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Transcripts For CNNW Reliable Sources 20180805 15:00:00

Analysis of media coverage of news stories. i've said that to sarah huckabee sanders. i'll continue saying that. the war started when steve bannon at cpac said the press was an opposition party and the enemy. it's wrong. i support the president. you don't have to be on side on every single issue. i don't believe in litmus tests. i think he's done a very, very good job. his speech away from the rhetoric about the press was very good last night. >> what about the idea that no one -- that people are telling him to drop this rhetoric and he's not listening. is this why you wasn't in the job longer? he dupoesn't want to hear this advice? >> i made a mistake and got fired by john kelly for that mistake. i bear the accountability for that. i'm telling you that the most loyal people, your most loyal employee, your most loyal staff are offering you constructive advice and telling you balls and strikes the way they see them as opposed to just acting. i would encourage people in the west wing if they think differently than the president they should speak out. speak out in a constructive way. there's no be ridiculously critical or biting. on this topic, the president's got great judgment. he's ban great marketing person his whole life. he's a great communicator. i think he's wrong on this topic. i think he's been right on the economy. he's been right on north korea. i think about what's about to happen in iran will be a result of his doing. i don't think this war with the media is something that's going to help him long term. >> joe, what about you? when i say it's hate movement, do you think that's fair depipgs -- depiction of what's going on? >> he trump is trying to pit the media against the public. i think the media makes a mistake when they make it about just themselves. what it is is a hate movement and war on our democracy. the media is an essential part of that. keeping the president honest through the work the press secretary does and the president. the president and his people are pursuing a deliberate strategy. they are trying to confuse and undermine all the information sources except for the most conservative. they want to keep their base happy so they throw out the raw meat to fox news and others. then they want to get everyone else confused. you see this most explicitly in how he talks about the mueller investigation. calling it a witch hunt despite all the indictments that have gone in. desti despite all the work that's been done. he's trying to make people get so frustrated so say i don't believe anyone. it's a political strategy. it's dangerous strategy and it's a war on our democracy. >> anthony, a war on our democracy? >> well, i wouldn't go as far as mr. lockhart is saying. he means about himself specifically. i think he does recognize that there could have been some foul play on the periphery. a lot of indictments came down were not directly related to him. >> that's what he feels he can say that. he says rigged witch hunt. >> i got that. i think rigged witch hunt sets people's hair on fire. those of us that have hair. what i would say to you is he is upset about the media bias. he has a right to be upset about the media bias but tactically and strategically the rhetoric he's using is very, very bad for the country. long term that amendment was first for a reason. we have to uphold that amendment. we have to uphold the sacredness of that amendment. people can disagree with me inside the white house. the president can disagree with me. friends are allowed to disagree. i think that people that like him should look him straight in the face and tell him the truth about this if they feel as strongly about it as i do. >> it makes me wonder, you say he's upset with the media. makes me upset if bill clinton had twitter, what he would have said about the media. joe, do you have any guests? >> i think it's a fair question. there's a fundamental difference between -- first off, every president thinks the media is biassed against them. they think the media is too touch on them. they don't understand they don't cover the positive news. full stop. look at the difference between the 1990s and now. bill clinton pursued a political strategy of saying this is all going on over here, but i'm not going to talk about it publicly because you elected me to work for you. i'm not a victim. even though at times he felt like a victim but in public he didn't do it. donald trump can't go 20 minutes without pouring out a self-pity stream of tweets about how people are out to get him. there's the deep state. there's mueller. there's the democrats. there's lebron james. you pick. any one that you can come up with. that's fundamentally different. even if we had twitter back then, i think president clinton rose with the public because he was able to put people first and look past what he thought was a politically motivated investigation and trump is pursuing the attack opposite strategy. i think it's failing. that's why you see this flailing around. >> anthony, joe, please stick around if you can. some breaking news before we go to break about the future of cbs. you'll recall that blockbuster story came out nine days ago. now, more than a week later, he remains in charge while two law firms investigate the allegations. in the past few minutes we have received word about another man accused of misconduct. the executive producer of "60 minutes." cbs saying they heard the investigation will be wrapping up soon. jeff has decided to stay on vacation. here is the significance of that. he was originally planning to return to work tomorrow monday would be first day back on the job after the news magazine's traditional summer vacation. the new yorker article detailed allegations of unwanted advances and he enabled a climate of harassment at the news magazine. f fager denied those allegations. cbs said they would have a firm that was already on the job would look into fager as well. the word from cbs news is this law firm's work will be completed this month. as a result, fager, one of the most poppwerful television producers will remain on vacation for now. that's notable. a few days ago he told me he would be back on monday. we'll be back with much more after a quick break here. behr presents: ordinary versus overachiever. behr premium plus, "behr" through it all with a top-rated paint at a great price. find it exclusively at the home depot. with our largest variety of crab all year! like new crabfest combo. your one chance to have new jumbo snow crab with tender dungeness crab. or try crab lover's dream. but hurry in. 