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Transcripts For DW Euromaxx - Lifestyle Europe 20180804 10:30:00

topics: The Crazy Inventor; Spiekeroog - Island of tranquility; The perfect summer dish; Modern 'house altars' have a short lifespan he can store them in a small workshop anyway usually either gives them away or perhaps to scrap them. from the drawing board to completion it took you from a round of three weeks to make his writing robot and this time he's printing a very special message on the beach in san sebastian. just for our right moving on now to a brief look at other stories making headlines on the cultural scene starting with a look back at berlin in the ninety's that and more coming up in today's express. a new exhibit opened in berlin on this day that takes visitors back to the nine hundred ninety s. begins that followed the fold of the building will i consider it she checked in the post-war history of the german capital. they was it that they said a sense of freedom and creativity back that. the song tricked out so one of the soundtrack of those years was techno music stood for progress the future expectations and all. that music was full of hope for change it was like in the year two thousand and something we'll all be dancing naked around the victory column and there will be world peace fleet. the exhibition called night she's been also teaches the left parade which was held every year from nine hundred eighty nine to two thousand and three. swedish model combat turns fifty on saturday in the one nine hundred ninety s. he was one of the world's best known models. designer gianni versace often used chunky bag in his fashion shows he's an imposing figure at one meter ninety three he also holds stocks in u.s. island of speak. it's one of the east friesian islands located located off the north german coast because it is only reachable by ferry thanks to only a few hundred residents and abundant natural landscape the island has a very tranquil feeling about it. these seventy beaches stretch for kilometers on all sides is the water and sea world heritage site this is to be eight hundred square kilometer island appreciate the tranquillity. you know to play i don't mean five i definitely like the absence of cars and it's got a bit of the quality of zoot but without all the hubbub of in the way he told me and i don't know if you just keep coming back. of the east freeze an island is the green one trees line the roads but no cause trouble them and no spotlights would slow them down if they did the holiday makers enjoy the slow pace. it's an ideal place to start the day with a bit of yoga on the water. with yoga mat here is a stand up paddle board the boards and get in a smaller goon ninety minutes will make everybody fit to meet the day. thirty year old moxie noise came to the island three years ago she can't imagine a better place to live and work. in enough to here in the midst of nature breathing in everything that's around you and you come out of the water and think cool and glad i did that and it doesn't matter what it looked like . at the eastern end of spiegel is a bit built a national park cost and high tech a shows visitors the beauty of the all splatter will be hard to speaker boehner is part of the lower saxony watching c and when you speak of the girls are convinced that it's the prettiest part but the whole coastline here is there watch and see national park or the basic idea is to let nature be nature to let the natural processes unfold with as little interference as possible. and that's been especially successful here on the last platter. when you need some people come here to be seen others go out to sea they just have to set sail once out of all top class in tests his students knowledge of the rope in one hand the tiller in the other people robes ropes are for mountain climbing in the pony stables but for sailing we've got lines earrings azer is when there is thick as there. arm but in general the most torn up of this is a sheet a main sheet you have to gather up the main sheet so tight that the sale won't spill over or spill means flaps you see it's flapping all over so halid up tighter pull your right hand to your left just don't let it go here oh no it's great exactly but more. the north sea is one of the most challenging areas on earth for sailing the sand banks the ebb and float and currents have spelled many a sailor's do. back on land it's like a ride in the park with a one horse power engine speaker is famous for its horse drawn railway the last to survive in germany. tama pulls the cars along one hundred thirty year old narrow gauge track in line is also there was a popular destination for daytrippers back there at the time of the kaiser's a restaurant on the dune with a view of the sea the gift to buddha as a frisian were a gift but for something to be had to be improved or drink. as in order to be for the real way it was built and i just said to walk that one point seven kilometers mostly across the sand. i expect ten minutes so they realize that something had to be done to make the trip a bit easier. in that fifteen minute rail journey ends at the west end terminal decline in a genuine east frizzy and runs the old lever me cafe in what used to be that heated pool. with information of where a little off the beaten path even for the day trippers where there are more for our many regulars and so you know this of course is the last stop for the horse drawn railway many older people take it to the beach since the paths can be pretty long here so they can walk some and then take the railway it's quite a good thing it's all little i won't say alternative but hey we're no fast food place. sides resume kind friendship was. an alternative to speaker hoops many hotels would be the campground behind the dunes right on the beach in the don't days of summer the fine sandy beach draws tourists here in droves. at the end of a long day we put back out to sea in captain will jacobs fishing boat no visitors complete without a trip to