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Transcripts for BBCNEWS BBC News 20240604 09:40:00

of emergency remains in force. however, more help is coming, soldiers are being deployed to battle some blazes. the prime minister says it has been a terrifying time. people are worried about their communities. canadians from coast to coast are watching in horror the images of apocalyptic devastation and fires going on in communities that so many of us know and so many of us have friends in. this is a scary and heartbreaking time for people. defence officials in ukraine have described claims of corruption within its army recruitment as "shameful and unacceptable". it comes after president zelensky recently sacked every regional recruitment head after officials were accused of taking bribes and intimidation. 0ur ukraine correspondent,


Transcripts for BBCNEWS BBC News 20240604 21:05:00

the road to lahaina has been blocked. in many cases, we are seeing that its volunteers that are trying anything they can to get aid. i want to bring in blake, he is from lahaina and he has lost everything. how are you doing? i’m lahaina and he has lost everything. how are you doing?— lahaina and he has lost everything. how are you doing? i'm from texas oriainall how are you doing? i'm from texas originally but _ how are you doing? i'm from texas originally but i _ how are you doing? i'm from texas originally but i have _ how are you doing? i'm from texas originally but i have a _ how are you doing? i'm from texas originally but i have a lot _ how are you doing? i'm from texas originally but i have a lot of - originally but i have a lot of friends _ originally but i have a lot of friends in _ originally but i have a lot of friends in lahaina. my house is in lahaina — friends in lahaina. my house is in lahaina i— friends in lahaina. my house is in lahaina. iwant friends in lahaina. my house is in lahaina. i want to send my regards to the _ lahaina. i want to send my regards to the family, thank you for everything. it's hard. iwas to the family, thank you for everything. it's hard. i was lucky enough — everything. it's hard. i was lucky enough to— everything. it's hard. i was lucky enough to get out of the with the family— enough to get out of the with the family and the rest of my block. excuse — family and the rest of my block. excuse me. a lot of people were not able to _ excuse me. a lot of people were not able to do— excuse me. a lot of people were not able to do so— excuse me. a lot of people were not able to do so so for now, we are going _ able to do so so for now, we are going to — able to do so so for now, we are going to do _ able to do so so for now, we are going to do what we can and hold our heads _ going to do what we can and hold our heads high _ going to do what we can and hold our heads high for those who can't. lahaina — heads high for those who can't. lahaina mean so much to me and i


Transcripts for BBCNEWS Newsday 20240604 01:25:00

k—reality offers fans the chance to see the unvarnished side — what sits at the heart of the culture they love so much. ., . f, of the culture they love so much. ., . .,, _ of the culture they love so much. ., . _ now, how's this for forever friends? actress courtney cox has beenjoined by her friends co—starsjennifer aniston and co—stars jennifer aniston and lisa kudrow, co—starsjennifer aniston and lisa kudrow, as she was honoured by a star on the hollywood walk of fame. cox is well—known for playing monica gellor in the hit sitcom for ten seasons, but she's also an established producer and director. .,, established producer and director-— established producer and director. ., ., ., , director. those are two of my closest friends _ director. those are two of my closest friends in _ director. those are two of my closest friends in the - director. those are two of my closest friends in the world. i closest friends in the world. for them to show up and support me and say such this things means the world to me. it feels so nice. before we go, let's show you those amazing pictures because, in a very rare display, the northern lights have been seen as far south as the uk counties


Transcripts for BBCNEWS Global Questions 20240604 01:38:00

community, moving forward, our priority— community, moving forward, our priority is— community, moving forward, our priority is to _ community, moving forward, our priority is to make sure those victims. — priority is to make sure those victims, their family members are given— victims, their family members are given the assistance they need — are given the assistance they need to— are given the assistance they need to heal and to deal with trauma — need to heal and to deal with trauma and as a community, the moment— trauma and as a community, the moment in— trauma and as a community, the moment in which we will need to move _ moment in which we will need to move forward in the long process— move forward in the long process of viewing the community so that we can together overcome this tragedy. but i _ together overcome this tragedy. but i have faith that will be able — but i have faith that will be able to _ but i have faith that will be able to because as you've heard from _ able to because as you've heard from the — able to because as you've heard from the comments, and i think everyone. — from the comments, and i think everyone, from chief luna to judy— everyone, from chief luna to judy chu _ everyone, from chief luna to judy chu and many others, everyone _ judy chu and many others, everyone from the federal government, the state government, the state government, california, our friends _ government, california, our friends in _ government, california, our friends in neighbouring cities, and the — friends in neighbouring cities, and the region, coming together to offer— and the region, coming together to offer condolences, to offer their— to offer condolences, to offer their support. and we will get


