Hanto Workspaces secured Rs 15 crore in seed funding led by Anurag Jain of KredX and other angel investors, planning to expand across major Indian cities. The company, experiencing substantial growth amid the pandemic, aims to double its revenue in FY 2023-24. Their innovative pod model integrates various amenities and technology-driven solutions, currently serving a mix of large enterprises and retail clients across 70 offices in Bangalore. The investment will aid team expansion, new acquisitions, and an ambitious nationwide expansion over the next five years.
As of March 2023, Bengaluru recorded 12.9 msf flexible stock, the highest among all major APAC cities. Delhi NCR has emerged as the third-largest, overtaking Beijing and Seoul, with a stock of 8.4 msf, real-estate consultant CBRE said.
IWG, a leading global provider of flexible workspaces, has announced the opening of three new flexible offices in the UAE, mainly aimed at meeting the demands of businesses and workers for accessible and affordable hybrid working spaces.