Community also known as dagget xuntd that accept growth and increased density were promised and an array of amenities that include new parks after a number of years the Land Acquisition and securing the necessary resources for this park the action before us will help us to deliver on one of those promises the structure of this transaction insures the community will get new clean open space and more importantly the city has a mechanism to pay for this in person up to the time the package sets out the necessary approvals needed toe create a new park that includes rezeroing the space, vaiblth the street, open accepting the gift of the maintenance of the park and approving of the encroachments i want to call up the staff city staff who have been working on this project hear in robins from the office of Economic Workforce Development ms. Evans. Good afternoon robin with the office of Economic Workforce Development were pleased to finally be here before you to present this milestone structur
Were joined by supervisor mark farrell, who will discuss one of the items on the agenda. Just a point of housekeeping, first of all, we need to keep our voices down. I want to recognize that we have an overflow room in the north light court. If anyone has who is in this chamber, who does not have a seat, please go to north light court. Also just want to recognize that we have translation for folks that need translation, both in english excuse me, chinese, as well as spanish. Our clerk is ms. Andrea ausberry and want to recognize the talented folks at sfgovtv, jesse larson and leo, who will be broadcasting this committee on sfgovtv. Thank you very much. Madame clerk, any announcements for us today. Yes, please science all Electronic Devices and submit all speaker cards to the clerk. Items acted upon today may be appear on the [speaker not board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise state ladies and gentlemen, please turn your cell phones off or on vibrate. Item 1 is a motion amending t
Are actively cities that are strategy quizzing to jump on the cap trade funding i trust you guys are getting he everything San Francisco sets the bar for being a model of how to be sustainable and we should be rewarded for that and i hope well be viewed as more competitive in doing more and giving more im hoping we are well situated the one thing that is a little bit novel but recommended to the parking policies i find myself consistently finding structured you parking is more expensive 0 than to park on the streets in San Francisco i think thats backyards i wish there was a way for people to pay more for the consequence of parking on the street and pay less for parking in a garage for where they need to go it is really disappointing to see people considering and krrlg and krrlg i dont know if this falls into our area of work but as an agency id like to be able to have some sort of regulation that addresses that particular issue thats all i would recommended directors. Director heineck
Strategy quizzing to jump on the cap trade funding i trust you guys are getting he everything San Francisco sets the bar for being a model of how to be sustainable and we should be rewarded for that and i hope well be viewed as more competitive in doing more and giving more im hoping we are well situated the one thing that is a little bit novel but recommended to the parking policies i find myself consistently finding structured you parking is more expensive 0 than to park on the streets in San Francisco i think thats backyards i wish there was a way for people to pay more for the consequence of parking on the street and pay less for parking in a garage for where they need to go it is really disappointing to see people considering and krrlg and krrlg i dont know if this falls into our area of work but as an agency id like to be able to have some sort of regulation that addresses that particular issue thats all i would recommended directors. Director heinecke. Thank you for that fantast
Near and dear to my heart i feel that a palatable idea for communities might be streets that carry a specific and clear volume of cyclists even theyre our vulnerable users maybe we are seeing the highest recite of pedestrians the block the box is a great one he appreciate the pcos on Market Street when im on the 5 or 21 and my bus moves through an intersection because a theyve stopped the cars i see the theres signs over their heads but i think the ability to preventive that action to our point of penalty of fine not so high it feels like urgey but stops people from doing that this is a good protective agenda thank you. Thank you director nolan. I want to second all director brinkman points a couple of things in this report it looks like a Business Year for you and its exciting thank you Cheryl Brinkman for all your tasks Going Forward looking at this the things in the report are the ever increasing gas prices and what this means for an opportunity to get a gas tax for the region or th