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Transcripts For WCAU NBC 10 News At 11p 20140915

just got less fun for jeremiah ratliff. went to the locker room for concussion protocol. he's now out with a concussion. guys. >> al: thank you, michele. tillman is out. conte is out. ratliff is out, and yet that defense has really done yeoman work here in the second half. will sutton, the rookie, kyle fuller the rookie, making their presence felt. >> cris: nice to have mobile quarterbacks in this situation. >> al: kaepernick, just avoids a sack and a second one and will seek the first down. speaking of mobile quarterbacks, there he goes. got away from vereen. got away from allen and picks up a first down. a gain of 14. >> cris: brock vereen had a clean shot. just couldn't do anything about it. mobile quarterbacks sometimes. the defense won there. that should have been the sack, but the athleticism of a colin kaepernick is keeping them in h this game. jared allen just couldn't catch him. >> al: carlos hyde comes in in the backfield now on first down from the 42. and he gives it to the rookie. to the 45 yard line. he goes for a gain of three. under 5:00 too play in regulation. >> cris: i would say about 75% of the plays, or at least it felt like that that carlos hyde went in a week ago, they did that read option. he is very good at it. he i assume did it at ohio state and now you have a station where, yeah, you want to give him a little different look and that read option has given the bears fits over the past couple of weeks. >> al: jed york with the 49ers watched his team sprint out to a lead and now sees them trail by eight. we'll get cheffers' call. vernon davis -- >> referee: prior to the pass, illegal use of the hands, hands to the face, number 21 defense. that penalty is declined. the result of the play, first down. >> al: that's ryan mundy for the 49ers. we're learning there's vernon davis. saw him hobble off, ankle injury. ruled out for the rest of the game >> there's been a couple of guys open. that time derek carrier i believe it was was open down the field. kaepernick under pressure, and i know there's a lot of pressure here but he really needs to start staying focused down the field here. there's some opportunities. >> al: hits the ground. gore. they smother him for a gain of three and bostic is the first guy to reach him. clock down under 4:00 now. >> cris: yeah, jared allen and lance briggs once again. jared allen in and briggs around. that's the way they have been playing it for the most part. nice job that time. briggs went through the back door and then he was able to catch it from the other way. those two veteran players a big upset. >> al: harbaugh, he wanted to pick it up and pick up the pace of the huddle. the game clock is into single digits right now. second down and eight from the 43 yard line. kaepernick. pump fake and going to get sacked by willie young. well, that was the major thing that chicago wanted to do, get pressure up front. bring in young and houston and jared allen. what a different that's made tonight. >> cris: willie young is just taking advantage. any time you have a backup in the game, and that's what jonathan martin is. no anthony davis over there, and right now willie young is doing what he's capable of doing and that's being a nightmare as a pass rusher, so quick. >> al: second and 13. kaepernick in trouble again, gets out of trouble, and stays on his feet. gets up to the 41 yard line, but he's six yards short of the first down. it's sixth -- it's fourth down and six at the 41 yard line. the 49ers are pretty much compelled to go for it right here at the 41. >> cris: they still have all their time-outs, so even if they don't get it. they have the 2:00 warning. they will still have allots of opportunities. i agree with this. >> al: four clock stoppages. >> cris: it's been a while since anquan boldin, he was the go--to-guy last week. >> al: and then san francisco has to take a time-out here. >> cris: that wasn't part of the plan. >> al: definitely not. 2:07 left. ♪ the all new, head turning cadillac ats coupe. it's irresistible. ♪ whand naturally when things aren 201new and different,its time, sometimes people aren't ready for them. experts saw the bigger screen and were like, "you'll look like you're talking into a piece of toast." 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"football night," as always, gets started at 7:00 eastern time. cam newton in action next week against the pittsburgh steelers. >> cris: you know, you're kind of down to that point in the game, do you go to to your stars, or do you say they will be looking for anquan boldin on this play, and so maybe derek carrier. he is a nice little route runner. he had a good shuffled inside breaking route on that last one. perhaps they come back to that. >> al: well, it comes down to this. fourth and nine. chicago can run the clock out if the niners don't convert. stevie johnson, bottom of the screen. anquan boldin on the top and over the middle, and it is incomplete. crabtree reaching for it, couldn't hold on. jennings there covering on the play, and the chicago bears are going to spoil opening night for the san francisco 49ers. >> cris: i think he might have had it, but he