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Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Early News 20150112

collisions the golden gate bridge highway and transportation district said the bridge opened at 930 last night that six hours ahead of schedule the rebels of the reopened right now. this to the long disclosure and the rest is history. >> james: here's a live look at the golden gate bridge this morning. >>george: i got ahead the gun and not solely to speak with the sergeant office at the bridge and also with some caltrans to were in charge of being changeable message signed i did manage to learn that there would be an early opening and found out that in fact after much insurance that they would not be opening early they did in fact it the bridge opened last like this like milk from the toll plaza shows that there is possible that the word did not dodge and when get the there's not much traffic here at the early morning hours and of course there will be some differences in how you use the bridge this morning and bridge crews are saying they could say motorists a while to adjust. traffic patterns may likely change in macy's to slow traffic in the door and in the south and they manage to get the work done very early the good news is the bridge is open for business this morning there will be no delays but if this is your commute be prepared for some changes to the way lane's merge and the curves faster toll plaza of the head doctor presidio parkway. >>george: will match any hot spots this morning a look at the bay bridge ride which is an easy trip so far if you're heading across highway 92 in the mid bay transit here at the san mateo bridge wide enough the were looking and 11 minute drive times and it's a little misty out there this morning is less get a web of that is a good morning. >> reporter: happy monday here is a live look at the golden gate bridge on to show you this is in our system pretty dense fog is less in the north bay. as good news is the involvement could you at the golden gate ox the mill is open this morning the bad news is if you're heading out the north that it may be encountering some dense fog will to stop what the visibility to images are in the 449 in san francisco 44 in oakland kron 4 for more prisons san jose and saw the livermore area 43 same also in santa rosa here's a look at the visibility. visibility down to half a mile ride out napa this of our core mild 3¢ a mile this morning no problem for excess of. concord council to miles 5 and livermore. --as the falsfo sixth click >> reporter: will keep you posted that does change fee tassos the temperature will see widespread '50s by 11:00 this morning is indicating widespread 64 this afternoon under partly cloudy conditions tears all ties write-down low sixties for san francisco to san mattel in redwood city 63 as airline san jose 64 oakland are one spark our satellite of shows a high pressure will start to building given us more sunshine and even warmer conditions of the next few days and then the weekend things will get little interesting you may see storm conditions you can see plenty of sunshine for the rest of the work we warming up this question by wednesday and thursday protesting in the mid-60s and the sunny to this as the winds will pick up thursday friday maybe see some clouds one model brave the rain the entire bay area by saturday and sunday another model of trending right now will keep the showers into the weekend. >> james: or falling developing not initially at a concert and east san jose in these five people were injured at the fiesta nightclub early sunday morning chris brown was performing for a private events. we spoke with up chris brown friend. >> reporter: she said she was scared out of her mind she did not know she will make it out alive she says she was trampled over when trying to get out and luckily she did get out and that she wishes she could remember is an even to to for euro session will unfortunately never forget it was really terrible. she was a sexy away from the r&b artists will she took the self on build seconds before the shooting and then everyone started to fall down the middle to the left eye fell as well my friends were with me you heard the gunshots as you were falling another person attending the event captured the gunshots in the aftermath in this video had was totally transformed. >> reporter: 6 and had bruises all my rest eventually she said she had a walk-in refrigerator until things calmed down others less so lucky a total of five people had been shot and transported to area hospitals all nine nonblack--all non life- threatening injuries. >> reporter: their road altercation that had nothing to do with them it would is a reference at this club she said it was not well secured so for the senate is a police department has yet to release the motive or any suspect description of arrest in this case. >> james: only on kron 4 we spoke to the mother of one of the nightclub shooting but those she has the will not show her face. so when allies among someone started shooting and he ran the said then he was going to be ok the one son is ok she says denise was also at the concert and said the venue was overcrowded the stock had enough people at the door that maybe are some small the gun into the event will take a break coming up on the kron 4 morning news staffer since copley says they're close identifying the suspect will tell you how residents are reacting to the notes plus an icy iotas behind bars in connection with the side show in oakland and fleas are looking at this bill and also identified two other suspects will show you more of the shocking stunts the doors are invested in the mix between the paris air attack as millions march and solidarity lot list unless story as well and just a moment. a whole new day of the week, it's called, someday... ingenious. perhaps someday you were going to go skydiving ...enter a hotdog eating contest ...maybe ride a mechanical bull. now, it's on the calendar. you may want to retire someday. ready for that? you'll really want this. a my social 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you not to be able to do that anymore, and at one point i was able to do any of those. woman: get out exercise every day. man: since i've been cycling it's definitely helped my walking. man: i make a lot of changes in my life and just adapt to it. woman: i'm going to acknowledge its presence i'm not going to discount it but at the same time i'm going to try my best to not let it stop me. woman: it's a fantastic opportunity to be working together with a common goal of curing ms and sharing is the key. >>george: and traffic is open and so is the golden gate arrays is much of a much earlier than scheduled to open last my at 930 you conceded traffic is moving the rest will forever differ with the new medium variant as you drive it this morning will experience differences in the way that the lines are configured in the way the mergers occur before their full little extra time will be talking with the golden sabers district spokesperson coming up in just a moment to give you a little bit more about what you can expect >> james: san francisco police say that could because identifying a suspect in the four murders that happened on friday night and hayes valley. >> reporter: most people passing to the intersection in san francisco on sun that expected to see a memorial on the sock was cornered others do not know why it was there not only identify one of the for homicide victims manual neil was in his early 20s. she never feared him a 10 question his alleged gang involved if not is concerned enough for on safety flights to speak on camera along time residents share similar concerns for six years ago fifth tech rally was the worst lease the years have been transformative for hayes valley was some things are stubborn to change pays a rally of more peaceful residents plan to show themselves to a community gathering for to start monday night followed by a march to the southwest corner of into luminous as of answers to the cities of this question before in san francisco. >> reporter: is a foggy start to parts of the bay area this morning for visibility in the north bank down to less than half a mile for some spots including napa and fairfield more details of a dense fog lies in the rain we could be same letter this week we continue after the break. she's been home for her last deployment for months now, and i haven't seen her once. he's just been different since he got back from iraq. one minute he's ready to go, and the next he doesn't want anyone around. the nightmares are back, and seem to be getting worse. shouldn't he be sleeping better after all these years? a lot of people don't understand what veterans go through during their service, or when they come back. and that's ok. but everyone can help. you can make a difference in the life of a veteran. you stood by us when we were in uniform, so stand by us now. like my brother did, when he wouldn't take no for an answer. like my wife did, when she asked the right questions. like my friend did, when she made the call. stand by them, they stood by you. visit one in five americans has come into contact with these bloodthirsty creatures, or knows someone who has. reports of infestations have reached pandemic proportions. bed bugs. they feed on human blood and can leave skin erupting in red, itchy welts. they are also very difficult to control. bed bugs do not just live in bedrooms, but wherever people go: schools, movie theaters, offices... not even hospitals are immune to their invasions. the only way to prevent the spread of bed bugs is for each and every one of us to be vigilant and proactive to learn the simple, daily steps that minimize the chances of bringing bed bugs into our lives. and if they do get in? don't go it alone. bed bugs are most effectively controlled using the help of a qualified and licensed pest professional. learn more about the bed bug pandemic and how to protect your home and family at pest world dot org. >>george: we are back the big news this morning is the golden gate bridge backed up and open for the morning commute >>george: the bridge reopened a month ahead of schedule that there will not be any question as to leave your house this morning and joining us this morning from the golden gate bridge district to stop the was about how the work when and how they manage to get open a little bit earlier than usual. >>: we certainly are the weather cooperated which was great and is a lesson was exceedingly small 4 1/2 to the next was to get the rest back to the public is with this we could we want.. >>george: can you tell us please what motorists can expect in the way of changes and how they use the bridge. >>: coming down the waldegrave at the march has changed driver will be emerging from right to left which is additional and most of the marches around the state but is not usual for here saw right to left for the merge the speed limit has change in that area is gone from 55 to 45 mi. which match the speed on the bridge so slow down there is a new mobile median barrier it is a narrow land again drivers to get used to the new driving environment and slowed down as they go by enjoy it if you see the trucks out there they have to operate as an them to give them away. >>george: is any of that in place now south of the toll plaza or will travel from the plaza presidio park will still be pretty much the same? >>: there is little better for it but most of it was on the other side of the toll plaza there is a change as more coming up to the toll plaza that is something slightly different the lanes just will slightly different than it did before so the drivers can expect a slight change their of their still the same number of lanes on through. >>george: thank you very much for being with us. checking other traffic for you a quick look at you're ride to the bay bridge or we're still seeing good conditions with no delays or problems in the westbound direction after your trip on highway 92 to the san mateo bridge is an easy ride was zero the last and no problems for the ride on highway 92 in trip for the richmond bay bridge that is a 580 which carry the fear of traffic over the weekend looks pretty then run another no backups of lettuce and a quick mention that there is a fall and rise in place this morning for the car came as bridge insecticidal little more about the fall the day. >> reporter: as listed as a full life chartres--sfo there was a chance to the fall could spread. right now a dense fog advisory is also in effect for the north made this morning where sing fall visibility down to lessen a mile and santa rosa half a mile and apple and fairfield concord down to 3¢ you to see as the fall to my visibility no problems there--sfo it could be expanded throughout the morning hours in dog is to follow the lead in the observations will let you know incidentally expense of the morning our time to start in the 40's 49 in san francisco fernandez said mattel said was a good morning to you you're also at 4244 in oakland low to mid-40s and another vessel santa rosa napa at 45 degrees. rabin for a mixture a high sedation be in the '60s the fall is a story for this morning is just cancel at 10:00 and then we're going to see some sign for the afternoon pressing much rain to take a look at the rain totals from early december impressive rentals more than 11 in san francisco will have not had much rental today in fact more than 17600 technical nothing and ample 200 and concord were looking for a to the possibility of some rain coming for this weekend ever the kron 47 they are they forecast. >> reporter: temperatures will be warmly of by wednesday and thursday and then saturday and sunday the potential for storm bring more rain will keep the shower chances for both saturday and sunday. >> james: says that to the new the work we could get off to a slippery start in the north east we have video of what looks like and upstate new york this at a buffalo but all that forecasters say storms will bring freezing rain sleet and snow to the region despite the slow love these the national weather service in fact has issued a will to weather advisory from st. louis to southern new england about 3 in. of snow could fall across the area including the southern great lakes also happening today is the 11 scare the air day here in the bay area the seventh set of the season and that ties last year's records running in what is the main factor laws or other solid fuel is bad for the next four hours of its regular is in affect air or water officials include air is trapped of the bay area right now all summit in headlines this morning kaiser permanente health workers are set to work off the job today psychologist their fists and social workers will part of the last of union health care workers are large and a statewide week-long strike the group says kaiser has failed to provide members would mental health care if there or when a place to reach a fair agreement. six >> james: and i see you're a man from hayward is behind barred in connection with the sideshow on interstate 880 in oakland we have some video provided by kron 4 yours is shows what happened or cars were driving in circles across all lanes of highway in fact the entire highway shut down what is going on now to see them as they almost had a barrier while it was spinning sea its pieces and have arrested the driver of that car please also in to the as i did philae's to other people who were involved in that side shall. >> james: the recovery mission for air is a flight 85 01 divers and vault in the search for the plan from the plane second black box the have not been able to get sued to get out of the debris was still trapped on the floor of the job the sea to clear divers from the data recorder and the parts of the plane's wing in order to the surface by the 64 on the play when it crashed so far 40 bodies have been recovered. will be right back after this quick break. >> james: less of a little football this title games are said not falling victims by the green bay packers. if he completed 24 of his 35 passes for 397 say yards and three touchdowns as the packers down dallas' and since 21 the cowboys then close the tech in the lead in the fourth quarter it was fourth in 246 remaining challenge the ruling of the completed pasqueflower and the call was overturned given the ball back to green bay. rogers was 994 or he played much better in a second as at the show early signs of his death and injury was roderick the packers would now face the seahawks and the conference championship on sunday that will be at that with a second time they will travel to seattle this season. the colts would into denver and map of the broncos' 2415 the broncos never led after harris was done its the ninth playoff loss for man extending his nfl record defense was just a was a 11th as a large yards and had one turnover lose an awful lot being said in the first have to close down its a new england to face from pretty and the pitchers for the chance to go to the super bowl the credit they