Latest Breaking News On - Floodwater - Page 1 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW First Look 20170830 09:00:00

firing of a missile over japan, the u.n. now condemning this latest test but isn't taking any action. ♪ good morning, everyone, it's august 29th. i'm ayman mohyeldin along i'd yasmin vossoughian and louis burgdorf. harvey will make landfall once again as some towns on the edge have measured 50 inches of rain. with the president's and first lady's visit yesterday, the situation became more dire for many in the city and across south texas. in all, there have been nearly 19,000 water rescues across south texas as of last night. the death toll has climbed once more, now to nine. but images are circulating across social media. along those killed, houston police officer sergeant steve perez. the chief of police spoke about how he died and how he lived media asking for help, asking for help in their elderly parents or people who live there. there is one house i was able to find the address for. this is a house in beaumont. a street map before the storm. there are people as of an hour ago on the roof of this house asking for help. asking for a boat to come get them in the beaumont, texas area. just to give you perspective of how high the water is there in some of the locations. i'm going to show you on the radar here. this is the center of the storm. just made landfall. final landfall, heading up to lake charles. on the city of orange, on the border of texas and louisiana. this thunderstorm has sat here. probably about five to eight inches of rainfall in the last two hours recently. here's the beaumont area. i want to show you the rainfall totals, these are stagger. in three hours last night, they picked up six inches. in six hours they picked up 11 inches of rain. this is on top of the rain they already had. 24-hour rainfall total. 26 inches of rain, two feet of i'm upstream from the addicks reservoir, the addicks and barker are built and designed to keep downtown houston from flooding. this is what it looks like if they're working. you can imagine the reservoirs have been taking in tons of water. they're designed to fill up and be discharged into the buffalo bayou and out to the gulf. but the rate of rain over the last couple of days has just been far more than the reservoirs can handle. they've been overflowing up in the neighborhoods around highway 6 where i'm standing right now. up and through western houston, leaving neighborhoods with water waist deep or higher. we're waiting to get into one of these neighborhoods this morning when it gets lighter and safer. the plan is to discharge water out through the reservoirs out through the dams which are getting spilled over. which they don't want to see suffer any sort of catastrophic failure. they're discharging this water out just as fast as they can. and you can't really see it here in this light. but you can feel the water flowing past me as it's going down through the reservoirs and hopefully out through the gulf. it's something that the army corps of engineers and others here in houston are going to be watching. >> garrett haake, thank you. let's turn to the center in houston opening as a massive shelter. julia bagg is with us. officials saying the conference center could hold up to 10,000 people. a lot of people now funneling in through there. >> reporter: that's exactly what's happening, yasmin. just in the past few minutes four bus loads of people rolled up, bringing the total to about 900 people here now. to give you an idea how fast they got things up to speed. they started out five hours with 30 volunteers. they're now up to 500 volunteers. people like andrew nichols. thanks for joining us this morning. >> thank you. >> reporter: you've been on the assembly line. tell us what you've been doing in the past eight hours or so? >> the coulds, as you can see, we've been putting cots up all day. since 10:00, last night. until 10:00 in the morning. basically putting up cots putting blankets on them, sheets, this type of stuff getting ready for the folks when they come in. >> reporter: you saw the buses come in the last few minutes. what is it like seeing the folks coming in, how are they? >> it's heartbreaking. it's heartbreaking. they're displaced. i went through that with alison, i've been there. it's tough. we'll be all right. houston is going to take care of it, trust me. >> reporter: andrew nick kolgs, thank you for joining us this morning. sure appreciate your work. 10,000 people can be housed here. this is supposed to brink some relief to the george r. brown convention center which has been holding people far over capacity. so this is a much bigger setup to receive, as you mentioned, up to 10,000 people. yasmin and ayman. >> good to hear there's more housing for people there in the time of crisis. >> especially thanks to the volunteers as well. julia bagg, thank you so much. and best buy is responding to reports of price gouging just as harvey was about to make landfall in texas. it happened after this photo went viral showing the store showing a 12-pack of smart water for almost 30 bucks. and a 24-pack of da sanni for $43. best buy has since apologized calling it a big mistake on the part of employees at this particular location. they priced the case based on the price of a single bolt. it's focused on helping not hurting those affected by the storm meanwhile, we've seen so many incredible displays of neighbors coming to each other's aid. sheer acts of kindness and charity. a donation center filled with clothing, bedding, toys and toiletries. despite days of rain, the sun broke, if if forth a brief moment last night in houston. here it is setting over the city, still immersioned deep in floodwater. president trump once again expected to tral to texas this saturday after making two stops in the lone star state yesterday. the president and first lady visited corpus christi for an update on efforts as they arrived in austin. during his stop, president trump thanked officials for his response and promised federal aid. >> we're going to be working with congress in helping out the state of texas. it's going to be a crossing proposition. because, again, probably ted cruz is here. senator -- thank you very much, senator cornyn. and we'll be working with these characters over here. i think we'll come through in really -- you know, with the right solution. but probably there's never been anything so expensive in our country's history. there's never been anything so historic in terms of damage. >> before that, outside of the firehouse in corpus christi, the president waved a texas flag and addressed a crowd of people who have gathered. >> thank you, everybody. i just want to say we love you. you are special. we're here to take care. it's going well. and i want to thank you for coming out. we're going to get you back and operating immediately. thank you, everybody. what a crowd. what a turnout. . >> after those remarks, morning news read reporters heard no mention of the dead, dying or displaced texans and no expression of sympathy for them. a message that texans will be okay. >> president trump is expected to 1350ek at a springfield manufacturing company that makes ventilation equipment. and the white house says the event will be closed to the general public. course to politico, the speech was written by white house adviser steven miller. will, quote, try out new phases for selling the policy like jump-start america and win again. gary cohn tells the financial times that key administration republicans have come up with a framework for reform and that details still need to be hammered out. we're told that framework includes raising the standard deduction cap, eliminating the corporate tax rate. and estate tax. and defense secretary jim mattis is once again breaking with president trump after announcing that transgender troops will be allowed to continue serving in the military pending results of the study. secretary mattis issued that order last night saying he's freezing implementation of the president's ban on transgender service members. on friday evening as hurricane harvey headed for texas, the white house announcing that it was moving forward with president trump's stand. in a statement, he says, quote, our focus must always be on what is best for the military combat effectiveness leading to victory on the battlefields. up next, more including pets displaced by the flooding. and the megachurch joel oste osteen, after reports for shelter. when we come back. so find a venus smooth that contours to curves, the smoother the skin, the more comfortable you are in it. flexes for comfort, and has a disposable made for you. skin smoothing venus razors. take a look at this baby deer. you could hear the baby deer crying as a good samaritan carries it safely across water. 100 dogs are now looking for homes. the dogs released just before harvey hit. they arrived at new jersey's morriston yesterday. will soon be transferred to a dozen shelters across the east. a federal judge has thrown out sarah palin's defamation lawsuit. palin sued "the new york times" had in the deadly arizona shooting that left congresswoman gabby give nordz critically injured. the editorial published the same day as a congressional baseball practice suggested the man who carried out the arizona rampage with an ad that placed cross hairs over leaders including giffords. in his position, a judge stated while negligence by the "times" it's not defamation as palin claimed. and sports, on the hill a record-breaking night for boston's ace sports is next. you're c.i.a.? shh... based on an incredible true story... we need you to deliver stuff for us. of the c.i.a.'s biggest secret. is this all legal? you trust me? no. on september 29. c.i.a., d.e.a... pablo escobar. i made a fortune working for them boys. there are bills blowin' around everywhere. i'll rake it up in the mornin'. tom cruise. stop now if you want. shoot the gringo! it gets crazy from here. american made. rated r. what's the 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any other medical conditions and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. taking amiodarone with harvoni can cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. common side effects of harvoni include tiredness, headache and weakness. ready to let go of hep c? ask your hep c specialist about harvoni. welcome back. time now for sports, with the athletic community in texas continues to be affected by the devastation of hurricane harvey president george w. bush a longtime texan was in dallas yesterday where he visited southern methodist's southern university's football practice and offered words of support for the houston area. >> i know you're going through a really tough time. and just know there are a lot of people that are going to help you. if you're from that area, you'd be amazed at the people that come down there to help. all kinds of people. and so, the days are dark now, but they're going to get better. >> houston texans defensive end j.j. watt's online relief fund for hurricane harvey victims has now eclipsed $5 million. that's right, after quickly surpassing the initial goal of $200,000. the donations continue to grow with the help of some big contributions like the $1 million donated by tennessee titans owner amy adams strunk. really incredible. and houston rockets owner leslie alexander said he will more than double his $4 million donation for hurricane relief, upping his donation to a whopping $10 million. >> let's go to u.s. open tennis on arthur ashe stadium where defending champ angelique kerber has been ouflted after one loss to japan's