Transcripts for FOXNEWS Hannity 20240604 06:13:00

>> well, i think you mr. letterman's case, it's becauseei he requires special special arrangement. he has to have someone read the question to him. apparentlyquestion t, as as a rf his, oh, make an accommodation . >> i'lve hl give him a teleprompter. i'll give him closed caption, writtelee. ight. but but i don't know about the others. won'n't know why senator warner won't. come on .t co come on .me maybe because they don't want to face reality. ll o and the reality of all this is this is an irrefutable fact . the water in washington is not l we going to clear up until we get the pigs out of the creek. now, republicans aren't perfect, but the other side's crazy. and my friends in the media know that. the >> and to my friends in, the media, i say, you just got


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20221021

0 police officers on fire to murder police officers. police so what does mike pencek of this? >> a man going to prison forg in three and a half years for sitting in his seat . he didn't issue a statementk? about it, so we called hisid office. what do you think he didn't respond. >> maybe he will be interesting to know. what does mike pence see forl. this? >> that's it for us tonight. we'll be back tomorrow.nity i in the meantime, sean hannity next. >> have a great night and tucker. and tonight, welcome to "hannity". all right. th the countdown continues. there itow is , 19 days until yu send a message to joe biden. to j harris, nancy pelosi, chuck schumer and all the green new deal radical socialists in congress. are you happy with recor radicah gas prices?s pr are you happy with a recor forty one year record high of inflation? are you happy with the open borders and joe biden? are you happ y with recordrd violent violent crime, record robberies ,record murders, how hass th the left's defund dismantle nobel law agenda worked out fort you? are you happy with what propaganda being taught inu hapi your schools? are you happthy with how the wa? in europe is being conducted? wi are you happy with howyou happ joe biden withdrew from afghanistan? are you better off how today thn when before joe biden became president ? now, tonight, there is literally nothing positive that i can see that democrats can run on .e democrat they have done nothing that improves the quality of your life. they have done nothing to makep. this country a better place. it's nr republicans are surging in the polls. here's a quote from the wall. street journal. republican midterm prospects brighten in the closing weeks of the election. even the new york times, quote, democrats feared red october has arrived and they see the writing is on the wall. and now liberals are looking for a scapegoat. according to reports, joe biden will , in fact, be the fall guy if democrats get wiped out. now, let me say this in defense of joe biden, it's not justders. it joe . a matter of fact, i think's t he's just taking orders.he it's pretty much the entirel sol democratic radical socialist party. it's the climate culparty.t. n they're all in this together. i you know, everyone, by the way, in a tight race is avoiding him like the exceptio that is .n. n. have one exceptio that's right. the trust fund brad in hoodi a hoodie, john fetterman, finally took his working man hoodie off for a day, hisma halloween costume, and put on a suit and tie to meet joe biden. apparently, fetterman is the only democrat, frankly, dumb enough to appear with the appeident in person. of course, that's news to joe biden, the cognitively struggling wit president seems o that i think that he has been hittingbe the campaign trail really hardrt with more than a dozen candidates. who are they ?a take? >> look, john fetterman is going up here with you today. they're haven't seen that manycn candidates campaigning with you. why are more troopyou. s, 15 count it count. they're going to be even more . yeah, yeah. stricter gun laws and all the restrictions on abortion at all of your specific is roe v. wade. and you're here to educate. >> read it, man.. ar get educated. are you a ?ie? sorry! i sorry. >> lost it for a second. why so angry? angry joey? ? you know, often these sudden bursts of fury, a company people in significant cognitive decline. now, you even have to wonderf f joe is even aware of whatficantc a huge failure he truly is .og or that his radical agendas hi is hurting the entire country. is joey just upset that his ownt party is treating him like a pariah? is he said he didn't get his ice cream today? is he angry that the sout thatca saudi arabia not only rejected his numerous requests toia increase oil production, but they ended up decreasing it by two million barrels a day, and then they decided to humiliate him in public and expose all of his attempt at collusion with the saudis. exposed hi and opec plus the plustemptedcln as russia. to hide this fro m you, the american people, and wait a month before the announcement. so -- it an election could occu. let's be clear. it's not been a good week, fo month or frankly, presidencyr ji for joe biden and his radical desocialist party. and now, once again, he is lashing out at our ver peter doocy. --ter has the patience of job youdecide just hoping to clarify for midterm votero top domestic inflation or inflao abortion. >> all important. t unlike you, there's no one one thing across crosses the board. domestic. y asked about foreign policy, too, there's a multiple multmultiple, multiple issues ae and they're all important. and so and we ought to be able to walk and chew gum at the same time, you know, that all expression to thank you. ti. >> you have the ability to walkh and chew gum. yong].u can't even stand to reaa