to do with 11 in indianapolis with no england coming away with the 4220 victory in that room the pictures are seven and half points in that match. will take a quick break coming of next on the kron 4 morning killed millions of people are standing united followed the terror attack in paris meantime investigators are looking and links to claim the attack will have the latest in that investigation coming up. >> james: here are some of the big stores clear from this morning a shooting bricks of chris brown performance early sunday morning and in five people he was at the fiesta quell for private vip even to call the capricorn bass also say five people and a firm the sidewalls are expected to be ok there were more than 70 people inside pleas of not release the mode. plus san francisco police could because identify a suspect in the four murders that happened friday night for men would turn down in the hayes valley neighbor and into cyclical and pastry the shooting were gang-related. >> james: that identify one of the for homicide victims man will meal that is involved in the search for the air asia flights 850 1/2 from the plane second black box that have not been able to get out of the debris is still trapped on the floor the job the sea divers from the data recorder on the other wing in of the plane herodotus of the 2 devices will figure out what brought the plane down and had this to people on the plane when it crashed 40 bodies had recovered. >>george: the had expected to get rid of the anti for the morning commute and indeed they did they get the bridge opened last night as a matter of fact rubble to talk this morning with kron 4 jackie cecil who was out at the bridge. >> james >> jackie sissel: hist instamatic after setting out given the average for years as i crossed the bridge from the north going down the waldegrave that merged to talk about this kind of tricky if you're used to. one way in now is the other way was to add to get on the deck of the bridge and you get the chance to look at that movable metal barrier is kind of dramatic it takes to a second to get used to the lane closest to the barrier itself is very close i think that as much as a people a little time to get used to this it will not surprise me to see people this morning as their approach and the rest of our laws to get on the bridge and may cause traffic issues obviously decided the word of the bridge was one to be closed over the weekend as we move forward on this first commit with the new bridge structure i think you may have led people selling them to approach it because it is dramatic of video which is the central lesson of how those changes go. >> james: the only way to experience is to drive it. >>george: we have been warned will likely have an impact on the morning commute you will be there this more mail will keep checking in with you to see how that affect the southbound ride in the meantime a quick check of weather and traffic safely not much else on right now here is the bay bridge ride for we do have light easy trip here in the westbound direction the world problem fray for the trip waiting to the macarthur maze era was him more about this from any befog is a factor in the commune not only at the golden gate bridge also here at the cortines bridge to the only bridge so far this morning under a fog advisory does get to her now. >> reporter: tear is a live look at the san mateo bridge we're not saying really any fault in this little hazy out there but as you mentioned we have been singing for parts of the dulcimer and parts for the north with this one here is a look at the visibility where the dense fog in rising is a place the loss biggest warning fall in visibility down to less than a mile and santa rosa zero in petaluma very dense for parts of the interior valley down to a tense and napa to a fair for of 3¢ in concord 5 mi. and livermore this is what we're saying this morning it could be extended throughout the morning hours and the pentagon is to develop for the south and parts of the monterey will keep you posted to my children are in the 40's a couple of '50s including half moon bay including san jose 43 in livermore 49 instead francisco and los for is a penalty for santa rosa and boss of our to of this for today will be wrapped around average a lot of sixties by 11:00 will see fifties and by the afternoon with missing wires the 60s across the bay area and partly cloudy skies the highs bird dog like this 63 santa rosa 65 and apple in downtown san francisco with a low 60s. >> reporter: san jose live from high of 63 and for the east bay 64 in oakland he would getting along 60 as well what we have happened for the next two days is an heir by pressure building over as giving us lots of sunshine warmer conditions and then the week and that's a little tricky were looking for the possibility for big changes here the kron 47 tear on the bay forecast the next two days through friday mild conditions and sunny skies and then on saturday and sunday i'm bringing the showers and because some models are bring in the rain and wind for saturday and sunday another model trending dryer will keep you will riff >> james: millions of people across france in the west are standing in unity following the sarin attack in paris. >> reporter: with and ices flag in the background this video appears to sow terror suspects pleasant his allegiance ices and calling himself a soldier of the california u.s. intelligence system that they're trying to determine the authenticity of this video police say he killed four hostages and a close the market in paris on friday he died in a raid to free the hostages a friend of an answer was one of the survivors. when you get to the south would then know he was and we had to wait a long time to be sure that she was safe. if >> reporter: police found him hide hiding losses for we outside of paris hill supporters contend automatic weapons detonators and ices flags accord is would if the floor suspect in the terrace at and his girlfriend may have stayed at the apartment she is listed fled the country into turkey possibly on which is serious over the weekend and across the west anti-terrorism more to show support for the people of france many as 3.7 million of room to the newly rabin's including christians jews and muslims. >> james: the sensei's they will into france on thursday he made the announcement by attending a summit and india there were no top president obama administration's bill be marching in paris the u.s. have been deeply engaged with france and a lot of people from the united states participated in that mars the ambassador to france represent the united states he was in paris attending a summit on combating some terrible he was last seen at the march. >> james: of the big news this morning at baker field apple packing plants have been linked to the daily mysterious outbreak six people have died from the bacteria listeria was first found in prepackages tear my apples with the fda's were with other products now are we tame it. grace with a gala apples from the by- brothers fluorescent in the last year have been recalled with your shopping at the store if they supply that was and i think already have an apple from the plants in your fridge throw the food away listeria can consummate of the food in your fridge and make you the >> james: the pakistan military school was a tax write-off abandonment nearly a month ago is now reopening will tell you what the school is doing now to prevent future attacks plus gas prices are an all-time low and they are still going down will say how bay area prices compare the rest of the united states. bulldog: you don't need superpowers to help someone. sometimes, all it takes is a warm heart and a cold nose. that's why mattress discounters good deed dogs is raising money to train service dogs for people with disabilities. i would never imagine a life without an assistance dog ever again. i relied on people a lot. he helps me live a more independent life. bulldog: we need your help to do more. give at, or any mattress discounters. mattress discounters good deed dogs helping dogs help people >>george: there be reduced fees on the waldegrave is a comedown from the tunnel and the way you will merge onto the bridge is different margins from right to left instead of left to right the prepare for a little extra time this morning. >> james: another company hacked this time our supply company criollo was the target the company confirmed that hackers post and for content on the facebook page the crayon giant says it is aware of the situation and is working with facebook to fix the problem gas prices meanwhile all-time low they're still fallen the average price of a gallon of gas has gone down 27¢ and the last three weeks the mascot average isn't to dollars and 20¢ per gallon and the highest price guest right here in san francisco is the 240 letters from the low will take a quick break back with more in a minute were keeping an eye to the bay area weather and chaff of the golden gate bridge now back open that is the big news this morning has pressed for napa commuters heading into sentences of from santa rosa where currently is 43 degrees should woman to about 63 this afternoon >> james: it was shut out over the weekend or to know about that you may not know that open up much earlier than expected were looking for four a and reopening time but workers levels and saw the move will median barrier much faster than anticipated and on the open the 930 last night with the great news was and is as a weapon had out the door this morning there is no question the bridge is open and available for you. >>george: in fact not only opened the with changes so one of the things you're going to notice is a good driving from iran most of the changes on the north and of the rich are reduce these as you come down the wall great for the speed is reduced to 45 mi. per hour was the speed across the span you're also wants to experience other mergers are different we heard from the spokesperson for the rest is warning about how does one to in fact driver jackie is at the races morning and setting a force with a different shot or not action drove the russian city experienced those changes is quite dramatic also with the presence of the center median allies have been narrowed in this center adjacent to that medium is one to six adjusting their or to have to get used that line to lessen to barrier being right next to you because they have to narrow those days in order to accommodate the barrier no one of the big issues that kept from giving the media and in some time ago in fact. there's this is i leave jackies new shot he's at the other side of the bridge you concede that the conditions here are very foggy there was a fall it arise in not for the golden gate bridge but for the richmond for the party and as rates this morning >>george: a quick look at the bay ridge right where a problem for a year for the was boss should no delays or as an is on the stand and seven minutes is the drive times in the 92 ride is also a good one as well for the trip heading across the san mateo bridge here is a live look from the toll plaza but in was for that is their right side with to the cup mint direction and the richmond braves tear light enough traffic all there's a report from the brick and lays out loud ms. van there may be some flashing lights but does not have it a big impact on the ride to mention the cortines bridge carries a quick look ephod adviser in place on a to stay 80 what is about a westbound their message to the weather center. >> reporter: we do have a dense fog in arise in the north made this morning especially interior valid a live look for as a foil showing the snowfall in says francisco it is clear that no recording in the delays as of now for arriving flights--san francisco >> reporter: the high is only 3 degrees this afternoon on the sunny skies to mid-chicago 20 in st. louis is affecting the middle portion of the country once again there is a little to six even called in dallas 46 degrees to the chance to thaw out later this week whatever to will be above average to places like fargo in minneapolis you to see a census of the hive sfo and the 60 lots of the fall this morning that advisory could be expanded depending on when and where the fog develops before now the visibility in santa rosa dr. 3¢ looking as zero visibility in petaluma also low visibility and apple fare fell in concord and is down to 3¢ a mile this morning that mr. liu down ezra heading down across the cortines bridge and the gold is looking at hazy conditions. >> reporter: 41 degrees in navato low 40's and san jose but the chilly start of the day higher fresh or build overhead of an extra day's given us lots of sunshine even warmer conditions specified and of the week and then we see changes coming this festival weekend harris i advise bird down 67 cisco 63 in san jose 06 is a little more than 64 degrees and oakland line totals since december 24th today and not a lot with a deadly use their life and that we can potentially to say up until today since december to first only in san francisco and a budget and hair down to attend the more a little over a chance in concord nothing and apple have almost four tents and santa rosa and deftly use the rain around here >> james: 04 ship 4 now will join the malaysian airline flight the ship is of the firm supporters as always after it conducted trials of the indonesian island of bali. not a single piece of a legend ls seven has been found since events which led the 39 people aboard last march pakistan children and staff are returning to the school until then the gunman killed a hundred 50 people nearly a month ago students and their families went back to from the public school and press for this morning a seven will be held at the school gun and kill dozens of children in one of the worst attacks on his lot willises a year's class is will not be held until later this week security is tight as you might imagine to blue school security following the attack. >> james: the president will unveil to propose this morning president obama was congress to pass legislation require koppers to inform customers of the dead as an act and should be told was inserted days of that act they will propose a bill that will prevent company from selling certain data to third-party bid nonsense for the white house effort the presence of a of the union address to a generous woman of speech. the united states senate is set to start voting on the keys and axle pipeline lawmakers are holding of 07. >> >> james: president obama has promised to veto the legislation if it passes congress will take a quick break coming up will set a look at the winners and less like a global war there is a live look outside we have samoset risk grammar and a look at the ride high with 92 the camel's listen on harris' i'll never is currently in harris 47 agree should warmer to 62 letter on this afternoon will be right back. >> james: amazons transferrin for best, a television series stars jeff a stamp for he won best actress this comet picture with to the hotel. amc is talking up insist details on these stories and more in today's hollywood minute. >> reporter: the walking dead macy's and for mayor almost upon us and amc wants everyone to know which followed the release of the new promotional average the network is also unveiled a teaser for the back half of the season at the fix to walk into the was before opening fire on our on identify and may the is tommy apocalypse continues toward aids sisterhood fans listen up star america for tells people a thyrsus the good of the traveling pants movie is very much in the works the move will be based on the fifth book in the series sisterhood everlasting was takes place 10 years after this liam neeson to of the box office this weekend sequel second three brought in more than $40 million so continue to resonate with audiences and landed at no. 2 with more than $11 million and was the musical into the was came in third with less than $10 million for hollywood minute >> james: coming up the golden gate bridge back open this morning after we chemlawn closed for construction will have live reports on how the average is right now the object is given as a firsthand on how to is we drive over it this morning. people in san francisco are gathering tonight to talk about the deadly shooting friday and hayes valley will have the latest on that investigation as well. >>darya: good morning >>mark: the golden gate bridge is open. >>george: will british crews madison did open much earlier than expected or forecast the bread at to open up last night so it is open this morning the we're talking right now what kron 4 jackie who has driven the bridge in this morning and tell the that the experience in the changes you experience my ass to be dramatic. >> jackie sissel: i did have a chance to drive the bridge about 345 this morning asking about 15 minutes before it was supposed to open all to really it did open six hours early as you approach the british from the masai there are changes that you definitely need to be