of a lifetime with just the clothes on their backs. they took nothing apart from a private jet, iphones for selfies and regular social media updates, and a case of miller lite for subsidence. they four went even there paper obedience masks, the one that federal laws require the rest of us to wear when we travel by air. not these people. they traveled light. they were like the vietcong marching 50 miles and sleeping in trees. they were only about their mission. finally after a grueling refueling stop and an fbo en route, they arrived in washington as conquering heroes. one of the pilgrims and enthusiastic if not especially bright legislator called jean luc posted that fans were all but throwing themselves as she arrived at a national airport in d.c. virtue has its benefits. the group then even match with the president of the united states, kamala harris, who compared that to the civil rights merger of old. there were no german shepherds were firing hoses or bridges to cross. there is a
but they believed it was worth it. they were serving a cause bigger than themselves. so they set out on the journey of a lifetime with just thee clothes on their backs. they took nothing apart from a private jet, iphones for selfies and regular social media updates, and a case of miller lite for sustenance. they forwent even their paperle obedience masks, the ones that federal laws require the rest of us to wear when we travel by air. not these people. they traveled light.t. they were like the vietcong marching 50 miles and sleeping in trees. they were only about their mission. finally after a grueling refueling stop at an fbo en route, they arrived in washington as conquering heroes. one of the pilgrims, an enthusiastic if not especially bright legislator called jean wu posted that fans were all but throwing themselves at them as they arrived at a national airport in d.c. virtue has its benefits. the group then even met with the president of the united states, kamala harris, who compa