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>> sorry. >> do you think we're enemy of the people? >> no, i do not. >> later in the day, sarah sanders was asked the same question but she punted and attacked the press instead. it's official white house policy that press is the enemy of the people. it's pretty outroageous. sanders attempted to smear the media that journalist reveal bin laden's location or made it harder to find him. >> we fully support a free press but there's a high level of speedometer wi responsibility with that. the media puts lives in danger and risk value national security tools. one was the reporting to listen to osama bin laden satellite phone. he stop losing the phone and the country lost valuable intelligence. >> he said reporters made it harder to track down bin laden before 9/11. is that true? of course it's not true. it was debunked more than a decade ago. sarah sanders has yet to apologize for her screw up. i don't know what to say anymore, everybody. back with me now is anthony s r scaramucci and joe lockhart. joe, is this how it works? someone hapdnds you a piece of paper and do you lie to the public? >> this has never happened before. we've had great presidents. we've had terrible presidents. republicans and democrats. we've never had anything like this where a president, we have a president who is incapable of telling the truth. the washington post averages something like seven and a half to eight lies day. the job of the press secretary even with an honest president is very, very hard. you're balancing the interests of the president's political fortunes and the government with the press and the public's right know things. it is hard. i think with both sean spicer and sarah sanders they have crossed the line here where they now, the facts don't matter and they reflect the boss. if the boss lies then i can lie. that's just a terrible place to be for the country. it has consequences. the consequences of it, white house podium used to be place that around the world you could take it to the bank. this is our policy. this is what we're doing. right now, no one knows what the truth is and they could say the sun will come up in the east tomorrow and there would be bas speculation it's not going to. the lies just get told. for sarah sanders, she's now gone beyond the point of being in a tough situation with a hard boss. she's now aiding and abetting the process. the process is designed to undermine the public confidence in the one tool they have to keep the government accountable. >> you said she is cowardly. you really believe that? >> yeah. i think the brave thing to do would be to up there in that moment, in that moment to say, you know what. the president misspoke. the president sometimes uses hyberbole. the president is frustrated. the press is not the enemy of the people. >> what's your reaction to what joe is saying? >> well, we're going to have to disagree on her personally and what her character is and what her principles are. i think she's very different from sean spicer. literally like night and day. she's trying her hardest to tell the truth to the american people. >> is she trying hard? when she got up there and lied about bin laden, she never corrected it. >> i think joe knows more than the three of us how difficult the job is and how difficult it is that you have to protect the principal and balance the situation but also respect the free and fair press. sarah is representing the president there. ivanka is speaking giving her own opinion. i think that the president still believes and still says thing like the enemy is the press of the people. it's very tough for sarah to be up there as the president's avatar and answer that question. maybe she doesn't think that the press is the enemy of the people but she's representing the president of the united states. what i would like to see happen is the president walk that back. he's got an unbelievable economy. great growth, great wages. if you look at minority unemployment at historical lows, he should be in the mid-50s as it relates to his approval rating but he needs to change come some of the conat the present time -- content and style of communication. if he doesn't do there, i think there's a head wind where people are saying hold on a second. the first amendment is there for a reason. >> this is damage we'll live with a long time. i did notice you took lebron james side in this tiff between trump and james. is that an example of him needing to change his communication style? >> yeah. i don't agree with what the president is saying about lebron james. i tweeted about it two or three weeks ago before he said the stuff about don lemon and lebron james last night. i disagree. that doesn't mean i can't be on his team. if he dupoesn't want me on his team because i disagree. i think the first lady is in the same camp as me. lebron james is a great american success story. lebron james is a guy, frankly, that has been a role model to so many people. not just people in the african-american community but all of america. he's an inclusive guy. if he disagrees with the president and says a few things here and there, the president's very combative guy. he's hitting him back. i would tell the president knock it off. >> that's why a lock t of peopl think lebron james, don lemon and later in the day he attacks ma maxine waters again. a lot of people see racism. >> he calls everybody stupid. black, white, green, yellow and red. the guy is not racist. >> he called three black people stupid this weekend. i didn't see him call any green or red people. >> he's called a whole host of people stupid. i think it's inappropriate. it's definitely not racist. i know the guy personally. i see how he interacts. he's far from racist. he picks on everybody universally. what's at stake here is a guy like lebron james. if someone is hitting you a bit, let it go. if you look at the dashboard of success that america is having now both domestically and internationally. >> he says the polls are fake. >> he says -- >> i think there's a deeper problem than what you're describing. he told me last night at a rally where he said the polls are fake. that's what he said. you talk about approval ratings. >> okay. listen. he may think the polls are fake. i'm a trained economist. i understand statistics pretty well. let's take a sampling of 50 of the polls. they are roughly right. let's get him on track communication wise. stay away from attacking lebron james and don lemon. i think it's a bad move. >> anthony -- >> might be good for don for his ratings. i don't know. >> for another conversation. anthony and joe thank you for being here. >> thanks. coming up, what this outlandish conspiracy theory is really all about. i have a theory. i'll tell you right after the break. in the u.s. it's america's most popular street name. but allstate agents know that's where the similarity stops. if you're on park street in reno, nevada, the high winds of the washoe zephyr could damage your siding. and that's very different than living on park ave in sheboygan, wisconsin, where ice dams could cause water damage. but no matter what park you live on, one of 10,000 local allstate agents knows yours. now that you know the truth, are you in good hands? 