By buying all the bad bonds some of their rate some of their bonds i believe at negative Interest Rates even and italy and yet you know if everything is so hunky dory italy proposes tax on savings hidden in safety deposit boxes as total retail deposits hit fresh all time highs the italian people they have a lot of cash and theyve been putting it into their savings accounts and more importantly in italy they put that into safe deposit boxes salvini is proposing that they basically raid all these savings these safe deposit accounts and introduce a tax if you if you voluntarily tell the government how much you have in there theyll do a flat tax of 15 percent i dont know what the higher rate will be if you fail to voluntarily disclose it but theyre coming after your savings quit now for those italians that want to keep their savings or put it into because you can escape the confiscation of the. Government or the vatican whoever runs the country over there and you will preserve your wealth
A period of growth now and were seeing that the American Peak will hit so itll be time for a 5 year vacation again. Im not sure where but somewhere but this is. Take of bitcoin and say adios into the sunset i think were done well this is in the you know the context of all these guys like unlike selling all their equities theyre getting out and buying bonds predicting a huge recession because if the u. S. Obviously is in its own space like its beyond all of the emerging markets europe and japan and terms of where their stock price is. Now over to italy which of course has had catastrophic economic story happening there and weve been again covering this for 10 years the European Central bank has managed to keep it afloat by buying all their bad bonds some of their rate some of their bonds i believe at negative Interest Rates even and italy and yet you know if everything. So hunky dorey italy proposes tax on savings hidden in safety deposit boxes as total retail deposits hit fresh all tim
That they basically raid all these savings these safe deposit accounts and introduce a tax if you if you voluntarily tell the government how much you have in there theyll do a flat tax of 15 percent i dont know what the higher rate will be if you fail to voluntarily disclose it but theyre coming after your savings quit now for those italians that want to keep their savings or put it into because you can escape the confiscation of the government or the vatican whoever runs the country over there and you will preserve your wealth and jurisdiction that respects your sovereignty as an individual and respects your wealth dont live in a country thats just going to rip you off blindly we live in america because they have good speech rights and we dont want to end up like these other journalists that are being beheaded or jailed so we liked our american passport but you know we prefer that but if youre in italy and you want to preserve your wealth dont live there or if theyre going to take it
Covering this for 10 years the European Central bank has managed to keep it afloat by buying all their bad bonds some of their rate some of their bonds i believe at negative Interest Rates even and italy and yet you know if everything is so hunky dory italy proposes tax savings hidden in safety deposit boxes as total retail deposits hit fresh all time high the italian people they have a lot of cash and theyve been putting it into their savings accounts and more importantly in italy they put that into safe deposit boxes salvini is proposing that they basically raid all these savings these safe deposit accounts and introduce a tax if you if you voluntarily tell the government how much you have in there theyll do a flat tax of 15 percent i dont know what the higher rate will be if you fail to voluntarily disclose it but theyre coming after your savings quicker. Well for those italians that want to keep their savings you put into it because you can escape that confiscation of the governmen
And japan and terms of where their stock price is. Now over to italy which of course has had catastrophic economic story happening there and weve been again covering this for 10 years the European Central bank has managed to keep it afloat by buying all their bad bonds some of their rate some of their bonds i believe at negative Interest Rates even and italy and yet you know if everything is so hunky dory italy proposes tax savings hidden in safety deposit boxes as total retail deposits hit fresh all time highs the italian people they have a lot of cash and theyve been putting it into their savings accounts and more importantly in italy they put that into safe deposit boxes salvini is proposing that they basically read all these savings these safe deposit accounts and introduce a tax if you. If you voluntarily tell the government how much you have in there theyll do a flat tax of 15 percent i dont know what the higher rate will be if you fail to voluntarily disclose it but theyre comin