naomi osaka. the sixth seeded kerber is just one of the champions in the open era to be eliminated in the first round of the u.s. open. and eye record flight for boston, chris sale, who is now the fastest pitcher in history to reach 1500 strikeouts. it look the left-hander less than 1300 innings to reach that mark. trying 11 batters, and 11 scoreless innings on the red sox 3-0 victory in toronto last night. and in the nation's capital, marlins slugger giancarlo stanton, 51st home run of the season. a shot out to the seats in left field. stanton makes the mark for homers hit in august with 18. but his heavy bat wasn't enough to pass the nationals who beat the marlins last night 8-3. >> thanks. we want to go back to that story we've been covering throughout the night and that is the national hurricane center has an update on tropical storm harvey which has now made its second landfall west of cameron, louisiana. let's bring in bill karins. what more have we learned about this statement from the national weather service. >> well, the storm made landfall. that, we expected. it's going to move on shore. that's not an issue. i've got to show you these pictures. we just cleared these pictures. it's happening right now in port aurth thur, texas, south of beaumont. this here is the evacuation center. this is one to two feet of water in the sink center. notice where the people are, nobody is on the cots, everybody is up here on the bleachers. all of these people are waiting to be rescued. the water is one to two feet in the sink center. we've got a couple images here. some of the people decided they didn't care, they're on the cots sleeping in about a foot of water. this is happening now until port arthur because of tremendous amounts of rain. now, we've got video that we want to show you, there's in the sink center. people had to evacuate their homes, maybe under mandatory evacuatio evacuations, maybe they decided to be safe. port arthur civic center. i have reports they're using dump trucks to evacuate those people. it was told that the new shelter doesn't have any resources. they don't have any cots. they don't have any food there. but at least it's dry. and that's the situation they're dealing with in port arthur. if you go on social media, there are many people asking for rescues. there are people on rooftops. elderly people, people waiting two or three hours. remember we had the pictures your cajun navy, next door neighbors, people with boats going into louisiana to help out. they actually tholsd people don't come in. the water is too swift. they've had a number of bolts within the beaumont/port arthur area that have tipped over. they're actually stopping the cajun navy from going into that region. they're saying just coast guard and what you would call the experts that have done this for a living because they don't want to have to rescue more people. >> and also the lack of electricity. saying don't go in. we love that you want to help, but it's actually causing more harm. imagine getting to a place that you think is dry and safe and having to evacuate. i'm sure people are think doing we keep people in port aurth th-r arthur or bring them out? >> they say they're going to get there. they're waiting for daybreak to get out there to try to get to the people most in need first. >> bill karins, thanks for that update. still ahead, much more on the devastating floods in texas. we'll hear from the volunteers pitching in. plus united nations condemning north korea's missile launch over japan. but what's being done about it? we're going to get a live report, coming up. wow! nice outfit. when i grow up, i'm going to mars. we're working on that. some people know how far they want to go. a personalized financial strategy can help you get them there. see how access to j.p. morgan investment expertise can help you. chase. make more of what's yours. to j.p. morgan investment expertise can help you. take the zantac it challenge! pill works fast? zantac works in as little as 30 minutes. nexium can take 24 hours. when heartburn strikes, take zantac for faster relief than nexium or your money back. take the zantac it challenge. you're more than just a bathroom disease. you're a life of unpredictable symptoms. crohn's, you've tried to own us. but now it's our turn to take control with stelara® stelara® works differently for adults with 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support options for stelara®. another day of rain is set for the gulf coast today. harvey has made landfall once more in cameron, louisiana. already yesterday, there was some spot flooding in new orleans, but the mayor and state governor thinks so far within the range of what they've been expecting. it's a far different story, though, in texas, beaumont seeing some of the worst flooding of all. houston has put in place a midnight to 5:00 a.m. curfew joining other nearby counties and towns. the president, of course, visiting yesterday and said this in corpus christi. take a listen. >> thank you, everybody. i just want to say we love you. you are special. we're here to take care. it's going well. and i want to thank you for coming out. we're going to get you back and operating immediately. thank you, everybody. what a crowd. what a turnout. this has been a total cooperative effort, again, we will see you soon. i will tell you, this is historic. it's epic, what happened. but, you know what, it happened in texas. and texas can handle anything. thank you all, folks. thank you. thank you. >> more shelters are opening, the houston convention center took in 9,000 people when it planned to take in half of that. the nrg center has opened last night. some of the infrastructure is coming back line. the airport expected to reopen today. and bush enter continental opening thursday. joining us from galveston, nbc's sarah dal joseph off is there. you're saying demands for shelters are increasing. >> reporter: that's exactly right. when one goes down another comes up. a light rain falling here in galveston. but it's nothing compared to yesterday where they received more than eight inches, eight inches of rain. now, they're working to get some of the people who need shelter to dallas right now, where they've opened a mega convention center that can take 5,000 people. working on that right now. and the airports beginning to reopen there certainly help in that. meanwhile, historic galveston remains flooded. remains shut down. public transit down. but sometimes, things are kind of conventional. i hesitate the word back to normal because we're still a long way off from that. city offices in galveston will reopen today and is a baby step here. the port of galveston, remains closed. you'll remember there were some ships, cruise ships out to sea waiting it out. they're still there. they briefly sat in new orleans to give people the chance to get off. they kol fly themselves home. make their own arrangements to do that. some people opted to stay on. still waiting to get home to dry land. >> in galveston, texas, thank you. let's get back to houston where nbc reporter julia bagg is standing by at the nrg center. julia, you've been with us the past couple days as we've been having special coverage of hurricane harvey. you've been at the shelters as well. hour the evacuees faring at the nrg center considering that it just opened late last night? >> reporter: that's right, things up and running in a hurry here. just in the last 5 1/2 hours or so, they went from zero to 900 evacuees here in the shelter right now. this, a much bigger center than that convention center in downtown houston, able to hold up to 10,000. able to accommodate people much more comfortably now. we can tell you that that they as a resulted off with 30 volunteers 5 1/2 hours ago. they now have more than 700 volunteers, people coming in from all around houston. i just talked to a man who suffers from copd who had to be rescued with his dog. the good news this is a place that will take you with your pets and that man told us what he went through. >> i sat it out, and i took the trip late. and they came and got me and my dog. we came over here. we saw on the news this was open. because they say george brown, it was full. we came over here. they've been the nicist kind over here. and they take care of my pet. this is my baby boy. they've been very nice. i mean. you can't expect more than anything. hopefully, they're saying it's clearing up now. i'm sure i lost everything, b but -- >> reporter: and volunteers have been assembling beds. they've been handing out meals. they tell me most people when they get here, they just want to go to sleep. they're expecting many more evacuees to continue arriving here in the next several hours. back to you, ayman. >> i'm glad to see that he was able to bring his pet into the evacuation center. i think that can be sort of a comfort for people when they've lost everything else. >> absolutely. >> julia bagg for us. and the houston megachurch pastor joel osteen said it's officially open for those needing shelter. he tweeted this after 5:00 a.m. yesterday after coming under intense criticism accusing osteen for opening its doors to residents in need. he said the church was never closed. >> we were waiting for the right time. really, lakewood is always open. we didn't necessarily have zaf here. lakewood has been a part of this community for 60 years and any thought that we're going to turn people away is so ironic and so wrong. >> the church is the former home of the houston rockets and seats almost 17,000 people. he said the plan was to always use the church as a shelter. lakewood is also being used as a distribution center for those wanting to drop off donations. and it has seen a giant influx of donated items. to get a deeper sense of what it's like on the ground. i want to read a little bit from matt pierce, a los angeles times report who wrote his account of driving through texas. he writes it's hard to explain the stupefying effect of harvey. unless you radio try to drive through. the rain falls all kinds of ways. but the one thing it absolutely doesn't ever do is stop. it rains in the morning, it rains in the afternoon, it rains in the evening, it rains at night. the rain is less at atmospheric condition at this point than a kind of state of being, like morning that can't be forgotten unless you're asleep. it's clear that the water once it hits the ground has only one direction to go. up over the creek beds, up over the levees. up over the roads. up into your shoes. up into your house. up into your life. driving down the road in the dark, it's impossible to tell whether the traffic coming the other way is coming from somewhere else. or, if they, too, have turned back. deep down, you know it, too. water ahead. it looms in the darkness all around. creeping up in the fields and heading your way. again, that's matt pierce, you can read the whole article on the "l.a. times." let's turn to politics where donald trump jr. and the senate judiciary committee have agreed on a date for the president's eldest son to testify privately as they continue to look into russian interference into the election. it will likely take place in the next few weeks. it was initially supposed to take place in july. instead, negotiated to have it take place behind closed door. he's expected to be questioned intensively about the kremlin meeting meeting during his father's presidential campaign last june. and turning to north korea which is signaling more missile launches may be on the way over japanese airspace. pyongyang said the launch was, quote, the first step of military operations in the pacific. north korean state tv