the coming days and weeks, eeks who will monitor all the keywe match ups, all across the country, including pennsylvania, where the socialist bernie loving trut trust fund brad who never worked a day in his life, hoodie john fetterman. he is now refusingfe tdermo debe his opponent, world renowned opp surgeon, washington outsider dr nooz. now early voting in pennsylvania, it starts in two weeks. the people in the commonwealthek of pennsylvanis. a, they need answers to all of his insane radical positions that are tru truly to the left of bernie sanders and after his catastrophic stroke, we wish he him the best health. it does not appear thatt appe fetterman is capable of debating, much less servinart f. as a us senator. we have all those details coming up tonight. plusl those , the political weai weaponization of our justice system has never been has n more apparent. in a moment, we reev going to will bring you shocking new revelationbr news abouttion the apparent hunter biden
be over five hundred pages. they tooegk tax records, his passports pretty much. they took everything they caninh get their hands on .ey this is a huge problem, as i was telling you from day one with a broad sweeping warrant. and that s exactly what this was. this was a fishing o expedition and get this, the judge also in the ruling, it had a major new nugget, and that is that joe biden himself, in spite of proclaiming otherwise publicly, could have been involved , as we re now learning that on may the 10th, the national archives and records administration informed trump that it would proceeadminidd prv with providing the fbi access to the records in questionidcesh as requested by the incumbent president . and that was beginning as earlyl as thursday, may the 12th. 2020y twoas. now, sadly, just like i predicted, the fbi has been politicized. the biden dothe fbj has been weo weaponizes biden s faithful hasl led to a totaled loss of faith n
saint peter s basilica. they receive red hats and rings with st. peter and st. paul on them. in addition to the new cardinals there were also other members of the cardinals, high-ranking church men and a lot of lay people as well, basically fans and parishioners, people who have known the priests over the years. pope benedict xvi in his address reminding the new cardinals what the color red means, a willingness to spread their blood and to lose their life for the faith n the pope s words, to have the courage to be martyrs. finally on a personal note i first met archbishop bowllan, now cardinal dolan when he was a young priest. he was in washington d.c., so was i. we are both from st. louis. he invited all his st. louis friends over for a barbeque. the first words out of his mouth was, greg, get yourself a budweiser. my kind of cashed natural. i love those stories. thank you. a bus involving fake u.s. treasury bombs. an investigator said the scam posed quite a threat, a serious