really tough language. here is what he had to say about it. i wouldn t call him the second most dangerous man in america. i m happy to publicly urge them not to repeat that line in future mailings. on the other hand, if they have a factual bily accurate mailingo says he s for this and for this, i think the question is whether or not he s for it. i think beingรง factually accure and explaining somebody s position is legitimate. it s when you are factually wrong or when you are factually distorting things or you re taking something and you re turning it into something it isn t, that is wrong. reporter: one man s negative is another man s contrast ad, chris. i also asked the speaker, i said, you know, usually the candidate that s complaining about negative ads is the one that can t afford to run them, and that s how we got started on this tangent and on this issue. but he certainly sounds like somebody who is happy that there s finally a super pac helping him rather than hurting