teleprompter, joe , especially and re a >> take a look. i signed into law a once ine a generation investment in roads, highways,tion bridges, and ai railroads, ports, airports and so muc sh more . -- over a billion.lion two hundred trillion. two hundred billion dollars. but, you know, this is ones a bridge also tells a broader story. there are nearly forty five thousand. say it the country housand bridges across this country in poor condition., if you think that', look right there. >> take a look. a screen. as joe tries to retrace his steps following his speech,. another sad, pathetic attemptto to find a way off the stage. can somebody just maybe put coul down, i don't know,g he a little footie patches or something that he can walkd wa on some path that he can follow, maybe a little light, you know, so he know s to walk between the lights orme something. joe biden. look, he's not mentallthing. joe den is not mentally y mentally capable of being president . every day becomes more and more anmore evident and apparet on this program. we're not afraid to bring you those facts. weu thos have been right fromwe the beginning. we are always honest about who we are, what and e we a i am a member of the press. i am upfront that i am. a conservative talk show host. w this program, well, we're like an entire newspaper. ative repo wert do breaking we do investigative reporting. we do a we tell you up front, we're a conservative, i'm a conservative. we do cultural issues. we do sports . we're like the entire newspaper. unfortune so many dishonest, holier than thou so man self-proclaimed journalists are anything but journalists. they are upset that we aret jout actually covering the upcoming midterm elections and they are furious that we interview republike cove candidates and w expose the truth about their democratic opponents, cae something that they should be doing if they were real journalists. thebut they are too lazy to d and the too ideological to admimt that they can't do because they're in the tank fore the democrats. now, kee 3p in mind, there are three broadcast networks, all liberal, two major cable two networks, all left wing, alt every major paper in wing. the country. almostdozens of dozens of websis that are left wing.f we bubsitest they do nothing but cy the water for democrats. they all buriee wad three weeks before the twenty twenty election. they buried the hunter biden 3 weeks be laptop from scandal. burie why? to held thp joe biden win scand joe election ad big techal to the group of people. you weren't even allowed to to tweet out the story. you put it on facebook or putn m on social media because they viewed it as falsey information. viit all turned out to be true. they all reported the phony russia collusion hoax as truth, and they did that for three long years. they never vetted obama. years. we did. let they let joe biden hide in his basement bunker in 2020. and by the way, this year, they're letting other democrats, senatorial candidates, gubernatorial candidates d oo the same thing.t in fact, they're all actively te now supporting democrats in the upcoming midterms. mir example, the new york times trashingd-term republican herscl walker as , quote, a butcher of language. but at the very same time, they praised john fetterman for his comprehensivanguage comprehn struggles in a piece entitled john fetterman. is a disabled americandisabl who needs technology to do his job.n so whawho needt? "the washington post", meanwhile, employs a woman named jennifer rubin. for years, she's pretended to be a conservative columnists despite holdinedg zero conservative opinions. now she just loves socialist candidate john fetterman writing, quote, the democratic nominee for us senate in pennsylvania is running a brilliant campaign. this is justs just the tip a tit the iceberg. it's kind of brilliant in itss u own way. got to give credit whereestion credit's whes n yofromu answer o questions from the media, you do very few public events.less when you speak, you do it fors k less than ten minutes and thenis shake a few hands, don't answer questions and go home and restdr . now i can spend hours listingg h all the egregious examples of the media mob support for democrats. so before they accuse me forbefe doing something wrong, for covering the midterms the way they should be doingg wron and interviewing republicans, they need to take a long, hardgh look in the mirror. and by the way, for the record,t we have on this program, we have offered to give a massive weatform to manye a top democrc candidates. we have invited on raphael invwarnock. we have offered john fetterman a full hour on this program, three hours on radio, mandella, barnes, open invitations we've been sending them. responses we don't get responses. gavin newsom wanted to have himo on for the hour.. i've offered hours on my radio show, too numerous democratic candidates, either they don't respond or they're just too gutless to comenavailab on unavailable because they just won't come. th they're scared or they don't want tough questions. they're scaredd.they don't wants they'd rather appear on meet dnc or fake news. rathe cnn. they're coddled and protected. so let me be weot will neveecr stop bringing are honest perspective. i now have started my twentyr ht seventh year here at fox and i am nowhere. i'm just we've just begunand wev the start here. we're going to save e america.ju we're going to solve our problems. we always do. it's just a matter of when and with who . america's ignorant, self-righteous liberals. they don't own the truth here liberals don't own the truth. with reaction. well, one of our favorite centers, louisiana senator john kennedy,'s ljohn is with us . all right, senator , 19 