released new images the missile's launch. meanwhile, in an emergency meeting the united nations security council condemned their actions. nikki haley issued a new warning to pyongyang. >> it is time for the north korean regime to recognize the danger they are putting themselves in. the united states will not allow their lawlessness to continue. and the rest of the world is with us. >> joining us now from seoul, south korea, nbc correspondent ron allen. ron, glad to have you with us. north korea now alluding to more missile launches. what options do you think the u.s. realistic and other world powers have in curbing these actions. we know that the security council a couple weeks ago obviously did not deter them from this launch. >> reporter: right, and president trump has said that all options are on the table, one analyst in the region believe that the options are somewhat limited in scope and should point the negotiations dialogue with the north. the exercise that so angered the north are set to wrap up tomorrow and the u.s. will maintain a huge military presence here in south korea and in japan as a deterrent. you noted that the security council passed another strong statement of condemnation against the north. but the north tends to shrug those off. it's feeling quite bold and obviously has a lot of capability, releasing those pictures you just showed of the missile that was launched that flew over zwrap pan, that huge projectile. some 50 feet tall and 500 meet in diameter flew 750 feet. and clearly capable of reaching that far. there was no talk of sanctions, but that could come. but, remember, as you pointed out, the last round of sanctions was just passed earlier this month. it's the eighth round of sanctions in the past 11 years and the north is still firing off missiles. looking ahead, the south koreans have warned that the north plans to conduct an underground nuclear test. we may learn very soon what mr. trump means when he says all options are on the table. back to you. >> ron allen, live for us in seoul, south korea. and you may remember president touch said that the u.s. does not have a lot of good options and have lost the struggle with north korea. officials have been indicted by the american grand jury for their roles in a violent bra at embassy row back in may. 16 defendants were previously charged back in june and the additional three are all turkish officials. the incident occurred when everything dough want met with the president at the white house. this video shows erdogan looking on from his car outside the turkish embassy while calmly walking inside while the fights were still ongoing. the foreign ministry called the fights wrong and baseless. president trump has not yet addressed the incident. still ahead, everybody, we're going to go back to texas for the very latest in the aftermath of harvey as it turns to overturning dams and levees. we're going to get a live report from houston. plus, bill karins is back with us. he's going to have a live report on where the storm may be heading next and where they may be getting much needed relief. 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(announcer) victoza® is not recommended as the first medication to treat diabetes and is not for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. do not take victoza® if you have a personal or family history of medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to victoza® or any of its ingredients. stop taking victoza® and call your doctor right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck or if you develop any allergic symptoms including itching, rash, or difficulty breathing. serious side effects may happen, including pancreatitis, so stop taking victoza® and call your doctor right away if you have severe pain in your stomach area. tell your doctor your medical history. taking victoza® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. the most common side effects are headache, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. now's the time for a better moment of proof. ask your doctor about victoza®. welcome back, everybody. i want to talk about a developing situation in port arthur, texas. incredible images here. people evacuating to this area in texas. but now you can see completely flooded there. maybe one to two feet of water there. people are waiting for rescue from an evacuation center to take them to another evacuation center. she told reporters she's at the shelter with her children. according to, her husband stayed behind at their house when they were rescued thinking that there would be another boat to save them. he is now trapped at their home, but nobody can reach him because the water is just so high. they're certainly thinking, praying for those people. >> that's a difficult situation for everyone involved, yep. absolutely. we're keeping a close eye on two overflowed reservoirs, still causing problems for houston despite the emergency releases from the army corps of engineers. garrett haake joins us live from the addicks reservoir. garrett, what are officials telling you about the situation there? >> reporter: yeah, ayman, i'm about a mile from the addicks reservoir is post to start, here on highway 6. these reservoirs weren't designed to handle this much rain. the army corps is going to try to do these roled releases all day today. they're going to to try to balance two concerns. first, they don't want to send too much water down the addicks or the barker, if they take the water out,s sshlgly they're sending it down the bayou, they risk flooding other neighborhoods as the water is on its way out to the gulf coast. but they also have to relief some of the pressure. obviously if either of those two dams were to fail that would make this a huge catastrophe beyond what it's been. that's not an imminent threat at this point so the corps is just trying to manage the drainage out of these neighborhoods that are still flooded up to chest-deep levels. we've had some rescue workers coming by, some volunteers resuming the search this morning to make muir everybody gets out of here today. at least for now, it doesn't look like we're getting anymore more up here today. no rain forecast for this part, ayman. >> garrett haake live in houston. thank you. let's get a check of your weather with nbc meteorologist bill karins. bill, we're talking about a dire situation happening in port arthur, texas, where you have people literally fighting for their lives in a shelter two or three feet under water. >> we're trying to figure out how widespread this is, is it isolated to port oarthur, but te mayor has come out and saying that the levee has not breached. they have huge sandbags saying that the levee has not breached. we're waiting for daybreak to see how bad it is. here's why we have all of these issues, beaumont, texas, this is at the airport, in between beaumont and port arthur, in six hours they had 11 inches of rain. that's equivalent to what houston had saturday night into sunday, everybody woke up, what happened. that's what happened in the beaumont area. 24-hour unimaginable rainfall total of 26 inches of rain. that's one of the highest we've ever had recorded in our entire country in one calendar day. 24 inches in a day. the rainfall moved northward. here's beaumont, still raining. port arthur is located here not raining quite as hard there. is this is going to exit and head out during the day. we do have saturated ground. we do have flash floods throughout the region. this is the flash flood emergencies where people are being rescued as we speak. and we could still get additional areas of concern. will it be as bad as beaumont and port arthur, likely not. we still could get five to seven inches today. up in the hill country in western tennessee we're predicting seven inches of rain. western kentucky and western louisiana. when you get elevations like that, the water funnels. we'll have to watch those over the next two days. those pictures we were showing you from inside it's civic center there. that's as bad as it gets. it's hard to imagine, they go to an evacuation shelter and now they have to be evacuated now themselves. you can see the pictures here. >> i think it goes back to the point that you were talking about how quickly the water was rising that the folks had to take shelt 34. in a matter of 24 hours it went from being a safe place -- >> somebody was asking me how many lives do i think will be lost in this. >> tragic situation. still ahead -- more on harvey and the impact it may have at the gas pump as we head into labor day weekend. plus, president trump taking his push to overhaul the tax code. details he's looking to make. super cool notebooks... done. that's mom taking care of business, but who takes care of mom? office depot/office max. order online and pickup in store in just one hour. ♪ taking care of business my bladder leakage was making me feel like i couldn't spend time with my grandson. now depend fit-flex has their fastest absorbing material inside, so it keeps me dry and protected. go to - get a coupon and try them for yourself. they save us from getting lost, go to - getting hungry, and getting tired of places like this. phones changed everything - shouldn't the way pay for them change too? introducing xfinity mobile. where you can pay for data by the gig, and share it across all of your lines. no one else lets you do that. see how much you can save when you pay by the gig. xfinity mobile. it's a new kind of network designed to save you money. call, visit, or go to welcome back. let's go to where harvey will affect the fuel distribution and prices at the pump will go up. mandy, how much can consumers expect the prices to go up at the gas pump? >> the largest u.s. refinery is possibly reportedly going to be shutting down. of course it's in port arthur where there's been a lot of flooding. it's been operating only at about 40% capacity. the owner of the refinery said with the shut double play we could see a total of about 20% of refinery capacity being taken offline. that means the prices could rise further after rising about 4 cents a gallon for the average national price for regular fuel over the past week. crude prices on the other hand have been moving down to a one-month low. if the refines are offline, it's less demand for the raw product. president trump will start laying out his vision for tax reform with a speech in missouri. and congress is going to be returning from the august recess next week and they've got a lot of heavy lifting to do. so reports are suggesting that mr. trump will be elaborating on plans to curb deductions for high-income taxpayers in a move designed to please his populist base. and the last piece of news i want to bring you up to date on is what is happening with uber. it is cooperating with a preliminary investigation into possible bribery law violations. . the company confirmed that the u.s. justice department has started a probe into whether or not its managers broke u.s. laws in bribing foreign officials. it's foreign officials we're talking about here and we're not sure whether or not the d.o.j. is looking into just one country or several countries but this news did come before the official announcement by the board of uber of the appointment of the former ceo as the new leader of uber. >> the saga continues there. thank you so much. >> coming up next, we continue to monitor developments with harvey as it makes its second landfall. texas congressman joaquin castro will join us. >> and amike mccaul will join u. 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Transcripts For DW Euromaxx - Lifestyle Europe 20180730 22:30:00