aware of i want to pan the mass camera around to the right to give you an idea with the approach looks like for cars coming down the water rising you see you have to immerse slightly to your right as it came down the grade the left and leas will merge to the right hand side that is all gone by your action have to merge to the left now has a calming down the waldegrave their right have land basically goes away and you have to merge left and once you get the span obviously that is when you start to see the new moveable median barrier be put in place and it is dramatic after cellule is the first time i've driven across the bridge has been in place for 77 years i have been driving it for 35 years and we for said the bridge is a matter to see the move will media barrier and placed 3 ft. high concord barrier. >> james >> jackie sissel: i think that will probably take folklore number is driving this a little time to get used to being next to that variable also that merger is to come down the water where it i have a feeling it may say people at least a couple of days to use of that. >>george: again is the things about who warned but when you actually experienced it will be different i know more talking a little bit earlier and he the common- sense on how narrow that lane felts driving next to the new center median expect to reduce these as you come and across the bridge this morning a quick look at to ride to the golden gate or to the bay bridge where westbound traffic is still pretty like we may see a return to normal conditions this week was made to missy the backups last longer so far is still a pretty good ride fault has been a factor in the morning commute that is why we have all fall and rise in place for the car seen as a bridge this morning the final more about that as we did our first with a check. >> james: the span of scared here by the fog that made things a little chicken for if you're unfamiliar with the new changes you have to try and negotiate an additive all that with the back like a default is of little extra time against a chapter of our span of a slower as a result of that fall is will we are saying at his worst zero visibility at petaluma that's a little bit more of the golden gate bridge as a maker with the center lessor half mile visibility napa fairfield also would have mild visibility the 3¢ a mile to a more dense their five lot of blood in oakland six in livermore six and half moon that the fall this morning where we're saying is on the heavy side so just keep that in mind. >> james: we're looking at widespread for some on the may 49 in san francisco 43 in oakland for one in san jose here is a wide perspective on satellite and radar view when i come back i'll have a more in-depth look at the forecast will talk about what we can expect as his for this coming weekend and the chance of live a spark or two. gunshots-- >>mark: chaos at a concert and a san jose you hear the gunshots ring out at the fiesta nightclub chris brown was performing all stays with a private event five people shot at it early sunday morning our they all are expected to survive. this morning we're hearing chilling details about from a fremont woman that was at the concert. >>darya: 1 woman says she was trampled during the chaotic and sane. --seen she will order the video that we have from seconds before the shooting as a live cellosolve until she says she hid in a walk-in refrigerator until things calm down seizes the club was not well secured. >>: i got trampled on and i had bruises all of for my neck to my back my hip and my legs and my ankle i had bruises i am all be up we had vip ticket we paid a high the dollar eased four to four russian the door security to see people out they did not at down people the way they should have in their no metal detectors at a celebrity event you think that there should be. >>darya: more than 70 people were inside the club during the shooting and have not released a motive or suspects description at this point. >>mark: this is not the first time that he has been involved in a nightclub where violence. that happened at the 1:00 in west hollywood noll was arrested in that incident brown said he was not involved in shooting anyway june of 2012 stay with us filet isabella's in his nightclub shooting as more video contains the surface coming up you will hear from a mother of the victim was shot at the event because all sentinels with you as to get out the door with a kron 4 mobile application free and available. >>darya: in connection with the murders of four people shot in san francisco aids out of the shooting happened friday night the intersection of laguna and pastry so far to listen to identify one of the victims as many well all neal did in his early 20s this is our are on safety of the residence was what was said they have been saying more people selling drugs again in hayes' allen tonight that gather and once we followed by a march to the area where the shooting happened and also happening today kaiser permanente mental health workers are or to walk off the job psychologist their friends and social workers or part of the national union of health-care workers are launching a statewide week- long strike the grosses kaiser has felt for by members to call a mental health care hospital officials said their work will employees to reach a fair agreement. >>mark: a man behind bars when they're looking for two others connected to the sides of the shutdown a 80 in oakland will have these sales was the second black box in the air is a flame that crash has been found divers are still facing saw the sign to get to it will tell you why new details on apple's lead to dozens of listeria cases will tell you where the samples are coming from a will to look for a head. ll, t on breathe right stp anshutour uth. co medines open your noseov tim butdd areat right striand w, iopen ur ne upo 38more soou c brehe a dothone ing u wa to do sleep. add brthe ght ur cd mecine shut yr moh an eep ght.reat rig. and lookor t lminscenof n breathe ght vend in t sle ais. discer cd.hocan helpou? ohyou' rea you ow i rea at discor, wre alys he toalk. good, ause don hav ime r maines so comniesju don appciat e por ofonveatio u kn, i ke y! i li youoo! at dcove we tat y likeou'dreatou. t thit cd and lk ta re pern. nature valley crunchy granola bars give you energy from 1/3 of your daily whole grains. so 1/3 of this commercial is dedicated to what you could do with all that energy. energy to help your dog have his day. wherever morning takes you take along nature valley soft-baked oatmeal squares. oatmeal. cinnamon. softly-baked. nature valley soft-baked oatmeal squares. >>mark: a 19 year-old man from hayward is connected with a sideshow he's behind bars. the cars and they're driving in circles all eyes were shut down in both directions and the mustangs also said a cement barriers trying to spend the sea its fee officers a resident driver of the mustang they say rocks and bottles look more like it when they arrived place where able to use this video to identify these two other people who they said participated in the side show that not know how long it lasted or how many people were involved. >>darya: still ahead authorities investigate links between the paris air attack and millions are marching in solidarity france will have more inflation after the break. the bay bridge adjutancy looks like a good commute the golden gate bridge also looks good and all ready for the commuter with the new formation and the concrete barrier in place to be right back. ch, rk ccola veri sofcents. avor wit oticruituice it's cholatand uit avor likeou've ner expeencebefo. dioverrookde. frusatedith ur oracte addemedine n worng? ...can hane thside efcts? box®reatsympms o akin goi tooftenand e stng sden ed tgo. ask yo urogistf box® n he calyourladd. ...a reduce ur dly leake epodes e efcts bot® m readourso weekafteinjeion, usinseris sytoms aleryouroctorighaway difcultswalwing eaki, brthin eye oble lossf blder ntro.. ..r mule wknescan a si of lifehreaning nditn. don't takeotox if u can'emptyourladd or can't owon'self catherizif nded or have a inartrac infeion,r ut side effts m incde alrgiceactns injeion te pn, figue uti,ainf urition.. ...a difcultemptng yo blaer. tellour ctorboutour mecal stor muscle onervcondionsand l mecine- escial botulinutoxi, anplatets, d bld thners.. ese y ineasehe ri of riousideffec. k ifotox can he calyourladd. sit toxo.como fi boto® ulogypeciist. ♪ beholdthe bwayteak egwhitand eese art ur d witthe st beautiful eakft th de odaybak. the astylatbad fndatn willmootout rnins s andown the juicy, szly eak ackehighnougto s well over y moing g le inhat gginf yos - plust's loaded wit prein-ckedgg wtes, meltchee andhater se y lov like japeñ or inac the suay sak g whe & eese is as eat theunri itlf. suby. e fre. major: ok fitns cls!he's o newrain surectivhearheal. crd: yyyy! heart:'m gng tfocuon the art. i minimizey soum a fat. gottkeept le andean. pe: uhh. heart: i maxize od sff ke mpotaium. and phostels, ich y lp ler clestol. major: i'meeli ergid alady. nedelicious ensu acte art althuppos yo hea and bo, soou stayctivand rong ensu. ke le in >>george: arise out is different. if you stayed in the right lane traffic always merc over from the left-hand to the right with my ability get jacket to pan the camera over a little over torrential us her the air there were talking about. it's a very quick and abrupt verge it used to bay that you could stay in that ride him land if no longer now is the left and laying there will call the over to the bristol just ahead of the marin on the left you have to merge or-this is going to create some problems not only because people whenever you introduce a later merged it used to bait them you're coming down and you have line stretched the to aggressively merge now has a point of nausea and chileans and you're expected to be over. six into the lot soft you my over feel like you're ride of against it reflected outside mayor was one to scrap it. >>darya: have been growing to see some in fact this morning people are going to be tacky it easier to let me say this to the bridge you drive typically the heaviest traffic is about a 45 is a letter to me than usual will be interesting to see the people take more time and see backups in the southbound direction fault is not a factor on the bay ridge has not been for the san mateo retire in 92 it trip to richmond vs. morning there was the debris at mid span that pretty much as we could see fault here later we do have fought for the cortines were is in fact the sea its feet issuing of fall advisory and we're seeing some pretty heavy traffic back this morning especially here on highway 43 antioch and on interstate 580 which through the off my past is already starting to back up now west from even from for the 582 05 interchange. >> james: will start off with the golden gate bridge data hour on to talk about the fall dressing in this picture is awfully dense and spots it is the seed here in this spot here is a map that shows us the visibility is doing this morning because of the fall right now we have zero visibility in petaluma off as the rest of we see right now how mile and half and sent to rosa. have more visibility in the napa valley out near fairfield even worse in concord in walnut creek were visibility is down to three tenths of a mile that the mills along to 426 8 ft. and 024 if you're hitting it as oakland. >> james: it is a little better by livermore six mod visibility fault is there this morning and it is dense and spots in the headlines to the morning in terms of whether the sec a look at temperatures and were receiving the were reflective to go as we headed drop the they will start off in the 40's adjutancy from the map for one and a loss of the santa rosa 41 and san jose with a mix of low to mid-40s in the east bay letter on this afternoon the clouds are still want to be with us and dell help showed us from the sun will not woman up quite as much. >> james: these on a number to expect look for 63 in san jose in the east bay low 60s is 60 in san francisco and in the mix in the north bay or pretty much was be anywhere from 1665 degrees as a 5 degree spread for the entire bay area all the timber to the getting pretty close together as we headed to the afternoon hours have to work our way through the week it wants of slightly the sun does come out after tuesday as high-pressure return to get back of the mid-60s by 13 for most of the bay area and it will run the ride back down those temperatures as we headed into the weekend the system is coming through hot for saturday and sunday a lot of time before task may chance to keep its own here to kron 4 that is before task. >>mark: millions of people across france and across the west and annuity after the terror attack in paris as investing is now looking at the links between the two attacks with an ice is like in the background is video appears to sow terror suspect pledging his allegiance to ices and columns of a soldier of the caliphate. there were trying to determine the authenticity of the video they say he killed four hostages at a kosher market paris and friday he died in a way to freedom of hostages one of the survivors describe what happened. when you get through with the not know we have to wait a long time to be sure. >>mark: they found his hideaway it was an apartment rented for a week outside of there's a 10 automatic weapons detonators and ices flights authorities wonder and if he in the fourth suspect and the girl from may have stayed in that arm as well that believe the she has fled the country, and in turkey possible on a way to syria. >>darya: there is a flat 85 01 divers and by foot and a search for the plane has found the plane second black box that have not been able to get out of the debris on the floor of the job the sea the divers found the data record under the flights wing and broader to the servers to devices and the stairs and ran out were brought the plane down with that 162 people on board so 440 bodies have been recovered. >>mark: bakersfield apple packing plan has been linked to a daily list. outbreaks' six people have died it was first found in prepackage care more apples with the fda is now were with other products could be tainted already slipping gala apples have been recalled when you are shopping at the store its bid to brothers applied the apples if you think you already have apple from that plant and you are afraid it your advice to pull the out. the fifth attempt of the tools to make you sick. >>darya: stars honored victims of the recent terror attacks in paris. >> reporter: among them take a look-and crew and a longtime boyfriend joshua jackson they held a sign reading mrs. george clooney and also her husband were san wearing a pan on their handbags this year is captivate holding up her phone would charlie. you see a lot of stars was a red carpet to make a statement on the paris attack for more t-cells coming a little bit later 10 a say and amy pola posted the golden globes. the not forgive you can get for low coverage tonight the insider is at 7:00 p.m. and at dec. tonight will have highlights as 730 this evening as well the kron 4 morning news continues after the break. again? give them something special. gather around the world's best chicken and home-style sides for a dinner everyone will get excited about. kfc. >>darya: welcome back. there's a lot of new to get to this monday morning in new york city police officers on high alert after repeated threats from ices somebody release the september 2014 message to and follows a rise up in killed and zero as an officer's police soldiers and civilians that threat specifically made the united states friends australia and canada as targets and the internal memo nypd employees are to remain alert to consider tactics at all times while on patrol the fbi and u.s. part of home and security coming up on the kron 4 morning to the golden gate bridge open and ready for you're ride this morning after a week in closure will have a live report from the rich. >>will tran: 5 he was shot to the san jose nightclub out will have the details coming up in a live report. >>mark: to ally of the outside following the story this morning whether wyse will have of the on the effects more the golden gate bridge which is open. at crox we' turd movi stas in a sence now e-trt wi clox 2. tch ainsisapar rht bere yr ey. nothg brhtencolo and movestai likclor 2. >>mark: is in the day on weather and traffic. >>george: thank you as we are taking a live look at the right here at the golden gate bridge which opened up the bridge opened of 930 last night much ahead of schedule at the we do not see much traffic out here yet on the red but when we do it is likely that the changes over the weekend are born to have an impact on the southbound the stock a little bit about the changes the motors on to experienced >> jackie sissel: the first and zeroth to see as a come down waldegrave on what to hand back door the water great for a stranger on a to see is dramatic it is that the old configuration if you're in the right hand lane coming down the water where it consented