Through the looking glass: the director of the Sundance sensation talks about making a new kind of trans cinema, recreating '90s television, and finding beauty in horror
Walking on water: A selection of newly restored films make clear the continuing relevance of the work of Lorenza Mazetti, a long-unheralded artist who exerted a strong influence on her peers in Britain’s Free Cinema movement of the 1950s and ’60s
Born again: Phạm Thiên Ân’s hypnotic debut feature Inside the Yellow Cocoon Shell is a formally breathtaking meditation on faith and a testament to cinema as a vehicle for miraculous transformation
Gut check: the latest pair of films from Soi Cheang, a Hong Kong genre master little known in the U.S., demonstrate the sleek blend of existential bleakness and technical wizardry that characterizes his cinema
Don’t look away: the director discusses his debut feature, a disquieting critique of the colonial history of Chile by way of the grand cinematic idiom of the Hollywood western