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that's my attempt to make sense of the rally phenomenon. we're seeing more and more of these rallies. let's hear from someone who has been there. i'm joined by susan glasser. cnn global affairs and staff writer. margaret, a lot of attention about the angry crowds yelling at the press corps. when i watch the rally there's joy and happiness on the face of the attendees. what do you see going on at these events? >> in way you do almost have to be there to understand the nuance on the field. every rally is a bit different. rally takes on a move of its own. i've been so some that have felt ominous and afraid to come in with the press pool and be identified as press. others that are really joyous, happy occasions where you'll jump in and start trying to talk to people in the crowd, getting the know who is there. they are very nice and cordial. i'm a retired plumber. this is my son. i live here. welcome to my neighborhood. sorry the air-conditioning is brok broken. five minutes later when the president begins bashing on the press, the same people are turning around shaking their fist at you. to many people in that audience as if it was a road show or reality show or a rock concert. they know what they're part is. there's call and respond element to it. there was call and respond element to obama's rally. we were just never one of the foils in that game. >> i'm seeing more and more viewers and e-mail readers saying to me, reporters should stop attending. stop showing up at all. what do you say to that ? >> i understand that sentiment. it misunderstands the job of a journalist. the job of a journalist so to be an impartial person and give information to readers so they can make a judgment. it's not the role of a journalist to take part in any of this. that's part of the dialog diabo nature of what the president is doing. he knows that. do news channels need to cover a rally live, gavel to gavel for an hour and a half. i think the answer is no. the media has never done that for past presidents. it's the job of reporters to be there to decide what is news and to show that to the public. >> the new normal is that cnn and msnbc don't carry the rallies live until there's big breaking news. fox news does carry every rally live in its entirety. you see different strokes for different folks. susan you wrote about trump's lies this week. your headline was it's true, trump is lying more and he's doing it on purpose. what's the meaning there? >> well, you know i think that does sum it up. margar margaret's point is extremely important. the rallies and the dramatic scale and scope and number of donald trump's lies are very much in tandem. one of the reasons the washington post has documented this dramatic up tick is because trump has kicked into campaign mode in recent months. we're likely to see more of it over the next couple months headed up to the midterm elections. he said he will be on the road six to seven times a week. these misstatements and untruths are connected to his political identity. these aren't random misstatements. they are connected with his political story. it's not just a narrative that he's telling. if you look at the categories where he lies the most in public is things like immigration, trade, russia, nato, for example. these are things that are connected. it's not just that he has policies that he is supporting. he is supporting those policies with a conscious strategy of lying and attacking. i think it goes right along with his broader war on the media and calling us enemies of the people. >> thank you both for being here. on that point, we'll talk about the effects of all this enemy rhetor rhetoric. the threats the reporters are receiving right after a quick break. ordinary stains say they can do the job, but behr premium stain can weather any weather. overall #1 rated, weathers it all. find our most advanced formula exclusively at the home depot. this ijust listen. 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(vo) ask your health care provider about tresiba®. covered by most commercial health insurance and medicare part d plans. but behr premium stain y can weather any weather. overall #1 rated, weathers it all. find our most advanced formula exclusively at the home depot. rm our theme this hour, president trump's untruths. he says polls are fake, then he promotes those he like. my next guest says this is all connected. an op ed columnist wrote that trump's campaign against independent information has been especially chilling this week. a campaign against independent information. i asked him what he means by that. >> this week was chilling because of the ferocity of the language that he used against both the media and against the mueller investigation. what i was trying to point out is as worrisome as the language is against the media, what he's doing is not restricted to the media. he is on a campaign against anyone who represents an independent source of the information. the media, fbi, the congressional budget office, scientists in the case of climate change. i could go on and on. trump want a monopoly on information and he wants to attack anyone who threaten that. >> that's a much bigger mover than merely calling cnn fake news. >> or calling new york times the failing new york times or going after nbc. all of that is alarming. i think it's important for people to see this isn't just about the media. trump doesn't hate the media because it's the media. anyone who is from new york, as i am, and is roughly my age, as spent decades knowing that donald trump loves the media. he loves attention. the issue is he doesn't like anything that is a threat to his ability to tell people what the truth is. he wants the ability to say whatever he wants. he wants the ability to say his inauguration crowd is x when it's 20% of x. to tell stories about russia. whoever that independent source of information is, the media, fbi, mueller investigation, you name it. if that represents a threat to him, he wants to attack them as unreliable so he can be the one to tell people this is what's really going on. >> he has lots of helpers. he has lots of allies like sean hannity who will tell him he's right and back up his point of view. it's not trump's campaign, it's trump's world campaign. >> that's right. trump is not the mast eer mind behind all of this. we live in a country that's deeply polarized. many people don't believe anything unless it comes from a voice they already trust. >> how big is that group? how big is that population that only believes what trump says? >> i think we -- what's the largest possible group. it would be his core supporters. he's consistently had approve of about 40% of the country. sometimes it rises towards 45. sometimes it dips to 38. right around there. i would say i think there's some people in that group who don't believe what he is saying but support him and don't care if he's lying. i think there's another group who don't really think that much about it. to tell it doesn't matter. he's right in the larger sense. why does it matter whether he makes up statistics? he's on their side. i don't know. to the extent are we talking a about a quarter of the country. >> it's not necessarily 40% of the country that dismisses everything. it's a subset of his base that's especially loyal to him. those are the folks that wait in liep line at the rallies and chant cnn sucks at the camera. >> this is worse than what we see at other parts of our political system. i really don't want to equate them. i think people who are not the president's supporters, you can manl h -- couldn't imagine how this would happen. imagine a politician who you thought was on the side of truth said something, in some case, that turned out to be untrue, you're not going to immediately get worked up about that. i think we see that phenomenon happening repeatedly with trump supporters. >> you can hear the rest of our conversation right here on our podcast. after a break i'll show you something we don't normally share. it's audio of a phone call threatening me and another cnn anchor. we want to show you what these threats to reporters are all about. est combo. your one chance to have new jumbo snow crab with tender dungeness crab. or try crab lover's dream. but hurry in. 