the seal called in these. harbor seals and rare grey seals bost in the evening sun as laid back as most everything else some speak of the green knight and . time now to disclose the winner of this week's a drop now we have asked you what you would take to a desert island here's some of the answers our viewers sent in oh no for india is from sri lanka would take his wife with him and francisco martinez from venezuela his middle and danielle sierra from hunter s. chose a special japanese and knife and christina kind of from bucharest would take sunscreen quite a wise choice but the winner is linearly intel from germany who would take her cat with her very cute cat. congratulations you've won yourself a euro max watch. when it is hot outside like it is here in berlin and also in many parts of europe right now the appetite tends to wane so fish is always a good summer alternative to a hearty meal for today's all our cards we're going to sample a special team from northern spain as you can find out what that is right now. during a summer vacation by the mediterranean nights if she seems to go down past. they can be found among the old cuisine dishes served at the sun pad boss questran in a full mana stream a lot x. demand. shafik to come as favorite dishes a song called salads simple yet sophisticated i mean for me memories play an important role in dining that's when you need something that's top quality and at the same time it reminds you of your childhood and it's the best sensual experience you're going to have as a man you're the. taste buds have already learned this in our childhood. your emotions about ike's dining out experience i mean we have your emotional muscle and they gave us an idea. to come as fine as the vegetables from my salad at the street market in the nearby town of plan as tomatoes sweet green onions bell peppers and green beans. then he heads for a fish store that only sell salted and dried card preserve using a traditional method card has almost no fat so it absorbs the salt completely through the pores and the fish doesn't spoil. is that we buy this piece here the midsection from the back of the it's been soaked in water for five days and then another two days with the water being changed three or four times a day to draw out the salt. and now it's become quite a bit thicker again as it's to take this piece here are going to have got its original coloring back and it's ready to take it with i will call or. card is a staple in catalan cuisine it's eaten fried steaming little roll it was once considered a poor man's food but now it features on the menu seem to. restaurants back in the restaurant it doesn't take long to make the sound. that cut the green onions marinate them away a cherry finish and set them aside and. dice that to mars has his hands greenbelt has. quickly launched the flat. plunge them into cold water and come into slices. now the fish by hand. but again you do it by hand because you have to separate the fish from the white nerve fibers running through it. you want to get rid of them to make the fish clean and transparent. but it's a lot of work but it produces a wonderful purity a flavor that it is. going to want to get the work that. makes the vegetables and the bone. dress the salted fish with chinese blossoms and all the foil. ideally easterner it with a fork. now it's time to serve the sound layer for when they are. the tomato then the fish and then the rest of the vegetables. and. when a fish is deep frozen to preserve it as it is done nowadays that changes the taste but i'm planted remembers what it once knew that's rooted in our memories not less there's a lesson all of us never forget is the authentic tanks to fix he was one of them and that's why soldier carter has a pot of gold made cooking today top. song contest salad. a traditional danish from catalonia that's the chief of cult status. want to know more about european lifestyle and culture visit euro max on facebook. you'll find highlights from our programs. three hundred sixty degree videos of the most beautiful places in europe and snapshots taken by our reporters take an exclusive look behind the scenes at how the program is produced and follow us on facebook line. we love it when fans visit our facebook page and give us their feedback visit d.w. euro max on facebook. normally when we visit a place and it pleases us we want to take a bit of it back home with us so we take a photo or buy a souvenir but what do you do with all of those kitschy little things once you have them at home wells with a fresh heart refer. to ranges hers in a kind of altar dedicated to her memories of places and people well it seems that a lot of folks do that so she decided to photograph them and it's all come together in a book entitled alter. vacation souvenirs knickknacks every day odds and ends arranged at home or at the office like designing little still lifes just about everyone has them it was photographer who also shall macaws the house all to us. i. have got a whole bunch of them. so naturally she took her first photos of these altars in her own home in zurich. look at these astronauts my kids' parties kitsch objects from a machine instead of up like they were doing a circle dance so he could stay. constant or pick and said hey look gay astronauts on the moon goes down wall and here we have a whale from one of my daughters it's quite artistic. i've got a lot of this stuff millions of objects really it's like a collective work of art a little like. joseph boys once said that everyone is an artist you can't deny that there's a certain amount of style in these kinds of alters fearlessly composed and shaped into a simple arches but it can be confusing for other up service. what is the connection between these animals and walnut oil. and what's this. human it's not to collect things but why we also have the photo of a alter asked a psychotherapist to write some text to accompany the picture this. is a physical these secular alters have one thing in common with religious orders. and is