right hand lane and had all went to the toll plaza that is no longer the case you are forced to merge to your left to their right hand far right hand lay you should come down waldegrave goes away you should make it merged your left. >> james >> jackie sissel: as that can over here you to see those errol's right there that is with the merger takes place now which you get onto the span is seven to see the move will median barrier that is in place it was at a second to get used to that as you driver on the far left lane the one that is closest to the mobile median barrier is significantly fenner you're right next to the move will various 3 ft. high this something you're not used to i think it is a diverse a little time to get used to i am looking back at track the coming down the waldegrave as we speak is already starting to slavonic the sea car slowly but surely slowing down. i think that we may have some issues as people attempt to try to get used to what this new marches pedigree it did work of a in a finished early in the open the bridge early they had hunted all their targets is reopened. >> james: great news is reopened. >> jackie sissel: i had no idea and i'm in a news business that this merger is one to be put in place i think is going to catch a lot of people by surprise in this heavy fog. >>george: fog is definitely a factor in the convict this morning as there have been advised issued for number bridges and looks as though the golden gate bridge may get included in that here at the bay ridge would allow have applauded advisory of reducing the traffic is definitely starting to build up we do however have a fault advisory for the richmond bridge this morning and here's a look at the richmond bridge toll plaza as we seek is a little foggy at the plaza. in my be worse in this and it is bad enough now with the chp has issued an advisory as well as for the card team as bridge and the ride on the east shore freeway interstate 80 let's flip the map for you and show you the right here is a little slowly coming out of the legal this morning for interstate 80 was about this find out more about the fall in the rest of the weather. >> james: their lot be in it convincing for the sea is the to issue a fall and rise rick as you see it is awfully heavy across the bridge itself or sing in have been unearthed a 101 and the east bay and out in the delta as well as the set out in fairfield were busily there is under half a mile right now and is often dense out there morning dense fog will have our little cloudy afternoon as an answer to that all black out the fire will enjoy sunny afternoons whatever to sell one of into the mid '60s for some spots will be awfully nice to enjoy high pressure given us a nice stable weather. as into the weekend when of the system and bomb that could bring as potential raindrops. and gusty winds will come back and give you an extended outlook here is where we see time is right now low 40's and of the third is in the north may 49 in san francisco 41 and san jose and oakland early 43 degrees. out to you back here at 545 of the full cut the forecast. music: the insurancfund shu >>darya: he was singing and he posted this video to his account is the signal reacting when the shots were fired at the events in east san jose early sunday morning happening at the fiesta nightclub five people were injured police still do not have any motive or suspects and kron 4 will is out there live this morning with the latest on the investigation. >>will tran: the police did say several people but there are not saying if the person of answers and not substance at this point no one is saying that chris brown and his attendants did anything to call the shooting were we all know where ever he goes trouble seems to follow less so you the video hundreds of people in attendance is happening over nine hours sunday into saturday-- saturday to sunday morning recess to talk to a fremont woman she was a few feet from the stage that is when the shots were fired people trampled all over each other to get out with another one place of to arrive four people were in front already shot with wounds to their legs and arms and a fifth person a little bit later showed up to the hospital also survive their injuries is a fremont woman reaction to the shooting. >>: i separated from my friends and isaac ahead in the footer for about five its sentiments i doubt saw my friend led the way back to our cars was also one line on the floor with a will. >>will tran: that woman's name is katie bring she told me yesterday and that she had bruises all over her arms and legs perhaps she is thankful that she is alive please do not believe that chris brown was the intended target as soon as a shot fired the security staff rushed to him whist him away and he was not injured at all a short time later he to get out and one of the descent we all know that troublesome to column especially when he became a household name back in 2009 when he was accused of beating his girlfriend at the time. the investigation continues. >>darya: 10 is like a small club perse 700 or so people five people and injured ride is good and saw a lot of people or injured by trampling. >>will tran: anyone who was trampled was not sick of the hospital a prelate a lot of people dr. wallace keys that they had come back a little later to pick up all other items once ossified old daughter each other they ran out issue of her the woman she says she basically stayed inside of a walk-in refrigerator now is to maintain her safety if a lot of people going all that not believe that he was the person or it had anything to started again as the arctic a blow of all over is getting national attention because he was all over the store early yesterday morning but wherever he goes the media and controversy seems to follow them. >>mark: only on kron 4 we spoke to the mom of one of the lack of shooting victims she asked not to her face. >>: when the lights will also will started shooting and he ran he said that he it was on to be ok the bullet went in and out of his calf. the woman's son is ok. if >>mark: the venue was overcrowded and that they stop adding to pull down at the door she says that there might be household it was a get a gun into the events stay with us as a new bill and more stories about what happened to you to surface will have the latest is free from apple and android devices. release a devastating avalanche of taste on your tongue. bury yourself in the flavor full of sweet icing and filling. call off the hounds! rescue is unnecessary. pillsbury toaster strudel, the snow day of breakfasts. ring ring! progresso! i can't believe i'm eating bacon and rich creamy cheese before my sister's wedding well it's only 100 calories, so you'll be ready for that dress uh-huh... you don't love the dress? i love my sister... 40 flavors. 100 calories or less. >>mark: will talk a lot of what the temperature is right now on the course ciba will see a mild afternoon and is like a fantastic week ahead for the till we come back. if the wod isillewithir. t fopeop witcopd sotimebreaing r cabe diffult. if you havcopdask ur ctorboutnce-ily oro lia. itelpseoplwithopd breae beer for full4hou. anoro elpta theirst a-apovedrodu containingwo lg-acng bronodilors onenhal. anoris n forsthma. anoro coains typof medine tt ireas riskf deh ineoplwithasth. it is not own thirisks incrsed cop ano wot reace resc inhers for ddenopd mpto and shld n be ed me thannce day. tellour ctorf yohave hearcondion, origh ood essu. tell youdoct ifou he glauma, osta or bladd proems, orrobls paing ine as anormay ke tse oble wor. call youdoct rig awaif u ha woenedreatng chest in, elli of ur moh orongu prlemsrinang oeyeprlems includinvisi chaes o e pa whi takg ano. noing n reverscopd the rld fild wi air and anoro iselpi peoe wi co breh aibett. t yo first prescriion fr at oro.m. discer cd.hocan helpou? ohyou' rea you ow i rea at discor, wre alys he toalk. good, ause don hav ime r maines so comniesju don appciat e por ofonveatio u kn, i ke y! i li youoo! at dcove we tat y likeou'dreatou. t thit cd and lk ta re pern. >>mark: chaos at a concert in san jose chris brown performed at a private event were gun sounds like out at the fiesta nightclub five people were shot early sunday morning the all respect to survive. a community gathering in connection with the murders of four people in san francisco hayes valley shot to death the shooting happened friday night at the intersection of laguna at page street. more report selling drugs again in his belly and the golden gate bridge is backed opened a little ahead of schedule this morning and is a mobile concrete barrier and between the lanes of the final system was laid down at 550 on saturday evening workers and work to restructure or less would new merchant lines. >>darya: 1 are big stories is traffic today we're bracing for the new golden gate bridge. >>george: we could say a second of the configuration at the north end of the bridge and a narrowing of the blaze on the stand that could result in bigger than normal back of the sum the lesser of the southbound ride as the changes has been described by our own jackie have as dramatic remember the right lane and now just before you get on the bristle as your coming down a wall great if you're in the right-hand lane you will be forced to merge to the left and the old days will emerge gradually from the left over to ride had lined coming southbound that is no longer the case. >>george: that is a big change in the narrowing of the lines wessex into adjacent to the barry is also going to be an adjustment for many motorists and stocky here at the golden gate bird their fault advisers issue for a number of bridges not the bay ridge were the major allies have been activated and expected to there is a fog advisory for the san mateo branch of a 92 ride was also flawed pretty well there was a flawed adviser for the rich members were dance around mid span also fall and rise issue for the party members this morning and the ride on interstate 80 westbound aware are racing so traffic for the ride on highway 4 coming out antioch this morning as well as heavy traffic for the ride on interstate 580 through all to my past even coming out tracy westbound on highway 2 05 the son of a freeway look great. >> james: we're starting off with the golden gate bridge that maintained as a commit progresses and more people hit the bridge this morning adjutancy is awfully thick here often kick in another way as well filled with at the visibility map to my visibility is santa rosa was out of an atom pretense of a mile visibility a despite a fall pay ride on 101 half of visibility and apple worse in fairfield and in concord speeches about mild visibility there is at the north bay in the dust and the east a valid not so bad as it's out of the peninsular the san miguel brands with george told us there was the fall and rise if that were for the den or timber is that as the with the fall is to clear up this morning to a wise chilean and altman in the delta 4910 degrees warmer 31:41, early in san jose. >> james: it is whatever to should be this have to go too far beclouds the most a cloudy day a few sunbreaks will for the majority of the their probable cloud cover 60 to 64 degrees in the south may as you look out to the east they were looking for 6364 and the valley's 61 along the east asia line and as live the maps here to show you san francisco you see right at the 60 degree mark for the city an animal they look for low 60s generally throughout the wine country we have not seen rain in a while. is a quick look at the rain we had in the first of 21 days of december member when it kept raining this and every other day we had another storm coming in and of a 40 into the line in santa rosa one content and in that area more than 11 and have in san francisco the edge of the sea we had decent rain and as soon as of the first of december to announce is related driver we have not had much fall: 1700 and is in san francisco a little more assertive and answers cents to 24 as of dec. always allow will for a chance come later on in the week we have the services for north and cloud there watching in the pacific a mine had our way as soon as we get back to the seven they're on the bay for cash that might come our way saturday and sunday will be watching for that have the forecast coming up in just a little bit. >>darya: you have football season in 04 seasons. will for sure in the middle of it. >>mark: the still located in the heart of hollywood the other behind-the-scenes look at the award show. >> reporter: a big show is lots of surprises in the red metal comb the best actor in a drama fell amazon had its first wind which has perry got, the series won her first gold of low for best actress yes the second its moments there's a lot of appreciation in the air. what we did about the golden glow? i love it. >> reporter: there are more wars season is about 50 coming away and leave the to the big event the oscars. >> reporter: global is and also some medium this is some of the best sense of the copper last night as the schedule and more than others great sequin dress in the bottom as a model for showing the storm also we have loopy the neon go she was and a batista of ballet dress looking like a flower she was absolutely gorgeous as well will have some hayak. some the result more opera went well drafted in her this is like the look of rock. not for you to give full golan will cover some night all kron 4 to the inside a showing at 70 into my intimate tonight also highlight as 730 will be back with more after the break. hey! i found my true love livin' in a sweet dream. singin' my favorite song and it all starts with you. whoa-oh-oh-oh, all this goodness... what matters most should always come first. which is why whole grain is the first ingredient in every general mills big g cereal. and why we never use high fructose corn syrup. general mills. look for the big g. it means goodness first. behold, the bwayteak egwhitand eese art ur mningff ght with jcy, zzlyteak stackehighith oteipack egwhit, meltchee andhater se y lov likealapos ospinh - all war toay flbrea suay. t frh. ♪ ♪ ♪ first impressions are important. you've got to make every second count. banking designed for the way you live your life. so you can welcome your family home... 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Tucker Carlson Tonight 20170623

attitudes of the ripest zip code in san francisco. >> do you think nancy pelosi is more toxic than donald trump? >> you know what? the honest answer is in some areas of the country, yes, she is. >> it's clear that i think across the board in the democratic party we need new leadership. it's time for a new generation of leadership in the party. >> nancy pelosi was a great speaker. she is a great leader. but her time has come and gone. >> i believe she is not the leader for the future of the democratic party. >> tucker: nonsense, says pelosi. she describes herself as a remarkly impressive leader. despite a half a decade of uninterrupted defeats. >> they want me to sing my praises? is is that what you are saying? i'm a master legislator. i'm politically astute leader. my leadership is recognized by many around the country. that is why i am able to attract the support that i do. >> tucker: did you hear that? it sounds like an s&l sketch. >> because i'm good enough. i'm smart enough. and doggone it, people like me. >> tucker: doggone it, people like me. the questions remain democrats need a new message and a new leader to take back the middle of the country. we have a former deputy press secretary at the democratic national committee and he joins us now. jose, thank you for coming on tonight. >> good to be with you. >> tucker: just the election on tuesday, nobody on the left and honestly, few on the right called this. the polls suggested a closer race the race indicated. do you there is any possibility that russia was involved on the race working on behalf of karen handel? >> the reality is georgia was supposed to be won by republicans by -- >> tucker: that is a joke, jose. you have to laugh or i think you take it seriously. >> georgia was supposed to be done by the republicans by 20 points. i was won by republicans by 4 points. why? republicans lose the race, we are gaining momentum. we will win the house in 2018. i'm telling you. georgia wasn't even supposed to be competitive and it was because this is a referendum on the president. people are tired of this nonsense. >> tucker: if i were a partisan, if i'm not really but i would be happy with your response because what you seem to say everything is fine. make no changes. we are doing great. we are going to win. when, act in in -- when in facta numbers matter karen handel won a higher percentage of the vote than trump won in the same election. you are losing ground. >> nancy pelosi is not going anywhere. at the same time, let me say democrats across the country, we are recruiting young blood, new democrats to be candid its so they can run. so they can look for solutions that real americans are looking for. she is not going