haters gonna hate, hate, hate i am super jealous. when is someone like her, someone young and she is gorgeous been such a good song writer? i would rather her than miley cyrus or justin bieber. miley cyrus has nothing on her. do you really think she writes all of her songs? yes. who cares? absolutely. maybe she has a ghost writer. but she write usa lot. i have to google it to find out who she was. i am telling you a lot of her songs are written by a 50-year-old dude. do you know that dude? no, but i read article. who cares? she sings it and she gets people to sing them. coming up, i interview one of the guests. spoiler alert. it is toy be. and do you have videos of animals send them to fox news.com/red eye.
i like that. i break one law all the time. it is the law of attraction. i was born very good looking. it is a species of law and unintended consequences. it is a story about good news. you have videos of animals? you can send them to us at fox news.com/red eye. hey matt, what s up?
we talked about this before. i think it gets you to look at the ads. that s the thing. you don t look at it and say milk is sexy, but the idea is because if the ad is sexy it sticks in your mind and you remember to go and buy milk. do you know how accurate a milk commercial is? peanut butter for the dogs. do people actually drink milk these days? a professional did. i might now. whole? sure. that s a man s drink, whole milk. it would make your breath stink. chocolate milk is good. especially in hydro therapy. coming up, the color of the year. and do you have videos of animals? send them to us at fox
don t come into my business. get away from the red flag. red, white and blue, however. coming up, pigs can fly, which means hell doesn t freeze. you have videos of animals? i hope you do. send them to fox news.com/red eye. clear the air. look at it. will that be all, sir?