dreams the first episode of occur in series heads to cyprus. i'm too cool of the mountains german photographer good as shiny heads for the hillsides. it's summer here in europe and every sunny season needs its soundtrack last year death posse to a broken numerous records the music video went viral and is still you tube's most viewed clip by a long distance with five point three billion views just in case you missed it here's a reminder of twenty seven teens big hit. the puerto rican stars louis fun c. and daddy yankee teamed up to create that mix of latin pop and the negative tone now this is some a smash is also the product of an unlikely combination a french d.j. and netflix series and an italian processed song let's take a listen. every year has its smash hit summer song and this year. this new club remakes of bela challenge by french d.g. you give is the feel good hit of the. people chiffon mall it's also knows a lot about hit singles the berlin music producer has worked with beyond say and quincy jones. summer songs have to be fun and not too sentimental. and they're probably only good for one summer and. was written in the late nineteenth century as a protest by the women who had to toil away harvesting rice in italy. and the billet shall. make. i know it from money heist this weisner from i'm. my son's a fan of the series now all the kids are raving about this song. they go crazy when they hear it i've since heard it myself on the radio and it is a really nice song. on the snooker session this. is. part of. the bella child version featured on the spanish t.v. drama money heist has spawned a host of new ones. there have been over twenty covers alone in this year's. celebration and so. round up of cultural events around the continent in bosnia-herzegovina with a tradition that's quite refreshing in the heat of the summer. that. on sunday the city of muster hosted its annual high diving competition from the historic study most old bridge the contest is a tradition dating back centuries thousands of spectators kept it to watch the divers make the nineteen meter plunge into the fast flowing river. the sixteenth century bridge was destroyed in one thousand nine hundred three major necro at war time painstakingly rebuilt in two thousand and four. it has since become a symbol of peaceful coexistence and reconciliation. on saturday an exhibition open in london featuring outfits and merchandise connected to the spice girls. the collection called spice up boasts about seven thousand items it was assembled by curator and fan allen smith allison and includes costumes dolls and even i'm ok. so colorful and collected. and porter and music culture i. mean it's all kept in stores boxes in a dark place below the spice girls made their breakthrough in one thousand nine hundred six and eventually disbanded five years later. recently rumors of a comeback have resurfaced. on august twenty fourth the exhibition will be moving on to manchester. britain is currently home to a group of to. during dinosaurs. the seventeen million euro shows stars moving lifesize model dinosaurs among them as a toronto saurus rex to break your sources. on its debut tour in two thousand and topics: Bella Ciao - 2018 summer hit; Discover the Mediterranean island of Cyprus; Spectacular mountain photos by Guerel Sahin; The Undiscovered Charm of... rewarded with a beautiful sunrise on the outskirts of larnaca with some six hundred fifty kilometers of coastline the island is a great destination for fans of water sports. during the summer almost every day is very good for windsurfing. the only sound so there are no rocks no sharks. it's very good floodwater in the morning. and in the afternoon after lunch or windsurfing. the town of larnaca is home to some fifty one thousand residents. the daily market in the center offers plenty of . is perfect. and the kilometers of beach are great for relaxing there's little risk of a vacation. more than three hundred days of sunshine monuments dating from prehistoric times to the middle ages most of the date from the roman period. highlights include these mosaic floors from the third century. and these ruins of the castle of columns. in the u.k. . so severe that. people are actually trying to bring you back because. many years ago. and. if you need to cool off then head to water world. in iowa not. on this slide it takes just a few seconds to plummet from the eighteen metre high tower into the pool below. a small fishing village and its old port still recalls that history. of the numerous restaurants and cafes that have opened along here serve traditional dishes of fish and grilled meat. their produce. their wine is another part of the but also. very important. for a. restaurant and for a high profile as well as the move is the host be. in the evening it's still warm on the seafront in lima salt and visitors can look forward to yet another sunny day on cyprus. and you all would ian's can look forward to a few more island guest ways in the next few days now we have a question for you we'd like to know what would you take with you to a desert island send us a picture by uploading it on our website and one lucky winner will win an exclusive your max wristwatch now a next report features a man who wouldn't have to think twice about what his luxury cost to a isom would be a camera crew that shaheen is off to roll a photographer he specializes in capturing the beauty of mountains and has compiled his best snaps in a new book called the sound of the mountains. he is living his own personal dream capturing natural beauty on camera. he pushes himself to his mental and physical limits as he revels in a feeling of freedom. like many people girl shaheen has always dreamt of turning his passion into a profession. and now photography has indeed become his life. his mountain photos now have hundreds of thousands of fans he also does work for big name brands. and there are collectors willing to pay several hundred euros for a shocking original print. girl show he has now published a selection of his best photos in a book that provides fascinating insights into the magical appeal of the mountains . the book also tells of his adventures as a mountain photographer and how he came to the profession. he worked five long years on the publication. of these it's a personal investment i've sacrificed everything for this book. it was hard for me to go it alone and say this is what you're going to do with the rest of your life. there were a lot of hurdles professional because i wasn't a professional of course. at first people didn't take the. first seriously but he summoned up the courage to drop out of college. and headed for the hills. his images convey a feeling of pure adventure he'll drive for fourteen hours to capture a subject in the wilderness if need be. sometimes he'll hike to some remote spot with twenty five kilos of gear on his back. it's hard to say more a photographer or an explorer because exploring plays a huge part in my photos. i'd be far less motivated if all i had to do was press the release button. girl charlene spends about two hundred days a year on the road. but he's always drawn back home to kaiserslautern in south west germany was. not on me because what i love about kaiser's loughton is that my home and the people i'm closest to are here but that means a lot because this is where my heart is and that's why i always return to a movie that can afford. one girl show he returns from his latest excursion his first stop is his studio not his apartment. after quickly going over the new photos he posts them on his social network site. the internet has given him an enormous boost in his do it yourself success. he already has over one hundred thousand followers on instagram. and now some of his best photos can be seen in his book the sound of mountains a world away from the computer screen. in. europe and its vast euro max brings you the highlights on instagram stunning landscapes spectacular buildings and mouthwatering delicacies our reporters are constantly on the look out with their cameras we look forward to your comments check out our your mags instagram stories and discover how exciting and diverse your art can be. on instagram. while we're back on the road now once a week. you are viewers can decide where to send our reporters you choose a destination in europe and we go there if you and share what we discovered please see i got to see the oak from and got a nazi on and paraguay got in touch and wants to know more about ukrainian holiday destinations so we traveled to the western region of book of veena to check out the city of chad and if see it's not the most well known tourist hot spot but well worth a visit let's find out why. the western ukrainian city of charity lies well off the beaten track nevertheless it has a cosmopolitan flair and is something of a sleeping beauty. an architect from prague built the university some one hundred thirty years ago. to students studied here she's a language mediator and offer city tours she loves the university's diversity. you cannot say for sure that for example there is belongs to this community or to this particular style because you can turn around and see different. byzantine and morris motifs dominate the building style it also has european and jewish influences the lectures were held in german here until the end of world war one for centuries he was the capital of the book of the region from seven hundred seventy five to nine hundred eighteen it belonged to the house burke empire the viennese spruced up provincial cities with places like the theatre square. i think we kept the back from zack's time our city is more contemporary appears to have this austrian temptations and a good way i wouldn't say that we are conservative. we can notice people can speak different languages and this is normal for. there's even a monument to the austrian garion kaiser franz yosef in the city again. during the soviet era that would have been unthinkable only an independent ukraine could celebrate this part of its past. we can feel it's not just because so is that because of monuments but mostly in traditions we keep right now i mean we have a lot of these said very tasty cakes you feel even churn you see it's impossible to posses shop so escapes or you. breaks for having coffee or tea. for example in the viennese coffee house or the cafe bucharest next door between the two world wars the region belonged to romania. before the holocaust a third of the city's population was jewish. now only traces of jewish life are visible here a few synagogues remain active tourists often come here in search of their roots. i am very happy when people from contras for example from israel or from the united states they have their accessors brought up here and they have an opportunity to seize a city how actually talked to before it is very important for a sound and this is very important for me as far as a citizen of this city because it means that we are still told. this city with its many different religions languages and peoples produced a long list of artists and poets among the most famous was paul say long whose german language poetry attained global renown. people come from far and wide to visit the place of his birth. where a proud he was born here he was brought up here sell that means the chinese see maybe impact on him. cocina is an hour's drive from charities. located on the banks of the nice the river the medieval fortress has provided the backdrop for more than fifty films. the walls are four feet thick. it's an ideal place to visit on a hot summer's day. a souvenir vendor is waiting. we've got lots of honey and product to say. may honey and honey was honey it's tasty says honey from the company's. in foothills with different cabs and even honey to drink . all the specialties whet the appetite in the evening back in charity's pradesh tree and zone we find the town's best restaurants. traditional food is served in pasco well now it's hearty fare with lots of grilled meat pickled vegetables and but not a car pacey and d.h. . bought it five year ago probably one of the features a moldovan specialty like it's made of corn meal cooked with crime fresh and butter is served with cheap cheese fried pork belly rhymes and mushroom sauce that. they've always known how to live well and share and see no matter which country because when i happen to be part of. well i hope you can join us again tomorrow when we'll be back again with more european lifestyle and culture for you until then you can follow us on facebook and instagram d.w. your remarks for updates so thanks for watching. next time on your remarks on the caribbean island of summer can save the some classic ducks the painter countess. meanwhile a few kilometers away on summer will find elysium stuff that gets. visitors to the british overseas territory i can enjoy putting on the big. european lifestyle on to the caribbean song next time funny are facts. finest men have put forth to hundreds of thousands of children living in overcrowded refugio camps and living on thanks to football projects to live the few hours of respite beirut darkness of. beirut gives refuge in. the because thirty minutes to move. forward. in germany state by state. the most colorful. the yes touch. the most traditional find it all at any time. check in with a web special. take a tour of germany state by state on d w dot com. sorry i just couldn't get this song out of his head. ecologist began searching for the source of these captivating sounds. deep in the rain forest in central africa. to find their culture that he stayed close only


