mention because every single shen than began he spouts about government and elections, these are not things he believes in. these are things he performs on television in order to make people not realize he is a ter rofism sympathizer. the core what he was saying is nonsense. he pounds like a pimp saying, hey, i got a great plan for you to pay for your college tuition. you can t say that you support overall democracy and dismists the fact that you only got 3% of african-american women to vote for you. you can t say i won t take foreign funds and then crisscross across europe and the u.k. and italy, constantly getting material support from other right wing fasish sympathizing wings abroad. he is a terrorist sympathizer and a danger to the american public. steve schmidt?
u.k. and italy, constantly getting material support from other right wing fasish sympathizing wings abroad. he is a terrorist sympathizer and a danger to the american public. steve schmidt? i m going to start out by agreeing with something that steve bannon said. this midterm election, which i believe is the most important midterm election in american history, it is a referendum on donald trump. the country is either going to repudiate trumpism or embrace it. as a business proposition what steve bannon is saying correctly is if the election were tomorrow, you could see losses in the republican house of 25, 30, as high as 40, 45 seats. basically what he s doing is fleecing donors saying i will be able to make this race something other than a referendum about donald trump. i will be able to put it back on