days hes look these polls, you gotel wal herschel versus rafeal. forty four . keforty four oz versus fetterma. forty six . forty six poll out today. adam laxalt up by one another poll out today that has blake masters down by one. it looks like a prettyy close lot of close senate races in this election cycle. >> well, sean, you are correct that many of my democrat colleagues are trying to distance themselves from president biden. but you know, what you sayy dem colleagues is not what you believe. what you do is what you believes . what you do is what you believe and everything else is just cottage cheese now.t co now, one of my democratic colleagues done almost every coll single one of them has hasalmose bought a first class ticket on president biden's bullet train tfirst-claso stump >> and those democrats just as responsible as he is and the american people know it. i'm not going to try to it. bubble wrap it. ha >> the american people knowg is that something's wrong in our country. wrongi could talk about crime n the open border and afghanistan th and the economy and inflation, but but somethingg more more fundamental is wrong. fund in our country. >> and it is this. president biden's policies have tainted, almost defiled the american dream. a president under president biden's policies. >> it's harder than ever to get ahead in our country.countr. it's easie and it's easier than ever to do nothing under president biden's policies. we've got too many undeserving people at the top getting givi bailouts and we've got too many undeserving people ate bo ttomthe bottom getting handoutsi and the people in the middleddle get a bill and they can't afford it anymore.bill . afford itbut this can be fixed >> the american people don't have to put up peopl with this.i >> they don't have to waitho until honey honeybun cost twenty bucks to do something in in nineteen days.s. >> we have the midterm elections vote , vote , taked wi a friend with you and go g vote as i've said before, ifan dead people can do it so can you. >> because because of the clarey is one why i feelware when i come on the show. w or why john fetterman come on this show, why won't mandella barnes come on the show. n newsom who why won't the great gavino much newsom, who thinks so much ofcoe themselves come on the show?sho? why are all these democrats that we invite on the show? why will they come on , on senator ? >> well, i think you mr. letterman's case, it's becauseei he requires special special arrangement. he has to have someone read the question to him. apparentlyquestion t, as as a rf his, oh, make an accommodation . >> i'lve hl give him a teleprompter. i'll give him closed caption, writtelee. ight. but but i don't know about the others. won'n't know why senator warner won't. come on .t co come on .me maybe because they don't want to face reality. ll o and the reality of all this is this is an irrefutable fact . the water in washington is not l we going to clear up until we get the pigs out of the creek. now, republicans aren't perfect, but the other side's crazy. and my friends in the media know that. the >> and to my friends in, the media, i say, you just got to stick that up. >> in fact, checker, they know which and the on and i thinkl sp they're going to speak loudly and clearly in a few weeks. tha senatet'yos why one of our favorite guests, k senator kennedy, i'm not worried about your race.enne i'm nody nott worried about rand paul or chuck grassley or butut i am worried about some of somee the other guys out there. and if we could send hershel, if we can send people like ted, but if we could send a don bolduc, if we can send ause we can send ron johnson, jd vann's blake masters, adam laxalt, tiffany smiley to work with you, i think we can change this country pretty quick and i hope that happens. thank you, sir, for being with us. all right. now we turn to florida with senator marco rubio is now surgin surg in the polls after a very strong performance in tuesday's debate. >> take a lookg . >> oil reserves do not exist to win midterms. they exist to help this countrys wi an emergency or in the midst of a storm.term what we cannots. do with some of these crazy policies that are coming from the left at congress, from a deming's that in arm supported the extremist on abortion in this campaign is congresswoman deming's. she supports no restrictions, no limitations of any kind. d a she voted against the former. she's against a four month ban. she voted against a five month ban. she supports taxpayer funded abortion on demand for any reason at any time up untilabori the moment of birth, because on at any tiyou support a 20 weu didn't support to the time of the bill. >> u that's the vague language they all give and then they talk about the doctor and the family. let me tell you who else is in that room, that abortion.e goven the government is in that roomor because sh that roe brought the there. she wants the taxpayer to pay for that abortion. that's the government involvement. hey, not just to pay for this, but to them all over the world. look, the senator can playecuri national security expert all he wants. i know he needs that for his his next presidential run. congresswoman, i need to stop you there. >> and i want to get because he mentioned senator , 30 seconds to the senator. yeah. i mean, i don't know wha to sttp mean by plain national securityp . i'm the vice chairman ofresident the intelligence committee. i was the previous chairman of it. so it's actually my job. but my opponent has been i of n the in congress now for hal so f decade decad and has never passed a single piece of legislation into law,go not one .sh >> the only thing she does is vote 100% with pelosi. >> what a debate.n: joi