Spend, spend, spend, always more to spend, always more to buy. This clever hand-made animated short film titled Five Cents is a must watch for anyone who feels overwhelmed by the need to keep spending money on anything/everything all of the time. A consumer finds himself in over his head after a string of purchases
The Candy Bar Protest, also known as the Five Cent War, Candy Bar War, Candy Bar Strike, or the Chocolate Candy Bar Strike, was a protest that took place in the.
the state s attorney in baltimore, marilyn mosby, says freddie gray sustained his fatal injuries during the ride in a police van lathat lasted 44 minutes. by the time he reached the booking station, he wasn t breathing. ms. mosby said the fact that mr. gray was handcuffed shackled and unrestrained by seat belts caused his severe neck injury. while she never used the word rough ride her allegations have put a spotlight on a chapter in baltimore policing. mr. gray is not the first person to be severely injured or to die after riding in a police van. we dig deeper tonight. reporter: rough rides, nickel rides, five cent rides, whatever you call it he says he went through it. they throw you in. it s dark in there and so you can t really see anything. reporter: did they put you in