faded the route at the very end. if he squares this off, let's see if he fades away from the ball. yeah, he did. i think if he had kept coming in a straight line across the field. just trying to ad lib a little bit, and it probably cost him a completion there. >> al: well, i know this is early in a season, and there's a long way to go, and it's the middle of september, but the chicago bears were upset last week. beginning tonight they play six of eight on the road. so they are afraid from home except for two games between now and november. they were down by 17. they go on the road, and this is a huge win for the bears under the circumstances. >> cris: against a tremendous football team. i mean, this is one of those teams that you know is going to be right there at the end, and for colin kaepernick, you know, he talked to jim harbaugh, and he said that football players have to develop callouses. he's going to have to develop a callous after this one, because a lot of mistakes. he played his guts out. he's going to be a great player, but tonight the chicago bears got after him. >> al: and the 49ers squander an opportunity to go one up on seattle because they lost to san die diego. 3-140-1 on the road after trailing by 16 points. the last time the bears won in a game in this circumstance is when dennis green said they were who they thought they were. >> cris: for the chicago bears, marc trestman feels a little different right now than it did last week, to come in here. nobody thought they were going to lose to buffalo, and i don't know too many people who thought they would come in here tonight and win with all their injuries. this is huge, and now they are tied with everybody else in their division for first place. >> al: well, what a turn of events. 28-20, the bears win. coming up next, the volkswagen post-game report, but, first, these messages from your local nbc stations. hey, jennar fuzz mike troober munny sling... awwwwww scram! i'm crust mike jubby roll bond chow gonna lean up an kiss bet. peas charty get town down. [laughter] ♪ borf a liver tute face stummy wag ♪ pow pam sha-beeps stella nerf berms. saxa-nay nay? badumps a head. temexiss gurrin. juppa left. fluppa jown! brone a brood. what? catch up on what everyone's talking about with the x1 entertainment operating system. preloaded with the latest episodes of the top 100 shows. only from xfinity. welcome to the "volkswagen post-game report. here now bob costas. >> with less than half a minute to play in the first half, bears were down 17-0. they come back to win it, 28-20. san francisco's last chance to salvage a victory in the opening of their new stadium went tantalizingly off the fingertips of michael crabtree in the end zone in the game's waning moments. 28-20, chicago wins it. the game ball to jay cutler. he threw four touchdown passes and brandon marshall also gets a game ball. he caught three of them, and the rookie defensive back from virginia tech, kyle fuller, had a heck of a night, two interceptions, two passes defended and six tackles. he, too, gets a game bull. two of the three, fuller and cutler, are with michele. >> jay cutler, were you trailing 17-0, and then you took a huge hit to the chest. you came in and responded with a touchdown drive, and everything seemed to change after that. how did you respond to that hit? >> i felt like my chest hit my backbone so i didn't respond that well, but the offensive line did a great job and the defensive guys held us in there. first quarter was kind of rough for us offensively. didn't turn ball over. kept working through it. second half we kept things going. give it to the defense right now. they did a good job. >> brandon marshall came in questionable, and he responds with three touchdown catches. how do you explain his performance? >> didn't practice all way, wasn't sure if they would go and didn't know until about 3:00 pacific time, you know. they are professional. just need to get them to sunday and they will play their butts off. >> your coach marc trestman said you did nothing right in that first half. how did you turn it around? >> just kept plugging. just had to figure them out defensively a little bit. defense set us up with short feels and we were able to convert down in the red zone. >> let's speak to kyle fuller, the rookie when went out after charles tillman went out with the triceps injury. how did you step in and have such a quick impact? >> i just want to thank god first, after a good week of practice and working hard, a team win. so we're thankful for that and we'll seep on building. >> a team that got roundly chris sized after losing at home to buffalo and now you come in and win. how did you build on something like that? >> had a big one and now we're thankful for the opportunity today. >> thanks. >> the 49ers had four tumbles, the kaepernick fumble and three interceptions thrown by kaepernick. no turnovers for bears. 