it had unintended consequences that would hurt our relationships with numbers around the world a lot on your plate right now, congressman, thanks for coming in. >> really appreciate your time. thank you. >> all right very shortly jury deliberations resume in hunter biden's federal gun case. the president's son has pleaded not guilty to three felony counts related to a 2018 gun purchase. with this now, former deputy assistant attorney general, tom dupree, counselor. great to see you this morning. the jury gets back shortly. they walk into the deliberation room. >> what do you thanks at the top of their minds well, it's a good question, john and i think today is the day we're finally going to get a verdict in this case. >> i think when the jury resumes its deliberations today, my guess is they're probably going to start marching through all the evidence. i thought the prosecutors and their closing argument did a good job and reminding the jury that regardless of the fame one of the defendant, his last name, he is the son of the president, the jury's task is to focus on the evidence, and i suspect that the jury will go about that task this morning. i suspect they're going to march through and discuss what they heard from all witnesses. the physical evidence, and then really begin focusing their attention on reaching a decision the prosecution overtly referred to the people in the gallery, hunter biden's family, really that has been coming to this trial. >> why do you think that is? because the defense hasn't exactly i mean, they've been there and supportive hunter biden right? i think the prosecution here is addressing the elephant in the room. they are acknowledging implicitly, but acknowledging that this is the son of the president who has standing trial, and that the jury can look out and see the first lady, the united states, and other political celebrities. this is obviously a family that is very well known in delaware many of the jurors have had some sort of interaction or at least are pretty familiar with the biden family. and so i think it was the prosecutors way of basically saying, look, let's step back, let's focus on the task at hand and let's put aside any sympathy or any feelings that we may have for this famous defendant and his famous family as all defense lawyers try to do abbe lowell, you're actually seeing a sketch of him, right there has tried to give jurors than a narrow out of reasonable doubt in that is to paraphrase here roughly that hunter biden in his mind it was not addicted to drugs when he signed a form that said he wasn't addicted to drugs on that day in that day alone at the moment the pen hit the paper, hunter biden didn't think he was addicted to drugs. that's the defense argument. there is that something is that enough for jurors to grab onto board? >> i think that is a pretty narrow path. look, i think that's an argument that a lawyer, tim love. i'm not sure. juror is going to love it. i suspect that the jury is going to say that the law doesn't require that hunter biden was using drugs the morning and he purchased the gun. are the hour before or after he purchased the gun? i think they are going to say did he buy this gun and fill out that form at a point in his life when he was abusing crack, when he was under the influence of controlled substances, when he was addicted to controlled substances. and my hunch is that they are not going to parse the law as finally, in his name he really is the defense lawyers are doing that said, i understand their strategy. i don't think they have a lot of cards to play, and i think they're just putting their best foot forward and hoping hoping they can kick up enough sand to create reasonable doubt in the minds of these jurors. >> all right. tom dupree, depressed diamond blue is great to see you this morning. thanks so much for being with us so donald trump's message to evangelical voters, the latest promise he's making on the campaign trail clashes overnight and a major us university with new arrests if you have graves disease and blurry vision, you need clear answers. people with graves could also get thyroid eye disease, or ted, which may need a different doctor find a ted is specialist at is-it >> it's so easy to get your windshield replaced using safe flight. why don't you just get a fixed? all right. so what do we do now? i'm scheduled an appointment as safe told them he 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from a flight that hit severe turbulence and had to make an emergency landing last month, one passenger was killed, one woman was paralyzed from the chest down after being thrown into the air. or husband said he was not even sure she was still alive. singapore airlines says, all passengers will have their flight refunded it and people with minor injuries, we'll get $10,000 a piece. those was serious issues will get advance of 25,000 with possibly more to come new this morning, the fda is warning about the serious health risks associated with micro dosing mushroom and fused chocolate bars it says the diamond shruumz brand it has left several people sick in. some had to go to the hospital. he reported symptoms that include seizures, confusion, abnormal heart rates, and nausea. >> the company is still promoting. its products on social media, but does not mention the reported illnesses. cnn reached out to the company but has not received a response yet. so this morning, connecticut fans are still rejoicing for uconn coach dan hurley rejected a reported 70 $70,000,000 contract offer from the los angeles lakers in a statement