murder in the trial of the murders of chad littlefield and chris kyle. ely. for tomorrow is another fight. the 2015 m-class. see your authorized dealer for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial services. meet the world s newest energy superpower. surprised? in fact, america is now the world s number one natural gas producer. and we could soon become number one in oil. because hydraulic fracturing technology is safely recovering lots more oil and natural gas. supporting millions of new jobs. billions in tax revenue. and a new century of american energy security. the new energy superpower? it s red, white and blue. log on to learn more.
don littlefield, chad littlefield s father spoke to eddie ray routh directly before leaving. you did not hear from him live when we brought the comments that his wife said, because it was powerful because in one of the tapes he said that he was not sure who chad littlefield was, and then he said, now you will have the rest of your miserable life to know who he was. his name was chad littlefield, and then he spelled it out for eddie ray routh. and thank you, ed lavinanderalavandera. we will be having newly released audio for you. and i want to bring back kimberly and mark o mara and
our breaking news here tonight. eddie ray routh found guilty of capital murder of shooting deaths of chris kyle and chad littlefield and he has been sentenced to life without the possibility of parole. i want to go to cnn s ed lavandera outside of the courthouse in stephenville. i understand that you is more audio tape that routh had with the noshgew yorker and you have those? e yes, it is the first time that we have been able to the play you the audio portion of the recordings, and we believe it is going to help the viewers, and we can now broadcast the audio, because now that the trial is over but now you will hear that eddie ray routh talking about why he shot chad littlefield and chris kyle.
prosecutors said that the boots that you are seeing him wearing the right boot there that you are seeing it had the blood from chad littlefield on top of it. taking you right in there, and just hours after the killings on february 2nd, 2013. so much evidence here, and so much audio, and video that we will get to in the moments that we have left. ed lavandera, we will get back to you in the few moments with more breaking news. eddie ray routh found guilty of the american sniper murders. stay with us, everybody. we will be right back. what the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. it used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day. whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer, that s what i d like to do.
was taken into custody, and hours after he had killed chris kyle and chad littlefield. you kcan listen to it now for the first time. don. do you know what you did was wrong, do you understand that? yes, sir. what do you think should happen?