Crimestoppers is offering a reward for the person or persons who stole an ATV, described as a 2013 Green Polaris Ranger, from the Greg Burgess residence in Golden Gate. If you have any information about this, or any other crime, call or text crimestoppers at 842-9777. 11 people were recently booked into the Wayne County Jail: On 8/14 the Wayne County Sheriff's Office booked Andrew Noel Gregory on charges of Possession of Methamphetamine, Obstructing Justice, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, and Fleeing or Attempting to Elude a Police Officer, and Abby N. Koontz on a charge of Violation of an Order of Protection. On 8/15 Wayne County booked Matthew A Beck on a Failure to Appear Warrant for Resisting or Obstructing a Peace Officer, and a Failure to Appear Warrant for Driving with License Suspended or Revoked. On 8/16 Wayne County booked Kayland D. Coach on an unspecified Arrest Warrant out of St. Louis, Mo; FPD booked Tracy L. Drawhorn on an Arrest Warrant for Disorderly Conduct, a