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come on. give me a break. they started the war. i see them, i'm going to shoot them, bye. >> he says we started a war and if he sees us, he's going to shoot us. so where did the caller get the impression that i called all trump supporters racist? i don't know. i do know the night before on fox sean hannity played a two-year-old clip asking if anxiety was a factor in his rise. researchers have proven racial anxiety and resentment was a factor. i don't know if the c-span caller watched hannity, not blaming hannity. i thought the timing was odd. friday's threatening phone call is a tiny illustration of the threats that are out there. many journalists who cover politics say they are receiving more and more threats nowadays in the trump era. katy tur sounded the alarm earlier this week. >> i hope you get raped and killed one person wrote to me just this week. raped and killed. not just me but a couple of my female colleagues as well. in case you want to argue this has nothing to do with the president. the most recent note i ended up -- >> brett stevens wrote in the "new york times" on saturday, journalists are concerned we're approaching a day when blood on the newsroom floor will be blood on the president's hands. i hope he is wrong. i'm sorry to end on a sober note today but we'll see you back here this time next week. stay tuned now for "state of the union. ordinary stains say they can do the job, but behr premium stain can weather any weather. overall #1 rated, weathers it all. find our most advanced formula exclusively at the home depot. if you have moderate to thsevere rheumatoid arthritis, month after month, the clock is ticking on irreversible joint damage. ongoing pain and stiffness are signs of joint erosion. humira can help stop the clock. prescribed for 15 years, humira targets and blocks a source of inflammation that contributes to joint pain and irreversible damage. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. help stop the clock on further irreversible joint damage. talk to your rheumatologist. right here. right now. humira. with recurring constipation and belly pain if you feel like you spend too much time in the bathroom talk to your doctor and say yesss! to linzess. ♪ yesss! linzess treats adults with ibs with constipation or chronic constipation. linzess can help relieve your belly pain, and lets you have more frequent and complete bowel movements. linzess is not a laxative. it works differently to help you get ahead of your recurring constipation and belly pain. do not give linzess to children less than 6, and it should not be given to children 6 to less than 18. it may harm them. do not take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain, especially with bloody or black stools. the most common side effect is diarrhea, sometimes severe. if it's severe, stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. other side effects include gas, stomach area pain, and swelling. so say yesss! to help for recurring constipation. yesss! to help for belly pain. talk to your doctor and say yesss! linzess. but behr premium stain y can weather any weather. overall #1 rated, weathers it all. find our most advanced formula exclusively at the home depot. i'm a small business, but i have...


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Special Report With Bret Baier 20180823 22:00:00

A weeknight look at the news, featuring interviews, analysis and panel discussions hosted by Bret Baier. jurors making comments on the weakness of the defense. "judge ellis said i see no earthly reason for a mistrial. judge ellis tipped the names of jurors under seal citing threats he received but duncan doesn't sense any danger. >> i'm not concerned. had the verdict gone in the other way, i might have been. >> one thing that hasn't changed, paula duncan's devotion to trump which was on display to her way to court. >> every day when i drove i had my make america great again hat in the backseat just as a reminder. >> judge ellis said publicly sharing details of the deliberations could cause injury to the process but he told jurors they could do whatever they want. paula duncan insists she did what she was told and kept an open mind even though she did have a make america great again hat in the parking garage here at the courthouse. >> bret: peter doocy outside the courthouse. california republican congressman duncan hunter has agreed to comply with a request from house speaker paul ryan to step down from his committee assignments. hunter who was indicted earlier this week for allegedly using campaign funds to pay for what prosecutors call a lavish lifestyle, while stepping away from committees, he says he will not quit. >> i'm not going to resign with a bunch of leftist government folks throwing allegations at me, there's a trial. this means nothing. the indictment is all they have. >> bret: congressman hunter will be martha maccallum's guest on the story right after "special report." stocks were down today, the dallas 77, the s&p 500 fell five. the nasdaq dropped 11. a white house official tells fox news a deal with mexico on the north american free trade agreement is very close. the trump administration has pushed hard for a renegotiation of nafta, this official expecting the deal could be announced tonight. we will have the latest as it becomes available. it's not just another day in paradise for residents of hawaii tonight, they are bracing for the biggest hurricane to hit that area in 26 years. senior correspondent adam housley is in maui tonight. >> paradise soaked, heavy rains, powerful rains and strong winds as hurricane lane creeps dangerously close to the island chain. the giant storm could be the most powerful to hit the aloha state since 1992. >> it's a needle in the haystack with the pacific ocean being that haystack and the islands are quite small. this is a really strong hurricane it was a category five still a category four still very well organized and it's a really slow mover. >> one of the biggest worries, rain. lane is expected to bring as much is 30 inches throughout the weekend, it's already causing flash flooding and could trigger landslides. >> the rain will be heavy and longer, the winds will be longer in duration and we could have coastal flooding that lasts longer because of the winds. we are planning for the worst and hoping for the best. >> or a residence as they stockpile food, fill up on gas and board up their homes. >> i was here 30 years ago for hurricane eva and i know how bad it can be. i am concerned because even if we dodge it, it's going to be a lot of rain, a lot of strong wind and i'm expecting and fearing damage for my house. >> others