joining us nowni, floridary cana senator marco rubio. senator , i want every candidate running for office to you wi watch the entire debate because you wipe the floor in that debate against your opponent. >> it wanents a great moment. oo i love the line, especially about, well, you wan t taxpayerh to pay for it. delivery >> so you broughtm. the government into the delivery room. that was a great line. was a greatwhere it's the trutr >> i mean, they're always talking about, you. they hide behind this language of vague, vague language about viability, but they'll never tell you what that is . and this is a national phenomenon. it's not juss t happening here. every candidate running for senate, even governor around the country, when they're o asked, can you give us a time frame to twenty four weeks? ille twenty six weeks, they'll never tell you what it is .. the moderator tunately, in my debate, the moderators never pressed her on and asked me like eight questions on abortion. i never asked her one about what restrictions or what limitations would you support. and i think you're seeing reporter reporters s ask that question of the white house. and joe biden has the same answer. he says, is roe v. wade basically viability? but don't ever tell you what that is , because the truth of the matter is this. in order to get the endorsement of naral and planned parenthood and all these other groups that are out there helping them and raising money for them, yo groups raiu you have t have to be for taxpayer funded abortion at any time for any reason. right. taxpayeup to the moment of birt and in the case of congresswoman deming's, she of voted that basically says no it's not a crime for a doctor to fail that abortion. to fail abortiby's born alive and do nothing to treat gurche. >> i brought that up in the debate as well. no, it's horrific, butit's hor they never get asked about it. you know, it's interesting toria me. it's simple.n: it' forty one year high of41 yea inflatior highn, double the pri a gallon of gasoline, and it's going higher, even though joe joe is stripped, our strategic petroleum reserves in half and he's doing it only for the election. so it's about gas prices, inflation, open borders, law and order. itst americans would like safety and security so they can pursue happiness. it's about a wor agendk agenda schools. this is not a complicated election. election. i se e itsenator .he america have hit as the biggest choice election the american people have had, at least in my lifetime. >> yeah, this one party, this one group of people have the controlled everything in washington for two years. the resultlt i is runaway inflation, begging for foreignn countries to produce oil while our people are paying the price at the pump with high prices, ar crime wave a border in which drugs and five thousand peopleur per day enter our country country. that's unabated. that's the result of thiss leadership. that's a result of two years under their .r and if they stay in power for two more years, they'll destroy the country. i don't know any wil way to says if they stay in power, ifte the they take control in the house and senate, they will destroystr the greatest country in the history of the world. that's what' s at stake. cod that's why people need to come out and vote. don't stay home and think thesen things in the bag. it's not i don't wherever you ite in the country, you need to come out and vote. obviously, if you're in florida, you need to come out and vote.da and by the way, they're raising. a ton of money like val demings raise twenty million dollars in three months from liberals. all across america who hate i florida because we've embarrassed new york andn 3 months. california i as. so i always ask people to go ony my website, marco rubio .comou and help in any way you can. if you saw that debate, you y realize pretty quickly that the media, even the local media, is not going to be helping with my message. >> i'm going to have to pay fori it. well, we'll given pers a littlen . i will be seeing you in person. next week. that's all i can say. t allowed to say anymore not allowed to say any more . i'm looking forward to that. you yeah. all right, senator , thank. your rac we appreciate it. we'll follow your races. critical coming up. l john fetterman lead is now rapidly shrinking as his struggles continue. you're not going to believe what happened at his disastrous appearance with the cognitivebeh decline. president joe biden today.atap we'll checpenek with the greatn. mark one , mark levin. he's fired up tonight as ws e ae only 90 days away from the all important midterms. important e our coverage straight ahead. continue our sthunter biden is the most protected person in the country. money laundering, illegal foreign lobbying. you have the latino influence, big guy. email. the son of the vice president is doing deals funded by the chinese government. there are so many pieces of evidence the media has ignored because they wanted joe biden elected president . ladies and gentlemen of the jury, i am here to defend joe biden, who were attempting to influence policy. objection, your honor. let's look at photographs. this is what i think of these photographs. you really have no way of knowing what was said between him and these people. committed by bribery. hirano, where he's going to try my case, try not to lose it, but this time acrostic rests the trial of hunter by streaming all this week exclusive station sign up at fox nation .com. >> hi, j.j. is back because this is important. do you know if your medicare advantage plan benefits are changing this year? 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Transcripts for BBCNEWS Breakfast 20240604 06:10:00