16 penalties for the 49ers as they pretty much did themselves in. we'll spring in tony dungy. the niners seemed in control until the waning seconds of the first half. what's the key to the bears comeback? >> jay cutler gave credit to the defense, and yes, they did get the take aye ways and short field, but to me it was cutler, his poise tonight and hanging in there. his seers are going about 80%, they are injured. defense is banged up and he held in there and made good throws and good decisions and brought them back. he willed this team to victory. this is a great win for chicago. it will do wonders for their psyche, and jay cutler was responsible tonight. >> it was a huge win for them, coach. they were staring at 0-2 and somehow they pull it out on the road. now to mike florio of "pro football talk." mike, no shortage of stories this week for those who cover the nfl. what's the latest information that you have on ray rice and adrian peterson? >> well, bob, ray rice will file an appeal of the indefinite suspension imposed on him by the nfl and the argument being that he's being punished twice for the same conduct, that the nfl had all the information they needed when he was initially suspended, two games and don't be surprised if the nfl players association launches its own investigation. as for adrian peterson, he didn't play on sunday after being indicted on friday on child abuse charges in texas. the vikings still trying to decide what to did with adrian peterson. the general manager rick spielman said sunday that all options are on the table, and on field it was a big day for injuries. the biggest name, washington quarterback robert griffin iii dislocated an ankle early in that win over jacksonville, and i'm ted that the family hopes -- >> we'll follow you online online and on nbcsn with "pro football talk." the final score, the bears 28 and san francisco 20. al will be back to wrap it up after this. callahan's? ehh, i mean get away, like, away away. road trip? 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josh elliot and my man cris collinsworth and a man for all time slots for after the game on nbcsn. it's "the sunday sports report" on nbcsn. to wrap it up here, we saw the good jay cutler to the. four touchdown passes. they win the game and outscore san francisco from late in the first half on. 28-3, and win it 28-20 to spoil opening night. now, next week we go to carolina where panthers are 2-0. they beat tampa bay behind derek anderson at quarterback today and cam newton fractured his ribs in the preseason, didn't play in the opener and came back today with a flak jacket. didn't start particularly well but finished extremely well and threw for 281 yards, and they beat a detroit team that looked really good on monday night against the giants by a score of 28-7. so it's carolina 4-0, pittsburgh 1-1 on "sunday night football" a week from tonight. final score again from santa clara, 28-20. the chicago bears beat the 49ers. and so we move along to carolina for week three next week, and now al michaels, for cris collinsworth and michele tafoya, our entire gang, saying good night from levi stadium in santa clara, california. -- captions by vitac -- to prove a point about internet speeds, we slowed down an up escalator. this is crazy i don't get it, this one is working ladies, shouldn't up be as fast as down? yeah. shouldn't internet speeds match as well? yes. do your socks match? my socks match. do your eyeballs match? yes. cable does not match the speeds. makes you want to go mad. erggggh. only verizon fios comes with speedmatch - upload speeds as fast as your download speeds join now at verizon. call the verizon center for customers with disabilit introducing longhorn's steaks that sizzle for $12.99. the smoky double bacon sirloin. the new spicy sriracha sirloin. and the parmesan crusted sirloin. steaks that sizzle. only at longhorn steakhouse. you can't fake steak. don't believe tom corbett's tv ad. the facts speak for themselves. tom corbett cut a billion dollars from our schools. he took an ax to education. twenty-seven thousand educators were laid-off. class sizes increased. and now almost eighty percent of school districts plan to raise property taxes. tom corbett. can't trust him on education. can't trust him to be for us. pways to yummify with findi5-hour energy. like pomegranate 5-hour and lemonade! yumbelievable! grape 5-hour energy and lemon-lime soda! yummazing! orange 5-hour and club soda. yumtastic! yum! extra strength sour apple and cranberry juice! yum! there are a million ways to yummify with 5-hour energy. just grab your favorite beverage, open and pour. get more yummification inspiration at a pregnant woman is killed in a hail of bullets on a philadelphia street, and tonight, police believe she was in the wrong place at the wrong time. good evening, i'm denise nakano. tonight the victim's baby fighting to survive while police are looking for the gunman. the shooting happened on the 1500 block of adam street in the city's frankford section. the victim was taken to temple university hospital where baby carmine was delivered and remains tonight. nbc 10's doug shimell has the late oafen the investigation from police headquarters. >> reporter: regardless of where the bullets may have come from, a net result is a pregnant woman is dead. they put candles near the chairs where megan dota liked to set. >> she was getting her life back together, okay, and had very high hopes for the future. >> reporter: police say the 26-year-old was caught in a hail of bullets sunday morning. rounds fired more than a