are more optimistic. >> will make the most of it. it's going to be exciting. >> hawaii's governor says they've already received a federal disaster declaration, everyone needs to be ready to weather the storm and its aftermath. >> i want to remind everyone to be prepared to shelter in place, 14 days of food and supplies and water, medicine, other necessities they would have. hawaii is going to be impacted, the question is how bad. >> the rain has stopped for the most part on my way, we are expecting more rain to come this afternoon into this evening. if the longer that storm stays offshore, were still going to get a lot of rain here tomorrow. we've already been told number of airlines have canceled flights out of maui and preparation, i've got notification from the national weather service, one of the buoys that hurricane passed over the winds were about 100 miles per hour, down significantly. that's good news at this hour but we are all bracing for that rain. >> bret: adam, thanks. there is growing concern right now that a major earthquake could hit on the so-called ring of fire around the pacific ocean. that includes the u.s. west coast. the u.s. geological survey says there have been 69 earthquakes including 16 tremors above magnitude four and a half in the past few days. the so-called big one with a magnitude of eight or more has been feared for decades in this region. the kidnapping and murder of an iowa college student is becoming something of a political football tonight. the death of 20-year-old molly tibbetts has brought new and intense focus on the subject of illegal immigration. correspondent matt finn tells us how tonight from brooklyn iowa. >> molly tibbets died from multiple sharp force injuries, that according to autopsy results from the iowa state medical examiner. the gruesome details of the crime already fueling the nation's contentious immigration debate. >> president trump: a person came in from mexico illegally and killed her. >> president trump is not holding back citing the murder of the college student at the hands of an illegal immigrant. in a new effort to change our nation's immigration laws. >> president trump: we need our border laws changed, we need republicans to do it because the democrats aren't going to do it. >> it's not just the president, politicians on both sides are speaking out. >> the blood is on chuck schumer's hands and every democrat. >> this should be the front line as far as immigration, i don't want that focus to be on that, there has to be a focus on how it continues to work with law enforcement. >> for over seven years, this man was here undetected and unaccounted for. this raises questions about his immigration, employment, and criminal history and we must receive answers. >> in iowa, the state's democratic party's written platform states it opposes locally federal immigration laws. so far staying out of the debate, i would democratic party is going to honor the wishes of the tibbets family to grieve in private and will not turn this senseless tragedy into a partisan fight. in an interview with fox news, his ex-girlfriend said she never noticed a change in his behavior during the search. now she fears for her life because of her connection to rivera. [speaking spanish] >> i've been receiving death threats from people that they're going to come and kill us and they're going to burn down the trailer. because were mexican, we say to ourselves we didn't do this crime. >> some people tell us they are outraged that immigration needs to be fixed immediately. others say it's unfortunate that her death has been politicized and in a fox news poll just released today nearly half the voters nationwide say immigration is extremely important to their vote in this year's midterms. >> bret: matt finn live in brooklyn iowa. up next, new images tonight on what happens during the parkland high school massacre as the administration now considers a new way to put guns in the hands of schoolteachers across the country. our fox affiliates around the country, fox19 and cincinnati is the nation's largest supermarket chain says it's banning plastic check out bags by 2025. cincinnati-based kroger will transition from the single use bags to reusable ones, some estimates suggest 100 billion single use plastic bags are thrown away in the u.s. every year. fox nine in the twin cities has an attorney for victims of clergy sex abuse once governor mark dayton to convene grand juries to investigate coverups by catholic bishops in minnesota. attorney jeff anderson says he was inspired by a grand jury investigation in pennsylvania showing 300 priests in that state had molested more than 1,000 children. this is a life look in atlanta from fox five, the big story there tonight a georgia woman who pleaded guilty to leaking a secret u.s. report has been sentenced to more than five years in prison. the 63 month sentence for reality winner was in-line with the recommendation of the prosecutors. that's today's life look outside the beltway, will be right back yeah, i think i can handle it. no pressure... ...that's just my favorite boat. boom. (laughs) make summer go right with ford, america's best-selling brand. and get our best deal of the summer: zero percent financing for sixty months on f-150. get zero percent financing for 60 months- plus $2,800 bonus cash on a 2018 f-150 xlt equipped with 2.7l ecoboost. get your groove on with one a day 50+. ♪ get ready for the wild life ♪ complete multivitamins with key nutrients that address 6 concerns of aging, including heart health, supported by b-vitamins. your one a day is showing. before discovering nexium 24hr to treat her frequent heartburn, lucy could only imagine enjoying a slice of pizza. now it's as easy as pie. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? ♪ motorcycle revving ♪motorcycle revving ♪ motorcycle revving ♪ no matter who rides point, ♪ there are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. ♪♪ and just like tyrone taylor, they know what it takes to help keep you protected. are you in good hands? ♪ >> bret: the government accountability office says the trump administration needs to step up its management of obamacare sign-ups. the report cites problems with consumer counseling and advertising, it recommends such basic fixes as a setting enrollment targets. it also credits the administration for actions to help people in role such as a more reliable website and reduced call-center wait times. were getting a new look tonight at what happened last february during the massacre of a south florida high school and students inside. these images, as there is a new effort to arm teachers at public schools across the country. we have details from miami. >> just released camera footage outside still in douglas high school on valentine's day shows the terror among students pixelated to protect their privacy and the urgency of law enforcement to find the shooter. the only person on campus with a gun was a school resource officer who never stormed the building. at this recent school safety commission, education secretary betsy devos spoke with heartbroken father max shafter who lost his son. >> those are the worst hours of my life. >> what are the most important considerations in