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Tucker Carlson Tonight 20180915 04:00:00

into shore, it's enough to continue to cause some flooding. here is our forecast model. as we eventually make our way off the coast, it begins to break up and fall apart which is some good news. currently this system moving in at about 3 miles per hour, it's going to stay very slow overnight. it is not going to see until tomorrow until we see this thing pick up and move out of the are area. >> shannon: we know you guys are all around us. still pretty windy on the carolina coast as adam was pointing out. let's check in now with our senior correspondent steve harrigan, he is in north beach and will check in on his condition -- hello. >> the rain is falling and coming down steadily, it's been falling for more than 30 hours. if more than 20 inches of rain has fallen but the heavy winds from that storm have gone away. hopefully gone for good. along the coastline, we saw has been made of the fact that it's going to be flooding. the surges, are going to be the real problem and that's going to continue through the weekend. what were you able to see as far as flooding and damage coming in off the beach from where you were last night? >> we saw the beach behind us disappear overnight. the ocean came right over the sand berms. it was a scary sight to see, the giant ocean coming up over the berms. the realization if you slept off you would be gone forever. the water was coming over today i especially at high tide. even along the coastline was so heavy flooding, the rain hasn't stopped. when you heard the forecasters say 20 more inches, this is going to be unbelievable. >> shannon: we appreciate you being there on the front line, you and your crew stay safe. saturated by water, north carolina hopes that everyone has come to know and love so much have just begun falling telephone poles over and over again. the force of these trees when they fall down is incredible. sadly we saw that a little bit south and west of here when it tree fell into a house and killed the mother and her infant child. the ground is so saturated, even winds like this become enough to topple those trees over. not only can those trees be deadly but they blocked roads. each one of them has to be cut up by chainsaw and moved out. that's the beginning of any kind of search and rescue effort as they start to clear the road. the fire department's trucks can get through when we were over in atlanta beach a couple hours ag ago. they were trying to pick their way through neighborhoods to check on people over there. that's just the beginning, then the power crews can come through. then the cleanup can begin, it's going to be an awfully long time. >> shannon: it certainly will. thank you very much. we want to check over in wilmington and senior correspondent rick leventhal who has been weathering the element for a couple of days now. can you tell us anything about the move they are? we first responders are working around the clock. it's got to be exhausting for everybody at this point. >> there are a lot of weary people, who have been forced out of their homes and a lot of crews who have come in and waiting to be dispatched to bring the help to people who need it and clean some of the debris up who have now littered the streets of wilmington and the surrounding areas. we started our day in wrightsville beach, we've been there all week. they flooded to a level we never seen before. a storm surge at 11:00 this morning, inundating the homes in that neighborhood around the famous. there. they flooded that whole area. saw a lot of water and a lot of rain that continues to fall there and just to the west of wilmington, there have been a lot of issues with that as you heard leland mention the tree that came down, a lot of trees it came down all around this area. it could go much higher than that. when we left the the beach and drove over the bridge and saw the trees down and how dark it was and then came this way, every highway is out, they have state police and intersections with lights on. it's slow going in treacherous coag and they want to keep people off the roads until they get the situation cleaned up. >> shannon: i know you've been involved in covering dangerous situations all over the world including many big storms and they are all unique how would you characterize this one? >> it's got a lot of fortitude. it's hung around a long time. it's moving very slowly and it's taking a lot longer than people would probably like to see it take. it reminds me of a hurricane we covered in mobile bit potomac bay, it just dumped on that mobile bay area. this part of north carolina is not equipped to handle that kind of water. they've been arraigned on so much this summer, the ground saturated can't handle all that extra rain and it hasn't stopped yet. >> shannon: you talk about that rain and one of the concerns we heard about was the fact that they're going to be surges inland. huge agricultural and livestock areas, huge hog farms with thousands of hogs, killed but also the sewage from a lot of those areas contaminate the water supply. have you heard any of those concerns? >> i've heard about the concerns, we don't know if they will come to fruition but there are parts of north carolina where there are more pigs than people. they have these big manure pits that could float. what we were told as the farmers were given permission to empty some of that out, spray it on the fields to bring the levels down just in case they got into dated with floodwater. it looks very likely they will. if that happens and the lagoons can't handle it, then all of that stuff washes downstream into areas where it doesn't belong and that could pose a health crisis. that's something that officials are watching and worrying about amongst all the other things they have to worry about with this rain predicted for days ahead. >> shannon: is something unique, leland and i talked about how the people there, those who decide to stay, those who are first responders are helping they are very self-sufficient and tough and they look out for each other. there's a sense of community. are you seeing that for the people whose did stick around? >> it was pretty remarkable in wrightsville beach how few people decided to stick around. what i'm used to seeing this a lot of folks who say i don't believe the hype and i'm not going to leave my home. they do stay and for the most part they are usually okay but we've seen in many cases where there not. this storm, people took it seriously especially in wrightsville beach. i had people who said they never evacuated their homes but this time they were going to a large part because this saying was so big and bearing straight down on that part of the coast and the predictions seemed consistent that the storm surge would be up to 13 feet. these folks knew that meant their homes would be underwater. the surgeon wrightsville beach was not 13 feet, it was record-setting 5 feet above high tide but they didn't get as much flooding is as they thought thy would. that said, the streets were inundated and they were glad they didn't stick around. that town was deserted, it was remarkable how empty it was and eerie to go out and stand in the main drag and no one was there. we saw occasional police officers patrolling but no citizens we ever saw in that town. that was what set this one apart, where we where we were alone. >> shannon: that's good news for the folks who have to stay there and carry out those rescues and try to get to those folks who need help. >> one other point about that, those folks who left they can't get back in until the authorities say it's safe to do so. i'm sure people saw the pictures in the videos we posted, they want to get back and check on their property. that bridge into wrightsville beach, it hasn't been reopened yet. >> shannon: thank you very much. first responders working tirelessly, you've heard rick and steve talk about them as residents who try to weather the storm find themselves in dangerous situations. the mayor of new bern north carolina saying that already rescued 200 people. rick telling us that it's 360. let's talk about it on the phone with the assistant chief of the wilmington fire department, tom robinson. thank you so much for joining us, can you tell us about what your department has been facing over the last 24 hours. >> within the city of wilmington we have a lot of places without power. over 70,000 residents without power. most of our intersections do not have power. massive oak trees and pine trees that are down and houses that are damage. we have one structure fire which we believe was caused by a generator. we've been kind of busy with that kind of stuff. >> shannon: do people leave and get out, are there people who need your help despite the warnings? >> there's always those who decided to stay but we believe a lot more people heeded the warning this time because of the fact that it was such a large storm coming in. i think a lot of people were really concerned. they moved into shelters which was safer for them. those of the one -- >> shannon: what is it like for the men and women of your department? you have families and homes and things you have person worries about, you are answering the call and how's everybody doing? >> hopefully we will be getting off in the