Are we forgetting about the First Amendment? It is unfortunate when people misstate, misinterpret, or misunderstand history. It is worse when they do so to further an agenda. Mr. Villareal does so in his letter.
This land is our land I agree wholeheartedly with Garfield County Democratic chairwoman Debbie Bruell’s Sept. 15 column in the Post Independent. Protecting the county’s magnificent landscape from industrial development, be it methane gas extraction.
Student loan forgiveness On June 30, 2023, the U.S. Supreme Court rejected President Biden’s plan to forgive student loan debt for 26 million Americans. The three Supreme Court Justices approving of forgiving this debt were.
Re: Guns at school Laura Prichett’s, May 17, 2023, opinion article, “Guns have changed everything, especially childhood” in the Glenwood Post is appreciated. Laura is a professor at Western Colorado University in Gunnison. Her knowledge.
Democracy or republic Why has the word “democracy” replaced the word “republic” in nearly all present-day communications, either spoken, published or broadcast about our United States Constitution? The word “democracy” will never be found in.