Election day, very pleased to have a copy here to you. This is the american and they chose to have a different subtitle, the book the book at war. Its called how reading shaped conflict and conflict shaped reading. And that, in a nutshell, describes what im trying do in this book. If we think about books at war at all, its probably in this context. But books as victims. Victims of bombing victims, of theft, looting and that is part of the story. And its the story we told in our history of libraries when we had a chapter in that book called surviving the 20th century about how books were not about but i to point want to make to you today is that books were not just victims of war but active agents of war books were essential for waging of war as macleish that in the director of the of congress made the point modern war. He said cannot be fought without most complete Library Resources of books played an part in scientific and essential war making. It played an important part in intellige
Election day, very pleased to have a copy here to you. This is the american and they chose to have a different subtitle, the book the book at war. Its called how reading shaped conflict and conflict shaped reading. And that, in a nutshell, describes what im trying do in this book. If we think about books at war at all, its probably in this context. But books as victims. Victims of bombing victims, of theft, looting and that is part of the story. And its the story we told in our history of libraries when we had a chapter in that book called surviving the 20th century about how books were not about but i to point want to make to you today is that books were not just victims of war but active agents of war books were essential for waging of war as macleish that in the director of the of congress made the point modern war. He said cannot be fought without most complete Library Resources of books played an part in scientific and essential war making. It played an important part in intellige
Chose to have a different subtitle, the book the book at war. Its called how reading shaped conflict and conflict shaped reading. And that, in a nutshell, describes what im trying do in this book. If we think about books at war at all, its probably in this context. But books as victims. Victims of bombing victims, of theft, looting and that is part of the story. And its the story we told in our history of libraries when we had a chapter in that book called surviving the 20th century about how books were not about but i to point want to make to you today is that books were not just victims of war but active agents of war books were essential for waging of war as macleish that in the director of the of congress made the point modern war. He said cannot be fought without most complete Library Resources of books played an part in scientific and essential war making. It played an important part in intelligence operations and of course, to topography is the essence of war fighting over borde
Chose to have a different subtitle, the book the book at war. Its called how reading shaped conflict and conflict shaped reading. And that, in a nutshell, describes what im trying do in this book. If we think about books at war at all, its probably in this context. But books as victims. Victims of bombing victims, of theft, looting and that is part of the story. And its the story we told in our history of libraries when we had a chapter in that book called surviving the 20th century about how books were not about but i to point want to make to you today is that books were not just victims of war but active agents of war books were essential for waging of war as macleish that in the director of the of congress made the point modern war. He said cannot be fought without most complete Library Resources of books played an part in scientific and essential war making. It played an important part in intelligence operations and of course, to topography is the essence of war fighting over borde
British Prime Ministers accused of bribing local authorities and hobo to fix the controversial frank aiken in areas with a cash incentive to sweeten the deal with the drugs taken the food you can hear peoples concerns about to spread the customization at a cost to other things. All are. Forty one exhibit to agree to that he would stop top story than the peace conference some sitcom be delayed any longer must happen at the end of the month of the joint message from russia the us to the un now to talk to parents the main challenge is convincing the Syrian Opposition to type out because the group still hasnt given a definitive answer a difficult this can often fall into discussions in front. Well one of the first things that weve heard from us secretary of state is that russia. The us and un are completely on the same page. Thats not the only solution to the top of the ncaa is a diplomatic one. Mr kerry also said that officer in the forties and the opposition are equally responsible for t