anywhere. >> tucker: what are they going to run on? i'm not here to attack nancy pelosi. i feel sorry for nancy pelosi. my only point i guess would be she lives in a rarefied world. she represents one of the richest congressional districts in america and is also one of the most liberal districts. can someone who represents a place like that appeals to the voters you need who are not hard partisans but are on the fence? you are obviously not going to engage in this. what should democrats run on? what is the message of the democratic party? >> quickly, on pel pem -- nancy pelosi out of touch because of as wealthy she is, our president, trump is rich. he has more money than all of us put together. the president of the united states. >> bret: i'm not attack attacking -- you are missing my point. i'm not attacking pelosi being rich. it happens she is. but if you are winning over voters with specific concerns you want a leader who understands the concerns. does she? what from the concerns? what are the democrats going to run on? what is the message? >> democrats run on american values. we need to create real jobs. infrastructure. middle class jobs. not the nonsense from the current president all he is doing is trying to divide it. he is upset about the wall. now he wants to put a solar panel on the wall. give me a break. talk about the real issues. >> tucker: are you running against trump again? i know you don't like trump. you ran campaigns against trump and it didn't work. get to what the democratic message is. you say it's jobs. number one. jobs. but not low jobs. middle class jobs. that is one. >> absolutely. middle class jobs are important. we need immigration reform. real immigration reform. we are a nation of immigrants. we understand what the american people need. >> tucker: wait. you're running simultaneously on the idea you will going to create more jobs but you want more low-wage, low-skilled people to move here. how do those two work in tandem? you can call it what you want but you are saying we need more immigrants and we also need more jobs. if we have too few jobs why bring more immigrants? >> immigrants pay taxes and bring money in the economy. legal immigrants and immigration, expanding immigration system will only help us and create more jobs. look at the numbers. >> tucker: tell me how -- i'm familiar with the numbers. i don't think that you are. how will importing millions more poor people create more middle class jobs? what is that happening? >> all immigrants are not poor people. they are hardworking -- >> tucker: i'm not saying they are not hardworking but the majority of them are poor. how does importing more of them create more jobs? >> number one, a lot of immigrants by the way under the hb 1 visa are engineers and scientists and they are coming to study in the best universities. then there are immigrants that want to do jobs that americans don't want to do in the first place. >> tucker: how is it creating jobs? i don't think you have thought it through. give me the immigration of the program. if you have a message of voters to say this is what i'll bring if you elect me. you have to explain it. you're saying we will bring more jobs and bring in more poor people. how will this work? then throw in a bumper sticker and a slogan. don't you think you should think through how to create the jobs? >> immigration, legal immigration in the system will create more jobs. more people that want jobs that americans don't want. that is the fact. that is the truth. >> tucker: that is not creating more jobs. that is taking jobs that americans don't want. i thought the idea was to create more middle class jobs. >> we can do both. >> tucker: how does it work? have you thought it through? that is why you keep losing. you say dumb things and it doesn't make sense. i don't know how immigrants and middle class jobs go together. >> it would be better if we had a president willing to work with the democrats. that is not happening. we have a president investigatedded time and time again. i don't know if he will make it to 2020. what do you think? >> tucker: yeah, trump's bad. i don't know. even if he doesn't democrats will not be the beneficiary of it. trump may be bad but voters are no mood to support democrats. good luck, jose. after tuesday's defeat, democrats haven't just been criticizing the party's message but questioning if they have one. >> we need a message. we don't have an infrastructure in the caucus that allows more voices to be heard. >> we have been hyper confused over the course of the past five years. >> i don't think people in the beltway are realizing just how toxic the democratic party brand in, in so many of the countries. this is a party that many of us grew up hearing. this is the party for the working class. we have gotten away from the economic message. >> tucker: so did questions have a message? tim ryan may be on to something. if they don't have a message, what should the message be? we are joined by someone who thought a lot about it. charles krauthammer. who has thought a lot about virtually everything. what should the message be that democrats run on next time? >> the paradox here is the one wing of the party, the base, has a message. bernie sanders wing. they have a set of ideas. they want a government-run healthcare. they want government intervention. higher regulation, higher taxes and open the borders. they want to create a european social democracy. germany in the u.s. a coherent idea. i think it's nuts, a terrible outcome but it has appeal. he hung in there for six months against hillary. now the problem is that is not a majority of the party. it's the strong base of the party. it's not a majority. the rest of the party, the clinton wing, the part who supported her and went for her and who are the regulars do not have a message. that is the problem. by message, i mean ideology, coherent set of ideas. what they have, they have con touch whensies -- con touch -- they have constituencies. they appeal to blacks and young people. they appeal to women, mostly single women. to lgbt. they have constituencies. it's the stitching together of the constituencies hoping to put them over 50%. that is a strategy. it may work. it worked with obama. he put together a large element of those constituencies and he won twice. but the problem is it doesn't have an ideological and intellectual coherence. so when you say what do you stand for? they can't give an answer. what do they do? they invent this idea of diversity. this is a party of diversity. diversity is an adjective that describes the world as it is. it's not a political aspiration. not a goal everybody wants to head to. that is not what america is. america is a lot of things. freedom. you can say if you are sanders, equality, a lot of other things but diversity is pale and an unappealing ideal if it one at all. it's a phony. it's really intellectual excause for appealing one constituency at a time. that's what they have been trying to do. you can win sometimes with a charismatic candidate like obama in 2008 or even 2012 but it's not a way for the party to survive. >> bret: the problem is if you organize the party around politics the groups may realize they don't have anything in common and they have separate goals. why wouldn't they go to war against each other? >> and they do. that is the problem. when you do the identity politics and when you appeal to groups based on what is the characteristic, you inevitably end up with fighting over the spoil. why should it be x and not y? or an immigrant whose parents fought in the second world war? there is no way to judge and you end up with a scrambling for spoils. that is one of the things that the democrats suffer from. >> tucker: the one good thick about sanders he had ideas. it was unifying. charles, thank you. >> you would have thought it exists only in the english department of some elite university which explains why elizabeth warren is perfect example of a harvard professor. but it has a limited appeal. socialism is not the most successful idea of the last two centuries. it's not a terribly good idea to run on it. but at least it hangs together. the pelosi democrats have no ideas that hang together. >> tucker: thank you for joining us. >> my pleasure. >> tucker: president trump gave a stem winder last night. on the other networks he wasn't there. they were covering russia, of course, and jared kushner. they are obsessed with trump obviously. why don't they question him when he talks interesting question. and a professor at a college is claiming victim status after he advocated the death of white people online. what is going on at trinity college in hartford, connecticut? we have a report up next. [ indistinct chatter ] [ intense music playing ] it's here, but it's going by fast. the opportunity of the year is back: the mercedes-benz summer event. get to your dealer today for incredible once-a-season offers, and start firing up those grilles. lease the gle350 for $579 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. yeah, 'cause i got allstate.? if you total your new bike, they replace it with a brand new one. that's cool. i got a new helmet. we know steve. it's good to be in (good hands). my dad called them up and asked for "the jennifer garner card" which is such a dad thing to do. after he gave his name the woman from capital one said "mr. garner, are you related to jennifer?" kind of joking with him. and my dad was so proud to tell her, "as a matter of fact, she is my middle daughter". so now dad has the venture card, he's earning his double miles, and he made a friend at the company. can i say it? go ahead! what's in your wallet? nice job dad. this phony nbc television network. but they built these studios. cnn. oops. hey. the cameras just went off. i can't imagine. >> tucker: that was president trump in iowa. it was a long speech. more than an hour. pretty interesting speech. but unless you were watching this channel you likely didn't see it. producers at cnn and msnbc cut away pretty quickly. cnn covered the speech for a mere seven minutes and then went on to discuss jared kushner's security clearance. you know that was breaking news. and jeh johnson's claim that you guessed us, vladimir putin ordered cyber attacks in the country. msnbc didn't show the teach at all. and dedicated more time to -- brace yourselves -- the alleged collusion between trump. joe joins us tonight. msnbc, i guess it, actually. they know what their audience is. it is supposed to be a news channel. they talk about trump a lot. they have chance to show trump talking and they cut away. what is that about? >> you say "a lot" and you hit the nail on the head. snapshot in may, nonbreaking news day like last night and cnn talked about trump 92% of the time from 4:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. if you watch the network, i watch it often because it's part of my job. that's about right. 85-92%. they are talking about trump. when you are so myopic on a person particular, in this case the president why wouldn't you cover him live to actually hear what he has to say? unless the unfiltered version of trump doesn't allow for commentary, punditry. then we talk about the journalism, how did the ratings work out? was it good editorial decision not to cover the rally live as fox did? i have numbers. fox more than quadrupleed cnn coverage last night. against msnc fox 3.3 million, msnbc 1.2 million. is this a good choice? it appears not from the business perspective or the editorial perspective. >> tucker: it's not -- i wish we could take credit for the numbers. it's trump talking, not the show. but it's not journalism that cnn is practicing. it's advocacy. why are they branding themselves as a news outlet? >> i don't know how you say the days of bernard shaw and aaron brown are gone. now we are the opposition party instead. i don't know how you can be transparent about that. you are right. the numbers support that. a har saturday -- harvard study came out and said cnn more than any other broadcast outlet on cable 93% of the stories are negative. that means 100 stories only seven stories on cnn are positive. last night was newsworthy to cover. trump had not done on interview on cable since may 13. not one on broadcast news since may 11 and luster -- lester holt. so on a nonbreaking news night i think you have to cover that. >> tucker: if you call yourself a news network. what bothers me is the dishonesty. i don't follow a lot of media about media. is cnn still regarded a news channel by other news outlets? do they cite cnn as a source for ununbiased accounts of what happened in the world or seen as an advocacy platform? >> there is a circle of cnn, "new york times" and the "washington post." they like to quote each other a lot. but to the observers they are not seen as objective anymore. not just cnn. we saw on msnbc today there but an analyst on there used to work for the bush administration said sticking up for trump is like hucking a suicide bomber. you would -- hugging a suicide bomber. you would think that after kathy griffin you would stop using the isis analogies. negatively has worked to a certain extent but when the president is speaking you should cover that or you'll pay for it in the ratings. we saw it last night. >> tucker: thank you for joining us. >> good to see you. >> tucker: great. in the speech last night, the president called for a new law to keep immigrants off welfare. is that a divisive radical proposal or already the law? did it start under bill clinton? we'll discuss that next. dear predictable, there's no other way to say this. it's over. i've found a permanent escape from monotony. together, we are perfectly balanced. our senses awake. our hearts racing as one. i know this is sudden, but they say...if you love something set it free. see you around, giulia i just want to find a used car start at the new show me used trucks with one owner. pretty cool. 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>> mr. carlson, thank you for having me. the misconception is undocumented immigrants receive welfare. they are not. that is just plain not true. president clinton is in a hypocritical move to get re-elected but the month after it was passed by executive order he reversed it. two presidents that not reversed the executive order. that is the law. president trump is not doing anything -- >> tucker: let's back up a little bit. first, people immigrants, legal and illegal receive a whole host of welfare benefits from the u.s. >> they don't. undocuments do not. >> they do, actually. >> it's just plain wrong. it's not true. >> tucker: actually, you are wrong. it pays for almost 100% -- >> it does not >> tucker: -- of emergency rooms. >> not true. >> tucker: i won't debate a fact that you don't know. there is a special fund, federal fund to pay the bills. they go almost exclusively to illegal immigrants. >> no, they don't. it's threatening. >> that is not what we're talking about. you are right. >> don't talk about what we're not talking about. >> tucker: the president said they shouldn't get federal again if its for five years -- federal benefits for five years. how do you say come here and we'll pay you welfare benefits. that's the opposite of what we want. >> if they are paying taxes, there are a lot of u.s. citizens receiving welfare that don't pay any taxes. if they pay their fair share there is nothing wrong with it. that a what we sign up. >> tucker: that is what we sign up for. you just don't know what you are talking about. there is a fund emergency medicate. $2 billion exclusively to illegal aliens. it's not argument. you are making me frustrated because i know what i'm talking about and you don't. >> then i shouldn't frustrate you. >> tucker: but why would you invite people to the country -- >> we're not. >> tucker: then put them on welfare? isn't the idea that people come here and they add to the society. you don't want to report people already dependent. why would you do that? >> we don't, mr. carlson. you know what? what happened to the wall? this is detracting from the wall. undocumented immigrants don't receive welfare. if it's life threatening that is what the hospitals, emergency care are supposed to do. >> tucker: whatever. i'm just getting mad. let me ask you the question one last time. the question and i think it's important. why would you want to bring people voluntarily to the country. we don't owe them anything. a favor to allow them to come here. why do you want to bring people who are immediately depen dent on welfare when you get here? don't you want something to add something to your country economically? >> you are just determined to argue with me. i'm not disagreeing with you. i'm telling you that is the law already. there is no argument. but you just want to disagree with me on something. because that proves to you undocumented immigrants do not receive medicaid. period. >> tucker: undocuments aliens, illegal illiens receive the benefits i describe. illegal immigrants receive panoply, food stamps, a number of things that are exempted from the