to cnn, hurley says he is humbled by the experience, but at the end of the day, he is proud of the culture at uconn, which includes, i should note back-to-back titles. the deal would have placed hurley among the nba's highest paid coaches he would have had to go to the lake but then there's that but in honor of juneteenth, president biden is hosted a star-studded concert at the white house yesterday with performances from patty lewbel, gladys knight, and charlie wilson juneteenth celebrates the day when the enslaved people in galveston, texas learned of their emancipation. >> two years after president lincoln signed the emancipation proclamation. >> and president biden signed a bipartisan bill, making june 19 and official federal holiday in 2021. >> and while the event was a collaboration of freedom, the president also took the opportunity to rail against what he called some political leaders working to take away the hard-won freedoms of black americans seen as arlette sciences at the white house, with much more on this. what was the president's message? >> well, kate, president biden, use this june teeth celebration event to stress that he remains committed to protecting and advancing the rights of black americans in this country. he, in his remarks argued that black history is american history three and he did not mention donald trump or any risks specific republican opponents by name. but the president was seeking to really draw an implicit contrast with republicans. he spoke out against book bans, attacks on diversity programs, as well as efforts to restrict voting. take a listen to what he had to say. >> we're all goes new garments trying to take his back well, there are taking it away. your freedom to make it harder. her black people to vote wow, or have your vote counted. closing doors of opportunity, attacking the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion now the president's message comes as black voters are expected to be a key part heading into the november election, the biden campaign and administration in recent weeks have really been i'm trying to tell some of their works to help the black community talking about things like wiping out student loan debt, copying the price of insulin as well as other economic advancements for the black community. >> but if you take a look at polling, former president donald trump has made gains a with black voters in this election. if you take a look at a recent poll from the new york times and sienna college. while biden wasn't head with about 63% of support from black voters. donald trump had 23%. that's a historic high for republicans uk crossing that 20% margin. now, if you take a look at 20:20 you've seen a much wider gap in that contest. black voters really made up a key part of biden's constituency back in 2020. and campaign advisers acknowledged they have more work to do heading into this election, especially as we have seen, this narrowing of support. so as you saw the president's remarks, you saw in recent events, thinking back to his speech at morehouse college, speech at an n double acp events out in detroit. the biden campaign working to hold onto that and rebuild that support from black voters, which will once again be key if he's trying to win a second term to the white house arlette time. >> thank you so much. john new fall out this morning after donald trump vowed to walk side-by-side with a group of conservative political activists that opposes abortion in all cases and calls the procedure child sacrifice in a video message, trump touted his past accomplishments on the pro-life agenda and said that democrats are against their religion, cnn's alayna treene is here now with the very latest alaina while good morning, john. yes. donald trump addressed this suit group. it was part of their southern baptist convention and annual meeting that they have and he really honed in on saying luck democrats are against your religion as, as you mentioned, and tried to convince them to continue to support his campaign. what i find really interesting about this is because with donald trump, he has been kinda, he's waffled on abortion over the past year. it's really not an issue that he wants to discuss. however, when he is put in front of these groups, particularly ones that but are very much against abortion. he very much leans into what he has done for the evangelical community and also people and groups that are against abortion as well. take a listen to what he said last night. >> now is the time for us to all pull together and to stand up for our values and for our freedoms. and you just can't vote democrat. they're against religion there, against your religion in particular, i know that each of you is protecting those values every day and i hope we'll be defending them side-by-side for your next four years. these are gonna be your years now, john, as i mentioned before, i just want to make very clear what donald trump is trying to do here. >> he is trying to convince these groups that they have to vote for him. and then if they vote for republicans, that they'll try to continue to undo some of the work he did while in office, which of course touting his stacking of the court with three very conservative supreme court justices that helped overturn roe versus wade. but i will say, as we often hear from donald trump, he likes to tout that he was the most pro life president in history. he's also really angered a lot of abortion active anti-abortion activists by not really taking a position on a federal ban. he said that he wants to leave abortion