a lot of support from her allies what about at home coming down so tough on russia it s proved very popular she was in parliament yesterday giving this statement and she it went very well with actually all sides of the house of commons the any slightly dissenting voice was jeremy corbyn who s the leader of the labor party he made a comment about the fact that the conservative party have had a lot of donations from russian link on the guards but that didn t go down well in the house of commons even on his own side he was criticised for that but i think all in all trees amazed looking strongly here it s not been an easy time for her particularly of the brics it so she wants to come out on top and to prove that she can keep people in the u.k. say all right our correspondent alex forrest whiting of bringing us the very latest on that story thank you alex. or if you re just joining us of the top story that we re following for you is that u.s. secretary of state rex tillerson has been fired
a key partner on the other side of the atlantic and that is something that donald trump did not stand for at all and that s it comes at a time carrick now with rex tillerson sacking where we ve seen relations between the e.u. and the u.s. struggling especially with donald trump announcing a tariff economic tariffs on steel and aluminum what does this mean for the future of this relationship. you name it we re we re on the verge of a trade war is what diplomats have told me yesterday i talked to the the for the economy minister of france for instance he said he s very much concerned about how things can move forward this week we re we re bound to have a key talks with the u.s. on how things can move forward in order to avoid an outright trade war with the u.s. and of course this adds to the insecurity to the concerns that there is a hardening of positions and if you look at his successor now mike pompei you know he s known to be a hard liner here in brussels not only when it comes to th
a much better relationship personal relationship with the president so that would probably help him to be seen also as a really spokes person in the way in the world as secretary of state a role that rex tillerson never have because people knew that he and the president had different opinions on many issues but once again donald trump is the absolute of a male in this administration so i doubt that mike pompei a will have the room to develop himself as an independent. personality in this white house it will always be the president calling the shots so we know that he sees eye to eye with the president on a lot of issues but what do you think we can expect from him in terms of foreign policy what experience has he had there what record has they have there. well he doesn t have too much foreign policy experience neither had rex tillerson
view here in berlin carson let s come to you in washington now what are some of the reactions bear been there this morning you said this didn t come and tiredly a surprise but still the timing wasn t what was expected. exactly and that timing also is void has been met with some criticism to fire your secretary of state basically just after a critical trip to africa a trip where rex tillerson the secretary of state was trying to mend fences with a lot of important allies in the fight against terrorism on the african continent after president trump reportedly called african nations shithole countries that didn t go down well because it once again undercuts the efforts of the diplomatic service and the top diplomats to do something good for america in the world and also that apparently rex tillerson wasn t informed by the president
mike we ve had a very good chemistry right from the beginning. that was donald trump a speaking in washington a little bit earlier during that statement he also said that he will speak with his british counterpart theresa may today that s because the sacking of rex tillerson comes as the u.k. is demanding that russia must explain why a deadly nerve agent developed by the soviet era military was used in an assassination attempt to resign may says she wants an explanation from the kremlin by midnight today and she s gotten backing from her european allies to a from here in germany a conservative ally of a chancellor merkel has said there should be a joint western response if russia doesn t come up with answers the former russian spy sergei script all and his daughter remain in critical condition more than a week after being found unconscious in the city of salzburg. this is where as the prime minister puts it somebody attacked the u.k. authorities say the nerve agent was made in russia t