there really great so repositories you know the items on display you have no religious structure you meet they simply remind us of something that was important or personal to us. you know. that makes sense. so what's all that behind him. and. dustin those are terra cotta figurines from africa and the main reason i have them is that i couldn't afford egypt and statues and. show me your altar and i'll tell you who you were. who knows what personal stories lie behind the photographs that appear in the book. by the way all the first house have had some details removed for privacy reasons only the photographer knows the whole story. this is. this photo comes from an elderly woman who ended up in a retirement home all her clocks show a different time. and that's one of the major themes here the trends in nature of time and. we still have a loss of questions why would anyone build a computer of cardboard. and antos flying swatches leaning on the wall you can kind of you can't really decipher the meetings behind these things and if this were for example it doesn't have to mean that there's likely ninety or that the flyswatter represents sato mazo tendencies or anything like that. all sleep time. we did manage to find out that the flawless watches belong to the photographer herself she bought them one day on a whim at a flea markets now because of her collection of. small missions it can become a bit obsessive if every object you discover suddenly becomes worthy of collecting and presenting. but i'm not the only one who has these kinds of alters my friends have them too so i just asked them whether i could photograph them yet. it's so gross this project took on a life of its a. and entertaining collection of private shrines to pay tribute to some of the treasured possessions. there were that we were wrapped up today's show if you missed any of our reports be sure to check us out online of course follow us on facebook we will be back tomorrow with the highlights and the best picks of the week until then thanks for watching and so. time on your own max the highlights of the week tropical dream caribbean islands with an unmistakable european flair. ancient legend count dracula as medieval home in romania. and free right eighteen year old europeans try can. throughout the continent would for. next time i'm highlighting. the be. the be. the be. the be the the. law the be. the be. the be. the be. the be. the law but the the the but the but. the body. clock. the ball round the b.m.w. the best guy is the best school cheers the be . moving on beethoven. his work goddess fortuna. the maestro and famous. beethoven insist upon twenty. it's all happening so it's a visit. to a link to news from africa and the world. your link to exceptions stories and discussions can you and welcome student news african income family life from. time for an upgrade. how about sure that grows on buying. a house with no. poor design highlights you can make yourself. trends tips and tricks that will turn your home to special. upgrade yourself with d w's interior design channel on you tube. we make up oh but we watch as of half of them and at the age of five we ought to seventy seven percent. want to shape the continent's future. be part of it and join african youngsters as they share their stories their dreams and their challenges. to the seventy seven percent . platform for africa charge.


Transcripts For DW Euromaxx - Highlights Of The Week 20180805 13:30:00

eleven years ago she and her husband had originally set out to see the world on their sailboat but once they stopped off in samarkand they knew they'd found a new home. and all our flour comes from france they are better to my husband makes everything by hand with no artificial color but our baked goods are made only according to traditional recipe. that scene was in. the customers who are every bit as demanding as in paris the baker says and they pay in euro's. to george this is the culture of the antilles a blend of the caribbean and europe. so. that's a blend that elsewhere in the lesser antilles includes the british too just a twenty minute boat ride away is a population nearly fifteen thousand just deserted beach is an excellent bram stoker in his novel dracula i recently went on a discovery tour in romania to find out how much of the dracula story is based on truth. this is brand council in romania otherwise known as dracula's castle it's one of romania's major landmarks and tourist destinations located in the small town of brown some two hundred kilometers north of the capital bucharest people flock here from all over the world to catch a glimpse into the gruesome world of vampires. after a very long journey i have finally arrived at brand castle here in romania and this place boasts six hundred forty years of history but it is most well known as the home of count accurate blood sucking count of transylvania now although i know this story is based on fiction i have come well prepared i have novel dr heard about this story from hungary and teach it a friend the thing is so he took our princess story into. as for me i think of the one of the famous vampire but in fact stoker never visited romania or brand council his book is based on a description of the castle and an illustration of vailable to him at the time but what about vlad the impaler was he ever here during his reign of terror the council does indeed have examples of medieval torture methods used back then so just what is this going to hurt the further from that of. this is one of the first mechanized torture instruments they were used on suspected witches thieves traitors and the like. you have to make it. so so yeah that we don't want to do that the real dracula used surplus problems but fact more fiction it's grand council and the story of dracula the vampire that seemed to interest tourists the most. do you think it's. harry here it's a bit scary especially the torture. that's the most scary discount and it goes it's ever lasting popularity to bram stoker. so my tour of bring castle