once in a while, you could miss it. jesse: every once in a while life forces to us slow down whether we want to or not. because injuries are nation s great equalizer, if you have ever been laid up on a couch or bed for hours like i was when i through my back out. you start to focus more. pay attention to the small details. maybe you notice a stain on the ceiling. you never had the time to look at it. but now that you are staring at it all day with nowhere to go. it s all you can focus on. now, that you know it s there. all you want to do is fix it. for a lot of parents across the country this is what they have been facing when it comes to their kids education. for the first time in a while moms and dads are seeing what really goes down in the kids classroom. and they don t like it. it wasn t always this way. moms used to stay home with the kids and those children were her entire world. they knew what they were learning. who they were spending time with. and what was happe
when you are dealing with the situation where the hospitals were being overrun in new york, you have to do something that s rather draconian. and sometimes when you do draconian things, it has collateral negative consequences. when you shut things down, even temporarily, it does have deleterious consequences on the economy, on the school children. jesse: fauci s tunnel vision wreaked havoc on our kids. all he cared about getting cases to zero and vax rate to 100 percent. neither of which was ever going to happen. the collateral damage was astronomical. he hurt our kids so older lib could say feel safe from a virus that had a high 90% survival rate. don t worry, he would do it again. we talk a lot about learning loss in texas. there were a bunch of other consequences of closing the schools down. were they worth it? i guess knowing what you know? yeah. i believe so for a number of reasons. these families is flying a