US Promotion of Banned Fukushima Seafood Contradicts Biden’s Cancer Initiatives
Japanese seafood banned by China, Russia and South Korea is headed for U.S.
UK Ministers are wooing the United Arab Emirates - reportedly thestate-owned Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (ENEC) and its sovereignwealth fund owner, ADQ - to be a partner in Sizewell C. This is highlycontroversial given the UAE's position on sensitive issues such as Israeland Palestine, and its support for Saudi Arabia's stance on the murder ofjournalist…
GLOBAL 2000 publishes fact-checking video on the COP 28 climateconference - nuclear power more than twice as expensive as renewables,aging-related nuclear power plant failures endanger security of supply. At the start of COP 28 in Dubai tomorrow, GLOBAL 2000 and its German partnerorganization BUND Umwelt are publishing an animated video that analyzes thefacts about…
The main low-carbon energy sources available in the UK in the battleagainst climate change are solar, wind, biomass and nuclear energy, butwhat sorts of people prefer these different options? That’s the topic ofa new study in the December issue of the journal Energy authored at theEnergy Policy Research Group at Cambridge Judge Business School, whichfinds…