looking at how to make those schools safe? >> days later, she is now answering that question, considering using the federal funds for the first time to get guns into schools by allowing academic grant money to pay for guns of the local school district wants to arm with teachers and apply for the grants. the education department says this. the department is constantly considering and evaluating policy issues particularly issues related to school safety. the secretary issued opinions on hypothetical scenarios. the trump administration's call to arm educators has faced overwhelming opposition. in florida every school now by law must have at least one officer on site. the largest school districts still refuse to arm teachers. broward schools also did not want this new video released. the state supreme court ruled it must be since the sheriff departments response that day was in the public interest. of four deputies are accused of taking cover instead of entering the school to engage the gunmen. these videos do not show that. just about 30 minutes ago the senate passed a funding bill 80-7 without addressing the federal grant money for guns idea. despite an amendment introduced today by connecticut's chris murphy. however, since the house and the senate still must merge their budget packages into a final bill this fall, this gunfight likely isn't over yet. >> bret: thank you. scientists studying the moon say they have found definitive evidence of water ice on the surface. they said most of the new found water ice is in the shadows of craters near the north and south poles of the moon. the scientists say this could possibly provide future human expeditions with a reliable source of water. up next, it's not just russia trying to influence the u.s. political system, will tell you who else is doing it. beyond our borders tonight, police in france say a man with severe psychiatric problems killed his mother and sister and seriously injured another woman in a knife attack in a suburb of paris. police shot and killed a man soon afterward today. isis is claiming responsibility but french prosecutors are not treating this attack as a terrorism case. police in southern bosnia say two people are dead after a collision of a pair of freight trains. bosnian media says one other person was seriously injured and another escaped by jumping from one of the trans-moments before the crash. newly released british government documents state that businesses there could face red tape at the border. patients could face delays to medical treatment and customers could see higher credit card fees if the u.k. leaves the european union next year without a deal. prime minister theresa may is vowing to limit the instability that could be triggered by a disorderly transition. some of the stories beyond our borders tonight, will be right back. carnation breakfast essentials. it has protein plus vitamins and minerals to help kids be their best. carnation breakfast essentials. that skills like teamwork, attention to detail, and customer service are critical to business success. like the ones we teach here, every day. security team is telling potential hackers, back off. >> fresh off a meeting with his russian counterpart to date national security advisor john bolton said he delivered a stern warning about election interference. >> i made it clear he wouldn't tolerate meddling and 2018 and we were prepared to take necessary steps to prevent it from happening. >> it was the first high-level meeting between washington and moscow between the summit last month in helsinki. despite the tough talk, russia is not making any guarantees when it comes to the upcoming election. >> we weren't able to reach agreement and we decided to go ahead and speak individually. >> this comes as days after the administration's decision that four countries pose an active threat to midterms. in addition to russia, iran, china, and north korea are all eager to interfere. some intelligence experts say this is news to them. >> these comments were surpri, it would be an area that north korea had not been known to be involved in before. it's unclear at this point whether it reflects intelligence information or definitive threat information. >> u.s. officials are on high alert about the possibility of russia teaming up with other countries in order to target the election. if they have been laser focused on snuffing out any russian attempts on collaboration with american adversaries. >> we sanctioned a russian bank which is facilitated millions of dollars of transactions of north korea. >> senators it was concerned this week, america's enemies are bonding over their dislike of the trump administration's sanctions policies. when it comes to countries like china and iran every step they take away from the u.s. brings them a step closer to russia. >> bret: the u.s. will not be part of negotiations with the taliban hosted by russia. trump administration has rejected an invitation to join the talks in september, the afghanistan government is also taking a pass. it said the peace process should be led by the afghans themselve themselves. all is not well in american's relationship pakistan's new government. many of the problems have to do with china. respondent rich edson explains tonight from the state department. >> the united states and pakistan can't even agree on what they talked about. i state department officials says second mike pompeo spoke this morning with pakistan's new prime minister to wish him success and to discuss pakistan taking decisive action against all terrorists operating in pakistan. hours later, pakistan's foreign ministry tweeted the country takes exception to the factually incorrect statement, adding there was no mention at all in the conversation about terrorists operating in pakista pakistan. this should be immediately corrected. pakistan's prime minister inherits a fractured relationship with the united states. islamabad has also borrowed billions from china and it needs billions more. secretary pompeo said pakistan should rule out asking the international monetary fund, the united states is the largest shareholder. if the administration figures a bailout of pakistan ultimately means a u.s. bailout of china. >> our position hasn't changed anyway but i'm not going to forecast anything that happens in the future. >> china has finance major infrastructure projects and a loan package may reveal the private terms of agreements. while china has invested heavily in pakistan, the u.s. has suspended more than a billion dollars in aid. >> i admit there is a trust deficit and how relations, we have to bridget. >> president trump charged pakistan with providing a safe haven for terrorists. it's a long time completed united states, one repeatedly denied by pakistan. >> bret: secretary of state mike pompeo will head back to north korea next week he says he and his new special envoy to the north will continue to seek progress toward full denuclearization. north korean leader kim jong un pledged to get rid of his nuclear records program in a historic meeting in june with president trump in singapore. the president takes another shot at his own attorney general, the ag fires back in a statement. we'll get a reaction from a