The Tayos caves of Ecuador are a legendary vast natural underground network of caves spanning many kilometres, very little of which has been officially explored. The Tayos caves (Cueva de los Tayos) reached worldwide attention in 1973 when Erich von Däniken released his bestselling and controversial book ‘The Gold of the Gods’, in which he claimed that piles of gold, unusual sculptures, and a library of metal tablets had been found in a series of artificial tunnels within the caves.
It is becoming increasingly clear that the Sumerians had established a colony in South America called Kuga-Ki. Kuga-Ki was the "Tin Land of the West" or the "Sunset Land", in Sumerian inscriptions.
Unergründliche Geheimnisse sind in der „Cueva de los Tayos“ in Ecuador verborgen. In Wahrheit handelt es sich um eine Kluft oder einen sehr tiefen Hohlraum in der Erde, der mit sehr präzisen Linien in den Fels geschnitten zu sein scheint. Das Alter der Formation wird auf zweihundert Millionen Jahre geschätzt. Dieser Ort liegt inmitten des […]
The story of father Crespi is one of the most enigmatic stories ever told - an unknown civilization, unbelievable artifacts, massive amounts of gold, depictions of strange figures connecting America t