morning and though get a chance to get home and survey damage they might have and get their houses back to normal. separate with most of our families, evacuating and move and we don't have to be concerned about them being here. they pulled the long 72 hour shift. >> shannon: the wilmington police department put out a tweet about a curfew saying new hanover county north carolina in the city of wilmington are issuing an order for curfews to begin tonight at 10:00 p.m. until further notice. have you seen them complying with that, how does it help your effort those streets are clear tonight? >> it keeps them off the road in the dark, and you can't see the downed power lines. that number like that you're used to is not here. if you stay at home it keeps everybody safe her it allows us, we don't have to get on the road with our equipment. >> shannon: as the storm continues, how is the administration gearing up to help? will bring you that story and later the war of words between john kerry and president trump pizza. plus, dr. mark steagall joins us live to take a look at the health challenges of first responders and residents that are going to face in the coming days. i can do more to lower my a1c. because my body can still make its own insulin. i take trulicity once a week to activate my body to release its own insulin, like it's supposed to. trulicity is not insulin. it works 24/7. it comes in an easy-to-use pen. and i may even lose a little weight. trulicity is an injection to improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. don't use it as the first medicine to treat diabetes, or if you have type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. don't take trulicity if you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, you're allergic to trulicity, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of a serious allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck or severe stomach pain. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. taking trulicity with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases your low blood sugar risk. common side effects include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and decreased appetite. these can lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. to help lower my a1c i choose trulicity to activate my within. ask your doctor about once-weekly trulicity. 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"the washington post" declaring president trump complicit in the conditions that led to hurricane florence. former secretary of state john kerry and the president are engaged in a war on words over two obama era climate change agreements that trump administration walked away from. >> president trump made it clear the reason he pulled out of the paris climate the court is because they believe the term was or unfair to american businesses and taxpayers and would hurt the economy. he said he would at some point negotiate a better deal. the paris accord is a nonbinding treaty. it's a voluntary pledge signed onto by 195 countries. critics say many of those countries are not living up to their end of the bargain. speaking of the global climate action summit in san francisco, former secretary of state john kerry who signed the paris accord in 2015 lashed out at president trump, watch. >> for the president to stand up for the american people and to say too much burden we have to get out of paris and withdraw american leadership from an issue that is life or death is one of the single greatest acts of irresponsibility by the presence of the united states anywhere at any time. >> former vice president al gore and california governor jerry brown who are also at the conference agreed with john kerry. current secretary of state mike pompeo has yet to criticize kerry for his comments but he went after carrie for his recent meeting with a iranian foreign minister. he called them unseemly and unprecedented. >> he was telling them to wait out this administration. you can't find president for this in u.s. history. secretary carey ought not to engage in that kind of behavior. >> president trump took a step further accusing him of engaging in illegal meetings with a very hostile iran regime. a spokesperson said the meeting with iran is not unusual, unseemly, or inappropriate. >> shannon: thank you very much. rescue efforts are underway for residents trapped in floodwaters and parts of north carolina. let's take a look at the challenges they're going to face. the rescuers, the people who are going to have to clean up behind this. fox news medical contributor dr. marc siegel is here to weigh in. great to see you. we talked about the flooding, it presents a big challenge. what happens to that water? people don't have electricity and filtration is down for a while, what are some of the health concerns you would have? >> the flooding is not over yet, the more flooding we see the more power we lewis. we have 700,000 people already without power. you may not have the medical supplies you need or the respirator you need, or the dialysis you need. they also know what your medical needs are. they come to you with batteries for the respirator, when your power is off. the biggest challenge is getting emergency responders with those areas where people are trapped but if you're in those floodwaters, there's plenty of animals as well. pigs, bacteria, there's a risk of diarrheal diseases. there could be power lines down, there could be risks of electrocution's. debris hitting below the waterline, you get injured, you get a wound there's no way to clean it out. those are the major challenges we are facing. fema has been rushing to the rescue here, more than a thousand workers involved. state, local, national guard. it's been a tour de force of state, local, and federal authorities here. over 6 million meals have been sent to the area, over 4 millio. people get to drink it and it doesn't get contaminated, that's a huge problem. that's what were looking at going forward. we have to stay vigilant. >> shannon: the president tweeting great job fema, first responders and law enforcement -- not easy. very dangerous, tremendous talent. america is proud of you, keep it going and finish strong. what about when folks try to go home? they'll have to wait until authorities allow them. we always hear that people are very stressed, they are emotional over what they have lost. they've got a lot of physical work to do. they dive right into -- what are the challenges there? >> at the president's right. i think fema's response has been unprecedented, we've learned from prior disasters. one of the things we have to learn is not to go home too soon. if you go into a house that doesn't have power or broken items -- you trip, you fall, you might get stressed. you could have a heart problem. you have to look at what people's underlying medical problems are. the last thing you want to do if you're evacuated us to rush back in. that's another big mistake. you have to listen to the authorities that are telling you what to do. the most important story is it's not just that federal authorities are coming in, they are talking to the state and local health authorities to figure out who is who and what to do. that so far is working but we are a long way from over. were going to see more floodwaters in more trouble from emergency responders getting into help sick people. we've got to get people the medicines they need. >> shannon: if they weren't able to take them with them or they were lost in the process. thank you so much for dropping in. i would say late but it's early. our extended life coverage continues will take you back to the fox news extreme weather center as we continue to monitor florence alive. "the new york times" admit it created unfair impression of u.s. ambassador to the u.n. nikki haley all over a story about her apartment. ♪ flintstones! meet the flintstones. ♪ ♪ they're the modern stone age family. ♪ ♪ from the town of bedrock. ♪ meet george jetson. ♪ ♪ his boy elroy. with instant acceleration, electric cars are more fun to drive and more affordable than ever. electric cars are here. plug into the present. with who we are as people and making everybody feel welcome. ordering custom ink t-shirts has been a really smart decision for our business. i love the custom ink design lab because it's really easy to use. they have customer service that you can reach anytime. t-shirts help us immediately get a sense of who we are as a group. from the moment clients walk in, they're able to feel like part of the family. - [spokesman] custom ink has hundreds of products for your business and free shipping. upload your logo or start your design today at upload your logo or start your design today (crash) some debt you plan for, some just... ...happens. putting it all on credit cards just wasn't working. but a loan through lending club was a cinch. no branch office, no stuffy suits. consolidating our debt saved us nearly $300 a month. that's not sofa change. we had enough to start saving again, and a little extra to send these two to summer camp. being outdoors was good for them? (vo) check your rate at absolutely crawling at this point. it's been weakening but moving so slowly which is causing its own issues. here is the center of circulation at this point just off the west of myrtle beach. still that tight