panel when we come back alice is living with metastatic breast cancer, which is breast cancer that has spread to other parts of her body. she's also taking prescription ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor, which is for postmenopausal women with hormone receptor-positive her2- metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole was significantly more effective at delaying disease progression versus letrozole. patients taking ibrance can develop low white 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things about his attorney general. today, he released a statement before going to the white house to sit with president trump. i took control of the justice department today i was sworn in which is why we have at unprecedented success into perpetuating the agenda, one that projects the safety, promotes economic growth and advances religious liberty. while i am attorney general of the actions of the department of justice will not be improperly influenced by political considerations. i demand the highest standards and where they are not met, i take action. we asked the attorney general to come on tonight come up he said he may come on soon. let's bring in the panel. amy walter, national editor for cook political report in katie pavlich news editor at if what you make of all this? >> it's an interesting conversation, i thought his response was disconcerting. he claimed he had control over the department and he suggests there has been no abuse of prosecutorial discretion. at the very least both of those things are debatable and to ignore the concerns that are out there he himself would say he recused himself from this probe. from anything dealing with the campaign, anything dealing with the clinton campaign. when it comes to the concerns, it is those two probes people are talking about, how the department of justice handled political investigations is very much something people are worried about and to have people in leadership dismiss it as crazy talk is alarming for those people who do care about it. >> bret: the president at any time could fire jeff sessions, he hasn't. >> to the point mollie races, the thing the president was most focused on with jeff sessions wasn't necessarily about the prosecution of crimes outside and whether there were problems within the justice department, what he was focused on was loyalty. it's about what jeff sessions was doing for him or not doing for him that he was most concerned with. i think this raises the broader question of why or when the president will decide if jeff sessions it's time to go. were hearing some back and forth, some pushback from senators as you saw in that piece but also some talk about maybe what he'll do is decide he will do it after the midterm elections, don't make this a flash point for democrats going into a midterm election but wait until afterwards and then do what you want to do. >> bret: it's what lindsey graham said today, after the midterms it might happen. bloomberg had a story today asked about her a possible replacement, senator grassley took a very different position from a year ago when he warned the white house he didn't have time to do another confirmation hearing. "i do have time for hearings the nominees. "he has clashed with sessions over pass a criminal overhaul. all of this is about something else which is to push sessions into signing off on criminal justice reform. >> jared kushner is ramping up criminal justice reform, the president's and multiple meetings this year about that very issue. it may come to a point it has nothing to do with russia and moving the agenda forward in the white house. jeff sessions focused, you notice in the statement he talks about illegal immigration, also topics that the president talks about but moving forward at this very moment jeff sessions has the upper hand. he knows the president is having trouble getting brett kavanaugh confirmed, the battle lines are drawn. the left is being very vocal this week saying because of the president's new woes with cohen and manafort, the confirmation hearings are being very loud about this. he knows it's going to be very difficult at times when so polarized on capitol hill to get a new attorney general confirme confirmed. the president has attacked multiple times this year so we'll see when that happens. it's not going to happen right now and it won't happen before the midterm election. >> bret: this is a story, we focused on coone, focused on lenny davis and he did a media roundabout. there was a story that cohen was going to say to mueller in his investigation, he knew about the trump tower meeting beforehand and he had all these details and a competing network had all of this really detailed information from sources. everybody went crazy with that story, it was all over the place. lanny davis said yesterday in a series of interviews that he didn't say that. he was not the source, it never happened. we were not the source, we could not confirm, could not correct we had to be silent because of the sensitivity needed in the middle of a criminal investigation, testified that he didn't know whether trump knew about trump tower, he also testified the stuff about cohen is false. >> source anonymously and no accountability when each of those stories turn out to be not to be true. you have not seen a correction on any of the publications that ran with the story claiming that cohen would speak and say something nefarious about the trump tower meeting. use of very little coverage and this is contrary to what you see one dossier claims are put forward. the dossier is the entire reason we've had so much hysteria related to russian collusion. it is what fed the fire leading to a special counsel. it's what people are very frustrated about with how the department of justice chooses to handle one political investigation versus another. this is a very serious concern -- the media have a role here. they have to hold people accountable and speak truth to power. when the power is all that the strength of the department of justice, it's justice important as one is donald trump and their failing here. >> bret: not to take away from what we're going to learn and what we see develop but the fact that that wasn't even talked about in all of those lanny davis interviews is quite something. if you look at the original report on what was said and how it was picked up. >> you have to question, what do we ultimately not know? every time we have these discussions about any part of the mueller investigation, it always comes back to this, we really don't know what we don't know. there is one person who has a lot of information, his name is robert mueller. >> that has been said to people for so long it is a frustrating thing to say. you can go wild with anonymous accusations, you can undermined a presidency you could sideline the attorney general you could get people fired, you could destroy people's careers and people keep saying we don't know what we don't know. at some point there needs to be accountability here. >> it would be great if on capitol hill republicans said we should have an investigation into these michael cohen accusations. he said something to us, is that true? is it not true? >> bret: they are going to call him back up to capitol hill, we shall see. next up, the immigration debate after a murder of a college coe coed. and liberty mutual won't hold a grudge by raising your rates over one mistake. you hear that, karen? 