Craft vendors, entertainment and food are highlights every year at the Fairhaven Homecoming Day Fair. This year's event will be held on Saturday, June 25.
Craft vendors, entertainment and food are highlights every year at the Fairhaven Homecoming Day Fair. This year's event will be held on Saturday, June 25.
FAIRHAVEN As a result of the pandemic, for the second year in a row, the town is canceling several big public events that usually take place during the summer.
Both the Memorial Day and July 4 parades for Fairhaven were officially canceled at the March 22 Board of Selectmen meeting.
Massachusetts is currently in Phase IV, Step 1 of its reopening. Parades and street festivals won’t be allowed until Phase IV, Step 2.
How Memorial Day and July 4 will be celebrated
Veterans Services Officer Brad Fish explained to the Selectmen present that after speaking with the state’s Department of Veterans Services, they concluded it’s not yet safe to have large crowds.