block away from adams and griscom streets in frankford. >> up of the bullets traveled down the street and struck her on the right side of her face. >> i walked over, saw her lay down bleeding. i turned back because, you know -- >> reporter: meagan, who neighbors say was eight months pregnant, did not survive and investigators say her baby boy was delivered by c-section. police are trying to determine if megan was killed by a stray round or if someone sitting near her was the intended target. >> i'm worried about them coming back and doing this again. i'm telling all my neighbors to try to keep their kids in the house because i think it's going to happen again. >> reporter: they also know the chair where megan doto liked to sit is empty now. >> she's a beautiful, well spoken, lovely young lady. >> reporter: detectives say the shots may have beenvm fired fro an older model white sedan, maybe a ford crown vic. detectives say that's about all they have to go on. at police headquarters, doug shimell, nbc 10 news. police in delaware are on the hunt for a hit-and-run driving following a crash that left two teenagers in critical condition. the teens were each riding dirt bikes when they collided with a dark colored suv late this evening. police say the boys were riding through the intersection at "a" and town send streets in wilmington when the crash happened. suv drove from the scene and tonight neighbors tell us they're in disbelief and have a message for the driver. >> i was frightened for them kids, and then to be told that somebody hit them and kept going is crazy. it's pathetic. you know, i hope they have some kind of compassion and just go turn themselves in and do the right thing. >> reporter: tonight, police are still looking for the vehicle. it's described as a black or dark blue suv, similar to a tahoe or yukon. with damage on the right front side. a pennsylvania state tro]i who was injured in an ambush outside a police barracks friday night is conscience and talking for the first time since he underwent surgery. a police spokesman said investigators hope to soon interview trooper alex douglass to get information on the attack. corporal bryon dickson was killed in the ambush. one was leaving the barracks and the other was arriving. the parking lot of a local baptist church is now a mobile command center for state police as they continue their search for the person or people responsible for friday night's deadly shooting. troopers also set up a checkpoint near the site where they were stopping motorists to ask if they had seen anything that could help with the case. meanwhile, for the first time, we are hearing the just released 911 calls placed by paramedics at the scene. >> under fire. we are moving the landing zone to the middle school. >> received reports that you're under fire. >> tonight police say they were not under fire but in the chaos of the moment it seemed that way. as part of their investigation, officers are checking with businesses in the neighborhood near the barracks trying to find surveillance video that could help with the investigation. >> they took a look and, you know, we're not really sure what they seen, if anything that helped them, but, you know, it was pretty dark up here at night, so. >> a police spokesman says investigators are getting a large number of tips and some are, quote, fantastic. the reward for information in the deadly ambush has grown to $50,000. and for realtime updates on the search for the shooter, come to a pennsylvania state trooper is recovering tonight after an suv slammed into his patrol car on the schuylkill expressway this morning. it happened in the east bound lane near montgomery drive. the trooper is expected to be okay. state police arrested the driver of the suv and say he may have been under the influence. well, crews are trying to restore electricity to parts of six flags great adventure after an outage brought the rides to a hault this afternoon. nbc 10 viewers sent us video and pictures in the moments after the power went out. some people were stuck on rides for up to 20 minutes. they all got off safely. a spokesperson tells us only part of the park was affected but all rides were stopped as a precaution. police say a transformer issue is to blame. now, your nbc 10 first alert weather. >> fall-like temperatures outside tonight. a live look at the philadelphia skyline. looking nice and clear. it's going to be a cold start to your monday. chief meteorologist glenn "hurricane" schwartz is here with what you can expect in the morning. glenn? >> well, denise, it is already kind of cool out there. and it's only going to get cooler as we go trhrough the ret of the night. already down into the 40s. in pottstown, 49. 50 in allentown. 58 in philadelphia. 50 in millville. these temperatures are way below average for this time of the night at this time of the year. look how low they're going to go. 38 in the poconos. 42 in allentown. 44 in quakertown and reading. this is when you get up tomorrow morning, if you get up early enough around 6:00 a.m., these will be the low temperatures. 48> in norristown. 45 in vineland. 58 48 in dover. you'll need a jacket or sweater if you get up first thing. 