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>> i dug into your poll, thank you for putting it online. it's very transparent, you question how you feel about the president's handling of the issue? on the handling of issues like the economy, the president is above water so to speak, more people positively. on immigration, only 39% give positive ratings, among independent voters it's only 26% support for how the president's handling immigration and among independents only a third on border security thinks that he's doing a good job. in other words, i don't know that this issue while it is motivating to a lot of republican voters, you see republicans give him very high marks on immigration and border security, it's not moving the voters who consider themselves aligned with either party. they don't think the president is doing a good job on either one of these issues so i don't know that that's focusing this debate on ice or border security is the kind of thing that is going to be the determinative in the selection. for many voters who are wondering what is it that's going to get them out to vote in the midterm elections, the economy and health care are much more salient. in the president himself than the debate. >> bret: it to the president of the administration had that horrific start on separation, they concede the rollout was horrible. when they do it the other way and democrats portray immigration issues, the iowa democratic party platform, the statement of issues -- we oppose detaining undocumented minors, here's the third one. we oppose locally enforcing federal immigration laws. the iowa democratic party. that seems like it might raise some eyebrows. >> we talk a lot about polling in washington, d.c., but the fact is that these are local issues that affect communities every single day as you saw with the headlines you put up. there are families around the country now who have lost loved ones to these heinous crimes by people who shouldn't of been here in the first place and they don't appreciate it when people boil it down to politics or polling, they want to talk about preventing this from happening again. they constantly feel like they don't get enough media attention and that the narrative about how the president is doing on these issues or how democrats feel about it takes over, these are very serious concerns they have inside the local communities. when democrats have a platform like that locally that it essentially is open borders, no enforcement whatsoever, they are enabling a problem and dismissing the fact that people who shouldn't even be here are committing these crimes all of the time. >> this story is a great example of how discussions about immigration and national sovereignty are just esoteric or philosophical but they have real life, real-world consequences -- sometimes we bear them as a society as a whole, sometimes individually. there are important and it's time for people to have conversations about how to have smart immigration laws and how to enforce them. >> bret: will be talking about this as times goes on. when we come back, another kicker. goes to the dogs. ♪ thanks guys. i think he might need some support. yes. start them off right, with the school supplies they need at low prices all summer long. like these for only $2 or less at office depot officemax. a hotel can make or break a trip. and at expedia, we don't think you should be rushed into booking one. that's why we created expedia's add-on advantage. now after booking your flight, you unlock discounts on select hotels right until the day you leave. ♪ add-on advantage. discounted hotel rates when you add on to your trip. only when you book with expedia. jushis local miracle ear t at helped andrew hear more of the joy in her voice. just one hearing test is all it took for him to hear more of her laugh... and less of the background noise around him. for helen, just one visit to her local miracle-ear is all it took to learn how she can share more moments with her daughter. just one free hearing test could help you hear more... call now for your free hearing test from an industry leader: miracle-ear. now i know you're thinking, "i don't want to hear about insurance." cause let's be honest, nobody likes dealing with insurance, right? 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Transcripts for FOXNEWS One Nation With Brian Kilmeade 20240604 06:52:00

whether you're looking at academia, looking at ncaa, it's obvious are led by spineless bankrupt cowards. i believe we would be a thriving nation think of the 40s, self-proclaimed greatest generation but these were men actively willing to lie about their age, older than they really were so they could fight for this country, so far asked that. >> afraid to recognize each other's gender and swimming against the current. you talk about how you merged as a spokesperson, the joyce aven avenue? third grade, seventh grade, 11th grade, was that riley gaines? >> i was always a leader, but a lot of that to playing sports, my wonderful family and my fai faith.


FAI seek €5 million a year to fund LOI academies and have chance of 'being competitive'

The FAI have submitted an academy development plan to government, and revealed the stark reality of how far Irish football has fallen.


Transcripts for FOXNEWS Hannity 20240604 06:53:00

the only way to have solved this problem, the only way when you pick the 365 days a year per and you decide we're going to we're going to have a a defendant tried right before the election, coincidentally, we just want to do it t right before the election. the only way to make e that fai, even under the pretext that it's you're looking for fairness, is to sequester the jury so they don't s get intimidateeq d. >> like we've already seend somebody already articulate. yeah, you know, look, if democrats pam, had their way, they would have donald trump in a courtroom for the nextey 199 days and they'd have three more trials, even this trial. there is a phenomenon we've got to discuss, though. donald trump gets arrested, his poll number gets donal goes up.poll he gets a ring. poll numbers go up. he gets a mug shotp he. poll numbers go up. and i think people have a sense of fundamental fairness, maybe not in new york, but thesens


Floating device would likely not have saved fisherman, inquiry hears

A FISHERMAN who fell overboard from a local whitefish trawler is unlikely to have survived even if he had worn his personal flotation device (PFD) correctly, an inquiry into his death heard on Tuesday. Edison Lacaste died after falling into the water while carrying out repairs...


Skipper recalls man overboard incident as fatal accident inquiry begins

THE SKIPPER of a local whitefish trawler told an inquiry at Lerwick Sheriff Court on Monday how he was unable to hold on to a fellow crewman who fell overboard while carrying out repairs. The body of Edison Lacaste was recovered from the waters by the Sumburgh based search and...


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