If you’re using credit cards the right way, you should be getting more money out of the bank than they’ll ever get from you. That means paying all your bills in full and on time, using the cards strategically to maximise your cashback, rewards and air miles, and remembering to call the bank every year to ask for an annual.
Spending money with credit is too easy in SG. Falling into their traps like others? Learn to avoid the pitfalls like a pro and use them to your advantage.
For diehard fans of our local shopping malls designed and managed by CapitaLand, this card is for you. Earn bonus points simply for shopping at CapitaLand Malls, and even more at selected partner merchants.
The base earn rate is 5 points per dollar for all retail purchases, which rises to 15 points per dollar (3x points) for spends in CapitaLand malls. Look out for partner promotions to earn a max of 65 points per dollar when you spend at participating outlets in CapitaLand malls (50 points from participating outlets, and 15 points for spending in a CapitaLand mall).
Convert your points to CapitaLand vouchers to offset your shopping at your favourite CapitaLand mall, whether in the heartlands or the glitzy downtown core.