law. the president says take exemptions away and come here as an immigrant, try on your own. i don't know why you argue against it. i doubt you do either. >> 21 years have passed and all the illegal benefits have been paid out and nobody is trumped out the warning signs? c'mon, mr. carlson. this is really a detraction from what we really should be talking about is immigration reform. what mr. president trump -- >> tucker: we'll put you in charge of it francisco. >> start building the wall on the border. you could come with us. >> i'll join you. appreciate it. thank you. the china annual dog meat festival begins in a southern city. 10,000 dogs are killed there every year. hung on hooks and eaten by the chinese who believe it's potent. the more painful the death is more powerful the meat. so many are tortured. this year as in years past there is international protest against the event. chinese government responded with a massive police presence there to shield dog eating from public view. reprehensible? it is. but clarifying. the ruling class embraced the idea of the cultural relativeism where you can't say one civilization is better or worse than any other civilization. that is false as this illustrates. some are impressive and others are backwards. chinese eat dog and we let them sleep on the bed. only one is disgusting and barbaresque and it's -- bar barbaric and it's ours. and connecticut shut down a campus for a day after a professor called white people inhuman and advocated for their violent demise. what is going on at trinity? a student there joins us next. en my car insurance with geico. huh. i should take a closer look at geico... geico can help with way more than car insurance. boats, homes, motorcycles... even umbrella coverage. this guy's gonna wish he brought his umbrella. fire at will! how'd you know the guy's name is will? yeah? it's an expression, ya know? fire at will? you never heard of that? oh, there goes will! bye, will! that's not his name! take a closer look at geico. great savings. and a whole lot more. tech: when you schedule with safelite autoglass, you get time for more life. this family wanted to keep the game going. son: hey mom, one more game? tech: with safelite, you get a text when we're on our way. you can see exactly when we'll arrive. mom: sure. bring it! tech: i'm micah with safelite. mom: thanks for coming, it's right over here. tech: giving you a few more minutes for what matters most. take care! family: bye! kids singing: safelite® repair, safelite® replace. and, at outback our sweet, tender snow crab legs come with a big bold outback steak! and, speaking of big... why not go full aussie, and go for a full pound! steak & crab starts at just $15.99. but, hurry in... when they're gone, they're gone! i was playing golf love golf.... i used to love golf. wait, what, what happened? 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"it's past time for racially oppressed to do what people two believe themselves to be 'white' will not do. put an end to the vectors of the mythology of whiteness and the white supremacy system. let them f'ing die." he spelled it out. later he referred to white people as "inhuman." he still works there. forced to respond by this the president of the college sweeney issued a statement saying the school will look into the post. not saying he will be fired for attacking a race or inciting violence or lunacy in general but the faculty will assess the situation and something will happen at some point. it's an unbelievable story. especially for me since i went to trinity with a lot of other reasonable people. though not all at the same time. the school changed a lot in recent years. to find out how much it changed i talked to a couple of current students who have taken classes from the professor. "them f'ing die" johnny williams. they confirm what we suspect. williams is an open bigoted who singles out and torments kids based on their race. how could he not be? how could trinity not know this this? he has been there for 21 years. i called the vice president at trinity, angela schaefer. she explained she knows of no review of williams behavior in class because the college doesn't want to hear details. so you can imagine when asked about the "let them f'ing die" schaefer defended williams. it was a hashtag not a quote. hashtag is part of a conversation online. and what conversation would that be about letting them f'ing die? schaefer didn't explain. trinity used to be a good school. never great but there were solid history and english departments for whatever reasons didn't get into dartmouth so they went there. then the left wrecked it with the usual combination of lower standards, frivolous classes, and not to mention addition of semi literal buffoons like professor williams. who would want to go there now? would you send your kids? depressing but maybe not uncommon. maybe it went to the school you went to. our condolences to you. we are joined now by justin, student at trinity now. the school didn't apologize for what the professor wrote "let them die" and they appear to be defending it. it appears to be appeal to violence. what do you think of that? >> i think the school didn't do enough to address this and professor williams and joann burger sweeney should have come out with more of an apology to make the issue right. the hashtag was inflammatory and unacceptable and doesn't represent a lot of the dialogue that goes on at trinity. >> tucker: i'm glad to hear that. what would have happened if a white plo fess somewhere wrote let them die" about a black lawmaker shot? will the school say he has a right to free speech and all that and we'll think about that? do you think? >> i think professor burger sweeney has taken her time with a lot of issues. i don't think she would be quick to act on that. she was too slow to act on this, to condemn the behavior. we had to wait a full day to hear from that and we waited too long to hear from professor williams to correct the issue and get the right details out. i have heard from a lot of students that professor williams paints with broad strokes in his class. it would be nice to get details behind this and understand what he was saying because right now the broad strokes are not making a good picture. >> tucker: paint with broad strokes means attacking entire groups of people. i talk to kids in the people and they say he will attack groups of people based on skin color, income, where they live. it makes them unhappy. have you heard that? >> i have heard that from my peers. he makes assumptions based on what students are wearing and things like that. that is part of his class. some students told me they have come to learn from the experience but they have also some students found it difficult to try to learn in an experience where it's somewhat hostile. >> tucker: why would trinity have a professor like this? >> i think trinity is focused on trying to maintain what a real liberal attars education should be. one group on campus the churchill institute trying to make sure that it is both sides of the dialogue are heard. and i think it's important to have academic freedom and professors to say things but when a professor comes across with this inflammatory i don't think that is acceptable. and it deserves an apology. >> tucker: let them die? yes. justin, thank you for coming on tonight. good luck. >> you're welcome. >> tucker: kamela harris the latest to be under the effect of sexism but she didn't seem to care about the other issues. we'll talk about that. feet all day gave me pain here. in my knees. so i stepped on this machine and got my number, which matched my dr. scholl's custom fit orthotic inserts. so i get immediate relief from my foot pain. my knee pain. find a machine at hi..and i know that we have phonaccident, so the incredibly minor accident that i had tonight- four weeks without the car. okay, yup. good night. with accident forgiveness your rates won't go up just because of an accident. switching to allstate is worth it. >> tucker: well, this last week, california senator kamala harris became feminist martyr persisting in her questioning of attorney general jeff sessions but a day later harris had a chance to help actual women. and she took a big pass on that. there were two appearing before the homeland security committee to testify about the dangers of the islamic women. and that have experienced the danger. and kamala harris didn't have a single question for them. why the silence? and you wrote a thank you -- thank you for coming on. you wrote a powerful piece in the "new york times" in which you said not only did the purported feminists in the senate ignore you p but one of them claire mccaskill questioned the reason for the hearing and scolded you in an implication for complaining about it. >> we were shocked. we are activists. we have scholars and we have lived experience in the phenomena of an ideology of extremism with islam. it's spilling blood throughout the world and it is causing too many casualties among women especially. we thought we'd have engagement with the women senators in particular. but tucker, we sat there. as i sit before you right now. they completely ignored us. i looked them in the eye and they would never even look us in the eye. this is a failure on the part of too many progressive in tackling the serious issue of islamic extremism. it's a crisis today. that is what we went there to testify about. >> tucker: if you care about women, i have three daughters. anyone who loves women, anyone who believes in human rights about to be upset about what is going on in a lot of the countries. why are the feminist groups not focused on this? >> you are absolutely right. your daughters probably listen to ariana grande, right? she has been on this tour called "dangerous women." and the problem is the ideology of islam thinks that young girls like your daughter, your daughters, women, are dangerous women for the freedoms that we have. why don't the feminists in america want to help us? because there is a propaganda network that has taught them and tells them every day they are going to be bigots, racists, islamphobes if they dare talk about issues in islam. what we ask them to do is apply to islam and enlist in society the same standards and expectations they do for our own society. we shouldn't have a double standard. we have women forced into so many awful conditions of second class citizenship through an ideology that we can defeat if we identify it, name it, and destroy it as we did ideology of communism and fascism. we can destroy the ideology. >> tucker: that is beautifully put. we are out of time. but god bless you for everything that you are doing and for calling it into account. thank you. >> thank you so much. i hope everyone stands with moral courage. >> tucker: amen. fox and friends air exclusive interview with the president of the united states and the first lady tomorrow. here is part of it. >> you have the white house, the house and the senate but you have senators that are not on board. >> president trump: there are four good guys and they are four friends of mine. i think they will get there. we'll from to see. healthcare is a difficult situation. if you look, the clintons tried to get it. after years and years they couldn't do it. obamacare was murder for them to get. now it's failed. it's virtually out of business. obamacare is a disaster. we are trying to do something in a very short period of time. >> tucker: president trump and the first lady on "fox and friends" starting tomorrow morning at 6:00 a.m. don't miss it! up next, president abraham lincoln made a surprise appearance in a small town baseball game this week. we'll tell you why, what it looks like. we have pictures. but when it comes to mortgages, she's less confident. fortunately, there's rocket mortgage by quicken loans. apply simply. understand fully. mortgage confidently. i feel it every day. but at night, it's the last thing on my mind. for 10 years my tempur-pedic has adapted to my weight and shape, relieving pressure points from head to toe. so i sleep deeply but feel light. and wake up ready to perform. even with the weight of history on my shoulders. find your exclusive retailr at and, at outback our sweet, tender snow crab legs come with a big bold outback steak! and, speaking of big... why not go full aussie, and go for a full pound! steak & crab starts at just $15.99. but, hurry in... when they're gone, they're gone! that airline credit card yout? have... it could be better. it's time to shake things up. with the capital one venture card, you get double miles on everything you buy, not just airline purchases. seriously, think of all the things you buy. this why you asked me to coffee? well yeah... but also to catch-up. what's in your wallet? >> tucker: well, another celebrity fetishizing violence. a description about >> tucker: well, another fading celebrity fetishizing violence. a description about donald trump, actor johnny depp promoting his new pirates of the caribbean film -- the movie apparently tanked but instead of focusing on the film, he joked about murdering the president. here's part of what he said. >> when was the last time an actores assassinated a presiden? >> tucker: come on. speaking of presidents killed by actors, abraham lincoln has not held office for 152 years. it doesn't mean he's not around, though. the 16th president made an unexpected appearance at a minor league ball game in new york. he threw out the first pitch fo the hudson valley renegades. >> no one better than abee lincoln. the 16th president. he is wearing his original sunglasses from back in the day. >> tucker: that is not the actual president lincoln. the tip-off was the sunglasses. lincoln's sunglasses were far more impressive than that. the man with a chin beard, he is the director of the show. the great mike macedonia. our friend and coworker. president of the lincoln society in new york. the society's mission is to foster patriotism, perpetuate the name, ideals, and distinctive appearance of our nation's 16th president. that's exactly the kind of politics that everybody benefits from. thank you, mikedede macedonia. one of the nice people in this worldon. that's about it for us tonight. tune in every night at 8:00 for the t show that is the sworn eny of lying, pomposity, smugness and groupthink. don't forget to dvr it, if you haven't already. have a wonderful night. and more than anything, stay tuned for our friends in new york city, "the five." they are up next. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> dana: hello everyone, i am dana perino. along with juan williams, greg jesse watters and kimberly guilfoyle. it is 9:00 in new york city and this is "the five." ♪ the democrats are on a losing streak despite the near incessant accusations of presidential obstruction of justice and unconstitutional actions.ea they are now 0 for 4 in special elections. four seats vacated by trumpti appointees. the democrats' issues were on full display after the g.o.p. netted two wins in georgia and south carolina. this is despite unprecedented spending by liberals. president trump brought up the republican victories last night


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Shepard Smith Reporting 20171208

