Understanding bible prophecy, and most of it revolves around duality in the bible. But the problem is most people do not understand duality in the bible or the depth of it. They have a kind of a surface understanding of it, but when you think about proving this from your bible it does talk about showing what is going to happen. I mean when you start showing what is going to happen in the future, thats not something to take lightly. So im going to show you the secret to understanding bible prophecy, and i defy you to go and, well, find an answer elsewhere. I mean its just a simple challenge, thats all, but i want to start with a very profound scripture that all of us need to understand. I believe our understanding is unique, and to just illustrate the point we have a booklet on each of the minor prophetsall prophetic bookswe have a booklet on the three major prophets, and we have a booklet on the former prophets, and we have a booklet on daniel, and we have a booklet on revelationactual
The Evangelical Lutheran Synod has all of 19,394 members. In a little tract called "Jesus' Brothers" it was stated: Of course, the reason why Rome feels The small Lutheran denomination Evangelical Lutheran Synod (ELS) made ridiculous claims about Jesus' "brothers" & several supposed Catholic beliefs about same.