circulation, obviously anywhere back behind. it is going to be the northern or the eastern side of the storm that's going to see the worst weather. that typically the case with these hurricanes. this came on shore this morning at 7:00 15 and outside of wilmington, it has traveled only 85 miles. spots that have been in the wind field continue to be in the wind field, spots that are seeing the rain continued to see it. particularly father to the north, there has been a line in training of rain showers, we've seen it over the course of the day. those of the spots we've seen the rain pile up. so far, 20-24 inches, the rain hasn't stopped yet and eventually were going to see additional rainfall that could add to these numbers. another 10-20 total inches of rain. no surprise as we take step back and look at the entire picture, plenty of spots highlighted in red. if those are flash flood warnings stretching all across north carolina because that moisture is continuing to get picked up, continuing to be dropped across portions of the state. flooding is going to be a major concern, not just the amount of flooding right now but even for the next four or five days, flooding is going to be an issue. these are all rivers and projections for major or moderate flooding in rivers across north carolina. flooding could last for another four or five days because there is nowhere left for this rain to go. as long as it's there it's going to continue to move into some of these rivers and cause flooding issues. these are still impressive totals continuing considering s been happening. they've been there for hours and hours. this is a future forecast, you notice once we move across south carolina this wind field falls apart. it's good news for folks further inland. we are unfortunately going to be paying attention to this for a while longer. the movement overnight stays in slow early and then it really picks up more on sunday and becomes a quick mover. actually here in new york city, it's probably going to ruin my plans on monday and tuesday -- this system is going to be moving to the northeast. >> shannon: you might need a nap for a couple of days based on the hours you're working now. thank you very much. tonight, "the new york times" admits to creating an unfair impression about the u.s. ambassador to the u.n., nikki haley. it all stems from a report in which the times claimed upwards of $50,000 was spent for curtains in her official residence. what they failed to mention until the sixth paragraph is the purchase was authorized by the obama administration nearly two years ago. "the new york times" has since change the headline and issued an editor's note. senior columnist at town hall and author of militant normals. good to see you tonight. just so people know i want to run through this a little bit. the original headline said this. nikki haley's view of new york is priceless, $52,000 a lot of people think that's about nikki haley making this purchase after they were confronted and they changed it and they said the state department spent $52,701 for on curtains for residents of the u.n. envoy. they set an earlier version created an unfair impression about who was responsible for the purchase in question. the article shouldn't have focused on her. >> the good news is "the new york times" has done what a lot of people will not do and that's admit their mistakes, point out their faults and corrected their wrongs. i appreciate them for that. the bad news about the article, the headline, the wording being all the way down at the bottom of the article is that it feeds into a very dangerous narrative that's been painted by the president and others, there's a certain segment of the media that is out to get conservative conservatives. that's a very dangerous part about it. the good news is as i said earlier, "the new york times" has corrected the story. >> shannon: it seemed like an unforced error to me when i saw this morning. to antoine's point, it gives the president a perfect example to say they are after us for no legitimate reason. >> this is great evidence of what we conservatives have been saying for years. "the new york times" and the rest of the liberal media is out to get -- >> "the new york times" is not the liberal media. >> come baloney. i love leo and i love your time and that's just not true. that's fake news. >> shannon: you want to respond. >> listen, "the new york times" is definitely not the liberal media. >> shannon: you're going to make kurt have an aneurysm. >> calmed down, take a deep breath and i love your yellow tie. the truth of the matter is they did the one thing that people expected them to do and that was apologize for their mistakes, correct the headline and guess what? i have not heard the governor complain one time. i saw them retweeted the editor's notes about the changes and that's the way it should be. everyone makes mistakes, even you are not so perfect. >> shannon: will wait for evidence of that. >> i don't know about that. >> shannon: when they were confronted, that they have any other choice? a lot of writers say i don't write my headlines but when i first saw the headline, i was like they're going after nikki haley. she had nothing to do with it. >> that was a sort of apology. we made a mistake. it wasn't a mistake, it was a choice. it was a choice to put the most important information, the lead six paragraphs down instead of upfront or not doing it at all. this wasn't a story back when the obama administration who was spending $52,000, this wasn't the story when the obama administration was paying more for the previous residence. it's a story now because it makes the republicans look bad or so they thought. the thing that gets me is i really dislike the liberal media like "the new york times" and cnn and i want them to change and i want them to learn through pain but they are making it too easy for doing stuff like this. >> shannon: i want to get both of you to weigh into president obama back out on the came campaign trail. i want to play something he said about people pitting each other against each other, here's what he said on that in the border as well. >> they try to pit one group against the other and they tell us border insecurity will be restored if it weren't for the folks who don't look like us or sound like us or pray like we d do. that is an old playbook. >> shannon: this is a man who immigrations groups called not in a nice way, they called him to deport porter in chief. >> they did, that's what he has a stool to stand on. i think that president understands what's at stake, i think he understands how important this election will be. he ultimately understands this election will set the tone for our politics for the next decade in this country. that's what he's on the campaign trail. i welcome him back to the campaign trail. >> i welcome him back too because he doesn't get it. this is the kind of thing that brought you donald trump. the lack of humility, the refusal to examine people's legitimate gripes. we don't want illegal immigration, he refuses to acknowledge it exists. he chalks it up to racism, it's not racism. it's american citizens wanting america for americans. >> shannon: you love each other and disagree on everything. it's good to have you. as florence pummels the carolina coast were going to look at who is responsible for cleanup in the aftermath. we'll break it down, stick around with us. could their journey inspire yours? order your kit at [ engine revving ] what's that, girl? 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[ engine revving ] yes, i was busy! -24-hour roadside assistance. from america's number-one motorcycle insurer. -you know, i think you're my best friend. you don't have to say i'm your best friend. that's okay. even as florence makes landfall, the government is roiling with controversy over the death toll from last season's hurricane maria. local, state, and federal authorities are playing a game of hot potato. states blame the fed. >> female was not fully prepared or fully supported and the rapid response by the trump administration. >> the fed says it takes to go to tango. >> the government can't do it on its own. >> is not a responsibility to upkeep the infrastructure. >> experts say the reality is far more complex. >> roads cross multiple jurisdictions, they go beyond the state boundaries city boundaries. the need to be together. >> when it comes to rescue operations, states help one another. >> we have search and rescue teams from 19 different states who have come to north carolina and are on the ready. >> experts insist cost sharing to be improved. one group estimates last year's hurricane alone cost $300 billion, 130 billion of which was quoted by the federal government. >> that's a huge amount of money and resources and damage. no one jurisdiction can handle that. >> ultimately the playbook goes out the window and it's all hands on deck. >> triage mode. whatever we need to do to save lives and prevent greater damage. >> one expert describes the government's role as a layer cake. local, state, federal government and nonprofits make up the filling. >> shannon: for more, live florence coverage continues around-the-clock, next. 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Texas Storm Tragedy: Child Dies After Being Swept Away While Trapped in Flooded Vehicle