is coming to an end and my impression of this place is that it's really just full of history it's really not that scary although i don't think i would want to be here after dark and just in case there are any evil spirits to ward off i will keep this garlic necklace close they have but it's time to say divided now from dracula's castle. and i make my way out of bran before it gets dark when the vampires begin their nightly meetings. and you can see i made it back very helpfully i had a great way to see europe is by train and currently fifteen thousand young people are doing this free of charge they all took part in a special draw to qualify for the free tickets for the project was the idea of two activists from berlin since two thousand and fifteen they've been lobbying politicians to issue all eighteen year olds free travel to promote international understanding we accompanied the young scot on the first stage of his interrelate trip. traveling to prague by train. student aid and gibson from edinburgh has embarked on an intra led venture cross europe. he's fascinated by prague stunning old town and of course no visit to the czech capital is complete without seeing the famous fourteenth century charles bridge. even says some things remind him of his native edinburgh. a lot of street music and artists a lot of and so on. but i think prague is. it's very different i think actually nicer than i expected i think yeah the buildings are really amazing when you see with your own eyes. so very i think it's worse to come because it's lighter in person. this interest take it has been paid for by the european union. after even proposed to travel reach unsuccessfully answer to your a coup is a cheery picked him along with fourteen thousand nine hundred ninety nine other lucky eighteen year olds from the e.u. to embark on this unique trip through europe. the free interest program is the idea of martin spear and vincent him on the hill who lobbied brussels to introduce a travel programme for young europeans. the intro ticket itself has been around since one nine hundred seventy two. motion shapira and vincent a man would have been a free travel across the continent can help youngsters overcome stereotypes about the european neighbors. that's what the two of them experienced when they themselves went on an intellect fancher years ago. these are. great hospitality we were in people's homes for dinner. cities were visiting at the time. some would even let others know we were coming to the city a lot of those work he moments for us all the new connections those new friendships that we struck up to us that really felt like europe. have a place we got a whole new perspective on europe and truly understand that europe is not so much about its laws or politics but about the diversity of its people hard. many of the lucky fifteen thousand teens are sharing their travel experiences on social media describing their encounters with the europeans but does this actually help forge a sense of european identity. critics point out that it does little good if all these young travelers do is part of the nicer way. atum gibson for his past that's valid to spend time exploring the history of the countries he visits in prague museum of communism and is in learns about the emergence of the former czechoslovakia and its times to the soviet union. he's one aware that after breaks that other british youngsters like him will no longer have an opportunity to win a free internet ticket. he's deeply disappointed with the outcome of the referendum . i think a lot of people voted blindly initially and they didn't really know what they were buzzing about they were kind of following government propaganda like communism actually. and then it's time for a cold beer. this is after all the home country of the pirs not. after two days in prague it's time for aden gibson to move on in trail could be described as a kind of speed dating that here you've barely gotten to know place and you're confronted with another stranger. and quite often you travel alone which is just what eighteen year old. can really meet someone. other solo travelers. actually made maybe make some difference over the way you can actually have a very good time traveling solo so i would recommend. the next stops for aid in vienna but it has and. he'll visit for european countries in two weeks and take lots of fresh impressions home to edinburgh. and you can follow his travels on our instagram site ok this is he is the mother of all invention but for you tube or an inventor i've been miranda his main goal is just to have fun miranda invents all sorts of objects from remote controlled beach cars to giant printers his inventions don't always serve a purpose but they have gained a large following on you tube we caught up with ivan miranda in action in spain. hi everyone we had a going to make my dad go in. and attack with colorful kind of. the. ukulele from a three d. printer. red beach bug that floats. well almost. these are all creations by spanish inventor even the runner up here using san sebastian bay at six thirty in the morning along with them is one of the contraptions he's designed to assemble themselves. if that's what i want them in but i do this is a robot that can write anything i want in the sound. and yet i built it because i want to get what we're going to doesn't have a purpose in itself. but when i have an idea and i kid i have to do something with it i want to how. the inventor film toussaint drawing robots first test run and uploaded it on through to you tube. within four weeks the video got more than two hundred thirty thousand hits the robot's writing was upside down at first but ebon loved it anyway. so. and this is our it looks right side up. to really be able to use the beach as his drawing board miranda had to get there early that's when the tide is low in the sand especially smooth and no sunbathers or swimmers have left any footprints yet oh wait if there's no getting out of it if anybody got it draws and writes everything