JUST HOURS after the new City Council takes its oath of office this Tuesday, it will meet in Executive Session to discuss matters of potential litigation regarding an open meeting complaint, which could have a detrimental effect on the city’s position. Nothing says “Welcome, Councilors!” or “Happy New Year!” like a potential lawsuit. The potential […]
Massachusetts Department of Transportation Boston The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) is announcing the award of $3,236,762.78 in the third round of funding from the Baker-Polito Administration’s Shared Winter Streets and Spaces program. The program, which was launched on November 10, provides technical and funding assistance to help Massachusetts cities and towns conceive, design, and implement tactical changes to curbs, streets, and parking areas in support of public health, safe mobility, and renewed commerce, with a special focus on the particular challenges of winter. The awards made today will support 21 projects in 21 municipalities, of which 43% are designated Environmental Justice communities and 76% are considered high-risk for COVID-19 infections. Additionally, 62% of today’s winners have never received a Shared Streets and Spaces award before.