All, but mostjewish people would care deeply about. We have seen what that would kind of look like, we saw it on the 7th Of October where almost 1300 people were murdered, raped, kidnapped, in the biggest mass Slaughter Ofjewish People mass slaughter of jewish people since mass Slaughter Ofjewish People since the holocaust. And yet these demonstrations did not pause. They were straight out of the starting gates, as if it was the same as any other previous conflict. They were out of the starting gates before israel had even properly responded in any way whatsoever. They dont care what happened on that day and they dont Care Howjewish people feel about it, thats the fundamental truth. The demonstrations are organised by revolutionary far left organisations, and their islamist partners in the uk that used to call for Suicide Bombings in these demonstrations, that used to openly support hezbollah and hamas, the law clamped down on that so they dont do it any more, but they go up to the lim