Consumer watchdog Foodwatch said it was filing a legal complaint Wednesday against food giant Nestle and another group over them allegedly fraudulently treating water for their top mineral water brands.Foodwatch said it was lodging its complaint with a Paris court against Nestle Waters, behind brands such as Perrier and Vittel, and the Sources Alma group, which also owns several water labels.
Consumer watchdog Foodwatch said it was filing a legal complaint Wednesday against food giant Nestle and another group over them allegedly fraudulently treating water for their top mineral water brands.
The document prepared by the NGO Foodwatch analyzed 2234 types of bakery Only in 18 cases of residues exceeded the maximum limit of the active substance Most cases of deviations were recorded in France, Germany Ireland 2025 to stop selling the products bakery products from grains treated with pesticides.More than a third of cereal products and more than 90% of bakery products sold in supermarkets in the European Union contain pesticide residues, which, however, rarely exceed the regulatory threshold, according to the latest report of the NGO Foodwatch.
Das Allgäuer Familienunternehmen wurde mit Aldi und McDonald's groß. Nun investiert Firmenchef Peter Stahl massiv in Alternativen zu Käse aus Kuhmilch.
Schon besorgniserregend: Obwohl im Snickers-Eis krebserregendes Ethylenoxid festgestellt wurde, erfolgt weder durch den Hersteller Mars noch durch die Bundesrepublik ein Rückruf. Dabei ist die Verwendung des Stoffes in der EU verboten. Anderswo in Europa sieht die Sache anders aus.