up to the states. and so this is really angered a lot of these groups as well. and so this message is really him trying to ensure that these people come out for him in november john alayna treene in washington, atlanta. thanks so much. kate, joining us right now, a cnn senior political commentator, anna navarro and cnn political commentator and democratic strategists. >> maria cardona. maria, this pushes this would john and alina were just talking about this? pushes abortion once again into the spotlight donald trump did not include any specifics on abortion policy, what it support what he doesn't support, he doesn't even mention the word abortion at all in that tape or mark. that does what well, he thinks that it's going to help him screen him from being the one that actually was responsible for taking away roe v. >> wade for taking away women's freedoms and rights to make decisions over our own bodies. but he can't have it both ways, kate, it was very clean here. what he was trying to do in this video, it's very clear what he tries to do whenever he is in front of these christian groups. and in fact, when he is in front of these christian groups most of the time he can't help himself and he brags about being the one that was appointed the three conservative justices who are responsible for for. turning roe v. wade. and so the more that he talks about this even though he doesn't say the word abortion, the better it's going to be for democrats, the better it's going to be for president biden and for everyone frankly, running on this issue about how women should be the ones the only ones to be able to make decisions about our own bodies for themselves, their families, their communities. and that frankly and underscores that this election is about more than just that. it's about our rights, freedoms in general. and it was very rich that he stood there talking about values and freedoms when he is the one that is completely devoid, a value suzanne is the one who's trying to take away our rights and freedoms ana politico has a quote from one trump voter who it says was in the room for these tape remarks at this gathering saying this this from this is coming from a man named rick patrick. >> he sounded more like a politician who wanted to be elected i voted for him and i plan to vote for him again, but he was not like the other speakers who were here talking about religious things i read that thinking. does that just encapsulate what is president biden's problem though? this guy is not happy about what he heard from the, from the candidate that he says he voted for before for you will vote for again. but it's not like donald trump trying to have it both ways. donald trump but it's not both sides in it, but donald trump at one point saying that he was going to come up with a abortion policy that was going to make everybody happy he's not going to it's not going to stop him from voting for trump, even if he doesn't like what trump is saying about it you know, i think a lot of evangelicals cross that bridge already and they did so in 2016 after they voted for donald trump after they heard him boast about sexual assault on video and take the campaign, to me, it's just so weird, bizarre, right? >> how many times have we now her trump and history gets? >> compared him to jesus compare him to being martyred on the cross, crucified, taking all of this pain for us. it's all of these religious jesus like themes that are somehow weaved into donald trump's existence, which sounds as crazy as can be it's crazy for him to say that democrats are against religion at a time when we are led by joe biden, who in my lifetime is the most religious precedent i can recall, is not a christian conservative, is irish half church, boeing practicing catholic look, this hasn't worked for them, but i do think that there's then a come a time when the rubber's going to hit the road, when donald trump is going to be confronted and on a stage like a debate stage, say, a cnn debate stage, and asked, okay, be specific about your abortion the session because yes, on one hand, he takes credit for the dobbs decision. he takes credit for having appointed those judges he goes to groups like this and he makes wales ambiguous, but very specific remarks about abortion criticized this is joe biden on it, but then on in front of other audiences, he says, oh no, just leave it up to the state. well, at some point on some stage he's going to have to come clean an answer or is he not? not yet? very top. >> let's talk about talk about what is good to talk about in politics. what is good for politics and not, here's an interesting one, donald trump now wondering aloud about taylor swift is apparently coming from an excerpt from a forthcoming book about his work with with the producer of the apprentice. a conversation that took place as in november 2023, trump saying this about taylor swift. >> i think she's a liberal. >> she probably doesn't like trump, but she is liberal or is that just an act he asks, she she's legitimately liberal. it's not an act, it surprises me that a country star can be, can be successful, being liberal trump said before the author noted that's with crossover to pop music years ago, the crossover, she, she can, she can do whatever she wants. i would say is it good for politics to take on taylor swift i mean, this is this just goes into that bucket of weird and strange that we are seeing pop up almost every single day in this campaign. >> kate. but again, i think the more than donald trump


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