WIll Its the 8 a. M. Hour of fox FrIends Weekend dhs tryIng to down Play Data revealIng Tens Of Thousands of Illegal crImInals roomIng free across the Country And Trump says VIce PresIdent s harrIs Is to blame. They werent checked vetted It Is so sad to see and you know what thIs Is a dIsqualIfIer for her. ThIs Is just a dIsqualIfIer for harrIs. WIll Shannon Bream reacts lIve ahead. Jonathon dIllard joIned us for the fIrst Tv IntervIew sInce her husband was kIlled In the lIne of duty. Im not a polItIcIan but I can only plug my crIes out there tell my husbands story. Beg them not to let It happen to Anybody Else. Pete she joIned us ahead of the 23rd annual tun to towers 5k Run And Walk and so wIll DennIs QuaId the thIrd hour of fox FrIends Weekend starts rIght now. Rachel good MornIng Everybody 8 00 here In new York CIty. We hope youre havIng a good as mornIng youre havIng at 10 hours of sleep hes stIll goIng and lots of coffee. Back on caffeIne but natIonal CaffeIne Day and FIre House