47 degrees in chester. we have clear skies. it's a dry night. we're going to have a dry monday. there is a fairly dry pattern here, but it is unseasonably cool. and we're going to be seeing those temperatures, well, stay fairly low for quite a while. we'll talk more about how long the cool air lasts and when we do get rain this week with the se seven day in a few minutes. >> thanks, glenn. pressure to act against the islamic state is building after the group beheaded a third hostage and threatened a fourth. isis released a video yesterday of the execution of british aid worker david haines. the video concluded with a death threat against british hostage alan henning, almost identical to the beheadings of american journalist james foley and steven sotloff. ha haines was kidnappedh in syria last year, and today his family spoke about their loss. >> we hoped. we prayed in our own way. unfortunately, it was not in our hands. it was not in the hands of the government. it was in the hands of terrorists. >> this latest execution could pressure the uk to now join the u.s. in launching air strikes. secretary of state john kerry says nearly 40 countries agreed to contribute to worldwide fight to defeat the militants before they gain more territory in iraq and syria. a manhunt continues more than 24 hours after two inmates escaped from a south jersey detention center. 18-year-old hakim walls and 20-year-old jermaine jackson escaped from the cumberland county juvenile detention center in hopewell township last night. officials say the two men along with a juvenile overpowered a guard. the juvenile was picked up by police a short time later. well, fallen plymouth township police officer brad fox gets a big honor on what would have been his 37th birthday. ♪ fox's family joined dozens of neighbors and fellow officers for a tribute at the hartsville fire company in warminster. they unveiled a new road sign, renamed a stretch of route 263 to the bradley m. fox memorial highway. fox was killed in the line of duty back in 2012. his canine partner was also shot but he survived and now lives are fox's family. >> his military career, to his law enforcement career, he was dedicated. this community remembers and especially to his family and his children and4 hi thank you for your continuing service. >> brad fox served in the marines before he became a police officer. including two tours of duty in iraq. next tonight, back on track. the final work that will change rush hour for commuters thrown off the rails by hurricane sandy. and there's a new miss america. atlantic city takes the national spotlight and shines along with the contestants. and if you think it was cool this morning, wait until you see the seven-day forecast that's coming up this week. to prove a point about internet speeds, we slowed down an up escalator. this is crazy i don't get it, this one is working ladies, shouldn't up be as fast as down? yeah. shouldn't internet speeds match as well? yes. do your socks match? my socks match. do your eyeballs match? yes. cable does not match the speeds. makes you want to go mad. erggggh. only verizon fios comes with speedmatch - upload speeds as fast as your download speeds join now at verizon. a cartoonist known for his unique political satire in the philadelphia inquirer has died. tony auth of wynnewood died at age 72 after a battle with brain cancer. the pulitzer prize winning cartooni cartoonist. he became a digital artist. here are a few samples of the thousands of cartoons drawn by auth over the years. he did five drawings a week for the philadelphia inquirer going back to the early '70s. his sketches were known for stirring political and social debate. auth leaves behind his wife and two children. a funeral date has not yet been set. well, more than 1,000 people raised millions of dollars in the susan g. komen three-day walk to fight breast cancer. nbc 10 in south philadelphia this afternoon as the 60-mile journey came to a close. hundreds of people decked out in pink walked from willow grove to the navy yard to raise money and awareness for breast cancer. some walked for survivors. others to honor loved ones of the to the disease. >> what brings you here? >> to support my sister-in-law. she spent a lot of time raising money and spent the weekend walking. so we want to be here for her. >> this year's three-day walk raised $3.8 million for breast cancer research and community outreach programs. well, after months of bad news, atlantic city was in the spotlight tonight getting positive publicity as a brand new miss america was crowned. >> it's a threepeat. miss new york! >> for the third year in a row, miss new york captured the crown. the miss america 2015. along with a crown, the 22-year-old takes home a $50,000 scholarship. the new miss america chose domestic violence as her platform. i'm john clark. the eagles are in indianapolis. we're going to hear from them. comcast sportsnet's derek gunn will join us from indie. the birds may not have to face the redskins' three biggest players next week. how bad are desean jackson's and r.g. iii's injuries? ta that's coming up. don't believe tom corbett's tv ad. the facts speak for themselves. tom corbett cut a billion dollars from our schools. he took an ax to education. twenty-seven thousand educators