director of the fbi preside ovej a speciaoel operation by colludg with big tech. at best, christopher wray did nothing while rogue members of his agency meddled to protect the democrats. but christopher wray approved in or at worst, directs it. at the time we criticized this as outrageous political bias byh the e companies involved. we called big tech and the mediate alliance of bias. but now we know it was a thousand times worse. we now know that it was the fbi that was behind the suppression of the biden corruption story. zuckerberg was the first to go on the record.he f
Everyone is feeling stress from rising costs and an uncertain economy. For Gen Z, the effects are particularly acute, and impacting how they live now and may be able to in the future.
Many employees are completing under-the-radar tasks after hours to get ahead. This kind of overwork has become normalised – and while not all bad, there’s an insidious dark side.