Discover how storms in Texas delivered more rainfall on Sunday to the already wet Houston region, immediately rescuing hundreds from drowned homes and streets. Meanwhile, in the Fort Worth area to the north, disaster hit as a child passed away, swept away when the car he was traveling in became trapped in floodwaters.


Hundreds of People Rescued Amid Floods in Texas

A flood watch for the area is now in effect through Sunday afternoon with forecasters predicting more rain on Saturday night that will bring another 1-3 inches (2.5-7.6cm) and trigger major flooding.


Transcripts for BBCNEWS BBC News 20240604 04:19:00

days of cues, crowds and cancellations on making people desperate to get out. the passengers who filmed the said they stood for two nights, crammed into the small space stop this is where the queue starts. this was taken by a man who said some people passed out and others got into fights. he said he slipped on the floor for 48 hours.— said he slipped on the floor for 48 hours. every time they cancel a flight _ for 48 hours. every time they cancel a flight you _ for 48 hours. every time they cancel a flight you got - for 48 hours. every time they cancel a flight you got to i cancel a flight you got to queue back up. you can't do it online because they can't transfer your baggage. this woman felt _ transfer your baggage. this woman felt this _ transfer your baggage. this woman felt this footage trying to fly to dublin, she says there has been little information on what she described as no staff. this is why flights cannot take off or land, plans are sitting in a sea of floodwater at the world's busiest international airport. flights in and out currently are limited. in a statement on social media, the airport said its teams are working tirelessly to restore


Transcripts for BBCNEWS Breakfast 20240604 05:08:00

terminal 3 at dubai airport, days of queues, crowds and cancellations are making people desperate to get out. the passenger who filmed this said he stood for two nights, crammed into the small space. this is where the queue starts. this was taken by a man who said some people passed out and others got into fights. he said he slept on the floorfor 48 hours. every time they cancel a flight you got to queue back up. you can't do it online because they can't transfer your baggage. this woman filmed this footage trying to fly to dublin, she says there has been little information and what she described as no staff. this was the scene earlier in the week. planes are sitting in a sea of floodwater at the world's busiest international airport.


Transcripts for BBCNEWS Breakfast 20240604 06:09:00

desperate to get out. the passenger who filmed this said he stood for two nights, crammed into the small space. this is where the queue starts. this was taken by a man who said some people passed out and others got into fights. he said he slept on the floorfor a8 hours. every time they cancel a flight you got to queue back up. you can't do it online because they can't transfer your baggage. this is just this isjust a joke! this woman filmed this footage trying to fly to dublin, she says there has been little information and what she described as no staff. this was the scene earlier in the week. planes are sitting in a sea of floodwater at the world's busiest international airport. flights in and out are still limited. in a statement on social media, the airport said its teams are working tirelessly to restore normal operations and minimise delays and say passengers' welfare


Transcripts for BBCNEWS BBC News 20240604 08:46:00

clara gillespie filmed this footage trying to fly to dublin, she says there has been little information and what she described as no staff. this is why planes can“t this is why planes can't take off or land. planes sitting in a sea of floodwater at the world's busiest international airport, with flights in and out still limited. in a statement on social media, dubai airport said its teams are working tirelessly to restore normal operations and minimise delays and say passengers“ welfare is its top priority. for some, the damage is done. two top indian wrestlers, deepak punia and sujeet kalakal, missed a mandatory weigh—in for a qualifier at the summer olympics in paris. dubai, qatar and 0man have seen unprecedented flooding after the heaviest rain ever recorded this week. a year's rain fell in one day alone.


Transcripts for BBCNEWS Verified Live 20240604 14:12:00

there were many people sleeping in metro stations and just waiting for normal service to resume so that they could get home. the pictures are astonishing, _ they could get home. the pictures are astonishing, as _ they could get home. the pictures are astonishing, as you _ they could get home. the pictures are astonishing, as you are - they could get home. the pictures| are astonishing, as you are talking we are playing some of them. the streets, it is an incredible sight to see the levels of floodwater, what it has done to vehicles, and all of the damage. talk to me about the speed of it, because i assume that you have seen nothing like this and this sort of way ever before. well, this was, the phrase that is going around is that this was and am pretty dated amount of rainfall. this was a bad one and a half year's worth of rain which fell in 2a hours and the stomach and for even longer than that. it is something that the country tried to brace itself but i don't think any nation in the world could deal with one and a half year's worth of rain in one day. there was a significant amount of damage done, however, swiftly the water pumps were out on the road, the police were redirecting people.


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