people _ longer than yesterday. but maybe people will start jogging through, we don't — people will start jogging through, we don't know. fire people will start 'ogging through, we don't know.— people will start 'ogging through, we don't know. are you on your own or with friends? _ we don't know. are you on your own or with friends? just _ we don't know. are you on your own or with friends? just on _ we don't know. are you on your own or with friends? just on my - we don't know. are you on your own or with friends? just on my own. - we don't know. are you on your own| or with friends? just on my own. but ou will or with friends? just on my own. but you will make _ or with friends? just on my own. but you will make friends _ or with friends? just on my own. but you will make friends in _ or with friends? just on my own. but you will make friends in the - or with friends? just on my own. but you will make friends in the queue? | you will make friends in the queue? we were chatting to people on the train, _ we were chatting to people on the train, overly nice atmosphere. what sort of emotions? _ train, overly nice atmosphere. what sort of emotions? i _ train, overly nice atmosphere. what sort of emotions? i think— train, overly nice atmosphere. what sort of emotions? i think everyone i sort of emotions? i think everyone is enjoying — sort of emotions? i think everyone is enjoying being — sort of emotions? i think everyone is enjoying being with _ sort of emotions? i think everyone is enjoying being with each - sort of emotions? i think everyone is enjoying being with each other, | is enjoying being with each other, we have _ is enjoying being with each other, we have all come here together for the same _ we have all come here together for the same reason, really, tojust say thank— the same reason, really, tojust say thank you _ the same reason, really, tojust say thank you to — the same reason, really, tojust say thank you to a queen we have all seen _ thank you to a queen we have all seen all— thank you to a queen we have all seen all of— thank you to a queen we have all seen all of our lives.— seen all of our lives. thank you very much. _ seen all of our lives. thank you very much. i— seen all of our lives. thank you very much, ithink— seen all of our lives. thank you very much, i think you - seen all of our lives. thank you very much, i think you have - seen all of our lives. thank you very much, i think you have a l seen all of our lives. thank you | very much, i think you have a bit seen all of our lives. thank you - very much, i think you have a bit of a walking out but i will let you join the back of the queue. that really sums up what a lot of people are thinking here. every now and then, it starts to move, but then there is a starter and then a stop, and i think people are aware of that, they have made the decision it will be a long wait, but as we were hearing there, they really believe it is worth . ~ hearing there, they really believe it is worth w . ~ hearing there, they really believe it is worth w . ,, i. it is worth it. nick, thank you. alwa s it is worth it. nick, thank you. always a _ it is worth it. nick, thank you. always a couple _ it is worth it. nick, thank you. always a couple of _ it is worth it. nick, thank you. always a couple of unknowns, j it is worth it. nick, thank you. - always a couple of unknowns, one was just how many people would turn up, the other was just out what it would


