and after the war, i saw many funerals in which they were firing rounds of bullets into the air and women crying out loud at the top of their lungs. i saw a lot of dead bodies scattered around, and also, we visited a mass grave where these dead bodies were buried, and it was a devastating experience. kolli s footage included the haunting story of a 23 year old man who was attacked by his tigrayan neighbours. the assailants decapitated his friend with a machete.
and interviewing victims, survivors and witnesses. after the war, survivors and witnesses. after the war. i survivors and witnesses. after the war. i saw survivors and witnesses. after the war, i saw many survivors and witnesses. after the war, i saw many funerals l survivors and witnesses. after. the war, i saw many funerals in which they were firing rounds of bullets into the air and women crying out loud at the top of their lungs. i saw a lot of dead bodies scattered around and also we visited a mass grave where the dead bodies were buried. it was devastating experience. were buried. it was devastating experience- experience. the footage included experience. the footage included the experience. the footage included the haunting i experience. the footage i included the haunting story experience. the footage - included the haunting story of a 23 year old man who was attacked by his neighbours. the assailants decapitated his friend with a machete.
winner of the news awards, solan kolli, was part of the afp team, the first independent media to reach ethiopia s northern tigray region, after the national government launched a major military operation against dissident regional authorities. the government cracked down on foreign media, especially ethiopian journalists working for foreign outlets. as the media were kept away from the fighting during the conflict, there was no coverage of the actual war. instead, kolli documented the aftermath, filming mass graves and interviewing victims, survivors and witnesses. and after the war, i saw many funerals in which they were firing rounds of bullets into the air and women crying out loud at the top of their lungs.
rentals new york, this is an air soft gun. it s not a real weapon, but whenever i m on a set, i make sure that i hold it up for the talent and anyone else who wants to inspect to mange sure this is a safe weapon. i never load a weapon unless we are actually going to be firing rounds, actually firing blanks, and on top of that, i only put the appropriate amount of blanks in. if the scene calls for two shots to be fired, i only put two rounds in. nothing more, and i announce to the cast, i announce to the crew, the whole set, live weapon on set, discharge two rounds. it seems like there was no communication on the part of this armorer to put the crew at any ease. and the fact that there were supposedly accidental discharges previously in this production, that s a huge red flag, why nobody jumped on that. i have no idea. what you re referring to, and this is according to the new
playing the long game. he sees this thing as, listen, november s around the corner, then it s going to be winter, people are going to be thinking about covid. i m going to seal myself, not get emotional, go out and read the tell prompter and almost psychologically convince myself that it s not as bad as it seems and he thinks he can get through this. i don t think he can get through this. there s a huge disconnect right now between the people and the president and he s lost it. he s lost control and everybody can see that now. you set a deadline at the 31st. and then he says, oh, you know, we might have to move the deadline. so he sends the cia director to kabul to negotiate extending the deadline. taliban says screwoff. we re not going to extend the deadline and if you extend the deadline we will e start firing rounds and by the way, from now on we re not going to let anymore afgans reach the airport. joe biden says okay. we re going to keep to the deadline. he s boxed himself in.