were laid-off. class sizes increased. and now almost eighty percent of school districts plan to raise property taxes. tom corbett. can't trust him on education. can't trust him to be for us. ÷clark. nfl served up the appetizer. main course for tomorrow night is tomorrow night. eagles/colts. birds have won their last five road openers. here they are arriving in indie this"iafternoon. colts lost their season opener in denver last week but haven't lost back to back games under quarterback andrew luck. he's 13-3 at home. the colts have been using their backup quarterback, matt hasselbeck, all week to simulate nick foles in the birds' uptempo offense. this is going it to be a big challenge for the birds. >> they have some big guys up front. you know, a team that plays really hard plays for the whistle, so we're not going to get their best effort. >> what do you talk about in terms we must do this to be successful? >> win. every aspect, that is. that can be disrupting receivers in their routes, when they're trying to get down the field, when the ball is in the air. you know, getting -- we need some turnovers. we need to do it all. all right. right now let's head out to indianapolis. comcast sportsnet's derrick gunn is joining us. i guess you're ready for monday night? >> reporter: we like to set the ambiance before we prepare for a game. we have a full crew out here enjoying the ambiance. >> you're making indie look beautiful. that's not easy. eagles are down. four offensive linemen going into the game. you're going into a loud, noisy dome. can they really run the uptempo offense chip kelly wants to run with their offensive line situation? >> reporter: well, it's going to be interesting, john. ke ca kerry williams has played in the dome a couple times and it's the loudest dome they've ever played in. chip kelly likes to get a lot of plays in during practice. i think at some point continuity is going to set in but i don't  it will happen rif the bat. they might have to two through a lot of different counts and things like that to get the guys acclimated, especially andrew garden if he's playing at left tackle and kelly if he's playing the left guard position. with the way the offense is run, some point you might find continuity. how effective it is against indianapolis in their backyard remains to be seen. >> lesean mccoin, laugh two monday night games over 300 yards rushing. do you think this is a shady game tomorrow night, a big game for him. >> reporter: if you base what shady might do monday night compared to his stats from last year, let me throw a stat at you. natural turf, 5.4 yards per carry, artificial surfaces, 3.9 yards a carry. 3.9 yards a carry is a good day for any running back in the league but shows you the difference in terms of how a good runner runs on different surfaces. shady wants to bounce back and and have a good game and the offense is going to docv everything within their power to make sure shady has a good game. i think lesean mccoy, if they try to keep him in a corral, do focus on him the way i think they're going to, shady might have a better game and receiving game more so than a running game. >> that's a great tip, derrick gunn. >> thank you for having me. >> derrick gunn see you tomorrow night. tomorrow, eagles pregame live at 7:00 featuring derric gunn, postgame live on the postgame network right after the game. when the redskins come to the linc next sunday, desean jackson may miss his return to philly. quarterback r.g. iii went be playing. they both left the redskins' win today with injuries. take a look. watch r.g. iii's left ankle right here. ouch. he dislocates the ankle. less than five minutes into the game. he could miss the rest of the regular season. backup cousins comes in. two plays later, touchdown to villanova's darell young. cousins, two tds, 250 yards. next series for the redskins, look at desean jackson, sprains his shoulder right there. leaves the game. the skins wind up destroying the jags 41-10. and desean hopes to play next sunday. >> regardless of whoever we will play, i'm going to do my best to try to get out there, play and put on this uniform, go out it's still early. i say day-to-day. i know what i feel now. the pain eased up a little bit. i look forward to coming back next week and playing. the nfl players association will appeal ray rice's suspension by the nfl tomorrow. and by the way, we're going to show you how the other teams did in thw nfc east in 25 minutes. and jonathan papelbon gets ejected today. we're going to show you why and hear from him. stay tuned for that. now your nbc 10 first alert weather with chief meteorologist glenn "hurricane" schwartz. >> that was a wild scene. that's worth staying up for. well, we've got a chilly night out there. it sure doesn't feel like the middle of the september. it certainly won't when you get up in the morning. we are tracking some showers not a whole lot of rain this week. it is going to be a cool week. pretty much all the way through. right now, check out the temperature. 58 degrees. the wind is 6 miles an hour. and that is with the urban heat island of philadelphia. so we've seen temperatures going from 84 all the way down to 69 for the high on sunday. 