Oldest and most prestigious film festivals, was certainly starstudded this year, and among the figures making an impact was 49yearold angelina jolie for her portrayal of the celebrated late opera singer maria callas in the picture maria. Emma jones was at the venice film festival for talking movies. Emma: angelina jolie is portraying a woman said to have had the voice of an angel. Americanborn greek soprano maria callas, who died in 1977 aged only 53, is judged to be the world s greatest ever female opera star and certainly the most famous. She s been the subject of a documentary maria by callas. A fictitious reimagining of the last week of her life is the subject of maria by chilean director pablo larrain. That is not what the doctor told us we should do. Was he even a doctor? asjolie is seen here as callas, talking to her butler ferruccio, played by italian actor pierfrancesco favino. And that is why he took a sample of your blood. But he said even before the result of the test, we
But how hard has the journey been, and has amerIca really left the Race Issue behInd . James earljones, welcome to hardtalk. Welcome to our theatre. Well, thank you very much. The wyndhams. The wyndhams theatre, where you, for weeks, have been treadIng the boards In a pretty exactIng role In the Play DrIvIng mIss daIsy. A lovely role and a great pleasure to be In hIm. Well, Ijust Wonder whether It Is any harder these days to get up for all of the rehearsIng, all of the preparatIon, all of the gruellIng physIcal endurance you have to have for a daIly play . Everybody works, you know. Even the PrIme MInIster works, the presIdent works. Everybody works or plays eIther one and then sleeps. So thats all, thats all we do. And Its not hard to go to work wIth thIs play. Its really such a pleasure doIng It, and wIth Vanessa Redgrave and Boyd GaInes especIally. I just wonder If thIs play partIcularly resonates wIth you, because Its set In atlanta, In the south, durIng the era of segregatIon. And
Whether it is any harder these days to get up for all of the rehearsing, all of the preparation, all of the gruelling physical endurance you have to have for a daily play? everybody works, you know. Even the prime minister works, the president works. Everybody works, or plays either one and then sleeps. So that s all, that s all we do. And it s not hard to go to work with this play. It s really such a pleasure doing it, and with vanessa redgrave and boyd gaines especially. I just wonder if this play particularly resonates with you, because it s set in atlanta, in the south, during the era of segregation. And, of course, you were born and raised in your very earliest years in mississippi during the era of segregation. Does this particularly have meaning for you? mmhm. Yeah, i. . . I can say, honestly, i know a lot about it, and i wish others knew about it and that s partly why it s important to do plays like this. And, luckily, we have a play here. . . . . Which is not about polemics.
It s the beginning. It s the start of the whole season. All that and more in this festival review edition of talking movies. Venice, one of the world s oldest and most prestigious film festivals, was certainly starstudded this year, and among the figures making an impact was 49yearold angelina jolie for her portrayal of the celebrated late opera singer, maria callas, in the picture maria. Emma jones was at the venice film festival for talking movies. Emma: angelina jolie is portraying a woman said to have had the voice of an angel. Americanborn greek soprano maria callas, who died in 1977 aged only 53, isjudged to be the world s greatest ever female opera star and certainly the most famous. She s been the subject of a documentary maria by callas. A fictitious reimagining of the last week of her life is the subject of maria by chilean director pablo larrain. That is not what the doctor told us we should do. Was he even a doctor? asjolie is seen here as callas, talking to her butler fer
Highlights of major Film Festivals, Including Movies and performances which have already gathered awards momentum. From the excitement of the Venice Film Festival, Angelina Jolie on her portrayal of Opera Singer Maria callas. It was very clear early on that i was going to really have to learn to sing, because you cant really fake opera. Also from venice, a wealth of documentaries, several Hard Hitting and political, including one from brazilian Film Maker Pedro costa. I think brazil and the United States could become a theocracy. And, from colorado, The Movies that got everyone talking at the small but influential telluride Film Festival. Possible contenders in the forthcoming oscars race. And a Documentary Onjohn Lennon and Yoko Onos early years in new york city. Its the beginning. Its the start of the whole season. All that and more in this Festival Review Edition of talking movies. Venice, one of the worlds oldest and most prestigious Film Festivals, was certainly star studded this