Transcripts for BBCNEWS BBC News 20240604 20:12:00

additional million barrels per day locked in a global marketplace, that is close to 100 million barrels per day. extra supply could matter for prices at the pump. there is actually already an agreement between saudi arabia and other members of the so—called 0pec+ group to implement a small production increase next month but the real question will be when the group meets on august the 3rd to discuss the next steps for september and beyond. the next steps for september and be ond. ~ ., , the next steps for september and be ond.~ . , ,, beyond. what else could present in briahton beyond. what else could present in brighton due _ beyond. what else could present in brighton due to _ beyond. what else could present in brighton due to print _ beyond. what else could present in brighton due to print out _ beyond. what else could present in brighton due to print out the - beyond. what else could present in brighton due to print out the price | brighton due to print out the price of oil? at the willingness is there remains to be seen? —— what else could president biden do? remains to be seen? -- what else could president biden do? working with friends in _ could president biden do? working with friends in the _ could president biden do? working with friends in the international- with friends in the international energy agency, other big consumers in the europe, including the uk and japan, already in the process of the biggest coordinated release of strategic stocks of oil that the world has ever seen. the us by itself is releasing 1 million


Transcripts for BBCNEWS Breakfast 20211225 06:15:00

hospital over christmas? i all right. what is it like being in hospital over christmas? pretty all right. what is it like being in i hospital over christmas? pretty sad that i'm in hospital— hospital over christmas? pretty sad that i'm in hospital when _ hospital over christmas? pretty sad that i'm in hospital when it - hospital over christmas? pretty sad that i'm in hospital when it is i that i'm in hospital when it is christmas _ that i'm in hospital when it is christmas because _ that i'm in hospital when it is christmas because i'm - that i'm in hospital when it is christmas because i'm not i that i'm in hospital when it is l christmas because i'm not with that i'm in hospital when it is i christmas because i'm not with my family _ christmas because i'm not with my family and — christmas because i'm not with my family. and with _ christmas because i'm not with my family. and with all _ christmas because i'm not with my family. and with all of _ christmas because i'm not with my family. and with all of presents i christmas because i'm not with myi family. and with all of presents and being _ family. and with all of presents and being together _ family. and with all of presents and being together because _ family. and with all of presents and being together because you - family. and with all of presents and being together because you are i family. and with all of presents and i being together because you are meant to be together— being together because you are meant to be together at — being together because you are meant to be together at christmas _ being together because you are meant to be together at christmas eve. i being together because you are meant to be together at christmas eve. but l to be together at christmas eve. but it might, _ to be together at christmas eve. but it might, like. — to be together at christmas eve. but it might, like, and _ to be together at christmas eve. but it might, like, and i— to be together at christmas eve. but it might, like, and i go— to be together at christmas eve. but it might, like, and i go home, - to be together at christmas eve. but it might, like, and i go home, we'rel it might, like, and i go home, we're going— it might, like, and i go home, we're going to— it might, like, and i go home, we're going to have— it might, like, and i go home, we're going to have a— it might, like, and i go home, we're going to have a party. _ it might, like, and i go home, we're going to have a party. when - it might, like, and i go home, we're going to have a party. when i - it might, like, and i go home, we're going to have a party. when i got i going to have a party. when i got home, _ going to have a party. when i got home, like — going to have a party. when i got home, like a _ going to have a party. when i got home, like a giant _ going to have a party. when i got home, like a giant party. - going to have a party. when i got home, like a giant party. and, i going to have a party. when i got i home, like a giant party. and, yeah, looking _ home, like a giant party. and, yeah, looking forward _ home, like a giant party. and, yeah, looking forward to _ home, like a giant party. and, yeah, looking forward to that _ home, like a giant party. and, yeah, looking forward to that when - home, like a giant