75 degrees for monday. well, we have a fairly dry pattern here. a few showers back to the west, and wisconsin and minnesota. that's about it for anything that would be threatening. here's monday. not even seeing any clouds here. let's see what the rest of the day looks like. even in the afternoon. not much in the way of clouds. so, monday, during the day, yeah, we're dry. and then as we go into tuesday morning, that's when we get a few showers. but that may even move out by]n the time you wake up. this is a nasty hurricane, hurricane eduard out in the middle of the atlantic. it's not going to be affecting any landmass. but back to the west, this is a major hurricane, and it is just about to slam into baja, california. one of the strongest hurricanes to ever hit baja, california, and some of that moisture is going up to the desert southwest after it hits. baja. and that may create more disastrous flooding in parts of the southwestern united states. you'll be hearing more about this in this coming week. bullet eduard, that's going to miss. it's going to track even east of bermuda. for the rest of the night, it's clear and unseasonably cool. 52 in philadelphia. 42 in some of the cooler suburbs. during the day, we've got most he ly sunny skies after the cool start. 75 or so. that's not too bad. cool at night. tuesday the early showers. again, it could be gone by the morning rush then it's pretty much dry for the rest of the week and cool. the average high is 79. we're nowhere near it until next sunday when the eagles come back home. know that 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dismantle, and ultimately destroy isil and what it stands for. >> reporter: political and religious leaders condemned david haines' killing using words like incomprehensible, sickening, a barbaric act. the president of the islamic society of great britain called the isis militants criminals and villains. today david haines' brother released a long statement paying tribute to his brother. and quoted the koran saying religion was not the reason for his brother's murder. islam is is about peace, about love. islam are not about religion, they're about terror. >> reporter: militants are threatening the life of another british hostage, alan henning is his name. his family released a picture of his taken on the turkish/syrian border. he's fromt8 the manchester area. he was a volunteer on a humanitarian aid convoy when he was captured. nbc news, london. in just a few hours, trains will once again run through a new york subway tunnel badly damaged by hurricane sandy. this is what the subway tunnel looked like after taking on millions of gallons of water from sandy. the tunnel connects brooklyn to lower manhattan. after more than a year of repairs, the tunnel will re-open for rush hour shortly. crews installed three miles of lighting and replaced substations, pumps and track switches. changes were made to better equip the tunnel for the next room. >> includes a circuit breaker in the tunnel, sealed with a heavy duty waterproofing door of submarine quality. >> it's beneficial because we don't have to do the alternative routes anymore, get on the r train and go where we need to go. >> the project finished a month ahead of schedule and $6 0 million under budget. r=]jç . we are following a developing story out of northern california tonight. that's where a wildfire has forced mandatory evacuations. the king fire is burning in a rural area of eldorado county. that's about halfway between sacramento and reno. you can see just how heavy the smoke is in this video. the fire has grown to about 2,000 acres. 15 homes have been evacuated. ♪-p members of philadelphia's eastern european communities rallied against russian aggression in ukraine. the rally called stop putin took place this afternoon on independence mall. the group is worried if putin's military actions in ukraine are not stopped, they may spread to their homelands. meanwhile, more trouble for the fragile cease-fire in eastern ukraine. several residential neighborhoods of the city of do donetsk came under shelling last night. several people were hurt. the defense minister announced na nato weapons are en route to help combat the separatists. is she or isn't she running for president? that was the question on everybody's mind as hillary clinton returned to iowa since her 2008 campaign. the former secretary of state was in iowa with her husband, former president bill clinton on sunday. they attended the annual harkin stir fry to pay tribute toing to harkin. clinton had fun toying with the u a few things on her mind. first was the upcoming birth of her first grandchild. ten then the possibility of her running for president. >> it is true. i am thinking about it. but -- but for today, that is not why i'm here. i'm here for the steak. >> well, the event drew more than 6 ,000 party activists who formed the backbone of iowa's presidential campaigns every four years. well, if you live or work in kennett square, chester county, borough officials want you to boil your tap water. the advisory comes after a water main break saturday night on east south street. many homes lost water service. kennett square's mayor tells us service should be backo


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