A repreliminary hearing is setns for 9 oclock. 9 oclo another pizzeria has becomeas bm the victim of that same fakeam f news conspiracy but this timespr in newac york. Robertas received calls threatening its workers. Wor so far no arrests have far been made. Meantime donald trump in trui the midst of another twitter battle. Battle. The president elect slamming aen uniont leader whom claims that trump lied about how manyed auth carrier jobs were saved fromve going to negotiated. Trump tweeted chuck jones whoonw is president of united steelworkers 1999 has done ahasa terrible job representing workers. Workers. Later today, trump will w travel to Columbus Ohio to oo meet with some of the victimshes of last weeks attack at the ohio state university. Nivers the private event will includene a meeting with police and paramedics who responded toho rd the attack. K. Trump will then return to hiso hell hold aevenin rally with v president elect mike pence. Ent trump using theel down timet on his