forward and creating risky conditions for all the crews on the front lines. busy news day. let's get to it. good friday afternoon from the fox news deck. first today, president trump headed to the florida panhandle later this afternoon where he will talk taxes and stump for roy moore. the white house said the president didn't have time to go to alabama to campaign for moore, but he's going almost to alabama. tonight's event is in pensacola, miles away from the bama border. the pensacola television market is in pensacola mobile. the president will have a chance to rally republicans in alabama while keeping some distance from roy moore, which is on its face ridiculous as the president is all-in on his candidacy. women have accused roy moore of sexually assaulting him or harassing him when he was in his 30s and some of them were teens. while endorsing roy moore, the president blasted doug jones while criticizing nancy pelosi and chuck schumer. the president tweeted the last thing is we need a liberal in the senate where we have so little margin already. the puppet jones would vote against us 100% of the time. he's bad on crime, life, border, vets, guns and military. vote roy moore. democrats accuse the president of endorsing a child molester. robert mueller denies any sexual misconduct and he's not charged with any crime. the white house is officially calling tonight's speech a tax reform event. the press secretary sarah sanders says the president believes the accusations against roy moore are troubling but the people of bam should make the decision. a former campaign adviser tells the "wall street journal" that the president does not want to risk the people seeing him alongside roy moore. so he will tweet support for roy moore and he will urge alabamians to vote for roy moore, but he doesn't want to be standing next to roy moore. the adviser tells the "wall street journal" that trump is trying to avoid the photograph. john roberts is live on the north lawn. hello, john. >> shep, good afternoon to you. the white house disabusing this is any notion of a campaign event related to the roy moore campaign and the election tuesday. i'm being told by white house officials there's nothing in the presidented prepared marks related to roy moore or his democratic opponent, doug jones. they pointed out it's 25 minutes of prepared marks and there's lots of room for the president to ad lib in there. all bets are off when it comes to the president ad libbing. let's to what hogan gibley said on "fox and friends" this morning. >> the president has a house in florida and the people of pensacola help put donald trump in office. this is a thank you to them and all the hard-working americans that this president is finally giving a voice to. >> that's what the white house is saying. let's put up the map again. pensacola in the panhandle is a mere nine miles away from the alabama-florida border. it's 31 miles away from the famous floribama bar and 51 miles away from mobile. it's expected to have a lot of alabama license plates. what will the president talk about? he will do a year in review, priorities set and accomplished and talk about tax reform. two members of the house told me they expect to have the bill on the president's desk the afternoon of december 19. he will talk about the strong economy, the jobs report with 228,000 jobs added, unemployment down to 4.1%. economic security, border security, trade, north korea, isis and on to the 2018 agenda which he will talk about the need for infrastructure, rebuilding, welfare reform, veterans affairs and immigration. he also plans to talk about the democrats again saying as he has so many times they're obstructionists and also stressing the need to fund government and avoid a government shut down at all costs, shep. so this is going to be a lot of red meat for conservatives, many of whom will be in alabama just nine miles away from where the president will be speaking. people he hopes will get out to the polls on tuesday and vote for roy moore. >> shepard: war eagle -- >> but it's not about roy moore. >> shepard: of course not. there's some changes at the white house i understand today, john. >> they're not coming for a few weeks now. dina powell, the deputy national security adviser for strategy said that she was going to stay at the white house for a year and she announced today through an intermediary that she will be leaving the white house sometime late january or early february. dina powell has been a rock star at the national security council. she's been involved in all the big negotiations. any time we're on a big foreign trip, she's there, h.r. mcmaster recognizing her contribution in glowing terms today in a statement to the press saying her sage advice help provide options to the president and her strong relationships across the u.s. government and internationally help drive execution of the president's decisions. she's one of the most talented and effective leaders with whom i have ever served. she's moving back to new york city in february. her family stayed there while she was commuting back and forth. she's going to continue to stay involved though. in a statement, jared kushner says she's been one of the driving forces trying to put together a peace deal between the israelis and the palestinians and she will remain in involved in some level in that pursuit. and something unusual. the president came out to swear in kirstjen nielsen as the new dhs secretary. just as she was coming to the podium to make her statement, the white house press office shooed the press corps out of the room. you can see them saying time to go. we didn't get to hear what she had to say in response to her being sworn in and taking over the reins of dhs. i don't know what the reason for that was, shep. i have to tell you, i covered a lot of these swearing ins. i was there in the roosevelt room, been an observer and never have seen that before. so curious as to exactly what was behind that, shep. >> shepard: not sure what was behind it. the effect of it was, reporters didn't ask questions. >> didn't get a chance. we have one more chance as he leaves for pensacola. we'll be there doing our best. >> shepard: thanks, john. >> happy weekend. >> shepard: it's finally here. another 50 minutes. as roy moore receives the full support of president trump, one of the women accusing the candidate of sexual misconduct is talking about tuesday's special election. beverly young nelson says she was 16 and roy moore was in his 30s when he groped her and tried to force her to perform a sex act in his car. >> it sickens me to wonder what may go on with him if he gets into office maybe. he could be doing this still. we don't know. and then again, i hope he's changed. >> as i reported, multiple women say roy moore sexually harassed or assaulted them including some that say they were teenagers when it happened. but roy moore has repeatedly denied the allegations. and the moore campaign says there's no chance that he will show tonight. >> yeah, that's right. they say he's staying in alabama. deputy campaign manager hannah ford tells fox news "judge moore is campaigning hard and engaging with alabama voters. he will not be in pensacola but is grateful to have the president rallying conservatives near alabama. we're encouraging supporters to attend the rally and look forward to victory on the 12th." doug jones is also talking optimistical optimistically. he says you can reach out and find common ground. that's the message that he says his campaign will bring to washington. he's trying to reach the common ground by rallying supporters and he hopes crossover republican voters around what he call kitchen table issues, issues of the economy, jobs and healthcare, shep. >> shepard: jonathan serrie in montgomery, thank you. let's turn to "fox news sunday" chris wallace who is with us from washington ahead of his sunday program coming up. good to see you, chris. >> good to be with you, shep. >> shepard: this reporting that the president is all in but the white house doesn't want him to be seen in a photograph with roy moore. really hard to have it both ways. i guess they're giving it the effort. >> yeah. anybody that believes that in 50 or whatever minutes the president speaks he doesn't mentioned the name roy moore, i would like to take that action. highly unlikely he will fail to mention roy moore in his speech tonight. understandably. look, i can understand that. on the one hand, you want to support him. on the other hand you don't want the picture with him. if he's elected and comes to washington, they'll have plenty pictures together. >> shepard: there's republicans that are concerned about this endorsement. >> oh, yeah. the president at one point wasn't endorsing him and saying if the allegations were true, he should step aside. the rnc, the republican national committee, pulled their support for roy moore. at a certain point, the president said look, i'd rather have roy moore in there with all of his problems than a liberal and democratic vote with doug jones. he decided that was more important. slowly but surely has increased to an open full-throated endorsement and the rnc is once again pouring money into roy moore's campaign in alabama. >> shepard: if he wins in alabama, which the experts seem to think he will, if he wins, what do they do in the senate? >> nothing. >> shepard: so they seat him and don't try to remove him? >> that's very interesting. yes, there's still people that have expressed concerns about hit. not that he's in the senate. house speaker paul ryan said yesterday, i don't care what the polls say. any opinion hasn't changed. i still don't think he should run. he should step aside. having said that, with the president now all in, with the republican national commit the all in, this talk that you were hearing in the early days of the allegations from people like mitch mcconnell and other senators about, you know, if he comes in, we may refuse to seat him. we may vote to expel him. it will go to the ethics committee. that has damped down. i think he will particularly with the president's support, he will be seated and he will be a senator. >> shepard: there's a stark line that's been drawn now. the democrats have come together, i think, 33 senators have come together and said, you know, al franken has to go. is that setting up a line of discussion, a narrative for come election time? >> absolutely. i don't think there's any question -- look, i think some of it is conviction. some of it also is political calculation by democrats. and they move very swiftly and fiercely this week to get rid of john conyers, to get rid of al franken and set up a narrative that if roy moore were to win, then the gop is a party of donald trump who has his own allegations of sexual misconduct and roy moore and they're the party of that kicks out people like conyers and franken. they see it a good social issue for 2018. you can be sure that they'll be saying, you know, the republicans are party of social values? what happens in these cases. >> shepard: how much reality is there to this push to make more transparent to the public, information about the $17 million in payouts that have come from the congress? >> there's an effort, but you know, it hasn't become law yet. we're going to be talking on sunday to barbara comstock from virginia and debbie dingell. comstock is pushing hard for the house to change their rules. first of all, this incredibly arduous procedure that any woman who wants to make an accusation of sexual harassment has to go through. it's about 90 days before they can actually file a formal complaint and the question of all of those members of congress that settle cases against -- with women who have made allegations and did so on our dime, the taxpayer's dime. there's a push for that, but so far that hasn't gotten to the floor and there's not been a vote on it. >> shepard: chris wallace, look for you this sunday in addition to congress woman comstock and dingle. chris will welcome nikki haley. that's this sunday on "fox news sunday." check your local listings on your local fox station. three members of congress have quit in three days. the latest, a congressman accused of asking his staffers to have his baby. now he's explaining that request next. plus, the day of rage against president trump's declaration that jerusalem is israel's capitol. it's now turned deadly. and we're there live. plus, the fires in ventura county. at one point today, there was a change in the wind and they were very hopeful that they might get ahead of this. these are live pictures from our network news service kabc, the flagship abc station. you can see the roads being put in there. we'll take you on a tour this friday afternoon. sore back. but he's got work to do. so he took aleve this morning. if he'd taken tylenol, he'd be stopping for more pills right now. 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'k, well we'll just- phone: hey sorry. i had you muted. well yea let's just- phone: so what i was thinking- ok well we'll- phone: yeah- let's just go ahead- phone: oh alright- the award-winning geico app. download it today. ♪ this holiday, the real gift isn't what's inside the box. it's what's inside the person who opens it. ♪ give ancestrydna, the only dna test that can trace your origins to over 150 ethnic regions- and open up a world of possibilities. ♪ save 30% for the holidays at >> shepard: the minnesota governor, mark dayton, says he will announce a pick to fill al franken's seat in the next couple days. that's according to the minute alice star tribune newspaper. the report says he will likely tap the lieutenant governor tina smith. that will keep the seat in democratic hands. state law dictates the governor must appoint a replacement to serve until the 2018 elections. at that point, there is to be a special election. voters are to pick someone to serve out the final two years of franken's term. then in 2020, the seat is up again. this time for a full six-year term. al franken announced that he's resigning after multiple women accused him of sexual harassment. franken says some claims are false and others he remembers differently. one of the most conservative members in all of congress announcing today that he will step down from his seat in the house after officials learned he asked two women that worked for him to be surrogates and carry his child. republican congressman trent franks of arizona says he will resign in january after ethics committee officials say they investigated him for conduct that constitutes sexual harassment. in a statement, franks explained that he and his wife struggled to get pregnant after they had twins. he said "we continue to have a desire to have at least one additional sibling for our children or for which our children have made repeated requests. he said i deeply regression my discussion of this option and process in the workplace caused distress." a fox urgent, a day of rage across the middle east. protests turning deadly after president trump's decision to recognize jerusalem as israel's capitol. soldiers using tear gas and rubber bullets against demonstrators. palestinian officials say one man is dead and 200 hurt. the israeli military confirms its soldiers opened fire on people near the border with gaza. some protesters locked arms to face off with israeli police in jerusalem's old city today. huge demonstrations not only in israel but across the middle east and really around the world. thousands of people took to the streets in egypt where the crowd chanted palestine we never forget you. all the arab world is supporting you. and in baghdad, protesters burning an american flag holding the banner that read "jerusalem is ours." president trump has doubled down on his decision now. he tweeted "i fulfilled my campaign promise. others didn't." president trump's decision to side with israel breaks with decades of united states policy. david lee miller is live in jerusalem. david lee? >> shepard, as of now, the death toll has two people palestinians and 700 have been injured in clashes with israeli troops. the palestinians were demonstrating the president's declaration that jerusalem is the capitol of israel. now, this is the muslim sabbath. a day of prayer here. many people were off work. but what is note worthy is anecdotally, it appeared there were fewer people on the streets today than they were during the last two days of demonstrations. the question then is why were two people killed and so many people injured. apparently the israeli security forces anticipating that there would be great numbers on the street, beefed up their forces and anecdotally today we did see what appeared to be an increase in the amendment of ammunition and the amount of tear gas that was used. but as of now, it does not look like the violence is escalating. we should know more the next few days to see in the pattern will continue. one thing note worthy, shepard, is that today there were multiple rockets that were launched from gaza into israel. they landed in unpopulated areas or intercepted. the israeli air force did respond with air strikes. shepard? >> thanks, david lee miller. seems what amounts to the facebook of russia was looking to give a little lift to the trump campaign before the presidential election. the reports of e-mails from a social media executive and what we know about the trump campaign's response. that's coming up. >> shepard: just in to fox news, trent franks on whom we were reporting released a new statement. hes is his resignation is effective today. quoting from this new statement, last night "my wife was admitted to the hospital in washington d.c. for an ongoing ailment. we came to the conclusion that the best thing for our family would be for me to tender my previous resignation today." a russian social media executive offered to help promote president trump's presidential campaign leading up to the 2016 election. that's according to "the washington post." it's reporting in today's edition that he messaged the president's oldest son, donald trump jr. and president trump's social media manager several times including days before the election. the tech executive told the two that president trump should create a page on russian social network for its nearly 100 million users. writing it would be the top news in russia. an attorney for trump jr. tells the post that he forwarded the pitch to the president's social media manager but doesn't remember if there was any further discussion about it. this comes as donald trump jr. was on the hill this week testifying. robert mueller is looking into russia's meddling in the 2016 election. the white house and the russian president vladimir putin have repeatedly said there was no collusion. george papadopoulos' fiance says. trump's former campaign adviser was a patriot, not a coffee boy, and that everything he did