i want in the sun that is so cold. when he's not testing his creations in the sand iran is tinkering with them in his workshop in the middle of san sebastian. today he's repairing his remote control tank. now thirty eight he's been fascinated by electronic and digital gadgetry since he was a kid. in addition to his part time office job the family man can now learn a living from clips like these he thinks being a you tuber is the best job ever. and i think. he said i had to give it this time because a legitimate project that would be so serious we said it would take all the fun out of it. i get in contrast i can crush my tank and i can make it loud foster i didn't read anything i want and they gave me to go to something i think that's what people like about my videos give it a look at it without it. he has almost seventy thousand subscribers on youtube and they like the videos where everything goes wrong. the sound. before he takes his writing robot out on the beach she programs the kind of lettering he wants. he drives inventions have a short lifespan he can't store them in a small workshop anyway usually either gives them away or has to scrap them. from the drawing board to completion a turkey farm to render three weeks to make his writing robot this time news printing a very special message on the beach in san sebastian. art when it's hot outside the appetite tends to weigh in so fish is always a good summer alternative to a hearty meal for today's our card we're going to sample a specialty from northern spain as is raw salt cod served in the salad perfect for this time of year during at some a vacation by the mediterranean night if he seems to go down best. he can be found among the old cuisine dishes served at the sunday boss questran in a form on a street name the next demand. shafik tacoma is favorite dish is a salt called salad simple yet sophisticated i mean for me memories play an important role in dining when you eat something that's top quality and at the same time it reminds you of your childhood and that's the best central experience you're going to have. for your. taste ponse have already learned there's a now trying to. not pure emotions about it makes dining out experience but i. tend to call my spies the vegetables from my salad at the street markets in. a nearby town of land as smart as sweet green onions bell peppers and green beans. then he heads for a fish store that only sells salted and dried cars present a few using a traditional method to contact almost no fat so much of soups the salt completely through the poles and the fish doesn't spoil. the muslim but i will buy this piece here the mid section from the back of this will be it's been soaked in water for five days and then another two days with the water being changed three or four times a day to draw out the salt. you know and i yelled and now it's become quite a bit thicker again as it is to take this piece here it's got its original coloring back and it's ready tailored to another color. you know you're very much selling his card is a staple in catalan cuisine it's eaten fried steam it'll roll it was once considered a poor man's food but now it features on the menus in top class restaurants back in the restaurant it doesn't take long to make the sound it. cut the green onions marinate them away cherry even into and set them aside. diced the tomatoes and green belt have. quickly blanch the fat. challenge them into cold water and come into slices. now the fish by hand. almost but again you do it by hand because you have to set. right the fish from the wind and fibers running through it and then you enter into it. you want to get rid of them to make the fish clean and transparent like that but i guess. that's a lot of work but it produces a wonderful purity a flavor that it is. going to want to get to where that. makes the vegetables in a ball. dress the salted fish with china blossoms and on the foil. ideally stener it with a fork. now it's time to serve the sounds may s. for layout that's the tomato and the fish and then the rest of the vegetables. when a fish is deep frozen to preserve it and as it is done nowadays that changes the tank but i'm pilot remembers what it once knew that's rooted in our memory it's not like there's a lesson all of us never forget it was the authentic tanks to fix he was one of them and that's why soldier called as a part of the go make cooking today help. song contest salad a traditional dish from catalonia that's achieved cult status. and quite different from what regular we. are that we come to the end of the show don't forget to keep up with us on facebook for all of us here you know max thanks for watching three against him. the be. the boss the be. the but. the but. the but. the be. the best. the the. highly toxic ammunition scratches on the bottom of the sea. agent orange in the mists of vietnam. during in particular matter on the ground all over iraq. just to support. a race against time to get over it be too late the coming nation sublist to come. just small d. w. . fighting for the case to be taken seriously in the world. here's what's coming up. on. the bar here on a mission such as tube smart women who espouse smart trucks and smart street should . alleging this and by no means missed out on a brain christening dangerous stunt. double made fun by. a news analyst committed she's not seen the unsub. sax solo so-called take heads up the food is consumed boost side by the flame. play. people have put big dreams on the big screen. and movie magazine on the w. . time for an upgrade. how about furniture that grows all by itself a house with no roof. or design highlights you can make yourself. trends tips and tricks that will turn your home to something special. upgrade yourself with g.w.'s interior design channel on you tube. his reputation murderer klug arsonist. played tyrants. the roman emperor nero. to just get a bad press. rebound historians are reexamining his case for rethinking the rochas


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