vote with him. which is too bad. shannon: you passed a lot of things in the house that didn t get to the finish line in the senate. credit to the house for getting a lot of legislation through the channels there in washington here is what former house speaker gingrich has to say. it was a collective failure. the trump administration and republicans in the senate failed. to get involved in shooting at each other when there were 16 democrats voting no for every republican who voted no is goofy. shannon: how do they patch things up? i think the speaker is correct in that we have democrats who passed obamacare, the failed healthcare system. people getting hurt in places like wisconsin. premiums have gone up by 93% since the passage of obama game. democrats have a lot to blame for a lack of some kind of fix to healthcare. they sit on the sidelines and point at us. they are the ones to blame here. if we look at the two pathways forward you have a free