The Community Library Network may not have liability insurance coverage as early as Sunday.
Trustees considered their options during a meeting Wednesday, including the possibility of a 24-hour emergency notice to close all libraries in the district if insurance is not in place by the time the library network’s existing policy through the Idaho Counties Risk Management Program expires at midnight Saturday.
Community Library Network trustees unanimously approved accepting $42,256.90 in urban renewal district funds during a special meeting Friday at the Post Falls Library.
At the same meeting, the board majority Chair Rachelle Ottoson, Vice Chair Tom Hanley and Tim Plass diminished funding for the network by the same amount, despite objections from Trustees Katie Blank and Vanessa Robinson and several words of caution from Library Director Alexa Eccles.
Accepting a tax increase and future impacts of not doing so were major concerns voiced by community members Thursday evening during the Community Library Network’s budget hearing at the Post Falls Library.
Nearly all of the 16 people who spoke during the hearing expressed they are in favor of the board taking a 3% tax increase as allowed by law, which would provide the network with nearly $150,000. Many also shared their desire to keep the Post Falls and Hayden libraries open Sundays.