party. and, yeah, looking forward to that when i- home, like a giant party. and, yeah, looking forward to that when i go i looking forward to that when i go home _ looking forward to that when i go home. ., , looking forward to that when i go home. . , , ., looking forward to that when i go home. . , y., home. yeah. i bet you will en'oy it. once home. yeah. i bet you will en'oy it. once you-e — home. yeah. i bet you will en'oy it. once we in i home. yeah. i bet you will en'oy it. once you're in that i home. yeah. i bet you will en'oy it. once you're in that you i home. yeah. i bet you will en'oy it. once you're in that you makei home. yeah. i bet you will enjoy it. once you're in that you make loads j once you're in that you make loads of friends _ once you're in that you make loads of friends in — once you're in that you make loads of friends in the nurses there are all awesome. of friends in the nurses there are all awesome-— all awesome. and they make it s - ecial all awesome. and they make it special and _ all awesome. and they make it special and you _ all awesome. and they make it special and you can _ all awesome. and they make it special and you can play - all awesome. and they make it special and you can play with l all awesome. and they make it i special and you can play with your friends that you have made, you know. ., ., , ., ., ,, , friends that you have made, you know. ., ., , ,, know. how do you make things special for the kids know. how do you make things special forthe kids in — know. how do you make things special for the kids in the _ know. how do you make things special for the kids in the hospital _ know. how do you make things special for the kids in the hospital over- for the kids in the hospital over christmas — for the kids in the hospital over christmas time?— for the kids in the hospital over christmas time? lots of gifts, lots of rifts. christmas time? lots of gifts, lots of gifts- what's — christmas time? lots of gifts, lots of gifts. what's of _ christmas time? lots of gifts, lots of gifts. what's of donations i christmas time? lots of gifts, lots of gifts. what's of donations of i of gifts. what's of donations of different— of gifts. what's of donations of different people, _ of gifts. what's of donations of different people, by— of gifts. what's of donations of different people, by lots. i of gifts. what's of donations of| different people, by lots. there of gifts. what's of donations of i different people, by lots. there is chocolate — different people, by lots. there is chocolate everywhere, _ different people, by lots. there is chocolate everywhere, there - different people, by lots. there is chocolate everywhere, there is. chocolate everywhere, there is chocolate _ chocolate everywhere, there is chocolate does _ chocolate everywhere, there is chocolate does make - chocolate everywhere, there is chocolate does make as - chocolate everywhere, there is chocolate does make as you i chocolate everywhere, there is- chocolate does make as you know! i chocolate does make as you know! received gifts last year.


Transcripts for BBCNEWS The Papers 20220214 22:42:00

own future, its destiny, its policy nato _ own future, its destiny, its policy nato is _ own future, its destiny, its policy nato is absolutely key. i think there — nato is absolutely key. i think there have been fractures in the alliance — there have been fractures in the alliance that is come up through this and — alliance that is come up through this and of— alliance that is come up through this and of course russia is expert at exploiting those trying to widen such divisions. so at exploiting those trying to widen such divisions.— at exploiting those trying to widen such divisions. so rachel, lucy has hiuuhlihted such divisions. so rachel, lucy has highlighted nord _ such divisions. so rachel, lucy has highlighted nord stream _ such divisions. so rachel, lucy has highlighted nord stream and - such divisions. so rachel, lucy has highlighted nord stream and gas i highlighted nord stream and gas supplies. that is essentially what the front page of the metro goes well. pm, just say no.— well. pm, 'ust say no. yes, he is talkin: well. pm, 'ust say no. yes, he is talking to — well. pm, just say no. yes, he is talking to friends _ well. pm, just say no. yes, he is talking to friends in _ well. pm, just say no. yes, he is talking to friends in germany - well. pm, just say no. yes, he is i talking to friends in germany saying no to nord stream, get nord stream out of the bloodstream. as you say, it's already switched on and it's an issue that's been going back at least a couple of years. very strong words from boris johnson least a couple of years. very strong words from borisjohnson of urging european leaders to take a hard—line stance against putin. i think he's right and i think britain's position in this nda that we've been sending


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