had the campaign's stamp of approval. >> he was constantly in touch with the high level officials and he never took any initiative as far as i know unauthorized. >> was he in touch with steve bannon? >> yes, as far as i know, yes. >> he was in touch with general flynn? >> yes, as well. >> shepard: papadopoulos pleaded guilty to lying to the feds and is cooperating with the president's team. president trump is down playing papadopoulos' role saying he was a low-level volunteer. and let's go to michael crowley for politico. nice to see you. >> nice to see you, shep. >> shepard: this communication, the words from the former girlfriend, what are we to make of this? >> well, there's two different stories. the russia story just keeps getting in some way weirder and more complex, i suppose you could say. with the case of the russian facebook, you know, it's hard to know what to make of it. i think there's two possibilities here. one that -- we know the russians had a sophisticated social media campaign underway and played out on twitter and facebook. was this somehow related to that? this big basically -- the facebook of russian, big social media company there, trying to get trump active on their platform in russian. instead somehow part of this larger story. kind of doesn't make sense. russian facebook is not influencing the united states election. so the alternative possibility here is that this russian facebook basically, its company, is trying to glom to the trump phenomenon and get attention and create a web page people will be excited about. like so many things with this russia story, it's confusing and weird and could be part of a master conspiracy and could not be that big of a deal. trump was very popular in russia. he was talking about better relations between the united states and russia. it would be natural for a social media company to be interested in him for nonsinister reasons. so you have to be suspicious about it. >> shepard: do we have clarity yet on whether there was a real push with michael flynn and others right there at the end as has been described in the last few days, whether what was being said has been confirmed? >> right. i think, shep, you might be referring to reports that flynn and others were circulating stories on social media. is that what you mean? >> shepard: yeah. >> yeah and i don't think it's clear. i think it's clear that people in trump campaign were for instance retweeting stories that were traced back to russian bots or trolls on twitter or facebook. what you can't know is whether this was stuff that was popping up in say kellyanne conway's twitter feed or her facebook page and it was pro trump and anti-clinton and she thought i liked that and circulated to other people or some sort of coordination with the russians. that's not at all been proved. there's some people suspicious that might have been going on. i have to tell you, i haven't seen evidence that makes me think that was likely part of what was happening. indeed, that remains speculation. >> shepard: michael crowley, great to see you. thanks. >> thank you. >> shepard: tragedy at a high school in new mexico. we reported on this yesterday, a gunman killed two teenagers. what we've learned about how he got in the school and his plan to commit mass murder is incredible. plus, half a dozen wild fires obliterating parts of southern california. the forecast for when folks can get some relief next. i love eggs, and there's a big difference between ordinary... and the best. which egg tastes more farm-fresh and delicious? only eggland's best. which egg has 6 times more vitamin d, 10 times more vitamin e, and 25% less saturated fat? only eggland's best. which egg is so special, i'd never serve my family anything else? for me, it's only eggland's best. better taste, better nutrition, better eggs. >> i'm lea gabrielle. a local station reports rebel fighters are attacking in the congo nation. cops say a teen has turned himself in after he was caught on camera stealing a rifle, taser and a bulletproof vest from a police officer's car. this happened in pembroke pines near miami. investigators say the 16-year-old was breaking into vehicles when he came across a cop car in a driveway and walked away with fully loaded rifle and ammo. friends and family convinced him to fess up. and in florida, south of tampa, a fishing line got wrapped around a turtled neck and a good samaritan freed it. the news continues with shep after this. , prevagen is the number one selling brain-health supplement in drug stores nationwide. prevagen. the name to remember. it's ok that everyone ignores it's fine. drive. because i get a safe driving bonus check every six months i'm accident free. and i don't share it with mom! right, mom? 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>> well, shep, they were apparently both very promising students. francisco fernandez was a football player, a born competitor according to his family. casey marquez was a cheerleading captain. selected to cheer at the orange bowl. as you look at this terrifying video from inside the school as the shooting was happenings, we should tell you both victims according to police were shot at random, not targeted. they simply happened to cross paths with the shooter. new mexico's governor met with the families of both students. >> they seem to be absolutely broken. i cannot imagine anyone being told when you send your child to a school this they die in that school because some evil human being took their lives. >> now the governor and other officials say the gunman intended to kill many more but the quick action of staff and the police arriving within the minute of the first call saved potentially a lot of lives, shep. >> shepard: what more have you learned about the shooter's plans? >> for instance, we know he absolutely intended to die. police revealing that they found a note in a trash can at his home. it read 1-6:20, work. 7-7:30 prep, 8:00, die. >> he's not on a coward, he's evil. in my mind, there's so many things wrong with this. it's a shame that he wasn't on our radar. i don't think he had a traffic ticket or anything else. >> he was apparently on the fbi's radar. in march 2016, agents interviewed him regarding a comment he made on a gaming website apparently asking if you're going to commit a mass shooting, does anyone know anything about cheap assault rifles? shep, after talking to him and his family, they concluded then no crime had been committed. the shooter owned no guns and told agents that he was joking and had no plans to kill anyone. shep? >> shepard: jonathan hunt in los angeles. thanks. wild fire alert. speaking of los angeles, the fire department in ventura, california warning that the wind could change directions. ventura is about an hour's drive up the coast from los angeles. that's where the most destructive of the fires are now raging. call fire rips are saying the thomas fire has burned more than 200 square miles. more land than the other state's fires combined. more images. here's the first one. a truck drives by the flames of the thomas fire. these are horses running for freedom. so many animals caught up in this. they're escaping the smoke from the lilac fire. flames burn on an hillside in ventura county. this is off of 126. and nasa put this out. look at this image. this is the smoke rising from across that area of southern california. fire crews searching for hot spots in what is really a moon-looking landscape there. what used to be people's homes in san diego county. officials in california say the fires have already forced nearly 250,000 people to flee their homes. rick reichmuth is in the extreme weather center. how are the winds looking? >> better than they were. now seeing gusts down to 60 miles an hour versus 80 miles an hour yesterday. fire weather outlook critical, which is better than the extreme it has been the last couple days. it's still critical. you talked about a change of wind direction. i think we're going to see a lot of wind has been moving over the ocean, moving the smoke to the north, as far north as washington. we'll see a change in the winds and bring the heaviest smoke towards l.a. that change causing business problems for fighting the fires. humidity remains incredibly dry all weekend long. that won't change. the only real relief comes from the winds coming down a little bit. where today we got maybe 60 miles an hour gusts in the highest parts, yesterday we saw the dark blues in here. now throughout the day on saturday, still winds maybe 30 to 40 miles an hour. not as bad as that 60 to 80 for tomorrow. a little break. we see that in the strong santa ana winds and coming back in by monday. take a look at this, shepard. the next seven days across the west. no precipitation, no rain, no snow anywhere to be had. >> shepard: my brother texted me from baton rouge this morning. it snowed. >> crazy. take a look at this. you can get the idea where the cold front is. we like to play this game. right there, south florida. you're still very warm. jacksonville, 32. 37 in mobile. we have the cold air in place and a line of storms coming through. had measurable snow in texas. take a look at this video in jackson, mississippi. snow sticking on the trees. mostly sticking on the grassy areas. not as much on the roads. we're seeing some sticking on the roads across places around north georgia. we'll see snow in atlanta tomorrow. accumulating snow from the south and towards the mid-atlantic and eventually tomorrow to the northeast. we're talking about an additional 1-3 inches across the north georgia mountains, the southern appalachians. take a look at this. some spots just probably to the east of d.c., maybe eight inches and along the i-95 corridor. a lot of spots in the 2-4 inches of snow. the first measurable snow across the northeast. >> shepard: colder in mobile than new york. that's a thing. >> it is. good for us. >> shepard: that changes in the morning. i think we're going to get close to half a foot. that's what the weather app says. we'll see what happens. a number of new jobs is up. employers are hiring. but you might not feel that optimism in your wallet. we'll break down the latest jobs report coming up from the fox news deck. patrick woke up with back pain. but he has work to do. so he took aleve. if he'd taken tylenol, he'd be stopping for more pills right now. only aleve has the strength to stop tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. aleve. all day strong. >> shepard: the united states jobs market is the strongest its been in a decade and consumer confidence is up up up. that's the headlines from economists in today's jobs reports. great news. the labor department releasing november figures. employers added 228,000 jobs last month. the unemployment rate at 4%. so what does that mean for you and your paycheck? let's bring there gerri willis. doesn't always translate to the paycheck. >> no, it doesn't. let's go to the top line numbers. this is the 86th consecutive month of increases in hiring. that's never happened before. that's longest period of uninterrupted job gains. the 228,000, wall street was looking for 200,000. that beats that. that 4.1% is a 17-year low. the market responding well. we're up almost 90 points. could have something to do with the c.r., the continuing resolution. they like to see the budget continuing on. this is really good news. i want to dig down a little bit in the sectors doing well. there's high-paying sectors that are adding folks businesses, services. 46,000 people. manufacturing 31,000. healthcare 30,000. that's a high-paying sector as well. construction a surprise here at 23,000. overall, pretty darn good news. if you'll remember in october, we had surprises on the positive, too. that is because we didn't expect in the wake of the hurricanes to see good numbers. we did, this is starting to look good and solid here. labor force participation, unchanged. fewer discouraged workers. good news. but you have to talk about wages, right? >> shepard: yeah, you have to mention that. that's where this report is so fabulous. that's been the big problem in the labor market. how much are people being paid and paid enough. so the gain month to month, about an nickel an hour for folks. it's a 2.4% increase year over year. i'm looking at -- >> shepard: a nickel an hour? our staff would call that an enormous raise. >> you're correct about that. the rest of the world thinks maybe not and wages should go up more. this is about the pace that we've seen since 2015. it's called lackluster by economists. when it's ramps up, it's inflation. >> shepard: we're due for a little inflation cyclicly. >> it's strange we don't have any. >> shepard: i'm remembering 19% interest rates when we were trying to build a house. it's like forget this. >> yeah. the fell reserve meets next week. they say hey, let's punch up the interest rates. >> shepard: wouldn't be surprised. great to see you. have a great weekend. >> you too. >> shepard: and president trump's rally tonight, right by alabama. after tweeting his full support for roy moore, hillary vaughn is live. hello, hillary. >> hey, shepard. there's about 100 people waiting for doors to open in about an hour. we spotted a few alabama voters in the crowd. we talked to them and asked them about president trump's endorsement of roy moore. we'll have your their reaction, more after this. >> shepard: new information and a new happening. the roy moore campaign is now planning a news conference to begin in just a few minutes, 6 1/2, 7 minutes from you now. they promised to address statements from one of his accusers, beverly young nelson. she said that moore groped and assaulted her when she was 16 and used a year book inscription that moore wrote to back her her story. and we're told roy moore will not be in this afternoon's news conference but he tweeted earlier today writing in part, "now she herself admits to lying" which she didn't. thousands of people expected to attend president trump's rally in pensacola in just hours from now. the white house says that the official purpose of the event is to talk about taxes. president trump is also expected to campaign for the republican roy moore just days away from that special senate election down in alabama. president trump has fully endorsed roy moore despite multiple women accusing moore of sexual misconduct. moore has denied all the claims. hillary vaughn live in pensacola. hi, hillary. >> hi, shepard. judge roy moore's campaign says he won't be here tonight but they are excited that president trump is campaigning so close to alabama and encouraging their supporters to show up here. we spotted a handful of alabama voters and roy moore supporters. there's hundreds from all around the south. we talked to people from mississippi, georgia who showed up here today. we talked to them about president trump's endorsement of roy moore. here's their thoughts. >> those are false charges against him for the most part. he may have flirted years ago with some young ladies. i don't believe most of the charges. i think they're politically motivated, timed to conveniently come out to sabotage his campaign. >> you know, if all this was true, why wasn't it brought up before when he was running for judge? >> it's a charge. doesn't mean your guilty. in this country, it's innocent until proven guilty. allegations are only allegations. this is a fraud. >> in other words, it was hard to find anyone in line that drove for hundreds of miles and showed up hours before who wasn't on the same page as the president and didn't support his decision to go all in for moore. but again, the line is getting longer and those are the people we talked to. >> shepard: hillary vaughn in pensacola. we'll be back and tuck about when president roosevelt gave a speech that changed the course of world war ii. it happened on this day in history. you owned your car for four years. you named it brad. you loved brad. and then you totaled him. you two had been through everything together. two boyfriends, three jobs... you're like nothing can replace brad. then liberty mutual calls... and you break into your happy dance. if you sign up for better car replacement™, we'll pay for a car that's a model year newer with 15,000 fewer miles than your old one. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. 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"your world" with neil cavuto starts now. >> neil: all right. welcome, everybody. i'm neil cavuto. we're awaiting a press conference in montgomery, alabama. this will be some of roy moore's campaign staff, maybe lawyers, responding to the latest development of an accuser admitting she wrote part of a year book inscription that was originally attributed to him. we don't know how long this will go on or how they will address it. when they come to that microphone, we'll be going there. meantime, big goings on at the corner of wall and broad. a big surge, unexpected, in jobs. ashley webster on how the two came together. fast and easy today. sir? >> not f


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