suggests, tackles the current high inflation impacting marking pocketbooks. long term, it aims to lower prescription drug prices and a big one for progressives, addresses the climate crisis. it s the race to pass before the august recess begins. doing so could offer the boost they need to win the bet terms. here is senator schumer just last hour reinforcing the impact that the i.r.a. will have on americants the most. the time is not move forward with a big, bold package for the american people. again, this was a historic bill, this is store bill will reduce inflation, lower cost, for climate change. it is time to move this nation forward. the stage appears set for passing. all 50 democratic senators on board, including the critical support of arizona senator kristen sinema, who oked the bill after negotiating to drop a 14 billion dollar tax front increase on hedge fund managers and private the next step is overcoming republican roadblocks. here is democratic senator bri
that working families across this country are facing today. you response? well, bernie wants to do more, of course we do, on democratic progressive s, there is almost always things you want to do. we passed a bill or go, there was more that we wanted to do, but we went on to duty bipartisan infrastructure bill, we passed the veterans bill against a pretty strong republican opposition. they ended up voting for it but making sure that hundreds of thousands of veterans will finally get medical care, if they have been exposed to those football field size burn pits in iraq or afghanistan. we ve done a lot of things, and we will move on to the next thing. but this is major progress in terms of climate, in terms of drug prices, and turns a stock buybacks, and time to make an economy better. on top of the 500,000 job announcement this week. there are a lot of good things happening. we have momentum. we will take the momentum into the fall and continue to do