senate confirmed directors, and those directors all have a few things in common. they are all white men. they all favor a clean cut look, and each and every one of them, every senate confirmed director since the dawn of the fbi has been a republican. that includes current fbi director christopher wray, who was appointed by donald trump. but you would not get that impression, given the way director wray s fellow republicans attacked him in his agency during a hearing today on capitol hill. when the court says the fbi misled, that s a nice way of saying they lied. how many individuals were either fbi employees, or people that the fbi made contact with, we re in the january 6th entry of the capital? i m going to make the assumption that there is more than one, more than five, more than ten. i will say this notion that somehow the violence at the capitol ungenerous six was part of some operation orchestrate by fbi sources and their agents is ludicrous. your job s review w
was part of some operation orchestrated by fbi agents is ludicrous. your job is to review what they do. your job is to protect the american people from a tyrannical fbi storming the home of a american family. i could not agree more with your description of the fbi being tyrannical. you preside over the fbi that has the lowest level of trust in the fbi s history. people trusted the fbi more when j. ed gar hoover was running the place. respectfully, congressman, in your home state of florida the number of people applying to come work for us is up over 100%. the american people fully understand there is a two tiered justice system that has been weaponized to persecute people based on their political beliefs and that you have personally worked to weaponize the fbi against conservatives. i would disagree with your characterization of the fbi and certainly your description. the idea i m biased against conservatives seems somewhat insane to me given my own personal backgro
the fbi has had only eight senate confirmed directors. those directors all have a few things in common. they are all white men. they all favor a clean cut look, and each and every one of them, every senate confirmed director since the dawn of the fbi has been a republican. that includes current fbi director, christopher wray, who was appointed by donald trump. and you would not get that impression, given the way the director wray s fellow republicans attacked him and his agency during a hearing today. on capitol hill. when the court says that the fbi misled, that is a nice way of saying they lied. how many individuals were either fbi, employees, or people that the fbi could make contact with, to be in the january 6th entry of the capital? i m going to make the assumption is there is more than one, more than five, more than ten. i will say that this notion that somehow the violence at the capitol on january 6th was part of some operation orchestrated by fbi sources into
i hope we finally have put to bed the notion about whether or not ukraine is welcome to nato. it s going to happen. we are moving in the right direction. i think it s just a matter of getting by the next few months here. a warning from the nominee to lead the joint chiefs of staff. the republican senator tommy tuberville s block on military promotions is affecting the military on multiple levels and could spark a talent drain. i will discuss it with former u.s. navy pilot mikey sheryl. good day. i m garrett haake. andrea is headed back from the nato summit in lithuania. here in washington, house republicans on the judiciary committee are hammering the fbi director for what donald trump and some conservatives have repeatedly claimed to be the so-called weaponization of the bureau and of the justice department as a whole. republican lawmakers are ramping up their public defense of the former president while going on offense against the biden administration and the preside
a.m. and of course next saturday at noon eastern. happy father s day to all the dads out there. those forever in our hearts. my friend yasmin vossoughian continues our coverage. hi everybody, good to see. you i miasma soup in. we are following more severe weather this afternoon across the country. a tornado in oklahoma to storms in an already hard-hit area of texas. millions feeling the effects. the fallout as well from the trump indictment the latest legal moves in a cavalcade of reactions on the sunday show. we ve got to ensure classified materials especially those that have been alleging this indictment. are protected and secured. do you think trump can be trusted with nations secrets of her gun? based on his actions again if proven true under the indictment by the special counsel and no. today this doj continues to haunt republicans while they protect protect immigrants. we know this is a reckless man who believes that he is above the law. that the rules do